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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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GAF, I'm fucking upset and I really don't know what to do but punch something.

For a little background, I was home visiting family today and, coincidently enough, my aunt and uncle were home from their home town, along with my two cousins, both 10 and 9 respectively. Here's the thing, my uncle married interracially to your stereotypical preppy blonde haired blue eyed cheerleader types. However, the woman is VERY intelligent and is currently working on her Masters in Electrical Engineering after raising her two sons for a decade and some change, while my Uncle worked for a nuclear power company. At first, her parents disapproved, but they came around, and ironically enough, now can't imagine life without my uncle.

Anyhow, my uncle and stepdad are cooking and they needed something Costco and buy in bulk. They ask for me to go. Seeing as I had nothing better to do and I didn't like waiting for food, I was like fuck it, lets go. For some reason cousins and my aunt get dragged along too.

We get to Costco (because fuck yeah!) and we were near the checkout line after getting what we need. Some old white lady was just staring. At first I thought it was what we were wearing as we didn't bother to dress real nicely for a fucking Costco run. Both my cousins wanted something to eat to tie them over so she told them to go to where you can eat inside and split $10 and they run off like typical kids

Lady finally breaks the ice. "Excuse me, ma'am are those your sons?" she asked, pointing to them both by the pseudo food court.

Now, keep in mind, my Aunt LOVES her boys. Like, yeah, of course, mother and all, but she takes bragging to a whole new level. Not to the point of being annoying, but she walks that line, definitely.

"Yes, ma'am they are!" she said it with clear pride.

The lady seemed to be in shock and disbelief. "But...how? They're black!!"

Holy fucking shit. I don't even remember what my aunt said but she just told her to fuck off basically. I was completely furious. The only reason I didn't say anything was because I would've gave off the impression of the angry black man in a store where I was a total minority.

When we got home, my aunt was almost in tears. She was nowhere near as talkative as usual

You know what I had to do tonight? I had to explain to my young cousins who haven't even started middle school school yet, about their skin color and how people will perceive it no matter how polite or intelligent they are.

And the worst part? They didn't believe me.

"She was just a mean lady, TacticalFox88,"

"Yeah!! People don't say mean things because of my skin anymore. That was Martin Kang, right?" Of course I corrected him to say "King", but the intent still was there.

I just...wow. Don't know how to proceed here. Do I simply just let them figure it out on their own or do something more?
Where was this
Damn Fox, that's rough.

Start with education, get rid of the post-racial fairytale they seem to have picked up but keep it age appropriate. Talk with their parents too, don't want to overstep any boundaries.


GAF, I'm fucking upset and I really don't know what to do but punch something.

For a little background, I was home visiting family today and, coincidently enough, my aunt and uncle were home from their home town, along with my two cousins, both 10 and 9 respectively. Here's the thing, my uncle married interracially to your stereotypical preppy blonde haired blue eyed cheerleader types. However, the woman is VERY intelligent and is currently working on her Masters in Electrical Engineering after raising her two sons for a decade and some change, while my Uncle worked for a nuclear power company. At first, her parents disapproved, but they came around, and ironically enough, now can't imagine life without my uncle.

Anyhow, my uncle and stepdad are cooking and they needed something Costco and buy in bulk. They ask for me to go. Seeing as I had nothing better to do and I didn't like waiting for food, I was like fuck it, lets go. For some reason cousins and my aunt get dragged along too.

We get to Costco (because fuck yeah!) and we were near the checkout line after getting what we need. Some old white lady was just staring. At first I thought it was what we were wearing as we didn't bother to dress real nicely for a fucking Costco run. Both my cousins wanted something to eat to tie them over so she told them to go to where you can eat inside and split $10 and they run off like typical kids

Lady finally breaks the ice. "Excuse me, ma'am are those your sons?" she asked, pointing to them both by the pseudo food court.

Now, keep in mind, my Aunt LOVES her boys. Like, yeah, of course, mother and all, but she takes bragging to a whole new level. Not to the point of being annoying, but she walks that line, definitely.

"Yes, ma'am they are!" she said it with clear pride.

The lady seemed to be in shock and disbelief. "But...how? They're black!!"

Holy fucking shit. I don't even remember what my aunt said but she just told her to fuck off basically. I was completely furious. The only reason I didn't say anything was because I would've gave off the impression of the angry black man in a store where I was a total minority.

When we got home, my aunt was almost in tears. She was nowhere near as talkative as usual

You know what I had to do tonight? I had to explain to my young cousins who haven't even started middle school school yet, about their skin color and how people will perceive it no matter how polite or intelligent they are.

