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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

No, of course not. That's just awful writing on the part of the writers. (Bellamy directly participating in the massacre with eyes wide open) that completely fucks what they're going for because he went so far off the rails that none of the rest of the stuff surrounding it works.

Clarke running off on a sabbatical was a profoundly selfish move, though, and her having a massive amount of bad things happen because of it isn't something I have an issue with.

Clarke's reaction was appropriate. She just killed and entire civilization and now has to find a way to deal with the pain. She left to grieve and to find herself again. It may have been selfish for her to just abandon people, but its certainly a better coping mechanism than slaughtering a grounder army.

And this still doesn't justify the rest of the bad shit that's happened to her since. If we're dealing with karma here, and Clarke's "getting her just desserts" because of her decision to leave, why hasn't it happened to Bellamy yet? To Pike? Somehow that fuckboy's managed to redeem himself over like three episodes, and I expect they'll try to do something similar with Bellamy.

But nah. You've got Clarke watching the people she loves die / get tortured...for what? Because she did something for herself for once?


Strongly suspect Octavia puts an arrow through Pike the moment they deal with ALIE.

The issue with Bellamy is that the overall arc/story is fine as a concept,but the way they wrote his involvement with the massacre was a fucking disaster and completely fucked everything else.

Sacrifices required by leadership is a definite theme this season.
The Clarke blaming continues. Whew.

So by this logic, Lexa died because Clarke chose to sleep with her. Bellamy committed mass murder because Clarke left to go dick around in Polis. Jasper took the chip because Clarke tried to do the right thing by offering Luna the flame. The list goes on, but the one thing they all have in common is that someone other than Clarke is ultimately responsible for them. Lexa died because of Tidus, not Clarke. Bellamy committed genocide because he was angry about his loss. Clarke wasn't even there when Gina died or when he got trigger happy. Jasper took the chip because he wanted to get rid of his pain, because he saw another girl he was crushing on die, even after he spent the whole fucking season moping around after Maya. When are people on this god damn show going to be held accountable for their own god damn actions and stop blaming Clarke?

It has nothing to do with her leadership position (which we've seen very little of this season outside of her being ambassador for like five minutes) and everything to do with the fact that someone's gotta suffer for the sake of "interesting TV".

Where did I blame Clarke for other people's actions or loss? All I said was that most of Clarke's suffering has been as a result of her own choices. Most of the other characters on the show are suffering because other people took things away from them that they cared about.

Lexa basically died because Clarke convinced her to change the whole grounder society to one of peace. Lexa became a marked woman when she decided to do that, as many leaders are who advocate for peace in violent or repressive societies. But Lexa also knew the cost of leadership and that's why she warned Clarke not to become emotionally attached.

When I said "leadership" I didn't explicitly mean acting in an official capacity as one. She usually tries to act as an informal leader in whatever group setting she's in, maybe not because she wants to lead but because she always thinks that her way is the only way. For instance, even in this episode she's outvoted about going to Polis and goes to pout in the forest because she isn't getting her way. She and her mother are very alike in this way, both being stubborn and thinking they know best.


We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one because I think everything since 3 x 07, not even talking about Lexa, is utter bullshit.
Show came a lot more together after that, with some very strong writing and a good follow-up to the AI storyline that started quite tacked on in season 2.

Strongly suspect Octavia puts an arrow through Pike the moment they deal with ALIE.
I think she'll grow and let him live, which will turn out to be the right choice when he dies to push her out of the way of some bigger danger for next season.
Where did I blame Clarke for other people's actions or loss? All I said was that most of Clarke's suffering has been as a result of her own choices. Most of the other characters on the show are suffering because other people took things away from them that they cared about.

Lexa basically died because Clarke convinced her to change the whole grounder society to one of peace. Lexa became a marked woman when she decided to do that, as many leaders who advocate peace are. But Lexa also knew the cost of leadership and that's why she warned Clarke not to become emotionally attached.

