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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Check your typical music avenues, it's out today.


I really hate when you're in an interview and they ask: "So, why do you want to work here?"

Surely they must realise that anything I say that isn't "For the money, moron" is a complete fabrication?

Everyone wants compensation for their work, so that makes it a non-reason when asked the question above. If it's really just about money, then you won't be getting it by being so up front about it. Your best course of action is to consider your lying responses a normal and necessary part of the interview since your one goal is money.

they like getting their asses kissed, it's like dating. So tell me about yourself means, so tell me why I should give you a chance. And tell me what made you interested in me means blow smoke up my ass and fairy dust on my balls.

That's why they tell you to do a website relook of a company so you can learn their shitty and unremarkable story and lie about how much you want to work there because really if you had Superman's heat vision that office building would already be a crater.

Disagree. I did three interviews with four different people before I got my current job. One was a very kind woman in HR, the other three were people I ended up working with, one who is still my direct boss and a great guy. None were asking questions to get me to kiss their asses. This isn't a unique case either. Interviewers asking probing questions to make you're a smart, qualified person of sound mind and character. I would hope that when I'm on the interviewer side hiring a young person, he/she isn't so full of it as to think I'm asking questions to have smoke blown up my ass.


they like getting their asses kissed, it's like dating. So tell me about yourself means, so tell me why I should give you a chance. And tell me what made you interested in me means blow smoke up my ass and fairy dust on my balls.

That's why they tell you to do a website relook of a company so you can learn their shitty and unremarkable story and lie about how much you want to work there because really if you had Superman's heat vision that office building would already be a crater.

pretty much. interviews are necessary to weed out the scrubs and degenerates but to the one getting the questions it just feels like a dog and pony show.
Everyone wants compensation for their work, so that makes it a non-reason when asked the question above. If it's really just about money, then you won't be getting it by being so up front about it. Your best course of action is to consider your lying responses a normal and necessary part of the interview since your one goal is money.

I thought it was fairly obvious, but I'll clarify:

I really hate when you're in an interview and they ask: "So, why do you want to work here?"

Surely they must realise that anything I say that isn't "For the money, moron" is a complete fabrication?

I'm not saying I say "for the money, moron" I'm saying that surely anything else I say is obvious as being a fabrication.

D i Z

What gets me is the "the offended need to be able to take a joke" argument.

When there are innocent people becoming collateral damage for what barely passes as satire, the joke isn't funny anymore, and the approach a failure.


weird to see people use "or the terrorist win" seriously.

What gets me is the "the offended need to be able to take a joke" argument.

When there are innocent people becoming collateral damage for what barely passes as satire, the joke isn't funny anymore, and the approach a failure.

It's a mix of not understanding that freedom of speech in no way means freedom from consequence coupled with the rhetoric of "yes we can" completely drowning out the more important question of "but should we". I'm not saying they deserve to be attacked, but if I get mauled by a tiger, I'm not going to hop in his cage with a sharp stick to poke him as soon as I'm well. Business as usual, not fucking provocation.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Lazy people and procrastinating (not from my end) just might kill my college experience a lot earlier than expected. Fucking hell.

Then I realized that this is how it ends if I can't continue today; I'll be a college dropout with no work and not general talents to focus on a trade.

I'm royally fucked and it seems school is my last savior at living a potentially good future. No one to depend on but my 'family' (my mom and my grandfather). And when they're gone, I'm fucked!

Hang in there silky, things will work out for ya.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Boko Haram is a fucking scourge, they hold huge amounts of territory now and are out of control. Aren't they also the ones who kidnapped and then raped, force married or killed all those girls just because they were trying to get educated?

Been reading Wikipedia and apparently the Nigerian military hasn't be able to do shit to curb them, mostly due to corruption and ineptitude in the government. It's so bad that US forces have basically be like "welp you guys can't be trusted for shit, so we can't help you, good luck"


Keep your head up silky. I dropped out of community college twice and am only just now finishing my degree after various issues plaguing me for the last 5 years since I came back to the US. You can still do it, don't feel like it's all over if you have to take a break.


