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The 2nd Democratic National Primary Debate

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My thoughts on this...while I like Bernie...I do not think he would make a good president and that he is too idealist and could not work with the repub's at all. I think O'Malley has some experience in being a governor, but I am not sure he is fit to run a country. He could be a good VP, but not for the 2016 election. Hillary has the most experience out of anyone there, and while I am not entirely for all of her policies, it is helpful if she can be moved farther left on issues thanks to Sanders. I also think Bernie and O'Malley should drop out soon. A united Democratic Party is what is needed to show how big of a difference they are compared to the Republican Party.

Also...stop with the conspiracy Hillary "plants." It's immature and completely irrational.

Work with the repub? Hate to break it to you, but the Repub has moved so far to the right that they would be unwilling to work with any of the democratic presidential candidates. They are so dysfunctional that Boehner said "screw this I resign".


Exactly where I'm at. I like Bernie but he's got no chance at winning. I'm Honestly fine with Hillary. Despite what many Bernie fans claim, the two aren't all that far from each other on the issues.

Bernie is doing precisely what I hoped he'd do Pull Hill-dog to the left.

Same here. If Bernie was the nominee I'd vote for him, but I'd like a Democrat to be in office it's Hillary for me.
Sanders clearly has those special ingredients that Obama lacked: being old, white and from Vermont.
He (and all idealistic left-wingers) has something more useful: 8 years of reinforcements (millennial voters).

Also, are we still pretending Obama tried to honor all his campaign promises? He's done a good job in general, but his campaign specifics were never super ambitious, and where they were (universal healthcare) he compromised far enough to lose the plot.


He also says he would get rid of it and replace it with single payer. Which is good in theory, but what will people think when hearing that?

He gave credibility to Trump and other morons who talk about "real unemployment" and other shit theories to discredit the monthly jobs reports.

But he should be! Obamacare is good at increasing coverage, but there's only so much "fixing" you can do to it. Why half-ass something, when you can propose a real solution? I agree that's it's a good first step, but why not just go all the way with it?
I believe she didn't like the aspect of letting the states run single payer.

The free education argument likely was hinged on her wanting a cap or graduated system based on certain income levels.

Doesn't like the states? Are the Feds better? Are private corporations better?

As long as the rich are taxed appropriately, there's no need to cap based in income levels, like at all. In other words, education becomes a right for all citizens. How is that bad?
It was a solid debate. I don't think anyone stood out as the winner. I think everyone had their moments. I prefer Bernie, but I have a feeling I will be voting for Hildawg.

Now everyone have fun posting sarcastic comments at each other


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hardcore truth from one of the best spinners in the business.

Dat post-debate analysis.


He also says he would get rid of it and replace it with single payer. Which is good in theory, but what will people think when hearing that?

He gave credibility to Trump and other morons who talk about "real unemployment" and other shit theories to discredit the monthly jobs reports.
Dude, you know that 5% is not the real number.


Hillary's standout moment was a major dodge on the Wallstreet question. Bringing up 9/11 is just embarrassing, and anyone who feels satisfied by that answer scares me.

It wasn't a great answer, but Hillary isn't going to break up Wall Street, she's not looking to destroy the big banks like Bernie, she's not going to go that radical -- and yes, saying you want to break up all the banks is very radical.

Again, she's going with pragmatic line of thinking, enforce rules and legislation to fix the holes and abuse, and not tear down the entire system.
God dammit I missed the suicide.
Count yourself lucky, trust me. Especially if you are around family like I am.

It wasn't a great answer, but Hillary isn't going to break up Wall Street, she's not looking to destroy the big banks like Bernie, she's not going to go that radical -- and yes, saying you want to break up all the banks is very radical.

Again, she's going with pragmatic line of thinking, enforce rules and legislation to fix the holes and abuse, and not tear down the entire system.
It was a complete non-answer. I've gotten used to Clinton dodging questions from watching the first debate, but that was on another level.


I might have to give this debate to O'Malley

Sanders is idealistic to the point of unrealistic. He is also weak on guns which surprised me in the last debate and that ghost came back to haunt him here.

I can't deal with Hillary invoking 9/11 and Sanders has me convinced her donations are a problem.
He (and all idealistic left-wingers) has something more useful: 8 years of reinforcements (millennial voters).

Also, are we still pretending Obama tried to honor all his campaign promises? He's done a good job in general, but his campaign specifics were never super ambitious, and where they were (universal healthcare) he compromised far enough to lose the plot.

Yeah, thanks millennials. Without you we would have lost the midterms to Republicans. Good thing everyone showed up and stayed engaged.

[Obviously people not voting in midterms is cross-generational problem, but you get the point]
She will lose if Trump or Cruz is the nominee. She is not stronger than Bernie with the populists.
I don't know how you can think this.

A far left democratic socialist is really the only person that can challenge Hillary and make her uncomfortable like we saw tonight

A debate with a puppet GOP candidate like Cruz would be like pitching nothing but soft ball after softball for her. They wouldn't be able to take positions that highlight her weaknesses.

