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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


Hunky Nostradamus
Bye Gaeta! That's -1 less lame adult from the Ark. Now who's left? Jaha, Abby, Desmond, Pike...

Oh yeah, I always forget that Emerson is a thing until he shows up, but then whenever he does appear I always have the hardest time remembering who he is and what he did in previous episodes. I think it was a mistake to keep him on the periphery for as long as they did - they should have dealt with him far earlier in the season or made him more prominent in the meantime.
You know what I miss almost more than Lexa?

Season 2 Clarke. Bitch had clean hair...and awesome moments like "It's an eight hour hike back to MW? You're gonna do it in six." And "You are my people. *shoots sniper*". We were so blessed and we didn't even realize it...now she's sad and has to apologize for everything and everyone and has to suffer through a shitty AI plot that isn't being implemented well.

Homegirl deserves better.

I'd hesitate to call it the best episode of the season. Everyone got hit by one of those game levels where all your cool gear is taken away, you get captured and you have to fight 10 enemies with a fork. Really artificial and a plot device to get around the obvious fact that any two of the 100 would make mincemeat of Emerson let alone him capturing all of them. The A++ death of Emerson made up for a lot of it, Lexa is still there for Clarke from inside a tiny chip to dish out some Commander of Death justice.

This one also showed the difference between a B-level villain like Emerson who is obsessed with revenge and A-level villain ALIE who is always working forward to her end goals and does not let petty emotions get in the way. The dominoes are falling nicely for ALIE and with Ontari chipped in the stakes could not be higher.

As noted in the AV club review seeing Octavia fight to escape her bonds behind Emerson's back was great, she never gives up.
You know what I miss almost more than Lexa?

Season 2 Clarke. Bitch had clean hair...and awesome moments like "It's an eight hour hike back to MW? You're gonna do it in six." And "You are my people. *shoots sniper*". We were so blessed and we didn't even realize it...now she's sad and has to apologize for everything and everyone and has to suffer through a shitty AI plot that isn't being implemented well.

Homegirl deserves better.
I miss her blue-stripped jacket. Her best casual outfit.
I wondered what Octavia was doing in that airlock. Some kind of stretch?

Anyway, that Emerson thing was a bit played out but I kind of wish they left him for a season or two and introduced him as a villain down the line.

I'd hesitate to call it the best episode of the season. Everyone got hit by one of those game levels where all your cool gear is taken away, you get captured and you have to fight 10 enemies with a fork. Really artificial and a plot device to get around the obvious fact that any two of the 100 would make mincemeat of Emerson let alone him capturing all of them. The A++ death of Emerson made up for a lot of it, Lexa is still there for Clarke from inside a tiny chip to dish out some Commander of Death justice.

This one also showed the difference between a B-level villain like Emerson who is obsessed with revenge and A-level villain ALIE who is always working forward to her end goals and does not let petty emotions get in the way. The dominoes are falling nicely for ALIE and with Ontari chipped in the stakes could not be higher.

As noted in the AV club review seeing Octavia fight to escape her bonds behind Emerson's back was great, she never gives up.
Why would they make mincemeat of him? The man is far better trained than any of them and he took them by surprise.

As for ALIE not letting emotions get in her way: She's a computer program!


It was an amazing episode, mainly thanks to the start with the horror stories - which felt like genuine banter which you don't get often in shows - and the others arriving at Arkadia which felt a bit like BioShock.
It also looks like Clarke is preparing for a Sephiroth cosplay contest. The leather, the hair, ... It is clear who to cast in a movie for this.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
They're done now, right? (I have to keep remembering Henry Ian Cusick is not the BattleStar dude, but the Lost dude)
There's still a few left. Alie (Hera's adoptive mom for a few episodes), Nyko (Captain Kelly), and Murphy (came out in Caprica for a few episodes).


There's still a few left. Alie (Hera's adoptive mom for a few episodes), Nyko (Captain Kelly), and Murphy (came out in Caprica for a few episodes).
Good eyes and memory on the first two. Never seen Caprica but if that had Murphy I might need to cover it.
There's still a few left. Alie (Hera's adoptive mom for a few episodes), Nyko (Captain Kelly), and Murphy (came out in Caprica for a few episodes).

