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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Sorry to change the subject but Jesus H. Christ at the fuckery that is gone girl. I think I died a little on the inside because of that ending.

He looked at everything in front of him and rightly took the L. There was no win in that situation. Best to just roll with the crazy. Tyler Perry had the right of it at the end.


I swear to god Fincher cast Perry on purpose. Perry spent the movie almost looking at the camera and saying "white people".

Same shit, different day.
WHich will catch a backlash? The Order or Bloodborn?

"It was such a ironic plot hole that the black Order dude basically came out of nowhere and saved the main team in mission 6. I mean like, there weren't any black people in Europe at the time? Doesn't well a plot imo."

We would've had to take another vote on you, wahrer.

I'm picturing a fuckery-laden amalgam of the Council of Twelve and Twelve Angry Men where Gordon starts out as the only one in my favor, and then immortal comes in after arm day and says "i don't mind the dude" and everyone unanimously pardons it to avoid being crushed into a diamond
Why y'all think the order is going to end up bad or mediocre? I think so too, but I can't actually give a reason. It's just a feeling. Reminds me of that Pandora's Box shooter.
you can't make this shit up (order of the posts)

Also, I was thinking about making another thread, but wasn't sure if it'd be a better fit on off-topic or gaming. Big question I was going to ask was as real-world humanity got more advanced, if people think we'll get more or less religious. I mean yeah, the obvious answer is the "advanced beyond those silly superstitions" trope, but I feel like if anything obtaining better knowledge on the universe is actually going to make us more spiritual. If we run off of 100% science and fact with no faith thrown into the mix of our personal lives, I feel like humans would end up leading pretty depressing lifestyles with their newfound senses of perspective and that shit doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It seems like it would be perfectly reasonable for future populations to remain spiritual - not necessarily by fighting tooth and nail to justify the universe being created by a singular God - but to follow a set of ideals as guidelines open to personal interpretation, retaining a sense of community, etc. It's funny, too, because a ton of advanced races in gaming have that type of spiritual element to them - the Covenant are more of a dogmatic example, but the Forerunners were religious, the Chozo / Luminoth have all sorts of belief systems at play, etc.

I'm leaning towards gaming because there's a lot of examples to pull from, but something tells me a good majority of the posts are going to be surface-level "if we know science then we know god is not real and also dumb duh" sort of stuff.


Why y'all think the order is going to end up bad or mediocre? I think so too, but I can't actually give a reason. It's just a feeling. Reminds me of that Pandora's Box shooter.

you can look at a game and tell these days. The core nature of a game, and the buying populace's general reactions to those types of games, are well defined at this point in gaming.

A game has to be fun to play above all else. People latched on to Uncharted because it was a rather solid third person action adventure game with a unique theme given that Tomb Raider had fallen off a cliff as a franchise at that point. How will the Order stand apart in gaming? By its graphics? That will impress people at first but it won't maintain interest on its own.
you can't make this shit up (order of the posts)

Also, I was thinking about making another thread, but wasn't sure if it'd be a better fit on off-topic or gaming. Big question I was going to ask was as real-world humanity got more advanced, if people think we'll get more or less religious. I mean yeah, the obvious answer is the "advanced beyond those silly superstitions" trope, but I feel like if anything obtaining better knowledge on the universe is actually going to make us more spiritual. If we run off of 100% science and fact with no faith thrown into the mix of our personal lives, I feel like humans would end up leading pretty depressing lifestyles with their newfound senses of perspective and that shit doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It seems like it would be perfectly reasonable for future populations to remain spiritual - not necessarily by fighting tooth and nail to justify the universe being created by a singular God - but to follow a set of ideals as guidelines open to personal interpretation, retaining a sense of community, etc. It's funny, too, because a ton of advanced races in gaming have that type of spiritual element to them - the Covenant are more of a dogmatic example, but the Forerunners were religious, the Chozo / Luminoth have all sorts of belief systems at play, etc.

I'm leaning towards gaming because there's a lot of examples to pull from, but something tells me a good majority of the posts are going to be surface-level "if we know science then we know god is not real and also dumb duh" sort of stuff.

That fucking thread....First off I'm from SC and I'm a firm believer that as a state we are generally 20 years behind the rest of the Union. When I was 9 my cousin and I were searched he was stripped searched down to his undies in a burlington coat factory because security assumed we were stealing....My cousin had lukemia and had a pacemaker. Had a card to prove it from Richland Memorial Hospital and once they got his shirt off you could clearly see the box shaped block over his heart. They continued to search him until I ran and found my aunt/his mom. I know all too well how we and "mixed" kids are treated and looked at in that state.

Tactial drops that thread I gotta go him this weekend to check on my grandmother.