When I said "leadership" I didn't explicitly mean acting in an official capacity as one. She usually tries to act as an informal leader in whatever group setting she's in, maybe not because she wants to lead but because she always thinks that her way is the only way. For instance, even in this episode she's outvoted about going to Polis and goes to pout in the forest because she isn't getting her way. She and her mother are very alike in this way, both being stubborn and thinking they know best.

You literally blame Clarke for Lexa dying because she influenced her choice of peace in your next paragraph, so...

For me the bottom line is this: Clarke should not have to make the choice between suffering, yet being happy for a time, and being miserable and not suffering. She has become the scapegoat for this show. She apologizes for others because they won't do it themselves and always has to answer for everyone else's actions.
You literally blame Clarke for Lexa dying because she influenced her choice of peace in your next paragraph, so...

For me the bottom line is this: Clarke should not have to make the choice between suffering, yet being happy for a time, and being miserable and not suffering. She has become the scapegoat for this show. She apologizes for others because they won't do it themselves and always has to answer for everyone else's actions.

Lexa made the choice ultimately, but Clarke knew she had influence with her and pushed for peace. Clarke's action indirectly caused her own loss; she advocated a position for Lexa to take that she knew (or should have known) would put Lexa in a lot of danger. If Titus hadn't accidentally killed her there would have probably been other assassination attempts by disgruntled people who felt their traditions were betrayed by Lexa.

I do agree with you that Clarke should not be the solitary hero of the show where the weight and fate of everyone is on her shoulders. Both because it doesn't leave room for character growth, and because it's not as interesting as a group of capable characters who can share that burden.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't think it'd be wildly out of character...to see your own mother die in front of you knowing you could save her? I imagine many people in that situation would break.

Oh definitely, I would probably even go so far as to say most people would break. But I've never seen Clarke as someone who would give in to emotional manipulation like that. Yeah, nobody wants to watch their mother die. But if she gives them the passcode, it's over for everyone, including her mom. She knows that. Monty just had to kill his mom (twice, even) for the same reason.

I've probably enjoyed Season 3 more than most people around here though. This episode especially I thought was really good. I haven't been super happy about some of the deaths this season, but otherwise I've enjoyed the trajectory of the storylines. I honestly didn't expect ALIE to be THE main threat this season. It's different and welcome since it isn't just another Grounder tribe. It also ties together a lot of the lore, which I've also been a fan of.

My only real complaint is that I think they lean too hard on all the characters constantly suffering. It's a drama, so the majority of the time things are going to be serious. And they are always dealing with life or death situations, I get that. But we very very very rarely get to see them enjoy themselves. Which kinda makes you think "What are you fighting for? So you can just fight more?" A little levity to break up the seriousness every once in awhile. Murphy provides that with his quips, but he has been far removed from the other characters for an entire season. So the Ark crew doesn't have anyone that does that with Jasper being depressed.
Lexa made the choice ultimately, but Clarke knew she had influence with her and pushed for peace. Clarke's action indirectly caused her own loss; she advocated a position for Lexa to take that she knew (or should have known) would put Lexa in a lot of danger. If Titus hadn't accidentally killed her there would have probably been other assassination attempts by disgruntled people who felt their traditions were betrayed by Lexa.

I do agree with you that Clarke should not be the solitary hero of the show where the weight and fate of everyone is on her shoulders. Both because it doesn't leave room for character growth, and because it's not as interesting as a group of capable characters who can share that burden.

My point is, its not Clarke's fault that Lexa died when we should be holding Tidus responsible for her death. he's the one who didn't like peace. He's the one who thought she was distracted. He's a grown ass man and to say it was ultimately Clarke that got her killed is just silly. This is what I'm saying by having characters be held accountable for their own actions and decisions, instead of putting it on the shoulders of one girl.
I've probably enjoyed Season 3 more than most people around here though. This episode especially I thought was really good. I haven't been super happy about some of the deaths this season, but otherwise I've enjoyed the trajectory of the storylines. I honestly didn't expect ALIE to be THE main threat this season. It's different and welcome since it isn't just another Grounder tribe. It also ties together a lot of the lore, which I've also been a fan of.

