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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
That does not seem like anything that JK Rowling actually said.
This isn't about JK Rowling. The post about Kara that got her in trouble didn't say word one about JK Rowling. The OP was just super misleading to the point of being a bald faced lie.

We can get into the Rowling thing if you really want to get off topic I guess. Rowling has drifted further and further into explicit transphobia the more she has been attacked. It's a good case study in how cancel efforts can radicalize a person, or embolden them to be more vocal on an issue rather than less.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It was a joke, but you're correct. Realistically speaking though, I can paint a banana red and call it an apple. It's still a banana.
"Realistically speaking" you gender people by how they look, present, and sound, not by inspecting their genitals or doing blood tests, therefore someone who looks, sounds, and presents as female will be treated as female by almost everyone.
This isn't about JK Rowling. The post about Kara that got her in trouble didn't say word one about JK Rowling. The OP was just super misleading to the point of being a bald faced lie.

We can get into the Rowling thing if you really want to get off topic I guess. Rowling has drifted further and further into explicit transphobia the more she has been attacked. It's a good case study in how cancel efforts can radicalize a person, or embolden them to be more vocal on an issue rather than less.
You are losing your mind. Kara Lynne was "investigated" because she said she was excited for a game associated with JK Rowling. Rowling herself is not anti trans this is a lie that a loud minority want to scream to defend their stance... the same stance that many people are concerned could easily be linked to pedophilia, and abuse of women.


always chasing the next thrill
i like how Colin Moriarty went apeshit on his podcast on monday about this shit.
I don't really follow fucking drama especially cancerous twitter related. But this is pretty fucked up.
a fucking furry/brony making you lose your job just wow :messenger_beaming:

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"Realistically speaking" you gender people by how they look, present, and sound, not by inspecting their genitals or doing blood tests, therefore someone who looks, sounds, and presents as female will be treated as female by almost everyone.
Sure, if that's your truth. It's not mine though and I hope you can respect that as I respect yours.


if someone does want to prevent some sexual traits, it has to be done before or early in puberty.
Nope - even then it still doesn't work long term. Look at Kim Petras - got hormones and surgery very early, but as she ages - she looks more and more masculine every year. That's the ugly truth. Hormones and surgeries simply can't alter bone structure. Those who pass are usually very young - teens/early twenties. But after that - if they want to pass - their only option is to dress like Mrs Doubtfire.

It's way easier for FtMs. It takes very little effort to look like a short fat and bald dude.

therefore someone who looks, sounds, and presents as female
Very few males can achieve that. For the rest of them - you just have to pretend that they pass so that they don't go full "It's MA'AM" on you.
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Nope - even then it still doesn't work long term. Look at Kim Petras - got hormones and surgery very early, but as she ages - she looks more and more masculine every year. That's the ugly truth. Hormones and surgeries simply can't alter bone structure. Those who pass are usually very young - teens/early twenties. But after that - if they want to pass - their only option is to dress like Mrs Doubtfire.

It's way easier for FtMs. It takes very little effort to look like a short fat and bald dude.

Very few males can achieve that. For the rest of them - you just have to pretend that they pass so that they don't go full "It's MA'AM" on you.
Sorry.. you literally are saying that men and women who change sex have the same issue. Aging.
Just made me laugh...
Sorry.. you literally are saying that men and women who change sex have the same issue. Aging.
Just made me laugh...

Yup - aging helps FtMs to pass better, but it's the opposite for MtFs.
I think there are some pretty MtFs who pull off the sexy grandma.. let's be honest some of these people were never sexy to begin with. All the hormones and surgery in the world cant make a person sexy.. Unless of course what you find sexy is a pre-adult ladyboy.. then you are fucking pedo...
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"Realistically speaking" you gender people by how they look, present, and sound, not by inspecting their genitals or doing blood tests, therefore someone who looks, sounds, and presents as female will be treated as female by almost everyone.
But if I gender a non-passing trans woman as a man then I will be called a bigot, transphobe, homophobe and god knows what else. I will also get banned from reddit, resetera and any other "lgbt-friendly" space. So "realistically speaking" - I have to pretend that they pass in order to avoid drama. I mean - I don't need to inspect Purple Tinker's genitals to see that this person is clearly male.
They are cancelling her for saying that there are more perverts trying to pretend to be trans to assault women than there are real transwomen who want to use the ladies room.