WHich will catch a backlash? The Order or Bloodborn?
Definitely The Order, especially if it ends up being as boring as it has looked in all the promo videos. It'll have the loudest supporters, though.
Why y'all think the order is going to end up bad or mediocre? I think so too, but I can't actually give a reason. It's just a feeling. Reminds me of that Pandora's Box shooter.
I don't think it'll be bad, it just looks boring as hell. There's nothing about it that makes me interested in playing.

OG Loc

PS4-Vita Remote Play is god-level. I'm on the toilet playing Far Cry 4 and if this is what Skynet future means then I'm all for it.


Formerly Momotaro
Y'all know The Order is gonna fly off the shelves. Gamers have proven time and time again that they are the most gullible consumers in the country.


mini update on that discovery yesterday: i posted a note on fb (entire extended family is on there basically) saying i'm not any of the things people might have said, and that i actually do want to hang out and want to talk to people, i' just shy

already had an aunt that i like to talk to say she's wanted to talk with me more but thought it would be 'intrusive' due to what that other person said

feeling like Truman at the end of the movie (without having Truman Syndrome, though). i've been having a game run on me for longer than i thought


bitch I'm taking calls.
Definitely helps clear the air when you just state how it is outright cutting through the snide insinuations. Actions speak louder than words, so that plus you getting home soon will show the truth of things. Then people will look at someone talking bullshit about you with skepticism. Expect a likely insincere "apology" in the near future.

OG Loc

The second my tax refund comes in, I'm getting a vita just for remote play. So me and my SO can share the tv. Everyone wins

That is why I am getting ready to pull the trigger.

I actually had my Vita like a year before my PS4 and I loved it to death. Now, it's been upgraded to essential status.

Sometimes you might have to play around with the control settings because some games have default Remote Play controls that are just stupid (FIFA I'm looking at you for mapping the sprint button to the back touch screen). But usually it's a dream. Of course your experience will depend on the quality of the connection you're using but it's amazing nonetheless.

Only downside I can think of is the fact that you can't watch Netflix or HBO Go or any other of the streaming services via Remote Play. I'd kill for the ability to watch The Wire on my Vita while my girl can watch whatever goofy cooking show she wants on the TV.


Furyous the best protein bars are Quest bars. Cookies and Cream flavor will change your life.

chocolate chip, raspberry white chocolate, cinnamon roll, apple pie>>>cookies and cream

Quest bars shits on most everything else from a pretty great height though.


Not saying it won't deserve it (I honestly don't know because I haven't been keeping up on it), but doesn't every game get shat on eventually? :p
Everyone loves kingdom hearts. Some people are contrary about it and pretend they don't care or dislike it.


All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

I recall looking at the Community tab one day and seeing this thread in the list. Looked in and posted about throwing sneakers into the freezer.


All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

I recall looking at the Community tab one day and seeing this thread in the list. Looked in and posted about throwing sneakers into the freezer.

I don't remember myself...


bitch I'm taking calls.
Get a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar and throw it into the microwave for 10-15 seconds (they heat up pretty quickly, so I wouldn't recommend much longer)
I'll have to try this.
This is finding out you can microwave poptarts all over again
I always preferred toaster because microwave sometimes made them too soft.
All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

I recall looking at the Community tab one day and seeing this thread in the list. Looked in and posted about throwing sneakers into the freezer.
I followed Devolution over here after we shared some laughs at the expense of fuckboy posters in OT. Started really participating in OT2. Stayed for the banter, jokes, and overall good times. Storytime with DY, FreeMufasa's NiJ stories and Brute Force memory stand out as stuff from the early days. While good people have come and gone since then there is usually an influx of new blood that end up becoming great or ain't shit respectively. Still haven't seen a soul snatch in here that hit the mark as hard like "you ugly as THEE fuck" though.
All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

I recall looking at the Community tab one day and seeing this thread in the list. Looked in and posted about throwing sneakers into the freezer.
I came in asking about someone who was banned, got my answer, then lurked for an OT before finally joining in.

FreeMufasa, looking back, has given some of my fondest memories here (NiJ, BRUTE MOTHAFUCKIN FORCE, and his sudden exit from GAF and the thread asking where he was).


All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

I recall looking at the Community tab one day and seeing this thread in the list. Looked in and posted about throwing sneakers into the freezer.
I think that I accidentally clicked on the community tab and this was the first thread I saw. As a couple others have said, I initially had no idea what anybody was talking about cause every time I came in here there would be some in-joke, Coli reference that I didn't understand, or something about anime (which I hate).


All these new contributors to the thread, combined with a few admissions of lurking, makes me wonder how everyone came to know and start posting in this community?

<--- It took me a minute to figure if everyone was indeed Black or trolling. I came to know the community by seeing the view to reply ratio and figuring out people had to be lurking for a reason.

Good grief at that ether. she said you ugly as thee fuck. OUCH.
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