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The Americans - S4 of the KGB spy drama - Keri Russell & Matthew Rhys - Wed on FX


Unconfirmed Member
That episode was setting up a lot of stuff for the future. And I don't think Paige is going to buy the Russian spies making the world a better place bit after that.
There's only 25 episodes left in the series right? The final countdown. Sigh. I'm glad they have a confirmed end date though. Business is picking up. I hope this somehow turns into Paige wanting to learn to fight.


I love how Stan rubbed his hands in excitement for dinner with the family!

Holy shit Paige is turning into a spy...

Holy shit! This is a gamechanger.... There's no more beating around the bush or pretending to be harmless spies anymore. She knows her parents are killers.


Elizabeth could've avoided that...
Oh man. Paige has seen it now. The KGB beast.
I was thinking if the other guy talked, it would probably would have been better if Philip was taking Paige home. The kill could be considered self-defense. And Elizabeth needs to go back to EST. She's one hell of a home-wrecker


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's going to be fucking rough if those floppies from Don's office did not in fact provide the KGB a way to get the necessary level 4 clearance.

"You can't choose your neighbors."
"Can't you, though?"
"We lived there first!"

I wonder if there's anything to turn up back in the mailrobot repair offices...

Phillip realizing he's the avenue to Gaad's death...

Paige getting evidence that her parents can be dangerous...

This'll be a fun final two episodes.

I love how Stan rubbed his hands in excitement for dinner with the family!
He was so excited to hang his jacket up and come in.
I know this show is filmed in New York, but does Washington Metro has elevated sections on it? I noticed there was a train going by when Stan was talking to Oleg.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I loved Stan coming in for dinner, he was so excited for the meal. And we got a Mail Robot sighting and mention in the same scene. Finally!

Wow, those last couple seconds were something else. Paige is going to come apart after seeing that. I liked the attention to detail, where Elizabeth handed over her purse to appease them but was clear minded enough to take it back so the murder wouldn't trace back to her.
I loved Stan coming in for dinner, he was so excited for the meal. And we got a Mail Robot sighting and mention in the same scene. Finally!

Poor Stan is going to get crushed so hard when he finds out his good friends, the family much more successful then his own are KGB spies.
I could tell as soon as they were walking around in the streets that they were getting mugged. It's the 80s and cities are getting swallowed up in violent crime. Pretty sure the mail robot sent those guys after Elizabeth.
I don't know if Paige knows her parents are killers. Elizabeth could say they learned self defence or were trained in the army or something. I hope she realizes it though. Escalates things a lot.

I also I wouldn't even be mad if the show ended just as Stan realizes that they're spies but he realizes it once they're out of reach. Like keyser soze. Mostly I just can't bear to watch what follows after he finds out lol.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't know if Paige knows her parents are killers. Elizabeth could say they learned self defence or were trained in the army or something. I hope she realizes it though. Escalates things a lot.

I also I wouldn't even be mad if the show ended just as Stan realizes that they're spies but he realizes it once they're out of reach. Like keyser soze. Mostly I just can't bear to watch what follows after he finds out lol.

Wouldn't that almost certainly be a career ender for Stan too? His only associates outside of work are spies. I don't imagine a bright future in counter intelligence follows that.

I just can't see Paige holding it together after seeing that. Bare minimum she tells Pastor Tim. It's a lot to put on a teenager. She isn't dumb, but she's sensitive. Like she would read the news to get information on the murder victim and start coming apart.


That was so hacky. Like, I hope the Centre sent those guys because that would be less stupid.

The 80s were pretty rife with this sort of thing. It's easy to forget since a lot of that type of crime has gone down. DC especially was really bad until the mid 90s.


Quoting the Sepinwall review.

MAIL ROBOT IS NOW HUGELY IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT. (And, yes, that sentence needed to be in all-caps.) I'm happy about this development not only for its returning of the show's greatest character to its deserved position of prominence, but because, like Stan and Aderholt figuring out what Martha has been up to, it's a good reminder that the FBI agents aren't dumb. The show now has two more seasons to get through, so Aderholt's not likely to catch Philip just yet, but it's always good to see the actual Americans being smart.
All hail Mail Robot.
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