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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

I've kind of assumed "Arkers blood" was some genetically refined version of the "night blood" and IDK if we've seen anything to really contradict that.
wasn't the guy clarke killed in the last episode pumped fill of arker blood or stem cells or something to let him live outside without a suit?

sadly I think whats going to happen is that Alie captures Luna, and in the process of "saving" her Clarke will end up killing her and all her people (its just Clarke's thing), and as she lay dying she'll kiss Clarke or something to transfer her black blood. I really do hope they go with the pill+chip route though, really like that idea.
lol at Monty having to "kill" his mom a second time.

But I like this show. It goes in unexpected directions and for the most part avoids cliches.

And at this point, just put the chip in yourself Clarke and see that the AI will accept you anyway.

Um... that is quite the gamble.
Her drone spotted Bellamy and co while they were near the beach, she sent people to follow them, they only arrived after the boat took them away. The boat came back, the people fought them and overpowered them, and somehow (???) convinced them to take the chip and then they became part of Alie. They returned on the boat to the oil rig and we saw the rest.

Thats why we only saw Alie when Clarke and Co were about to be returned to the mainland, the boat crew had arrived and were all (most?) converts.

Alie presumably is able to network wirelessly over the entire planet, WiFi in 100 years is really amazing!
so why can't they just force the chip down peoples throats again

I was thinking that while watching the episode and... I'm not sure. Maybe there needs to be willingness before it can take affect but ALIE can clearly override free will and made a point of doing so earlier on in the season.


She's shown she can forcefully override their free will, but from the beginning she has said taking the chip itself HAS to be a choice they make. Maybe the chip itself will reject them if they deny it before it's integrated into their system?
She has one, the one in Polis leading the grounders.

But she doesn't have the flame.

With Luna, she has it all right at her fingertips in one sitting. A Nightblood, people to give her the chip, AND the flame. Not to mention someone who knows how to use it (Clarke). That knowledge is something that Ontari and her squad don't have.
"I gave her a choice, and she said no." Yeah Clarke, you see...that's not really a choice. Bellamy and her are two peas in a pod.

Luna is a badass, but that fight scene was horrible. I guess they didn't have time to train the actor or hire a convincing stunt double.

I appreciate that they went with the surprise plot twist with Luna, but she's really screwed herself and her people if she thinks she can just ignore what just happened. ALIE will just throw more expendables at her, and Luna will never know who is trustworthy and who isn't.

Just a guess but this is how Clarke adds to her genocide count - she sends a missile up to blow up the last piece of Ark floating in orbit and it rains down molten steel on everyone... enjoy!

I don't think that was the Ark. The Ark is in pieces at this point. It looked to me that ALIE installed the City of Light on Becca's station Polaris. I don't think we ever saw Polaris blow up, only that Becca ejected in a escape pod.

There has been no real sign of that. She just needs a receiver. That is why she can work from space, she has no Earth server anymore.

The average latency to the International Space Station is about 1500ms, so I'm not sure ALIE's done herself a solid by beaming up to space. And who knows if whatever station she's on is in geosynchronous orbit...otherwise she'd be out of range of her worker bees for a decent amount of time. This is all of course assuming the writers actually cared about any sort of realism at this point.

p.s. I appreciated seeing the stack of O.G. Mac Pro cases in the flamekeeper's room.


Man, I actually have a fantasy of humanity coming together under a benevolent AI-controlled hive mind (I blame Deus Ex). Too bad ALIE is a evil bitch who destroyed the world...


I was thinking that while watching the episode and... I'm not sure. Maybe there needs to be willingness before it can take affect but ALIE can clearly override free will and made a point of doing so earlier on in the season.
She does indeed need people to take it themselves, it is why she tries to break people's will.

I don't think that was the Ark. The Ark is in pieces at this point. It looked to me that ALIE installed the City of Light on Becca's station Polaris. I don't think we ever saw Polaris blow up, only that Becca ejected in a escape pod.

This is the full Ark, the ring never dropped to Earth and looks really like what ALIE is on. They dropped the different subparts, but the ring


This is Polaris:


The average latency to the International Space Station is about 1500ms, so I'm not sure ALIE's done herself a solid by beaming up to space. And who knows if whatever station she's on is in geosynchronous orbit...otherwise she'd be out of range of her worker bees for a decent amount of time. This is all of course assuming the writers actually cared about any sort of realism at this point.
Conversations between Earth and the stations looked live in this time.
This is the full Ark, the ring never dropped to Earth and looks really like what ALIE is on. They dropped the different subparts, but the ring

Thanks, guess I was mistaken.

