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The 2nd Democratic National Primary Debate

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I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

And I'm tired of random people on gaming forums insinuating that they're more clued-in on the political process than a very accomplished senator. Talk about arrogance...


Why are the candidates still there while they do this Twitter nonsense?

Anyway, I thought this was a good debate overall. All 3 candidates had moments when they were strong and when they were weak. When they were eloquent and on point and when they were bullshitting. Moderators were a bit blood thirsty and the terrorism segment was UGH but I appreciate that tough questions were asked (even if they weren't always answered in the best way).
Impressions. Didn't feel like anyone really was a standout winner, which I imagine probably benefits the status quo.

O'Malley felt really out of place even being there at all.
O'Malley vs Commercial Break, Commercial Break wins.

CBS really wanted them to attack each other, and they managed to get it at points. Mostly from O'Malley trying to stay relevant.


I don't understand how Bernie is going to win a general with saying how shitty everything is and running away from Obama's accomplishments.

Pendulum politics only swings two ways and he's the same party as the guy who has been President for 8 years. It's the same reason why 2012 was good for Dems. They had Obama going out reminding people of all the stuff he's actually gotten done with what he had inherited.

He's actually building on certain things Obama started. The affordable care act was the first step. Next progression is universal healthcare.

Big the biggest thing needed is getting money out of politics. THATS how we stop obstructionism and actually get laws passed that favor non-insiders.
Democrats win again.
I do think this is true. Hillary's strongest moment of the night (to me personally) was when she pointed out in no uncertain terms that any of the candidates on stage would be substantially better choices than anyone in the Republican field.

She was correct, of course.


I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

Nah dude, Bernie's not like those guys! He's gonna bring us a revolution!


I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

When have they ever become promises? Bernie has said repeatedly that no president, even Bernie Sanders (yes, he refers to himself in third person in this off-repeated talking point) can get anything done by himself and everything is a process and needs bipartisan support and people being involved in the electoral process to accomplish the things he runs on.


Gold Member
I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

I agree. It is incredibly easy to campaign on from a rhetoric standpoint. When it gets down to details it gets ugly.
How has Bernie run away from Obama's accomplishments? He is constantly saying how great Obamacare is.

He also says he would get rid of it and replace it with single payer. Which is good in theory, but what will people think when hearing that?

He gave credibility to Trump and other morons who talk about "real unemployment" and other shit theories to discredit the monthly jobs reports.
I like Bernie. But honestly I feel pretty good with Hillary too. Pretty much a win-win.

I want single payer.
I want cheaper education.
I want criminal justice reform.

It's all about me.

Sounded like Hillary didn't like Sander's single-payer solution.
Hillary doesn't want to give the entire nation access to free education, because Trump will send his kids to public schools.


Bernie fans need to realize that Hilary is the favorite and she's playing the political game very well.
Hilary fans need to get out of their scarcity mindset

We have people here talking as if 15 dollars in rural areas in the richest country in the world is something impossible. You have people thinking how you'd ever pay for basic things like Healthcare when it would be peanuts.
All I can say is that I'm thankful Sanders continues to not listen to his clown crew of advisers he has, because every time they opened their mouths leading up to this debate it sounded like they thought Sanders was about to go all-in on Hillary over stupid shit like the emails.


I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

Yup. While I agree with alot of what he says. How much of that stuff can he really accomplish?


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
My thoughts on this...while I like Bernie...I do not think he would make a good president and that he is too idealist and could not work with the repub's at all. I think O'Malley has some experience in being a governor, but I am not sure he is fit to run a country. He could be a good VP, but not for the 2016 election. Hillary has the most experience out of anyone there, and while I am not entirely for all of her policies, it is helpful if she can be moved farther left on issues thanks to Sanders. I also think Bernie and O'Malley should drop out soon. A united Democratic Party is what is needed to show how big of a difference they are compared to the Republican Party.

Also...stop with the conspiracy Hillary "plants." It's immature and completely irrational.
I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.
In that he is little different from his peers. But don't tell that to his supporters.
The only thing I learned was that Hillary malfunctions when she feels cornered, and O'Malley has better writers than speech coaches. He's gotta learn to stop letting his words fuck each other before they leave his mouth. Bernie didn't gain ground, because his big issue is how he plans to practically address any of his big ideas.

Hey, it worked for Obama
We got Obamacare (based upon a Republican plan), and his strategy of going for common ground was laid out early, and exactly what he went for once in office.

I don't see Bernie's strategy at all. He's right on the issues, but how do we move any of those things forward in this environment?


I think it was a solid debate between Hillary and Sanders. I think they both did great, but Hillary edged out a little. Not sure what Martin O'Malley was doing there though.
Sanders is building his entire campaign around all these policies that he's going to pay for by taxing the wealthy. Yet he cannot give us an amount. Again, you're promising the moon. Fine. You need to get slightly specific on how you're going to pay for it. Hillary was also able to hit him with not bieng a Democrat. That's a problem for him. It really, really is. She was able to position him as being against Obamacare, the sitting President's signature piece of legislation. Bernie has made comments in the past that hurt him with the Obama base, including calling for a primary challenge of Obama in 2012. I also enjoyed the line about waiting for the Revolution.

And, for the life of me, I do not get why Bernie doubles down on socialism.


She will lose if Trump or Cruz is the nominee. She is not stronger than Bernie with the populists.

I'm sorry but I'm really tired of Sanders pie in the sky idealism. He's been in government long enough to know he can never keep the vast majority of his 'campaign promises'. It's almost insulting.

That's why he usually says that change won't come unless voters pay attention to local congressional votes, hence "political revolution." My lack in faith in Bernie generally revolves around public involvement post-election because of this.


I thought it was good. O'Malley is getting momentum which is important I think, because he may be able to keep the other candidates on their toes. I thought Hillary was smart and pragmatic. Bernie is a tough call because I hear everything he says, but he does come across as idealistic. Maybe it's something we need or maybe not, but given what happened to Obama, I'm not sure how that fits in right now.


his base will wake up on wednesday and be like "oh shit, this was yesterday?"

As a 17 year old millennial...

This is very true. Out of my friend/peer group only 2 people were watching. Most of my classmates, the future of voting, are ignorant on most election matters beyond the surface details and the funny ones.

I'll admit, I nearly missed this debate were it not for NeoGAF. Not that I was not anticipating this, but it was a long day.


Hilary fans need to get out of their scarcity mindset

What? I'm not even the biggest fan of Hilary but she's clearly the favorite? She maintains her lead over Sanders regardless of these debates.

Say what you will but Sanders will never be President as he's a self proclaimed socialist.

I love most of what he says but he's not realistic either. 80% of the shit he talks about won't even fly in congress.
Hillary's standout moment was a major dodge on the Wallstreet question. Bringing up 9/11 is just embarrassing, and anyone who feels satisfied by that answer scares me.
Sounded like Hillary didn't like Sander's single-payer solution.
Hillary doesn't want to give the entire nation access to free education, because Trump will send his kids to public schools.

I believe she didn't like the aspect of letting the states run single payer.

The free education argument likely was hinged on her wanting a cap or graduated system based on certain income levels.
I like Bernie. But honestly I feel pretty good with Hillary too. Pretty much a win-win.

Exactly where I'm at. I like Bernie but he's got no chance at winning. I'm Honestly fine with Hillary. Despite what many Bernie fans claim, the two aren't all that far from each other on the issues.

Bernie is doing precisely what I hoped he'd do Pull Hill-dog to the left.
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