I found seasons 1 and 2 to actually be interesting as a lens for discussing the dark U.S. history with the treatment of its indigenous people. Maybe most people don't view the series that way, but it seems like it was purposeful by the writers.

By contrast ALIE just seems like they needed a new engine for drama. Sci-fi works best when it uses the futuristic setting to discuss current-day problems, but I don't know what their theme is now. If they have one it's not coming through in the writing. There's some interesting concepts like using human brains as extra CPU clusters, but the central theme is missing. If they had explored further the idea of a society with no pain, that could have been interesting, but when they decided to make all the chipped people zombies it took all the human agency away. When Raven made the choice to fight and come back from the chip (before ALIE zombified her) after Jasper mentioned Finn to her, that was a more human moment than the rest of this season. They've basically turned the 100 into a slasher film, using "who's chipped?" as the scare tactic.

My point is, its not Clarke's fault that Lexa died when we should be holding Tidus responsible for her death. he's the one who didn't like peace. He's the one who thought she was distracted. He's a grown ass man and to say it was ultimately Clarke that got her killed is just silly. This is what I'm saying by having characters be held accountable for their own actions and decisions, instead of putting it on the shoulders of one girl.

Tidus killed Lexa, no doubt about that. And I think he realized how wrong his thinking was when he gave Clarke the flamekeeper kit. But look, part of the whole plotline with C+L was that being the big decision-maker usually causes personal suffering. When Lexa abandoned the treaty at Mt. Weather, it indirectly caused Clarke to have to kill all those Mt. Weather people. I'm sure that caused Lexa pain to betray Clarke, but she put what she thought was good for her people above her personal feelings. Lexa wasn't *responsible* for Clarke's action, but her action contributed to Clarke having to make it. Our decisions can have knock-on effects. So that's all I'm saying about Clarke's decision to try to influence Lexa. p.s. I apologize if I came off a bit harsh about Clarke before, I know she's your favorite.

And I agree that characters should be held accountable. The writers have pretty much given Bellamy a free pass for genocide. I'm worried they'll also give Jaha a free pass when the AI plot is over.


Oh definitely, I would probably even go so far as to say most people would break. But I've never seen Clarke as someone who would give in to emotional manipulation like that. Yeah, nobody wants to watch their mother die. But if she gives them the passcode, it's over for everyone, including her mom. She knows that. Monty just had to kill his mom (twice, even) for the same reason.
Last time her mom was in danger; she gassed an entire mountain. Obviously, it wouldn't be an easy decision for her.
Jaha is going to survive this season... I don't see another reason for letting him feel pain again so he can be down and quiet.

Also my theory:
Clarke is going to do the same that Mt. Weather did to them, right? Even if in real life that kind of stuff wouldn't work (or yes?). I guess Clarke is going to take the bone marrow from Ontari so he can take the chip. Or she is just lucky and survive, I guess.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I found seasons 1 and 2 to actually be interesting as a lens for discussing the dark U.S. history with the treatment of its indigenous people. Maybe most people don't view the series that way, but it seems like it was purposeful by the writers.

By contrast ALIE just seems like they needed a new engine for drama. Sci-fi works best when it uses the futuristic setting to discuss current-day problems, but I don't know what their theme is now. If they have one it's not coming through in the writing. There's some interesting concepts like using human brains as extra CPU clusters, but the central theme is missing. If they had explored further the idea of a society with no pain, that could have been interesting, but when they decided to make all the chipped people zombies it took all the human agency away. When Raven made the choice to fight and come back from the chip (before ALIE zombified her) after Jasper mentioned Finn to her, that was a more human moment than the rest of this season. They've basically turned the 100 into a slasher film, using "who's chipped?" as the scare tactic.