Stop strawmanning. This isn't about her or anyone else making some narrow argument about children and hormones. That just isn't what happened.
I don't agree with the initial tweet, which is seven years old at this point, but that's just one interpretation. The other is the people loudly complaining about using the ladies room who would use it for legitimate reasons are fewer in number than the amount of people loudly complaining about it because they want to use it for nefarious reasons. The implication being there are plenty of trans people who just use the restroom as the gender they choose to be already, and they don't make a big deal out of it. Honestly, it seems more like a bad faith argument of "you really seem to want to use these restrooms, which makes me think that you're up to no good," and if that was her thought process, then I don't agree.

All those claims to know statistics like that always seem dumb to me, but it is a seven year old tweet, and all of this could have been clarified by simply asking her about it. Instead, no one did so, or at least not in a way with any transparency. I guess we'll have to wait until her official statement to learn the truth.


This isn't about JK Rowling. The post about Kara that got her in trouble didn't say word one about JK Rowling. The OP was just super misleading to the point of being a bald faced lie.

We can get into the Rowling thing if you really want to get off topic I guess. Rowling has drifted further and further into explicit transphobia the more she has been attacked. It's a good case study in how cancel efforts can radicalize a person, or embolden them to be more vocal on an issue rather than less.

Give it a rest.

Quote one transphobic thing that JK Rowling has actually said. I won’t hold my breath waiting for your response.
"Realistically speaking" you gender people by how they look, present, and sound, not by inspecting their genitals or doing blood tests, therefore someone who looks, sounds, and presents as female will be treated as female by almost everyone.
I agree with all of this, but it really goes against the push for "people who menstruate" or "chest feeding" and other similar language. When all of this was just starting, the argument was that gender and sex are different things. That being gender is how you look, present, sound, etc, and sex is biological. But now even the most biological aspects of being a woman are being associated with gender, and anyone who pushes back is called a transphobe, so it's understandable this has become such a divisive culture issue.

I think a lot more people would get behind trans issues if the vast majority kept the focus on the difference between sex and gender, and continued to frame in the issue as one of personal freedom. Those things I feel help progress. I would suggest situations like what happened to kara lynne do not help trans progress. They only foster fear and resentment and anger.
Right. Again, here, we agree.

But to reiterate, in the maybe 5-10% of cases where the dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong, it's virtually unheard of for it to change. In those cases, and only those cases, the risk of being wrong is near zero.

If someone transitions during adolescence, it's very unlikely you would ever know that they are trans. Every single person they meet will gender them correctly and intuitively without thinking and they will get to live "normal" lives. Unless you plan to have sex with them or have another reason to closely inspect their genitals, you would never know or have any reason to ask.

Even if you saw them naked you would probably never know if they had a good surgeon you might not even know then. I heard a story about a trans woman who married a gynecologist and he didn't know.

See this woman? No one questions her status as a woman or calls.jer a disfigured man. No one ever calls her sir. She doesn't get discriminated against applying for a job. She can date straight men without issue. Because she got to start hormones at 14 and have a female puberty. She's spared from a life of pain and difficulty chasing the dragon of "passing" because her parents had that clarity of judgement to know their kid was stuck with this dysphoria.
This is Blaire White.

Blaire didn't start transitioning til the age of 22. So, yea, don't give me that crap that we need to let these kids start screwing with their bodies before they can even legally drive or give sexual consent, since they are deemed by society (rightfully so) to not be mature enough to take part in such actions. Hell, we don't let them smoke and drink that young because it has a detrimental affect on the maturing body. But, yes, let's let them take unapproved drugs and get surgeries that change the body and are irreversible.


Gold Member
A straight guy would not date her no matter how "hot" "she" is if he knew "she" was born a man and if he does then he's not really a straight guy.