Huh, apparently Nyko (Ty Olsson) was in Stargate SG-1 as well. I guess when you're a Canadian actor you end up in every Canadian sci-fi show sooner or later. Hollywood really screwed themselves in the '90s-00's by outsourcing production to Canadian cities. I was looking at the list of The 100 actors and I'd say at least 80% are Canadian.

Never seen Caprica but if that had Murphy I might need to cover it.

Count yourself lucky. I wish I could get all those hours back.


Middle of watching, but this is fucking weak that Sinclair died to some ninja jobber. Terrible.

This whole thing with Emerson is garbage.

edit - thought the ep was alright. Commander taking the pill with the quickness is lol. And the worst of Jasper is better than this Alie stuff.
Middle of watching, but this is fucking weak that Sinclair died to some ninja jobber. Terrible.

This whole thing with Emerson is garbage.

edit - thought the ep was alright. Commander taking the pill with the quickness is lol. And the worst of Jasper is better than this Alie stuff.

I mean...she's no Lexa. Lexa was cunning, smart, resourceful. If she didn't have ALIE 2.0, I don't think she would have taken Jaha's chip.

She would have found another way. Ontari is a child who throws a tantrum and looks for the easiest possible solution instead of taking the time to think things through.


Middle of watching, but this is fucking weak that Sinclair died to some ninja jobber. Terrible.

This whole thing with Emerson is garbage.

edit - thought the ep was alright. Commander taking the pill with the quickness is lol. And the worst of Jasper is better than this Alie stuff.
Someone had to die to make Clarke's fuck up have consequences.
Someone had to die to make Clarke's fuck up have consequences.

Clarke didn't fuck up, Lexa did. Lexa ordered "banishment from our lands (with no enforceable borders)" as punishment, when all they had to do was throw Emerson in a dungeon and call it a day.

One of the biggest problems I have with ALIE is that up until now the writers had created a somewhat believable near-future Earth. Technology mostly had reasonable explanations. But then the writers had to go and create a mythical self-aware super-AI and chips that magically meld with a person's brain. They took the show from science fiction to science fantasy.




I love that Stephen King is a big fan of the show.


Let him run the show instead of Jason

King sucks at making movies. Maximum Overdrive has a reputation and his Shining series wasn't exactly hot either.
He'd probably also have added an orgy to something like this week's episode. But the age of the participants at least would be double as high as in It.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My boy Murphy got caught in the honey trap. Oldest trick in the book. ALIE has taken over everything now, even got her sitting on The Iron Throne. Wild how she snuck up on everybody.

I'm a little mad Sinclair is gone. I really liked his character. Guess they'll have Raven step up and go without a mentor now.

I appreciated all the little horror movie additions they sprinkled throughout the episode. The ghost story, creepy lullaby played at a slower speed, night vision, etc. It was a nice touch.

Emerson got done dirty. That was a terrible way to go out. I guess he made good on his promise to come after Clarke despite the mercy she showed him. Lesson learned.
My boy Murphy got caught in the honey trap. Oldest trick in the book. ALIE has taken over everything now, even got her sitting on The Iron Throne. Wild how she snuck up on everybody.

I don't think ALIE would have come half that far if it wasn't for Jaha (aka The Man Who Sold the World) and his help in understanding the "illogical" aspects of humanity.

Emerson got done dirty. That was a terrible way to go out. I guess he made good on his promise to come after Clarke despite the mercy she showed him. Lesson learned.

Emerson was really delusional to think that Clarke needed to answer for anything. His people were basically cannibals. Everyone in Mount Weather (aside from the kids) deserved what they got, though Maya redeemed herself and I wish they hadn't killed her off – not only so we didn't have to endure Jasper's BS, but because she was a great character and unique from the other "look how much of a badass I am" main female characters on the show.

On a sidenote, I wondered how all of that art ended up in Mount Weather. Maybe y'all already discussed this, but I was looking at the Mount Weather wikipedia page and saw this:
Between 1979 and 1981, the National Gallery of Art developed a program to transport valuable paintings in its collection to Mount Weather via helicopter. The success of the relocation would depend upon how far in advance warning of an attack was received.