That is a good point. I thought the ALIE story was at its best when Jaha was converting people with promises to take their pain away at the camp. As soon as Clarke bumped into Jasper escaping with the chipped Raven it embraced the horror movie vibe more and more. I liked some of the horror elements they sprinkled around in the follow episodes (Raven's exorcism) but it did feel a bit wrong for this show. Individually the episodes all work for me, but across the season there is a really rapid shift. I didn't expect it to pick up such speed, let alone become the main focus of the season. I assumed Jaha would slowly consolidate his power and ALIE would be built up a little more before she became a threat to everyone.
I found seasons 1 and 2 to actually be interesting as a lens for discussing the dark U.S. history with the treatment of its indigenous people. Maybe most people don't view the series that way, but it seems like it was purposeful by the writers.

By contrast ALIE just seems like they needed a new engine for drama. Sci-fi works best when it uses the futuristic setting to discuss current-day problems, but I don't know what their theme is now. If they have one it's not coming through in the writing. There's some interesting concepts like using human brains as extra CPU clusters, but the central theme is missing. If they had explored further the idea of a society with no pain, that could have been interesting, but when they decided to make all the chipped people zombies it took all the human agency away. When Raven made the choice to fight and come back from the chip (before ALIE zombified her) after Jasper mentioned Finn to her, that was a more human moment than the rest of this season. They've basically turned the 100 into a slasher film, using "who's chipped?" as the scare tactic.

Tidus killed Lexa, no doubt about that. And I think he realized how wrong his thinking was when he gave Clarke the flamekeeper kit. But look, part of the whole plotline with C+L was that being the big decision-maker usually causes personal suffering. When Lexa abandoned the treaty at Mt. Weather, it indirectly caused Clarke to have to kill all those Mt. Weather people. I'm sure that caused Lexa pain to betray Clarke, but she put what she thought was good for her people above her personal feelings. Lexa wasn't *responsible* for Clarke's action, but her action contributed to Clarke having to make it. Our decisions can have knock-on effects. So that's all I'm saying about Clarke's decision to try to influence Lexa. p.s. I apologize if I came off a bit harsh about Clarke before, I know she's your favorite.

And I agree that characters should be held accountable. The writers have pretty much given Bellamy a free pass for genocide. I'm worried they'll also give Jaha a free pass when the AI plot is over.

I have just been rudely woken up by some absolute DOUCHEBAG in my building who likes to blast his shitty ass music so I'm a bit pissed but I'll say this. I think this is a case of us simply having to agree to disagree. I don't really agree with you, at all, and I think it's shitty that we're even having this conversation in the first place because this show is so fucked this season (it's not our fault though). I'm not mad at anyone but Jason Rothenberg for everything passed 3 X 07.

Mostly I'm pissed because I feel like Clarke's such a good character, and has so much potential in the grand scheme of the show, and they're wasting it. Another huge part of me is furious that they're reducing her LGBT representation for the community to "MAKE HER SUFFER" and are totally taking a massive shit on what she could do for people and fans. If you're genuinely curious, I'll explain more later, but I've talked about that whole can of worms multiple times ITT and I'm pretty sure people are sick and tired of it lmao.

It's just frustrating to see the same character, for like the billionth time, suck up her emotions and do shit for others. That's not fair. And it's tiring to see from her, time and time again, while Bellamy gets a free pass EVERY TIME. I'm tired of it. It's boring, emotionally exhausting, and it's kinda ruined one of my fave shows for me.

Also, Clarke's not even my fave character. If you think this is bad you should see what I've said about Lexa. Holy shit.

Anyway I'm off to go kill the fuckboy who's literally making my walls shake with his music bye


That moment when Murphy and co. showed up, amazing. He is the best character in the show bar none.

I really doubt we'll see Raven be the hero this season; at most she might help delay like prior. Kind of sucks but it would be anticlimatic for her to just send a kill code in the end. Blood transfusion is an interesting theory. Other then that, no idea where they're going to take this.