And the worst part? They didn't believe me.

"She was just a mean lady, TacticalFox88,"

"Yeah!! People don't say mean things because of my skin anymore. That was Martin Kang, right?" Of course I corrected him to say "King", but the intent still was there.

I just...wow. Don't know how to proceed here. Do I simply just let them figure it out on their own or do something more?

they 10 and 9 breh. let em cook on some innocence for a lil while longer. they don't need to be hardened to the worlds ways yet.


Well, a lot of women here don't post in that thread because it tends to attract guys who have "questions" that start to feel like harassment when they expect us to answer and speak for all women.

Aeana, why don't ladies love me, girls, adore me, i mean even the ones who never saw me? :(

Young Magus

Junior Member
1.) RIP in peace Jado
2.) Sorry to hear about your experience at Costco TacticalFox88. Sucks that your niece and nephew had to experience that at a young age.
3.) How many mods browse BCT?!


kids don't want to admit that stuff is going to be a large piece of their lives once they walk outside that front door. You know the first instinct is to deny it until it's plain as day.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
this thread got good

and yeah, girlgaf was all kinds of fuckery. of all the harassing, stalking, reddit monitoring, and adjacent "oh, what a surprise - all of the black people are talking about this shit.... girlgaf had it WAY worse lol


I think that, when it comes to racial stuff like this, when children start to experience it, or even just perceive it on their own, that's when you have the conversation. Shielding them from shit like this at that point just becomes a form of lying.

I remember my mother sitting me down and having a conversation with me about race the day I came home from school screaming about Martin Luther King Jr.. I was in the 1st grade. We'd talked about him all day in class, and for homework my teacher had passed out a coloring booklet that was basically The Life and Death of MLK Dumbed Down for Kids and as Told by Guilty White Folk.

My mom took one look at that coloring book and was like, "Sit down, we need have to have a talk..."

Well sometimes you all be discussing PMs and shit.It doesn't bother me but I have no clue what its about.

Or you constantly telling that jandro guy hes a horse lol.

everyone disses Jandro tho, he had a horse avi for a year... lmao. You could've gotten a joke in breh
So Idk if the show had some counter argument
But Being Mary Jane had this to say

"Be black at home,but when you walk out that door be American and go get this money!"

Out of context it sounds like some b.s. nublack rhetoric but seeing folks agree with it is unsettling.


Don't forget, in 2015 you still need to take time out of your day to educate harmless white people on the shocking fact that black and white relations can result in children, brehs.


Don't forget, in 2015 you still need to take time out of your day to educate harmless white people on the shocking fact that black and white relations can result in children, brehs.

Isn't it great that the minority is expected to explain themselves to the bigot, and not the other way around? I sure do love it when that happens.

He has no idea who I am, would just look like im desperately tryin to fit in.

Also, you don't need to be part of any community to insult Alligatorjandro. It's just to be expected.
What would you suggest we do? We ban aggressively for sexism, racism, and transphobia, and that's not exactly a secret. Rather than ranting at allies and the forum in general, does someone have a suggestion?

I am genuinely open to any reasonable suggestions.

I dunno the threat of possible ban isn't working if people do things like the 5 pages after the fight in the super bowl thread. The LettersGaf dating sim thread is the only time i wasn't surprised by the lack of horrible post. It's almost to the point where i think a sticky thread on all sides for a limited time is needed to readdress the TOS or somehow make the TOS button in the nav bar a different color so it stands out more and people would just click it b/c the internet trains us to click things like that


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
What would you suggest we do? We ban aggressively for sexism, racism, and transphobia, and that's not exactly a secret. Rather than ranting at allies and the forum in general, does someone have a suggestion?

I am genuinely open to any reasonable suggestions.
Let everyone in the high traffic thread know why so and so was banned - and when conversations take massive nose dives towards clear and present fuckery, make that presence known that bullshit is a no go. The people that want to steer conversations toward whatever off the wall point they're trying to hit always do. And I say that as someone who's lured more people into bans than I can even count over the years. (RIP RIggs, shadowlark, ghost of grace kelly - you were my favorites)

It happens sometimes, great. But locking a thread then going back and banning people when the others who share similar opinions aren't even looking anymore doesn't spread the message as good as it could. Also, a lot of ban messages aren't even clear lol


Apparently Jado did something dumb? Time to read up on what happened I guess.