So many trans people have come forward saying they were coaxed into transitioning when they were vulnerable teens who were simply confused, with some being manipulated into being trans from a very young age. Those people are regretting their transitions immensely. Pressuring kids into such an important decision when they're still just kids is child abuse, period.
So true.

I dont care if Mila Kunis knocked on my door wanting to fuck. If it turned out she's a guy with a dong, the door is being shut. Even if she got her wang cut off and a pussy implanted, still a no go.

People also have to be honest with each other.

Someone can act however they want. But you got to be direct and honest what you were born as. Everyone knows people care about that so nobody should go around hiding this. It's no different than having a transmittable disease and not telling someone before having unprotected sex. And no different than being honest and telling someone your real age if they want to know before dating. If you're 40 years old, it would be pretty retarded to tell someone you're 30. Just say you're 40.

Dr. Claus

I just think it's cruel to tell teens and children that they will turn from men to women or vice versa if they chop off something and take some pills. They are selling them a lie, with a lot of people making a lot of money in the process.

Most trans individuals (adults only) don't think they will magically turn into a man or a woman by doing so. They do it so they feel more normal and for themselves. And any intelligent trans person I spoke with are avidly against the use of these treatments to anyone below the age of 18. It's only the most psychotic and deranged individuals that push this for children.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Are we talking about the same thing? Where Drag Queens go to the library and just read storybooks to kids? What's wrong with that? Kids love that shit.

There's a group of drag performers that do a lot of family events in the park by where I live, and it's always perfectly wholesome and the kids love it. It's silly costumes and dancing camp, why wouldn't they? There's nothing even remotely sexual about it.

Incidentally I have gotten to know one of the main performers a bit, a guy who was famous for being on one of those dumb TV shows, and was shocked to learn he was straight with an incredibly beautiful wife and two kids.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Sure, if that's your truth. It's not mine though and I hope you can respect that as I respect yours.
So your truth is that you check people's genitals or blood tests before you agree to use their pronouns?

I'm sorry, sir, but I don't believe you. We both love in the same.society and you gender people based on your best guess based on appearance just like everyone else.

Boss Mog

Are we talking about the same thing? Where Drag Queens go to the library and just read storybooks to kids? What's wrong with that? Kids love that shit.

There's a group of drag performers that do a lot of family events in the park by where I live, and it's always perfectly wholesome and the kids love it. It's silly costumes and dancing camp, why wouldn't they? There's nothing even remotely sexual about it.

Incidentally I have gotten to know one of the main performers a bit, a guy who was famous for being on one of those dumb TV shows, and was shocked to learn he was straight with an incredibly beautiful wife and two kids.
There's never a situation where it's okay to expose little kids to drag queens period.
There's never a situation where it's okay to expose little kids to drag queens period.
I think this is just getting silly. This isnt political. People can dress how they want, and performers have been cross dressed for centuries. Don't confuse the sexualization of children and cancel culture's terrible attacks on men, women, feminists and even other LGBT people with people volunteering to entertain.
If you muddy the waters like this, you are no better than the people you are angry with.
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I used to go to pantomimes as a kid where obviously there were men in drag and it seemed totally normal.

However, now it’s become political, both sides’ rhetoric is becoming more extreme. And I know which side I’d rather NOT become extreme just to prove a political point. Hint: it’s the ones who will spoil the innocence of children which, if I were a religious man, I’d say was proof of the existence of god.

Some of the stuff I’ve seen online makes me feel sick. Even if that’s only 1% of what’s going on, the whole thing needs to be halted and those people prosecuted.
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Right. Again, here, we agree.

But to reiterate, in the maybe 5-10% of cases where the dysphoria is consistent, emphatic, debilitating, and lifelong, it's virtually unheard of for it to change. In those cases, and only those cases, the risk of being wrong is near zero.

If someone transitions during adolescence, it's very unlikely you would ever know that they are trans. Every single person they meet will gender them correctly and intuitively without thinking and they will get to live "normal" lives. Unless you plan to have sex with them or have another reason to closely inspect their genitals, you would never know or have any reason to ask.