Also to chip in on the discussion, I also feel like ALIE was handled far better pre-zombie-mode. I guess they had trouble upping the ante with out it though.


Hunky Nostradamus
I actually thought that was the best episode of the season. Shit was exciting and tense.

Seeing Kane chipped was disappointing, but after putting him on a gotdamn CROSS I guess the writers had no other option if they wanted to keep him on the show. I liked Indra and will be sad if she went for the hero's death trying to save him.

Yeah, Indra better not have sacrificed herself to save fucking Desmond...

Sci-fi works best when it uses the futuristic setting to discuss current-day problems, but I don't know what their theme is now.

Modern society's over reliance on anti depressants? idk lol


I actually thought that was the best episode of the season. Shit was exciting and tense.

I agree. My niece and I watched it together today and were constantly like oh crap, who's chipped now?! It actually got to the point where we were dreading that ALIE would show up in every damn scene. I would've shot Jaha in the head though. F that guy.


So how did Raven ever resist Alie in the first place?
Alie clearly has problems with stronger minds. She needs to break people first. She tortures Raven, she waterboards luna, tried to kill Abby for Kane and Clarke. She can only take over if people allow her in. The others could potentially escape as well. It is why she never forces anyone by shoving it down their throat. I could see Kane do so if they kill everyone chipped.
This show is pretty damn dumb sometimes. Kill that asshole instead of injuring him. And why the hell hasn´t anyone killed Jasper yet? All the convo with Jasper with the intercom should not have happened. Just ignore what he says. It´s just like when Raven was under control. They caught her and let her speak and try to manipulate. Just put a sock in her mouth. These kind of things annoy me, because it is such a fake drama.


This show is pretty damn dumb sometimes. Kill that asshole instead of injuring him. And why the hell hasn´t anyone killed Jasper yet? All the convo with Jasper with the intercom should not have happened. Just ignore what he says. It´s just like when Raven was under control. They caught her and let her speak and try to manipulate. Just put a sock in her mouth. These kind of things annoy me, because it is such a fake drama.
They were talking to him so he couldnt leave to find Harper. As long as they were talking, they knew he was there. It was said in the episode. As for why they didn't kill him, that speaks for itself. He has been friends with Monty for ages, who just had to kill his mom twice, weeks after learning his dad is dead. He desperately needs Jasper. As for not catching him, they simply couldn't risk it. Raven and Monty are both hurt, Jasper can easily overpower them.


Skimming this thread, I'm surprised to see that the overall opinion on this season seems to be negative. I think it's been great.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Skimming this thread, I'm surprised to see that the overall opinion on this season seems to be negative. I think it's been great.

I'm enjoying the ride. Not quite up there with Season 1 or 2, but still one of my favorite shows on the air. And we still have the finale. I thought the last episode was up there with some of the best episodes they've made. Even the "bad" moments this season haven't bothered me that much. I got annoyed mid-way through the season when they were going in a circle with someone being captured & escaping cycle that Ark storyline was stuck in. But otherwise my complaints are minimal. The writing hasn't gotten as lazy as some of the clunkers that Flash or Legends of Tomorrow has shit out this season.


They had to rush a bit at the start of the season, but I like it overall. It is season 2-level which also didn't exactly start at the level it got to at the end of season 2.
I just don't feel like they've really gone anywhere with the AI plot. It's always one step forward, two steps back. Luna was promising as an end result, but now that's fucked to hell so they're going to do what they originally suggested back as soon as Lexa kicked it. Everything since 3x07 has been a huge circle jerk that has accomplished nothing of note. The best we've seen is that they've further elaborated on the specifics of Becca's AI 2.0. Once everyone started getting chipped, the plot stalled.

