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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


That reminds me that I really need to catch up on Black Sails again. Looking forward to tonight.

His The 100 appearance has inspired me to watch that show once there is a full box set. People behind Black Sails should be glad they gave him time to appear here.
Catching up on the last two eps.

Episode 13. Yo gotdamn it's looking dire as hell. Brutal episode.

Episode 14. Gotdamn. Why we gotta keep taking these Ls? Luna... :(

Edit: Welp. Gonna have to watch tonight's episode later. It's storming hella bad and I've got DirecTV.
Me @ Clarke always suffering

Speculation ahead. Spoiler tagging cause some is from the promo.

okay so...we know that Clarke goes to the CoL. We can also assume from the fact that Ontari is now a vegetable that Clarke will be the one to use the flame. But how? She's not a Nightblood. maybe she uses ontari's blood somehow, flames herself, then chips herself, and enters the city.
Watching a marathon of the series or even just this season while playing a drinking game could lead to alcohol poisoning from just drinking every time Clarke apologizes.


I know no one cares about Jasper but I'm pretty sure the reveal of him being chipped is basically just undercutting all the development he had early on and about his adamant stance on not taking the chip.

Did not really convince me with the "we ruined the oil rig" explanation either.

Well I guess I gotta take it cause it's The 100 after all.


Also the real reason Clarke didn't react as much when Abby hung herself was because she learned Monty had killed his own mother twice and she just wasn't gonna look bad in front of everyone else. She is Wanheda, after all.

Well, he go to relive his fun PTSD inducing Maya experience all over again, so it's at least understandable.
"We fridged another female in service of that and couldn't even be arsed to show the moment Jasper finally gives up and takes the chip. /characterdevelopment"

The 100, everyone!


The amount of plotlines revolving around SOs this season is intolerable.

The reveal works here, it was a nice piece of misdirection w/ the Ice King.
The Abby scene was kind of... disturbing.

Seeing Kane chipped was disappointing, but after putting him on a gotdamn CROSS I guess the writers had no other option if they wanted to keep him on the show. I liked Indra and will be sad if she went for the hero's death trying to save him.

It's too bad King Roan didn't get some slicing and dicing in before that anticlimactic death.

I know no one cares about Jasper but I'm pretty sure the reveal of him being chipped is basically just undercutting all the development he had early on and about his adamant stance on not taking the chip.

Did not really convince me with the "we ruined the oil rig" explanation either.

Yeah, not a lot of sense to the Japser explanation. If he took the chip on the rig, why would they leave him chained up? It didn't seem like there was even any time for him to accept as they were focused on Luna. Perhaps they rewrote this week's episode after they'd already filmed the rig episode and shoehorned in an explanation. The alternate explanation is that Jasper simply lied and has actually been chipped for much longer. ALIE thus found out where the rig was (and a lot of other stuff) because of him.

They've pretty much ruined his character arc at this point and just need to remove him from the show. My guess is they'll do that next week – Monty will end up having to kill Jasper to save Harper.


They've pretty much ruined his character arc at this point and just need to remove him from the show. My guess is they'll do that next week – Monty will end up having to kill Jasper to save Harper.
Ah yes, another unearned moment to justify another unearned moment because another character had an unearned turn.


You know, everyone and their grandma keeps failing to reach their objective in this show that I now want fricken alie to get the goddamned chip. I don't care anymore I just wanna see something go according to plan for a change
Also the real reason Clarke didn't react as much when Abby hung herself was because she learned Monty had killed his own mother twice and she just wasn't gonna look bad in front of everyone else. She is Wanheda, after all.

"We fridged another female in service of that and couldn't even be arsed to show the moment Jasper finally gives up and takes the chip. /characterdevelopment"

The 100, everyone!

I'm gonna put myself in Clarke's shoes for a minute, because even despite her dedication to Lexa, I don't fucking get why she literally didn't even fight to save her mom. Like she just totally took that so passively; she didn't struggle against her bonds and was just kinda like "Welp sorry".

Anyway, I would've fucking caved. If it were my mom, I would have told them the code. No question. Or I would have done everything in my power to get out of that collar contraption. Even if I had experienced a love as deep as Clarke's love for Lexa. I just...I don't get it.

Also I'm sick of seeing Clarke tortured emotionally and physically. I'm fucking tired of this shit. Jesus Christ.

Jasper was bullshit. I thought he was starting to make progress, with him actually breaking down and grieving when they went to Niylah's place, but now we're back to square one. Fuck this AI plot. If we ever see it again it will be too fucking soon.


They didn't actually show Roan die btw, he was alive when they moved him.

I have a feeling he might still be kicking it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
"Clarke is in trouble!"

"Clarke is always in trouble."

Murphy speaking gospel right there.

What an intense episode. Basically every turn they take, they're screwed. I'm glad Clarke didn't break under torture or when they almost killed her mom. She knows the stakes, it would have been wildly out of character for her to give in. I was worried they'd go in that direction.

