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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Saw yall talking mess about Spider-Man. Have 3 straight mediocre-to-bad movies and people turn on you

Has allowed Cap to climb that ladder though, so not all bad. And will always have that Reed throat-kick.

What I wouldn't give for another good Parker show.
Saw yall talking mess about Spider-Man. Have 3 straight mediocre-to-bad movies and people turn on you

Has allowed Cap to climb that ladder though, so not all bad. And will always have that Reed throat-kick.

What I wouldn't give for another good Parker show.

We had a fantastic one... then Ultimate Spider-Man happened. SMH.

I like all of the movies. Could they be improved? Sure, but I still like them.
We had a fantastic one... then Ultimate Spider-Man happened. SMH.

I like all of the movies. Could they be improved? Sure, but I still like them.

Saw them try to make amends with things like an okay Deadpool, and Miles on USM but yeah, net negative overall.

There's def things to like in each of em but
I ran out of "they'll fix it next time"'s - ASM2 was just too much.
Shame too cause anything involving in-suit Spider-Man was a big step up for action.


Never got Monster Hunter, seemed like on of those games that controls sucking is the whole point.
Controls in Monster Hunter are garbage and I don't really understand why. The game sounds like something I should like, but I'm not willing to fight the controls for hours fighting one enemy.
yep yep.
i played it a little when i got it for free on the WII U, but as soon as i got to my first combat bit, i thought to myself "nah, this is brass. i'm done." shame really, it seems really deep and quite fun if you have people to play it with.
soo i'm apparently going to be a uncle again.
congrats Viktor
JC when unbanned

dat gif.
What don't you like?

Of the two games on the list I've played?
Since it's Agito and not Type-0 on your list...
If you've fought
in Crisis Core, every enemy I fought in Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter felt like that. Mindlessly repeating the same action until it was dead.

EDIT: And with Monster Hunter especially it's like the controls were designed by somebody who had never actually played the game.

EDIT EDIT: Just remembered that I've also tried God Eater. It was... ok I guess, I disliked it the least but wasn't really interested enough to actually play the game for more than an hour.


So much fuckery in the last few pages.

Co-sign with the exception of my posts. Those are classics gotdammit. Woke up ready to conquer. Having thrown caution to the wind, I'm about to complete the I'm white portion of the career submission. If they ask what happened tell them my computer messed up and I'm buying a new one as soon as I leave this office.

My epic bar pyramid:
Bacon and Cranberry
Lamb, Currant & Mint,
Habanero and Cherry
Co-sign with the exception of my posts. Those are classics gotdammit. Woke up ready to conquer. Having thrown caution to the wind, I'm about to complete the I'm white portion of the career submission. If they ask what happened tell them my computer messed up and I'm buying a new one as soon as I leave this office.

My epic bar pyramid:
Bacon and Cranberry
Lamb, Currant & Mint,
Habanero and Cherry


each post is Pure Fuckery
(Today, 08:55 PM)


Of the two games on the list I've played?
Since it's Agito and not Type-0 on your list...
If you've fought
in Crisis Core, every enemy I fought in Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter felt like that. Mindlessly repeating the same action until it was dead.

EDIT: And with Monster Hunter especially it's like the controls were designed by somebody who had never actually played the game.

EDIT EDIT: Just remembered that I've also tried God Eater. It was... ok I guess, I disliked it the least but wasn't really interested enough to actually play the game for more than an hour.
Play PSO.


Kind of back to normal. Kind of.

This week was horrible for me emotionally and mentally. It is a terrible place to be in when you realize the only reason you're still here is not because of your will to live, but because you're afraid to die. Even worse when you find yourself weighing your options between physical death and choosing to stay alive while you feel like you're dying inside.

I owe a couple people for pulling me out before I fell into that abyss. My mom and my younger sister;. the two friends who met me for lunch and just let me vent and tried to relate to me. But I know that's a temporary fix. Something has got to change. In my setting, in my thinking, in my social circle and support systems, in...everything. I've bore this weight on my shoulder for so long and I'm just tired. I feel like I'm fighting for my life at this point.

Sorry to get so serious suddenly, but I had to get this out somewhere.

can we see rei. please. ?


Nothing too special, but I'm just happy I could finally afford one.


When is beer not good?

When it's dark and too healthy. Then again, I'm beer racist so there's that.

Rei, go out and associate with new people in your community. Volunteer somewhere in hopes of bringing up your spirit. It's hard as shit to get out of the particular funk you're in but you've got a support system which helps a lot.
Kind of back to normal. Kind of.

This week was horrible for me emotionally and mentally. It is a terrible place to be in when you realize the only reason you're still here is not because of your will to live, but because you're afraid to die. Even worse when you find yourself weighing your options between physical death and choosing to stay alive while you feel like you're dying inside.

I owe a couple people for pulling me out before I fell into that abyss. My mom and my younger sister;. the two friends who met me for lunch and just let me vent and tried to relate to me. But I know that's a temporary fix. Something has got to change. In my setting, in my thinking, in my social circle and support systems, in...everything. I've bore this weight on my shoulder for so long and I'm just tired. I feel like I'm fighting for my life at this point.

Sorry to get so serious suddenly..
Don't apologize..choose life! People are here if/when you need em.


Splatoon day one. Bloodborne as soon as I can justify getting a PS4.
Splatoon here, will be decent besides a disturbing lack of voicechat again.
Might get Bloodbourne. Trying to expand my taste beyond fps games and FIFA
I still have no job still and yes I'll still be getting them day 1 lol. Life finds a way breh.

gettt meee twoo purrs
Bloodborne all day nukka. I gave up trying to preach the gospel of Miyazaki to these heathens though.
Jup..will be mine.

It gets better..
Splatoon, sure. I don't really care about Bloodborne tho.
*nods approvingly* my fam. :)

i was thinking maybe we could set up a small BCT clan for both games, if a lager GAF doesn't happen.
Kind of back to normal. Kind of.

This week was horrible for me emotionally and mentally. It is a terrible place to be in when you realize the only reason you're still here is not because of your will to live, but because you're afraid to die. Even worse when you find yourself weighing your options between physical death and choosing to stay alive while you feel like you're dying inside.

I owe a couple people for pulling me out before I fell into that abyss. My mom and my younger sister;. the two friends who met me for lunch and just let me vent and tried to relate to me. But I know that's a temporary fix. Something has got to change. In my setting, in my thinking, in my social circle and support systems, in...everything. I've bore this weight on my shoulder for so long and I'm just tired. I feel like I'm fighting for my life at this point.

Sorry to get so serious suddenly, but I had to get this out somewhere.


Nothing too special, but I'm just happy I could finally afford one.
i'm so sorry to here what you're going through Rei.
you never have to apologise for sharing your troubles here fam.

nice laptop.
We here for you Reigun
this a thousand times, don't ever think you're alone Rei. we'll always will be here to catch you if you fall.
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