It depends: if the fallout killed people instead of explosions, the art should be relatively undamaged to pick up afterwards. It kinda depends: the car we see all the time in season 3, does it come from Mount Weather or was it on the Ark? The latter wouldn't make much sense, so maybe they had other transports there0
It's just one of those things that probably shouldn't be thought too hard about, like how the vehicle still has usable tires after all this time. Did Mount Weather have a means of making new tires? In the future was a new rubber compound created for tires to give them a much, much longer life expectancy?


It's just one of those things that probably shouldn't be thought too hard about, like how the vehicle still has usable tires after all this time. Did Mount Weather have a means of making new tires? In the future was a new rubber compound created for tires to give them a much, much longer life expectancy?

We should also assume they replaced gasoline as that would never last that long. But they had at least 50 years for such improvements.
I don't think ALIE would have come half that far if it wasn't for Jaha (aka The Man Who Sold the World) and his help in understanding the "illogical" aspects of humanity.

Emerson was really delusional to think that Clarke needed to answer for anything. His people were basically cannibals. Everyone in Mount Weather (aside from the kids) deserved what they got, though Maya redeemed herself and I wish they hadn't killed her off – not only so we didn't have to endure Jasper's BS, but because she was a great character and unique from the other "look how much of a badass I am" main female characters on the show.

On a sidenote, I wondered how all of that art ended up in Mount Weather. Maybe y'all already discussed this, but I was looking at the Mount Weather wikipedia page and saw this:

Why do people think Emerson was thinking rationally? The man's kids died brutally at Clarke's hands.

Oh, but so and so deserved it / Clarke had no choice.

It does not matter. His loved ones, including his own flesh and blood, died because of Clarke. All sense of right and wrong goes out of the window when you're fueled by that kind of bloodlust.

And everyone deserved it? GTFO with that. That's the kind of thing people say to themselves to justify horrible actions.


And everyone deserved it? GTFO with that. That's the kind of thing people say to themselves to justify horrible actions.

I have to agree with this, what about all of the adults who helped hide the kids? Did they all deserve to be killed?

Look I'm not saying Clarke didn't do what she had to do, at that moment there was no choice as they had exhausted all options imo, but not everyone in Mt. Weather deserved it.


TVLine has pre-finale spoilers:
As we approach the CW drama's May 19 season finale, Clarke & Co.'s mission to stop the growing A.I. threat will lead to all-out war against Alie and her army. Meanwhile, Kane reaches his breaking point, Murphy takes extreme measures to ensure his own survival and Octavia continues to make sense of Lincoln's death. (Bonus scoop: the April 28 episode, "Join or Die," introduces a new group of grounders... in an unexpected location.)
TVLine has pre-finale spoilers:
As we approach the CW drama's May 19 season finale, Clarke & Co.'s mission to stop the growing A.I. threat will lead to all-out war against Alie and her army. Meanwhile, Kane reaches his breaking point, Murphy takes extreme measures to ensure his own survival and Octavia continues to make sense of Lincoln's death. (Bonus scoop: the April 28 episode, "Join or Die," introduces a new group of grounders... in an unexpected location.)


Im ready for Luna
Why do people think Emerson was thinking rationally? The man's kids died brutally at Clarke's hands.

I never said Emerson was thinking rationally, but I prefer my villains to have some shades of grey; qualities that make them almost likeable. Emerson was a very thin character, with only one motive and thought. And he can be as angry as he wants at Clarke, but he put his own kids in danger because of his actions towards the 100 and the grounders. He never saw that even at the end, and so it made his character rather reductive and meaningless.

And everyone deserved it? GTFO with that. That's the kind of thing people say to themselves to justify horrible actions.

I have to agree with this, what about all of the adults who helped hide the kids? Did they all deserve to be killed?

Look I'm not saying Clarke didn't do what she had to do, at that moment there was no choice as they had exhausted all options imo, but not everyone in Mt. Weather deserved it.

So easy it is for y'all to forgive decades of premeditated murder! Perhaps not everyone at Mount Weather knew that grounders were being turned into drug-addicted cannibals, but everyone certainly knew that the grounders were being systematically harvested and killed so they could live and have their dinner parties and raise kids and pretend everything was great. Aside from the kids, everyone there was complicit in that horror show. Sure, some of the people there tried to stop it and helped the 100, and it would've been better if those people could've been saved, but they still had blood on their hands and they all knew it.