I almost thought Jasper had moved on for a second. A little disappointed to see that his development was actually the chip. But maybe he'll come out of this stronger.

That metal pipe kill was so brutal. I honestly did not see it coming. That's the scariest thing about an opponent like ALIE, it's going to make decisions like that without a second thought. Yeah, we're going to lose. Bash her head in. Whew.
It would have been OOC for Clarke to cave, sure. I'm just tired of her having to be the strong one. I'm tired of her taking the blame and being tortured for the sake of others. I know that's, like, her central theme, but holy fuck is it tiring to see her get subjected time and time again to heartbreak and anguish. They never let her breathe.

They STILL haven't let her properly grieve over her losses this season when Octavia has, Jasper has, even fucking Monty has. Give Clarke a break.


Nah what's gonna happen is that the writers are gonna believe their own hype and there's gonna be another Genghis Clarke moment in the finale probably because dammit we told you she's Wanheda you asked for this.
Nah what's gonna happen is that the writers are gonna believe their own hype and there's gonna be another Genghis Clarke moment in the finale probably because dammit we told you she's Wanheda you asked for this.

I don't like that aspect of her. She seems like a better character when she's out of that niche role and more equal with her peers.
"Clarke is in trouble!"

"Clarke is always in trouble."

Murphy speaking gospel right there.

What an intense episode. Basically every turn they take, they're screwed. I'm glad Clarke didn't break under torture or when they almost killed her mom. She knows the stakes, it would have been wildly out of character for her to give in. I was worried they'd go in that direction.

I almost thought Jasper had moved on for a second. A little disappointed to see that his development was actually the chip. But maybe he'll come out of this stronger.

That metal pipe kill was so brutal. I honestly did not see it coming. That's the scariest thing about an opponent like ALIE, it's going to make decisions like that without a second thought. Yeah, we're going to lose. Bash her head in. Whew.

I don't think it'd be wildly out of character...to see your own mother die in front of you knowing you could save her? I imagine many people in that situation would break.


Excellent episode, ALIE keeps being a step ahead. She won it all when she broke Jasper, which isn't strange considering he was the weakest of them all. Monty, Bellamy, Octavia are all responsible for the death of their parents, and even Clarke didn't break when she was going to be responsible for the death of her second parent. Looks like her only choice will be chipping herself. For instance when realizing she was just using the wrong passphrase or something.

Also those poor gay redshirts, so many death flags raised this episode. So, so many.
They are just going to somehow throw Allie 2.0 and Lexa into brain dead Ontari and it's going to be awesome like the Vision or something. Allie was still worried about her having some brain activity left so it had to mean something.
They are just going to somehow throw Allie 2.0 and Lexa into brain dead Ontari and it's going to be awesome like the Vision or something. Allie was still worried about her having some brain activity left so it had to mean something.

Leaked finale + promo spoilers:

Clarke enters the city and finds Lexa there. They never put the flame in Ontari. ALIE is worried because they can use her blood to transfuse into Clarke and therefore temporarily make her a "Nightblood".


This show. Almost always entertaining but this season so many little inconsistencies have really bugged me.

When Bellamy, Octavia, and Brian/Miller are in the tunnels, why no look out behind them? We're only in enemy territory with a zombie army around, no need to watch our backs.

Suddenly Bellamy has a problem with indiscriminate killing.

The torture of Clarke was a cheap ploy by the writers. Allie saw torture wouldn't work with Luna, it stands to reason it wouldn't with Clarke. They knew with Raven/Abby that friends are a weakness, why didn't they go straight for the hanging? Was totally prepared for Clarke to let Bellamy get tortured to death, that'd have been a good way for him to go which would've fit well with previous seasons moral grey areas.

Hard to care about Ontari dying without ever getting a chance to be anything but a plot device. Oh no they can't complete the mission, shouldn't be your first thought when someone is bludgeoned to death.

Clarke doing more apologising...

There was some good stuff though.

Nice to see Roan again. Hope he becomes a regular cast member (I don't think he's dead). Murphy continues to be the best by saving the day with Indra and Pike.

Loved Jasper listing all the causes of death. "Death by Clarke" :D "Ninja star to the face. That was a good one." :D

The bad guys checking the lift going "huh, where'd they go?" made me laugh.

Yeah anyway, the black goo injection gun in the breifcase is so on.


Suddenly Bellamy has a problem with indiscriminate killing.
Well, these were his people. He is just a racist.

The torture of Clarke was a cheap ploy by the writers. Allie saw torture wouldn't work with Luna, it stands to reason it wouldn't with Clarke. They knew with Raven/Abby that friends are a weakness, why didn't they go straight for the hanging? Was totally prepared for Clarke to let Bellamy get tortured to death, that'd have been a good way for him to go which would've fit well with previous seasons moral grey areas.
It worked with almost everyone else, and it is a really easy way to try, as she doesn't have to hurt anyone she controls.
I almost thought Jasper had moved on for a second. A little disappointed to see that his development was actually the chip. But maybe he'll come out of this stronger.

