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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Most "true" hate, fervent, wrought out of fear and insecurity: Devo, freemufasa
Most surface-level ("this dude was being a total dick at work today!") hate: Probably Labor and Angelus
Most "I want to hate them but I really just don't want to give them the time of day" hate: DD
Most "you ain't shit" hate: JC, me when JC is getting a perm
Most BCT-localized hate: drive-by "if you really felt confident about your side of the argument, continue your discourse in its original thread. you made a public statement for all to hear, I'm simply asking for clarification. No need to talk about me here" fuckbois


LOLLLLLL @ All of Black Hollywood trying to get in on Empire.

Can't wait for the Foxy Brown episode. Now THAT'LL be some fuckery.
Lee Daniels trying to dry beg Denziel into being in that fuckery.

Jado snapped lol
Man I go to bed early and shit starts popping off.

Who has the most haters in BCT?

Dy has the most delicious haters. The kind of haters taht think about DY when they aren't at the keyboard. The be standing in line at the Deli getting a sandwhich and thinking about a post Dy made.


Angelus needs to be on that list too. He got dudes sacrificing their account just to tell him how much they hate him. I've never got that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The only hated I have is Storm Chamber and it's not my fault

EDIT: I hope nobody else hates me. I'm pretty sure I'm alright though.
Bish is probably most hated whether on or off GAF by virtue of having the power to ban. But his haters won't let themselves be known out of fear of that same power.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Sorry to change the subject but Jesus H. Christ at the fuckery that is gone girl. I think I died a little on the inside because of that ending.
Bish is probably most hated whether on or off GAF by virtue of having the power to ban. But his haters won't let themselves be known out of fear of that same power.

Bish is basically the boogie man. That fear is innate, dudes be banned from gaf for like years still sweating when they see anything on the internet that says "Bish".

Sorry to change the subject but Jesus H. Christ at the fuckery that is gone girl. I think I died a little on the inside because of that ending.



I have a hate site dedicated to me.. and it's still up, years later.

Some people on this forum just have that mega-heel heat, though
along with my two cousins, both 10 and 9 respectively.

"She was just a mean lady, TacticalFox88,"

"Yeah!! People don't say mean things because of my skin anymore. That was Martin Kang, right?" Of course I corrected him to say "King", but the intent still was there.

A child born with no state of mind
Blind to the ways of mankind

That's pretty much what's going on here, I just hope your fam does enough where when it hits them, the blow won't be so bad. It's not an if, but a when.
I thought about formulating a Martin Kang / Dankey Kang joke because of the spelling, but decided against it because of the implications.

Good call. As I was reading your idea, I almost began to scream NO..

To play devil's advocate
, it'd probably be a shop of the Jeopardy pic with the chick's answer being "MARTEY KANG" and the final jeopardy being "this civil rights leader steals the hearts of millions and throws away notions of hatred and prejudice," but I still think it'd be a horrible joke to see out of context.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As soon as I read "60fps" I closed the thread. Whenever I see people bring this up as a major complaint against a game that didn't advertise FPS as a selling point it makes me want to pull out a J10 chokeslam.


Think I'm about to join you bruh.

Got a meeting invitation for tomorrow titled "Duty Re-Alignment" which consists of me and my superiors.

I found out what it is to an extent.

I work for a Non-Profit who is partially federally funded. We received our budget for the year, and I guess my department has been overspending, so they're looking to re-align duties to spread some of the spending elsewhere... which can potentially suck.

I'm going to cry ya'll :(

They have me doing the marketing materials for our other programs moving forward...


Who has the most haters in BCT?


Me??? Whoever hates me hates freedom and choice. My haters adore me because they keep my name in their mouth and posts but I'm not talking about this thread...

Sunhi came through and crushed the buildings gotdamn.


Do all the mods lurk this thread or just some of them? Is that the reason the reply-to-view ratio is so skewed?


TacticalFox, I had my involuntary racial awareness moment at 5. It sucks that it happened to them but it's better for someone to put them up on game now than later. Keep in mind kids are dying because police believe every racist conservative myth about black rage. In other words, it's better for them to what could happen and how to react now than later just in case. The black youth innocence bubble was lost when Trayvon died. You see what it is, you see what they think of you, now figure out how to move in this country.


I just ordered these EPIC bars. For $26 I expect a mouth orgasm. I expect the best protein bar ever. This better taste like manna from heaven. This better taste like grilled salamander roasted on a rotisserie for a 20 minutes baked in the most exquisite barbeque sauce ever. Meat better be glistenin out of the package.

I been on my facial scrub game for a week now and I look lighter. It's time for a facial mask but I'm too scared to let the scrub sit on my skin for so long.
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