This guy is really doubling down on werewolves having less impact on Victorian London than black people.

I haven't laughed this much all day.

Yeah reading that thread was funny at first but it eventually became frustrating and sad. I think part of it is that some people, God only knows why, are so emotionally invested in that game that they will defend it from ANY perceived slight regardless of whether or not what they are saying makes any goddamn sense :/

I just found out a family member has been outright lying about me back home.. nothing super serious but just like.. why. Why.

Apparently this person tells anyone within earshot that I don't like interacting with people, that I supposedly have autism and therefore cannot interact with people (um, I don't even meet the core symptoms of autism, have never been diagnosed, etc), that I can only make decisions in black or white types and no shades of gray.

It's certainly explained to me why my brother's friends and GFs all act distant around me, while any other city I've lived in, I've never had that issue with friends and people I've met there. They've basically been constructing a fake version of me in their head and then installing this fake version of me into other people's minds. I've had vague suspicion this was happening before, but now one of the family friends basically "broke through" and just talked to me, and we've compared notes and have discovered there is an extensive web of bullshit spun by this person to both of us. She thought I would hate her being around me and we've been chatting nonstop for the past 3 days straight..

Why would you do this. WHY.

I'm totally looking forward to getting out of this fuckbucket and back to Portland. I've sort of been like "ha ha crabs in the bucket" but someone is actually trying to be one

Human beings can be fucking weird sometimes. I don't get why some of us do the things we do. It legit perplexes me.

GAF, I'm fucking upset and I really don't know what to do but punch something.

For a little background, I was home visiting family today and, coincidently enough, my aunt and uncle were home from their home town, along with my two cousins, both 10 and 9 respectively. Here's the thing, my uncle married interracially to your stereotypical preppy blonde haired blue eyed cheerleader types. However, the woman is VERY intelligent and is currently working on her Masters in Electrical Engineering after raising her two sons for a decade and some change, while my Uncle worked for a nuclear power company. At first, her parents disapproved, but they came around, and ironically enough, now can't imagine life without my uncle.

Anyhow, my uncle and stepdad are cooking and they needed something Costco and buy in bulk. They ask for me to go. Seeing as I had nothing better to do and I didn't like waiting for food, I was like fuck it, lets go. For some reason cousins and my aunt get dragged along too.

We get to Costco (because fuck yeah!) and we were near the checkout line after getting what we need. Some old white lady was just staring. At first I thought it was what we were wearing as we didn't bother to dress real nicely for a fucking Costco run. Both my cousins wanted something to eat to tie them over so she told them to go to where you can eat inside and split $10 and they run off like typical kids

Lady finally breaks the ice. "Excuse me, ma'am are those your sons?" she asked, pointing to them both by the pseudo food court.

Now, keep in mind, my Aunt LOVES her boys. Like, yeah, of course, mother and all, but she takes bragging to a whole new level. Not to the point of being annoying, but she walks that line, definitely.

"Yes, ma'am they are!" she said it with clear pride.

The lady seemed to be in shock and disbelief. "But...how? They're black!!"

Holy fucking shit. I don't even remember what my aunt said but she just told her to fuck off basically. I was completely furious. The only reason I didn't say anything was because I would've gave off the impression of the angry black man in a store where I was a total minority.

When we got home, my aunt was almost in tears. She was nowhere near as talkative as usual

You know what I had to do tonight? I had to explain to my young cousins who haven't even started middle school school yet, about their skin color and how people will perceive it no matter how polite or intelligent they are.

And the worst part? They didn't believe me.

"She was just a mean lady, TacticalFox88,"

"Yeah!! People don't say mean things because of my skin anymore. That was Martin Kang, right?" Of course I corrected him to say "King", but the intent still was there.

I just...wow. Don't know how to proceed here. Do I simply just let them figure it out on their own or do something more?

Damn I got mad reading this I can only imagine how furious you must have been. Its fucking disgusting that you and especially your young cousins have to be exposed to these sorts of mentalities. I guess now is as good a time as ever to learn these "truths". I wish we, or any minority really, didn't have to have these "talks" with our kids or younger relatives :(


DD has legit, stalkery stalkers, that discuss his every move. But then again... so do you Dave :p
Dude I've seen people call me a cunt all over the place, in several different ways and a couple of different languages. Never fails to raise a smile. It's just a shame that it's mostly about my taste in gaming when there's so much more about me to criticise.
I have a confession: I've been using pre-workout this entire time

I've brought dishonor to my bloodline and I've donated my medals to science
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