I was glad to see Jasper and Monty back to being friends for one second before Monty got shanked. Poor Monty, after killing his mom twice, is going to either have to kill his friend or let his girlfriend die. He's going to have way more reason to be drinking than Jasper.

It would have been OOC for Clarke to cave, sure. I'm just tired of her having to be the strong one. I'm tired of her taking the blame and being tortured for the sake of others. I know that's, like, her central theme, but holy fuck is it tiring to see her get subjected time and time again to heartbreak and anguish. They never let her breathe.

They STILL haven't let her properly grieve over her losses this season when Octavia has, Jasper has, even fucking Monty has. Give Clarke a break.

Most of Clarke's suffering has come from her own decisions. We only see one timeline, the one where Clarke decides what's best for everyone. So I do feel bad for her, but that suffering comes with the mantle of leadership she keeps demanding.

One thing I've been thinking about in this ridiculous AI plotline is the people in the City of Light. If none of the chipped people have emotions anymore, what do they do all day? Why would they even care about being in a city if they can't enjoy it?

Also, why would they kill Roan when ALIE wanted to save humanity by bringing them to the City? It's not like she's just an evil AI, she does have a programming she's trying to follow. But that's what it feels like the writers have devolved her into.


They are still happy. They shot Roan because he was threatening Clarke who held the key to the other AI. And it seems she uses people as processing power, she doesn't look like she wants to.
Most of Clarke's suffering has come from her own decisions. We only see one timeline, the one where Clarke decides what's best for everyone. So I do feel bad for her, but that suffering comes with the mantle of leadership she keeps demanding.

The Clarke blaming continues. Whew.

So by this logic, Lexa died because Clarke chose to sleep with her. Bellamy committed mass murder because Clarke left to go dick around in Polis. Jasper took the chip because Clarke tried to do the right thing by offering Luna the flame. The list goes on, but the one thing they all have in common is that someone other than Clarke is ultimately responsible for them. Lexa died because of Tidus, not Clarke. Bellamy committed genocide because he was angry about his loss. Clarke wasn't even there when Gina died or when he got trigger happy. Jasper took the chip because he wanted to get rid of his pain, because he saw another girl he was crushing on die, even after he spent the whole fucking season moping around after Maya. When are people on this god damn show going to be held accountable for their own god damn actions and stop blaming Clarke?

It has nothing to do with her leadership position (which we've seen very little of this season outside of her being ambassador for like five minutes) and everything to do with the fact that someone's gotta suffer for the sake of "interesting TV".


The Clarke blaming continues. Whew.

So by this logic, Lexa died because Clarke chose to sleep with her. Bellamy committed mass murder because Clarke left to go dick around in Polis. Jasper took the chip because Clarke tried to do the right thing by offering Luna the flame. The list goes on, but the one thing they all have in common is that someone other than Clarke is ultimately responsible for them. Lexa died because of Tidus, not Clarke. Bellamy committed genocide because he was angry about his loss. Clarke wasn't even there when Gina died or when he got trigger happy. Jasper took the chip because he wanted to get rid of his pain, because he saw another girl he was crushing on die, even after he spent the whole fucking season moping around after Maya. When are people on this god damn show going to be held accountable for their own god damn actions and stop blaming Clarke?

It has nothing to do with her leadership position (which we've seen very little of this season outside of her being ambassador for like five minutes) and everything to do with the fact that someone's gotta suffer for the sake of "interesting TV".
Bellamy going off the rails without Clarke around, falling under another leader's thrall actually felt "right" as a character moment (even if they pushed him too far off the rails), it's too bad they used a fridging to try and justify it instead.
Bellamy going off the rails without Clarke around actually felt "right" as a character moment (even if they pushed him too far off the rails), it's too bad they used a fridging to try and justify it instead.

Did it? Like Jesus Christ, Clarke is not Bellamy's babysitter. He's a grown ass adult and Clarke leaving and not holding his hand is no excuse for killing a PROTECTIVE army.

But when she does come back, he manipulates her emotions and talks shit in an attempt to make himself feel better about what he's done. That's not Clarke's burden to bear, it never has been, and it never should be.


Did it? Like Jesus Christ, Clarke is not Bellamy's babysitter. He's a grown ass adult and Clarke leaving and not holding his hand is no excuse for killing a PROTECTIVE army.

But when she does come back, he manipulates her emotions and talks shit in an attempt to make himself feel better about what he's done. That's not Clarke's burden to bear, it never has been, and it never should be.
No, of course not. That's just awful writing on the part of the writers. (Bellamy directly participating in the massacre with eyes wide open) that completely fucks what they're going for because he went so far off the rails that none of the rest of the stuff surrounding it works.

Clarke running off on a sabbatical was a profoundly selfish move, though, and her having a massive amount of bad things happen because of it isn't something I have an issue with. (Luna is a mirror to Clarke at S3's start, just running away)
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