Boko Haram is a fucking scourge, they hold huge amounts of territory now and are out of control. Aren't they also the ones who kidnapped and then raped, force married or killed all those girls just because they were trying to get educated?

Been reading Wikipedia and apparently the Nigerian military hasn't be able to do shit to curb them, mostly due to corruption and ineptitude in the government. It's so bad that US forces have basically be like "welp you guys can't be trusted for shit, so we can't help you, good luck"

You just made me realize that somewhere someone is twisting their mind for a way to use Boko Haram as a justification for the police profiling and summarily executing black people in America.



that's just too big of an event for people to take a sort of passive aggressive route like that

"there are hundreds dead in the bushes, and we're still finding more by the day, but we totally think those cartoons are awesome :D" i just don't think it can happen

it's a big event? the world hasn't noticed. If 3 thousand people die in the bush, and no one sees it...but if 14 people die in France it changes the world. Maybe some aggressive irony is in order.


the company, not the interviewer, but the "corporate body" as it exists. "Oh I'm so excited in your project to blah blah blah and how it will affect so and so, and my career expertise logically pushes me in this direction since you're such a giant in the field, etc. So looking forward to working at Spacely Sprockets"
Boko Haram is a fucking scourge, they hold huge amounts of territory now and are out of control. Aren't they also the ones who kidnapped and then raped, force married or killed all those girls just because they were trying to get educated?

Societal feelings of black on black crime are universal worldwide

D i Z

It's a mix of not understanding that freedom of speech in no way means freedom from consequence coupled with the rhetoric of "yes we can" completely drowning out the more important question of "but should we". I'm not saying they deserve to be attacked, but if I get mauled by a tiger, I'm not going to hop in his cage with a sharp stick to poke him as soon as I'm well. Business as usual, not fucking provocation.

I'd wager that if there were a poll of the most highly regarded actions for the preservation of free speech, This next Charlie Hebdo issue hitting the stands, and The Interview would rank embarrassingly high. Symbols for the absolutely thoughtless masses. It's a wonder that any of the worlds diplomats (when they are doing their jobs) can ever accomplish shit.


I'd wager that if there were a poll of the most highly regarded actions for the preservation of free speech, This next Charlie Hebdo issue hitting the stands, and The Interview would rank embarrassingly high. Symbols for the absolutely thoughtless masses. It's a wonder that any of the worlds diplomats (when they are doing their jobs) can ever accomplish shit.
What's really fun is the implications that opposing this means you support the terrorists. Black or white.

Speaking of, i asked the people in that thread buying the next issue if they had seen The Interview. They didn't understand why I asked.

D i Z

What's really fun is the implications that opposing this means you support the terrorists. Black or white.

Speaking of, i asked the people in that thread buying the next issue if they had seen The Interview. They didn't understand why I asked.

I don't think it went over all of their heads. Most aren't going to admit to the manufactured outrage they had then, and how it mirrors their tunnel vision now.


Shit is continuously getting so rough with the hours I get at my job, that my own mom wants me to sell drugs to get by.

This can't be life.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I bet Ma$e is up on bittorrent trying to seed his discography, just to see people downloading his shit.
Shit is continuously getting so rough with the hours I get at my job, that my own mom wants me to sell drugs to get by.

This can't be life.

Knew a couple people who were full time drug dealers, not corner guys more like James Franco in Pineapple Express... don't think anyone has to tell u that it doesn't end well.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I'd wager that if there were a poll of the most highly regarded actions for the preservation of free speech, This next Charlie Hebdo issue hitting the stands, and The Interview would rank embarrassingly high. Symbols for the absolutely thoughtless masses. It's a wonder that any of the worlds diplomats (when they are doing their jobs) can ever accomplish shit.