Conversations between Earth and the stations looked live in this time.

Though radio waves travel at the speed of light, the Ark would have to be in very fortunate geostationary orbit above the area of the 100 crash site (or in the case of ALIE, above the Grounder capital), otherwise they would need a radio transmitter on the ground that could track the Ark's orbit as it moves across the sky. Sending voice communications is one thing (amateur HAM radio ops talk to the ISS), but given the amount of data needed to control hundreds(?) of human bodies on the ground, they'd need a pretty big communications dish, or maybe a laser-based data link with the Ark. As if I even know how much bandwidth it would take to 'inhabit' a human body remotely. But given the need to both control the body and process the data of all the senses in real time.... probably a lot.


She is probably piggy backing on any remaining sattelites while using the humans as transmitters. Or they are ignoring that part of the science. But in any case if they can work from space, the nearby oil rig should be easy.


Just watched the latest ep. It had some things I liked (Raven is so fucking cool) but overall -- if there was an awards show for clunky writing, ("The Clunkies"?) I think this episode would be in the running for Clunkiest Television Episode

The hacking stuff with raven and monty passing the keyboard around so he can talk to his pretend AI mom was painful
Just watched the latest ep. It had some things I liked (Raven is so fucking cool) but overall -- if there was an awards show for clunky writing, ("The Clunkies"?) I think this episode would be in the running for Clunkiest Television Episode

The hacking stuff with raven and monty passing the keyboard around so he can talk to his pretend AI mom was painful

Raven is obnoxious, but that kind of arrogant, full-of-herself character always annoys me.

But yeah, I don't know what happened with the technical grounding of the show. I'd love to hear the writers talk about it, because going from surviving with near-future tech to hacking into AIs with Matrix-style "she can see the code" scenarios was a huge shift. When a story doesn't have a believable world for all the character silliness that happens on The 100 to inhabit, it's hard to suspend disbelief about anything. If this show was only about being escapist silliness that'd be fine, but it tried to actually play with serious themes. So the laughable sci-fantasy stuff they've gotten into really hurts their attempts to do this. It's probably become my biggest gripe with the show.


Starting to think Emori might have been telling the truth about everyone connected to Alie will die if the server gets destroyed.

We know all about the grounders secrets now so they are all expendable.

Also not sure where else they could go with the existing groups without retreading the same ground.


Man, I actually have a fantasy of humanity coming together under a benevolent AI-controlled hive mind (I blame Deus Ex). Too bad ALIE is a evil bitch who destroyed the world...

Maybe she saved the world with her nukes, like a much needed soft reset. Oh god I'm becoming Jaha...
Clarke killing everyone who is chipped would be amazingly dark, the show will end with everyone but her dead, at least until the spin off that takes place on another continent... Or hell another part of North America even, these can't be the only people in the world, right?.


Clarke killing everyone who is chipped would be amazingly dark, the show will end with everyone but her dead, at least until the spin off that takes place on another continent... Or hell another part of North America even, these can't be the only people in the world, right?.

There should be more survivors. The area around Washington DC would most likely be one of the areas hit the most heavily in a nuclear war, it is an important city compared to say Texas where there are a lot of small towns.
I never got how Lexa was pretty much like "Clarke, babe, do whatever u want" and she and everyone else in Polis was clean yet Clarke just kept looking terrible.

It's like at first she was doing it to spite Lexa when she was mad at her and then just decided fuck it even after the two were on good terms.
She doesn't have a nation of people waiting on her hand and foot.
Lexa was willing to change the entire moral standard of what the Grounders stood for because of Clarke, it seems unlikely she would then be like "lol no" at the idea of letting Clarke have access to a good bath. My guess is that one of the producers must have really loved what the hairstyle department did so much they wanted to keep it despite Clarke being surrounded by relatively clean people each week.


Don't forget Titus gave her some upgraded RPG armour a few episodes ago lol

She wears actual armour now. Compare that to season 1 where she had regular clothes, got stripped down to white underoos, then came back in armour by the end of S2.


Don't forget Titus gave her some upgraded RPG armour a few episodes ago lol

She wears actual armour now. Compare that to season 1 where she had regular clothes, got stripped down to white underoos, then came back in armour by the end of S2.

Ah yes, that what I can only recognize as her Sephiroth look. I can only think she'll make more victims than him.


Have to say giving the way the show ended, I have no idea which direction the show is going in at all. So Luna said fuck it, now what?
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