Even if you saw them naked you would probably never know if they had a good surgeon you might not even know then. I heard a story about a trans woman who married a gynecologist and he didn't know.

See this woman? No one questions her status as a woman or calls.jer a disfigured man. No one ever calls her sir. She doesn't get discriminated against applying for a job. She can date straight men without issue. Because she got to start hormones at 14 and have a female puberty. She's spared from a life of pain and difficulty chasing the dragon of "passing" because her parents had that clarity of judgement to know their kid was stuck with this dysphoria.

Dats a man.

And anyone who enters a relationship (or even has a one night stand to be honest) without revealing that they were born the opposite sex is morally bankrupt.


Even if you saw them naked you would probably never know if they had a good surgeon you might not even know then. I heard a story about a trans woman who married a gynecologist and he didn't know.


The likelihood that an average man that is somewhat used to interacting with vaginas couldn't tell the difference between the result of a vaginoplasty performed on a biological male and a real vagina is really really low, let alone a medical professional whose speciality is the female reproductive system.
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They give trans people safe space.
It might not seem reasonable to you, but just by reading this topic, do you think those people would feel comfortable here?

We have trans people here who feel comfortable. Because they are decent people and that's what counts.

Personally, i wouldn't give a rats ass if rotten people who like to cause harm don't feel comfortable here, trans or not.


They give trans people safe space.
It might not seem reasonable to you, but just by reading this topic, do you think those people would feel comfortable here?
I haven't read 30 pages of comments in this thread and I honestly don't care if someone Identifys as a unicorn.

I judge people on how they act/treat others.

But purple tinker comes across as a very unpleasant person with troubling views that has gone out her way to ruin someone's career.

If you don't like something or someone, don't associate with them.

I guess everyone does things differently though, but going out your way to ruin someone's life and rally up people to target someone just seems really sad.


They give trans people safe space.
It might not seem reasonable to you, but just by reading this topic, do you think those people would feel comfortable here?

I call bullshit.

Bullying and harassing people for wrongthink is not providing a safe space, it's creating an echo chamber. Bullying is bullying regardless of who it is aimed at. Taking the moral high ground while participating in this sort of toxic behaviour is peak narcissism.

Words are not violence, dissenting points of view do not invalidate you. If you're offended, be an adult and deal with it, move on.


I haven't read 30 pages of comments in this thread and I honestly don't care if someone Identifys as a unicorn.

I judge people on how they act/treat others.

But purple tinker comes across as a very unpleasant person with troubling views that has gone out her way to ruin someone's career.

If you don't like something or someone, don't associate with them.

I guess everyone does things differently though, but going out your way to ruin someone's life and rally up people to target someone just seems really sad.

You mean judge people on who they are and not what they are? Maybe on the content of their character?


I call bullshit.

Bullying and harassing people for wrongthink is not providing a safe space, it's creating an echo chamber. Bullying is bullying regardless of who it is aimed at. Taking the moral high ground while participating in this sort of toxic behaviour is peak narcissism.

Words are not violence, dissenting points of view do not invalidate you. If you're offended, be an adult and deal with it, move on.

Well, if those people are mocked all over the internet, one place where that is not allowed is a safe space.
As for the offended people...have you looked at Purple Tinker's twitter? Did you see amount of hate messages from offended people? Do you think that is ok?

And all that aside, what happened with Kara's statement?
I really want to hear what she has to say.


So your truth is that you check people's genitals or blood tests before you agree to use their pronouns?

I'm sorry, sir, but I don't believe you. We both love in the same.society and you gender people based on your best guess based on appearance just like everyone else.

Wow, putting words in my mouth and not letting me live my truth? You sound like a bigot.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
There's never a situation where it's okay to expose little kids to drag queens period.
What? Why?

People love to posture that it's about sexual content or whatever but then when pressed that's always a lie, it's just queerness in general they have an issue with even when it's totally G-rated.

Like it's literally people dressed up silly reading books to kids, how is this an issue?
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Snake Oil Salesman
What? Why?

