nicole kidman is wearing way too much makeup.. so shiny
Travolta is wearing a wig right now so my bet is on him.Are we taking bets on who will be more socially awkward tonight? Travolta or Cuba Gooding?
I'm just waiting for something to happen.
Speeding this shit along. Good.Man, no clips sucks.
Man, no clips sucks.
I'd watch a porno with them.
was Rectify eligible for anything? I don't see it nominated.
I gonna watch this OJ Simpson show. I've only heard amazing things, but never went and watched it.
I still haven't watched OJ yet. Made in America felt like it covered all the bases and I didn't want to watch them close together
Is People vs. OJ better than the OJ: Made in America? Would I enjoy the drama?
I absolutely loved OJ: Made in America.
I gonna watch this OJ Simpson show. I've only heard amazing things, but never went and watched it.
Is People vs. OJ better than the OJ: Made in America? Would I enjoy the drama?
I absolutely loved OJ: Made in America.
Is People vs. OJ better than the OJ: Made in America? Would I enjoy the drama?
I absolutely loved OJ: Made in America.
Just try and stay spoiler free.
what is yet to spoil?
Sigh FU NBC no Golden globes for me even I pay for Playstation Vue
Theo Huxtable was ACTUALLY the real killer.