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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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Junior Member
Can you name a more successful black actress outside of Taraji?
The lady from law and order. She had about 10+years on prime time TV, then got upgraded to boss lady and did so well, they left the original and started messing with other divisions. She turned off the lights. Svu, special victims units, etc.

Just because she isn't hot, y'all won't give her attention. Y'all just like them...


I know she's not struggling to get noticed on a c tier movie or some crap but taraji doesn't have her career. Yet. Let empire get past year 4 first.


My mom and I have a wonderful relationship. She's the main person I go to when I have a problem. It's funny. I recognize that a lot of my issues stem from her and how she wasn't always the most supportive or nurturing mother, but I also know I would be dead if it weren't for her.

My dad is a little more complicated. I loved him, and I know he tried to get right, but he made so many wrong moves. He was, I guess, what you'd consider a high functioning drug addict. I remember him being gone a lot and my mother never really explaining why. I didn't find out until years later. It wasn't until he passed back in 07 that I feel like I started to let go of my anger toward him and really understand him. Particularly, his own depression and how so many of his traits manifested in me. Most notably, the fact that the main people we hurt are ourselves. My dad's also the reason I don't drink or use any drugs; I watched them destroy his life and I know I'd probably end up going down the same path.

Who wasn't raised by their grandma at some point ;_;

Me. I actually had three grandmothers: my parents' biological mothers and my mom's foster mother. Foster mom raised my mom from when she was about 11 due to bio mom losing her because of mental illness (bio mom is schizophrenic) and so she was the closest we had to a regular grandmother when I was a kid. She passed away from a heart attack when I was about 7.

My mom's biological mother, like I said, is mentally ill and for some reason hates my mother. She constantly criticizes her and never appreciates anything my mom does for her. This transfers to us kids to; she's always been nicer to my cousins than me and my sisters.

My dad's mom lived in NC and I would only see her in the summer months. Again, pretty standard grandmother, but I never really got close to her. She passed away about two years ago.


Junior Member
Who wasn't raised by their grandma at some point ;_;
Me. She was home when I got home and we lived in her house for a minute. She would make those hot dogs with the cheese inside in the afternoon. And what she called toasted cheese. But it sounded like 'toasta cheese'. It was half a grilled cheese baked in the oven under the broiler. Lawd! But luckily, it was all momma taking care of me and grandma was a great resource.
Do any of you have shaky relationships with your parents.
Not any more. Took decades to get to the point of forgiveness, understanding that all people make mistakes and wishing that my kids would forgive me if I ever 'wrong' them.

I have a brother who was straight bad as a kid. Just fucked up all his opportunities. And my mom gave us a ton of opportunities. She told us: 'school is your only job'. And my brother never took advantage. But he got better after the age of 25 and still fucks up now and then. Our family wasn't the greatest and my mom still has done flaws. But he was given a good shot.

Needless to say, he feels like he didn't have what I had. I was the youngest and grew up after the food stamp and government cheese days. I went to high school after we moved on up to the east side. So that is true. But he feels he missed out. And a lot of times, it feels like an excuse. Not the bad grades, skipping school, general apathy, etc.

I say all of that to illustrate how you can do right by your kids and still get blamed. I hope I do right by my kids and if I do them 'wrong' (I'm not going to do them wrong: abandon them, abuse them physically or emotionally, etc), they would have a heart to forgive and repair.

Either way, it took me a lot of tears and struggle to reconcile with my dad and I'm grateful. We have the best relationship I've ever had with him. And my mom is my mom. Eternally, one of the few I would kill for.
Damn. Black folk be roaches. Grandmas being missed. S. Epatha Merkerson getting a shout out..this page has it all.


Sub..I know you've done nothing but slave for me, but if you could change little Jonathan for me. I'd be a happy camper, as always.
Have any of you heard this South African tourism commercial they just started playing on the radio?

Heard it on ESPN radio going home from work. It starts off like your run of the mill radio commercial with a super WASPy married couple talking about the beauty of South Africa, but then it went places.

After bringing up your standard beaches and natural beauty the wife brings up seeing where freedom was born at the Mandela exhibit, wasn't expecting it but whatever. Then the husband comments on his wife learning tribal dances, she brings up him learning some moves from the natives as well. Which culminates in him saying "Bet you didn't know you married a Zulu warrior". The combination of the content and the extra WASP delivery, made me want to drive my car into a snow embankment.
Have any of you heard this South African tourism commercial they just started playing on the radio?

Heard it on ESPN radio going home from work. It starts off like your run of the mill radio commercial with a super WASPy married couple talking about the beauty of South Africa, but then it went places.

After bringing up your standard beaches and natural beauty the wife brings up seeing where freedom was born at the Mandela exhibit, wasn't expecting it but whatever. Then the husband comments on his wife learning tribal dances, she brings up him learning some moves from the natives as well. Which culminates in him saying "Bet you didn't know you married a Zulu warrior". The combination of the content and the extra WASP delivery, made me want to drive my car into a snow embankment.


What the fuck? Oh man lol..

People actually think that Amy Schumer is attractive. That makes absolutely no sense to me.
I mean..if you're into Cabbage Patch Kids..sure.


