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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Threw Fox News on in the background to see what nonsense they were spewing out. Huge news alert pops up "PROTESTS ERUPT IN D.C.", preceeded by some rhetoric about protesters disrupting the peace or something..

..cut to this:


People standing around chatting peacefully.

Apologies for the image quality.
I get the sentiment, but . . . fuck it I'm watching. It's history. I was glued to the TV during Bush's presidency (for many obviously different reasons) but still. It's like, I can't NOT watch. I've tried.

That's your decision and you have every right to it. Same with anyone else. Im just giving personal reasoning for why my family and I will be choosing not to.

Ugh coworkers telling you to get over it and just move on is super annoying. Because yes, he will become president and just maintain the status quo. He was voted on the platform to do the exact opposite of that. "But he was just asking questions and starting conversation, it's foolish to think he could do those things".


President Trump.

I still can't fucking believe it.

Good luck America, and good luck to the rest of the world as well.


Junior, please.
The inauguration of an utterly incompetent man who will be remembered as the worst President in the history of the United States.

I really hope he isn't the last, and we all come out alive and ready to build a better future.


while i agree that the dems lost cause of their own dumbass decisions, i have no problem giving rural farmers less say.

its 2017. its easy math to determine that a rural farmer has more say than someone living in a city because of how the EC works. thats not democracy.
Yeah fuck one person having the same say as another because they grew up in the country side.


The inauguration of an utterly incompetent man who will be remembered as the worst President in the history of the United States.

I really hope he isn't the last, and we all come out alive and ready to build a better future.

now that you mention it..what is considered the worst president of the US ever as of now?
just to take a look at the competition


now that you mention it..what is considered the worst president of the US ever as of now?
just to take a look at the competition

At a guess, Buchanan or Harding?

In more recent memory, maybe Nixon or Bush Jr.

If you told me 10 years ago I'd one day be nostalgic for Bush I'd laugh in your face.
Yeah fuck one person having the same say as another because they grew up in the country side.

People who live in rural areas actually more say than people living in major cities.

Think about the population per Senator in California versus the population per Senator in North Dakota. But as far the Senate is concerned, these two elected officials hold the same power


I remember when Obama first took office.

I escaped from work and watched it in HD with my brand new TV along with my mother, who has since passed away.

I wish we were in another timeline where we both could be watching Hillary taking office.


uh some farmers have almost 5 times as much to say as someone from california.
that's why you end up with an EC landslide but clearly losing the popular vote.

It wasn't even an EC landslide - in the history of the US Election is was near the bottom for EC margin of victory.

Today I plan to watch AGDQ reruns while working and limiting exposure to the inauguration to text articles. Next time a Boomer asks why I don't want kids, I'll tell them because assholes like them voted in Trump.


Umm they better wake up in 2018. If Dems can regain control of the House and/or Senate that will enable them to block much of what the GOP is trying to do.

Dems need something to vote against, they thought Hillary was a foregone conclusion; they'll be out en masse in 2018 to spite Trump, and then if a Democrat wins in 2020, they'll stay home in 2022 again.

What a great day for America. Going to enjoy some cake with friends and watch. :)

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