The thing with the Mount Weather arc was that there was always a progression. The Mountain Men gradually went from blood trials to marrow donation. The rebellion inside developed appropriately and there was substantial character growth for everyone. Even minor characters, like Lincoln, Monty, and Jasper, became valuable assets to the team. The Grounder arc actually helped viewers to sympathize with them and the uneasy alliance with Skaikru was awesome and full of tension. Season 3, on the other hand, went from 0 to 100 and didn't capitalize on that momentum. It hasn't built off of it, at all.
So it seems inevitable that will come riding in and save the day now. I had hoped they'd go in a different direction and maybe keep Ontari alive. Oh well.

Jaha getting taken down was extremely satisfying, I know he's not dead but still very enjoyable.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
By contrast ALIE just seems like they needed a new engine for drama. Sci-fi works best when it uses the futuristic setting to discuss current-day problems, but I don't know what their theme is now. If they have one it's not coming through in the writing. There's some interesting concepts like using human brains as extra CPU clusters, but the central theme is missing.
Yeah, who here on neogaf could ever relate to retreating into an online world to avoid your problems? I mean it has obvious parallels to drug use and to social media, and the internet.
The interesting thing is that the city of light so far seems legitimate, no pain, live forever. If it wasn't for the fact that ALIE is a complete psycho I wonder if we would be so pro it's complete destruction. My guess is that ALIE 2.0 is not going to want to just tear it down.
Yeah, who here on neogaf could ever relate to retreating into an online world to avoid your problems? I mean it has obvious parallels to drug use and to social media, and the internet.
The interesting thing is that the city of light so far seems legitimate, no pain, live forever. If it wasn't for the fact that ALIE is a complete psycho I wonder if we would be so pro it's complete destruction. My guess is that ALIE 2.0 is not going to want to just tear it down.

As I mentioned, when ALIE took away choice, she took away the human element of that story and the themes you mentioned, of choosing pain vs disconnection from reality. Those that are already chipped are now controlled by ALIE, and the rest are being threatened with torture unless they take it. Last I checked people aren't threatening me with torture unless I put on a VR helmet or mainline heroin.

We don't really know anything about the City of Light anyway. There's been almost no world-building there. A few scenes of people walking around (including grounders strolling through the city, which always makes me laugh). But since there's no emotions, I'm not sure where the personal satisfaction is for these people. If ALIE even allows them such thoughts. Those kinds of things are interesting to me, but I don't think a deep dive into these issues fits on a show where the writers feel the need to have action and drama in every scene.

So IMO the AI plot was just a huge mistake for the show, and this season would've been much better if they had focused on the Pike vs Kane narrative.
As I mentioned, when ALIE took away choice, she took away the human element of that story and the themes you mentioned, of choosing pain vs disconnection from reality. Those that are already chipped are now controlled by ALIE, and the rest are being threatened with torture unless they take it. Last I checked people aren't threatening me with torture unless I put on a VR helmet or mainline heroin.

We don't really know anything about the City of Light anyway. There's been almost no world-building there. A few scenes of people walking around (including grounders strolling through the city, which always makes me laugh). But since there's no emotions, I'm not sure where the personal satisfaction is for these people. If ALIE even allows them such thoughts. Those kinds of things are interesting to me, but I don't think a deep dive into these issues fits on a show where the writers feel the need to have action and drama in every scene.

So IMO the AI plot was just a huge mistake for the show, and this season would've been much better if they had focused on the Pike vs Kane narrative.

I super duper agree


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Are people like Jaha really going to be held responsible for what they did while chipped? Yeah, he was doing some shitty stuff before he met ALIE but he was probably the first person to be under her control. I do wonder how much control he has over his actions. More than most, but obviously not complete.


Are people like Jaha really going to be held responsible for what they did while chipped? Yeah, he was doing some shitty stuff before he met ALIE but he was probably the first person to be under her control. I do wonder how much control he has over his actions. More than most, but obviously not complete.
Jaha is not really under ALIE's control, more like he is the high priest to her god.
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