Said limited American mind
I see what you did there

Have any of you heard this South African tourism commercial they just started playing on the radio?

Heard it on ESPN radio going home from work. It starts off like your run of the mill radio commercial with a super WASPy married couple talking about the beauty of South Africa, but then it went places.

After bringing up your standard beaches and natural beauty the wife brings up seeing where freedom was born at the Mandela exhibit, wasn't expecting it but whatever. Then the husband comments on his wife learning tribal dances, she brings up him learning some moves from the natives as well. Which culminates in him saying "Bet you didn't know you married a Zulu warrior". The combination of the content and the extra WASP delivery, made me want to drive my car into a snow embankment.
I need to hear this

People actually think that Amy Schumer is attractive. That makes absolutely no sense to me.
What is worse is people find her funny.
Morning fam. Wife niece just hit me up asking to borrower 200 to cover her rent. Found out last night baby daddy done moved in with her. Hit her with a strong N-O
Man, writing the street-level / personal elements of fiction has you looking up some shit that you never want in your search history. In the past week I've had to research bird digestive systems, cat mating habits, average speeds of all sorts of ships, and eugenics. Going to have to look into even weirder stuff like the phases of having a stroke soon enough.

By the way, does anyone in here know of examples in fiction where a character / faction practices eugenics, but pertaining to the soul or some other type of metaphysical concept out there? I'm sure it's been done, even if it is under a different name.

Morning fam. Wife niece just hit me up asking to borrower 200 to cover her rent. Found out last night baby daddy done moved in with her. Hit her with a strong N-O

Can't spell loan without L and A NO

Sou Da

Man, writing the street-level / personal elements of fiction has you looking up some shit that you never want in your search history. In the past week I've had to research bird digestive systems, cat mating habits, average speeds of all sorts of ships, and eugenics. Going to have to look into even weirder stuff like the phases of having a stroke soon enough.

By the way, does anyone in here know of examples in fiction where a character / faction practices eugenics, but pertaining to the soul or some other type of metaphysical concept out there? I'm sure it's been done, even if it is under a different name.

Can't spell loan without L and A NO

That happens in Pillars of Eternity but it's not actually out yet.
Have any of you heard this South African tourism commercial they just started playing on the radio?

Heard it on ESPN radio going home from work. It starts off like your run of the mill radio commercial with a super WASPy married couple talking about the beauty of South Africa, but then it went places.

After bringing up your standard beaches and natural beauty the wife brings up seeing where freedom was born at the Mandela exhibit, wasn't expecting it but whatever. Then the husband comments on his wife learning tribal dances, she brings up him learning some moves from the natives as well. Which culminates in him saying "Bet you didn't know you married a Zulu warrior". The combination of the content and the extra WASP delivery, made me want to drive my car into a snow embankment.

Do any of you have shaky relationships with your parents.

I had a super shaky one with my dad. Mostly psychologically abusive, sometimes physical, and it led to me almost leaving the house. It got worse because my mom and my older brother defended him all the time.

A bunch of events changed the both of us though; I almost got kicked out of college, my dad found that he wasn't much better than his outright abusive caretakers (and that cut him deep), we both traveled a bunch, and he almost died (diabetes sucks).

After all that, everything is water under the bridge.


Just fucking realized its all-star weekend. My interest deflate every year. Whose in the dunk contest? Whose fucking in the east and west?

Is Bron playing? Is Kobe playing?

Fuck the Knicks with their shitty record.


Have any of you heard this South African tourism commercial they just started playing on the radio?

Heard it on ESPN radio going home from work. It starts off like your run of the mill radio commercial with a super WASPy married couple talking about the beauty of South Africa, but then it went places.

After bringing up your standard beaches and natural beauty the wife brings up seeing where freedom was born at the Mandela exhibit, wasn't expecting it but whatever. Then the husband comments on his wife learning tribal dances, she brings up him learning some moves from the natives as well. Which culminates in him saying "Bet you didn't know you married a Zulu warrior". The combination of the content and the extra WASP delivery, made me want to drive my car into a snow embankment.

Please take a deep kumbaiyah.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Do any of you have shaky relationships with your parents.

I think that a shaky relationship with parents is part of growing up. You hold some grudges, get a bit older and realize unless they did some heinous shit, they did the best they could. My dad was the disciplinarian in the family, so there was some resentment towards him while growing up. I am now older and realize without that strict discipline, I wouldn't have the self discipline I have now.

My parents have been married close to 50 years. I do wish they had really taught us what marriage/relationships were all about. Learning the hard way with no guidelines has lead to some bumpy rides.
I don't get preferring any race. Sounds heavily enforced by physical and social (especially peer/family pressure) stereotypes/stigmas.

I get a bunch of other preferences (aiming for what's comfortable), but not that one.


I don't get preferring any race. Sounds heavily enforced by physical and social (especially peer/family pressure) stereotypes/stigmas.

I get a bunch of other preferences (aiming for what's comfortable), but not that one.

That's definitely the problem, especially when it comes to black women ("I prefer x group over black women" being the most heavily used version of the phrase) and the excuses I hear from people who say this on this forum. But a lot of posters want to deny that these preferences are being influenced by society/media/outside factors and aren't natural, especially for a group as diverse as black people.
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