I mean ffs they are advocating for flat taxes and the gold standard in the year 2015


My thoughts on this...while I like Bernie...I do not think he would make a good president and that he is too idealist and could not work with the repub's at all. I think O'Malley has some experience in being a governor, but I am not sure he is fit to run a country. He could be a good VP, but not for the 2016 election. Hillary has the most experience out of anyone there, and while I am not entirely for all of her policies, it is helpful if she can be moved farther left on issues thanks to Sanders. I also think Bernie and O'Malley should drop out soon. A united Democratic Party is what is needed to show how big of a difference they are compared to the Republican Party.

Also...stop with the conspiracy Hillary "plants." It's immature and completely irrational.

I don't get the too idealistic criticism. Both Sanders and Hillary would have to compromise, the difference is that Sanders takes a more liberal starting point. If both of them half to come to a 50% compromise, Sanders is getting better stuff done. Even if they had to compromise the same amount, I don't see how the starting point makes it worse. Is the implication that we need a cynical politician who has already compromised before they even deal with the opposing side? C'mon.

Obama tried to work with republicans. Republicans can't be worked with. Each election season more Republicans enter the senate/congress who are unwilling to negotiate anything. Ability to work with Republicans is irrelevant to the current political climate.

It's way too early for Hillary to be the only one left, we still have 4 more debates! The election isn't for some time...


My thoughts on this...while I like Bernie...I do not think he would make a good president and that he is too idealist and could not work with the repub's at all. I think O'Malley has some experience in being a governor, but I am not sure he is fit to run a country. He could be a good VP, but not for the 2016 election. Hillary has the most experience out of anyone there, and while I am not entirely for all of her policies, it is helpful if she can be moved farther left on issues thanks to Sanders. I also think Bernie and O'Malley should drop out soon. A united Democratic Party is what is needed to show how big of a difference they are compared to the Republican Party.

Also...stop with the conspiracy Hillary "plants." It's immature and completely irrational.

We need them for the entirety of the race as long as it makes sense given delegate counts and polling. For reasons as you said, keep Hillary honest and also sharp. As long as the candidates handle discourse the way they have done so far. Perfect.

East Lake

Yeah, thanks millennials. Without you we would have lost the midterms to Republicans. Good thing everyone showed up and stayed engaged.

[Obviously people not voting in midterms is cross-generational problem, but you get the point]
Are you saying Bernie shouldn't try to engage millenials?


And, for the life of me, I do not get why Bernie doubles down on socialism.

Younger people, who make up a large majority of Sanders supporters, didn't grow up in a Red Scare type of world where socialism was misrepresented as some kind of evil ideology.

They're also smart enough to understand we are a capitalist nation with many socialist programs already in place and working.


It wasn't a great answer, but Hillary isn't going to break up Wall Street, she's not looking to destroy the big banks like Bernie, she's not going to go that radical -- and yes, saying you want to break up all the banks is very radical.

Again, she's going with pragmatic line of thinking, enforce rules and legislation to fix the holes and abuse, and not tear down the entire system.

Hillary isn't going to do anything about Wall Street. Glass-Steagall used to be common sense, now Wall Street has gotten nearly every politician to act like it's a bad word. Everything else she says is just lip-service or changes Wall Street is already prepared for. She isn't going to prosecute CEOs many of whom are huge campaign contributors and personal friends of her family. Wall Street always wins, let's not pretend like Hillary Clinton is going to change that dynamic.


What? I'm not even the biggest fan of Hilary but she's clearly the favorite? She maintains her lead over Sanders regardless of these debates.

Say what you will but Sanders will never be President as he's a self proclaimed socialist.

I love most of what he says but he's not realistic either. 80% of the shit he talks about won't even fly in congress.
Who cares? As someone actively involved in politics it is mind boggling how people don't understand how to vote in a representantative democracy. Negotiations come After the elections, not before.

After 4 years of Bernie the US population will have a whole different perspective on things in a positive way, even if everything gets shot down in Congress. After 4 years of Clinton you have jack shit to show for except your amazing incremental turtle 🐢 steps
No different mentality, no collective change of thought. That is why pragmatism is nice in the parliament but not when setting up your ideal policies.
Yeah, thanks millennials. Without you we would have lost the midterms to Republicans. Good thing everyone showed up and stayed engaged.

[Obviously people not voting in midterms is cross-generational problem, but you get the point]
Why do we blame the voters? If they really wanted to vote for you, they'd vote for you. The Democrats didn't make them want to vote. Time and time again. Look at what happens at the state level. This party is not competent.

The Republican tactics are grotesque, but there is something to be said for understanding the importance of getting people involved. (they just go the easy route: fear politics)
I lean a bit to Sanders, since Hillary strikes me as a bit too establishment. But overall it's definitely true every candidate is significantly superior to anything the Republicans offer.

In terms of who won the most brownie points with me though it's probably O'Malley. He's not going to win and he's not my favourite, but I admire his answers and his honesty.


Several porn pics. C'mon man suicide with class. Dont spam the big ass photos all down the damned page. Once was enough, jackass.
lots of Americans laughing at Bernie Sanders talk about Canadian Healthcare citing long waits

lol I am sorry but even when Harper was our PM our Healthcare wasn't bad as some Americans are trying to make it to be
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