Got Golden God last night, after 29+ failed runs with eve, I finally got a good run going (decent damage, no Red hearts, and full spirit/dark hearts) and the devil deal on Necropolis I was Brimstone/Mom's knife.
So I figured, great time to go through boss rush (Barely made it in). Got the boss rush but it decimated my hearts, and spirit hearts failed to appear in womb 1 and 2, ended up dying again to Mom's heart ( though at least she has SOMETHING on her post-it now)
after that I jumped into an isaac run, I figured I would go after the chest and golden god, but at the very least a mom's heart kill would happen. I got every damage up from the devil deals, fire mind, piercing tears, shielded tears, rosary, ceremonial robes, just about every good familiar except for the bums, lots of good passives, tons of range, tears, and shot speed ups, full spirit hearts, Guppy happened, mulligan, and in the chest I got Ipecac (which I sort of picked up accidentally, I really thought it was Rubber cement).
The ipecac shots caused the screen to shake, and could two shot the cage, the adversary, and the really fat boss. Just destroyed blue baby. a really fun run and felt really good after all those failed Eve runs.