People love to posture that it's about sexual content or whatever but then when pressed that's always a lie, it's just queerness in general they have an issue with.

Yes because no one cares when adults are trying to expose young kids to straight sexual content.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Yes because no one cares when adults are trying to expose young kids to straight sexual content.
We're not talking about sexual content, we're talking about reading stories to children in libraries.

Do you realize how dishonest your arguments are or can you literally not see a drag queen in any context without thinking about sex? That might be a you problem.
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Gold Member
"Don't worry honey, his balls are hanging out of his wife's thong in a 6" skirt while literally being an overly sexualized caricature of a woman. All while we are shouting out of the other side of our mouths about unrealistic standards women are hammered with and are taught at a very young age. Just pay attention to the story and not his doorknockers."
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There's never a situation where it's okay to expose little kids to drag queens period.

It's never a good idea to deal in absolutes like that because it makes it seem like your objection is to drag queens themselves rather than the sexualised nature of the performances. You walk into a trap as shown here ....

What? Why?

People love to posture that it's about sexual content or whatever but then when pressed that's always a lie, it's just queerness in general they have an issue with even when it's totally G-rated.

You're another one that likes to peddle in absolutes but suggesting that there's no examples of the sexualised content that people find objectionable is obviously false. The video evidence is easily found. And it's understandable that people don't like that sort of sexualisation around their children.

As a general point there's nothing wrong with drag per se, it's a very old and established art form that has been entertaining people for centuries. However, drag acts rely on exaggeration of female characteristics and are very often sexualised and full of innuendo, double entendre, etc. sometimes they're not but a "G-rated" drag act would be boring as fuck. If anything drag has become more sexualised in recent years.

And what's the connection to the trans stuff that was the issue that sparked all of this? Drag acts are nothing to do with trans, the genre is mostly performed by gay men.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Men_in_Boxes Men_in_Boxes Are you seriously not following the conversation?

We're talking about this:

I said that that was wholesome and some idiot (Edit: Boss Mog Boss Mog ) said kids should never be exposed to drag queens ever in any context, and I asked why.

It's never a good idea to deal in absolutes like that because it makes it seem like your objection is to drag queens themselves rather than the sexualised nature of the performances.
No the fuck I am not. I am responding to someone who was specifically talking about a Drag Queens reading to children in libraries.

sometimes they're not but a "G-rated" drag act would be boring as fuck.
Again, you need to go back and read the post I was responding to, and the context of that comment. It was.specifically about the G-rated children's entertainment that they do in parks and libraries, which is very much a thing that exists.
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We're not talking about sexual content, we're talking about reading stories to children in libraries.

Do you realize how dishonest your arguments are or can you literally not see a drag queen in any context without thinking about sex? That might be a you problem.
Perhaps running drag time story hour in parallel to "drag your kids to pride" where kids are forced to put money in the G-Strings of drag performers under the neon glow of a sign that says "Its not going to lick itself" is sending mixed messages. If you want to "normalize" something then have kids interact with everyday trans people. Not repulsive caricatures of women.


They give trans people safe space.
It might not seem reasonable to you, but just by reading this topic, do you think those people would feel comfortable here?
It's places infested with garbage politics which they infuse in every conversation, or in their revised rules, where people get power rush from banning users left and right even for using the "wrong" word, liking a game or posting a cool headed opinion as "let's wait for due process", "let's not jump into conclusions", "let's not destroy someone's livelihood over the flimsiest of excuses", etc.

These "safe places" as others already have mentioned are avoided by saner members of the minorities or sensitive populations they claim to protect. And as a "bonus" side effect, they give off a bad outlook to the groups they claim to represent or protect.

I suppose banning someone over a sober or even controversial comment with the tag "something something"-phobe or "bigotry" or "victim hater" or whatever other thing that is actually insulting to be called but they use it daily to their own user base is something that will not have any consequences?

How long do you think such "safe space" has before it implodes and people start eating each other when it lives off such misguided, short sighted politics and plain old hatred.
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