So easy it is for y'all to forgive decades of premeditated murder! Perhaps not everyone at Mount Weather knew that grounders were being turned into drug-addicted cannibals, but everyone certainly knew that the grounders were being systematically harvested and killed so they could live and have their dinner parties and raise kids and pretend everything was great. Aside from the kids, everyone there was complicit in that horror show. Sure, some of the people there tried to stop it and helped the 100, and it would've been better if those people could've been saved, but they still had blood on their hands and they all knew it.

Apparently you forget that citizens of Mt. Weather rebelled against the leaders because they disagreed with using the Grounders. This was mentioned during the part when the kids were being hidden. They said they lost and the leaders won that, it's not like they could just pack up and leave Mt. Weather, but they were defeated and the others won.

When they got a chance to finally do something about it again they did and some of them died protecting The 100.

Not everyone in that place was evil and agreed with what was happening. So no, not everyone deserved to get what happened to them, though most of them probably did.
Apparently you forget that citizens of Mt. Weather rebelled against the leaders because they disagreed with using the Grounders. This was mentioned during the part when the kids were being hidden. They said they lost and the leaders won that, it's not like they could just pack up and leave Mt. Weather, but they were defeated and the others won.

When they got a chance to finally do something about it again they did and some of them died protecting The 100.

Not everyone in that place was evil and agreed with what was happening. So no, not everyone deserved to get what happened to them, though most of them probably did.

I didn't forget the rebels at all; they are who I was referring to when I said, "Sure, some of the people there tried to stop it and helped the 100, and it would've been better if those people could've been saved, but they still had blood on their hands and they all knew it." The underground rebels tried to do the right thing, but they were still ultimately part of that system of murder. They continued to live solely because other people were being murdered. You don't get a free pass for that. Maya realized that, and I'm sure everyone did. I would've rather those people not be killed and I'm sure Clarke didn't either; they tried to do the right thing. But they're also not completely innocent, and a last-minute action to save the kids doesn't entirely excuse the years of grounder deaths that helped them to live.


I didn't forget the rebels at all; they are who I was referring to when I said, "Sure, some of the people there tried to stop it and helped the 100, and it would've been better if those people could've been saved, but they still had blood on their hands and they all knew it." The underground rebels tried to do the right thing, but they were still ultimately part of that system of murder. They continued to live solely because other people were being murdered. You don't get a free pass for that. Maya realized that, and I'm sure everyone did. I would've rather those people not be killed and I'm sure Clarke didn't either; they tried to do the right thing. But they're also not completely innocent, and a last-minute action to save the kids doesn't entirely excuse the years of grounder deaths that helped them to live.

The Rebels tried to stop the grounders from being used years before what happened on the show. They tried to stop what you're saying they're guilty of, but they lost that battle. What were they suppose to do after that? Leave Mt Weather? Oh wait they couldnt. As soon as they saw an opportunity to help again they did.
The Rebels tried to stop the grounders from being used years before what happened on the show. They tried to stop what you're saying they're guilty of, but they lost that battle. What were they suppose to do after that? Leave Mt Weather? Oh wait they couldnt. As soon as they saw an opportunity to help again they did.

Yes, they mounted an insurrection and they lost, and they chose to continue to live under the system they rebelled against. But living under that system didn't just mean personal suffering, it meant other people were systematically being killed for them. These people were willing to rise up against that system, but not willing to "opt out" of that system. Of course, the system was set up so that most of the Mount Weather population didn't have to ever see the grounders being harvested, and I suppose that would make it a bit easier to push to the back of the mind.

But at the end of the day those rebels still made a choice to live at the expense of other people's lives. For every one of those rebels they had to capture additional grounders. You can't say, "Well I did the best I could" and still let people die on your behalf because you wanted to keep living. Lincoln made a choice also, the opposite one – to sacrifice his life so that others could live.
We should also assume they replaced gasoline as that would never last that long. But they had at least 50 years for such improvements.

I actually had that mentioned in referring to The Walking Dead but yeah they've had to have moved on from gasoline in this show a long time ago.
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