This is the overriding theme I see. People just don't effin think. They live their lives 140 characters at a time and believe they need to have an instant reaction/opinion about everything. So they just go with what they are told they should think. It isn't even just younger people, it is people who lived through some rough times and should know better.

Shit is continuously getting so rough with the hours I get at my job, that my own mom wants me to sell drugs to get by.

This can't be life.

What? Mom's actually tell their kids stuff like that? I have family that got tired of filling out apps and hit the corner dealer route. They all ended up in jail. I don't even like being seen with those goons. They constantly have legal and illegal forces on their asses.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Oh shit, Moris has a Pokemon Snap machine? That's awesome, I miss that game. Gotta throw a rock to knock the Chameleon into the lava to cause it to evolve. I used to go into Blockbuster just to play that, had a bunch of the stickers printed out.
Knew a couple people who were full time drug dealers, not corner guys more like James Franco in Pineapple Express... don't think anyone has to tell u that it doesn't end well.

it really doesn't, not gonna open the book of my past but shit really isn't as gravy as rappers make it seem. So don't listen to your moms, lol
For a dude with a Pokemon Snap machine you know a lot about trapping.

Wish I still had it, nothing gold can stay.

First guy was forced into rehab cause he started getting high on his own supply. Second guy caught a ride with a "friend" with a backpack full of inventory. Got pulled over and the driver flipped on him as soon as the cop got to his window. Did a little bit of time and now he’s going back to school.


What? Mom's actually tell their kids stuff like that? I have family that got tired of filling out apps and hit the corner dealer route. They all ended up in jail. I don't even like being seen with those goons. They constantly have legal and illegal forces on their asses.

Without getting into details... my mom's been a hustler as long as I been alive, even today, at her age and health.

EDIT: And my mom wasn't referring to any hard shit like crack or nothing. Crack-cocaine doesn't do shit where I'm from. In Tacoma, it's either weed, or alternative drugs like meth or prescription pills. Those last two drugs fly under the radar for some reason.


I want to hit the powerball so I can set up a Ma$e, Laryn Hill, and Sisqo tour. I would lose money but the comedy would be worth it.


BCT I need help.

What does it mean to call someone a plug?

Me and a coworker were gossiping about another male coworker who always has girl problems. Coworker's boyfriend was listening to our conversation, and before he left he was like, "That nigga's a plug."

WHAT does it mean to be a plug??? Me and my coworker are so lost.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Shit is continuously getting so rough with the hours I get at my job, that my own mom wants me to sell drugs to get by.

This can't be life.



it really doesn't, not gonna open the book of my past but shit really isn't as gravy as rappers make it seem. So don't listen to your moms, lol

The funk you were selling? Body pillows?

I want to hit the powerball so I can set up a Ma$e, Laryn Hill, and Sisqo tour. I would lose money but the comedy would be worth it.

You wrong lol.


BCT I need help.

What does it mean to call someone a plug?

Me and a coworker were gossiping about another male coworker who always has girl problems. Coworker's boyfriend was listening to our conversation, and before he left he was like, "That nigga's a plug."

WHAT does it mean to be a plug??? Me and my coworker are so lost.

Oh, so you one of them niggas, eh? Lol.


BCT I need help.

What does it mean to call someone a plug?

Me and a coworker were gossiping about another male coworker who always has girl problems. Coworker's boyfriend was listening to our conversation, and before he left he was like, "That nigga's a plug."

WHAT does it mean to be a plug??? Me and my coworker are so lost.

Urban Dictionary says drug supplier. Does that fit the context?


BCT I need help.

What does it mean to call someone a plug?

Me and a coworker were gossiping about another male coworker who always has girl problems. Coworker's boyfriend was listening to our conversation, and before he left he was like, "That nigga's a plug."

WHAT does it mean to be a plug??? Me and my coworker are so lost.
Worthless idiot.
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