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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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I don't want to post in the Iggy thread, but I would like to point out that culture appropriation goes both ways, and reactions are similar in both ways. When a black guy goes into a predominantly white area (music, specific acting roles, fashion, speaking style), the white community usually builds them up in the "one of the good ones" kinds of roles while the black community shits on them for being coons. When a white person goes into a predominantly black area, the white community usually tends to disown them and think less of them OR accept them TOO much, almost to prove a point. The black community usually shits on them as well. Race relations are too fucking weird in America and will probably never change. At least not for another couple hundred years. By the time everyone is a wonderful shade of carmel, maybe then, but there will always be some crazy ass Ted Nugent style hold outs I'm sure.

It's pretty shitty.

Not singling you out, but I have always hated this line of dialog. Nothing is going to change when this magical time comes.
Can't believe this is still going after 5 months.

I mean most gamers have A LOT of time on their hands since many of them are in a perpetual state of not being able to get girls. Might as well fill that time with harrassing women and threatening to kill them.

A bunch of Elliot Rodgers in the making.


The physical form of blasphemy
"Oh, I need my rapper to be the realest out. I can't go listen to them unless they are actually about that life."

*Bobby Schmurda is facing an ungodly amount of years for being about that life*

"LOL. What an idiot. I'm GLAD he's going to jail. He's what's wrong with the culture."


Not singling you out, but I have always hated this line of dialog. Nothing is going to change when this magical time comes.
People gonna be fussing about genealogies and shades. "Look at this nigga. He ain't even lighter than a paper bag." "Bitch please. Your great grandma was a damn African."
Can't believe this is still going after 5 months.
Hopefully they'll be more effective than they are with the police.


"Oh, I need my rapper to be the realest out. I can't go listen to them unless they are actually about that life."

*Bobby Schmurda is facing an ungodly amount of years for being about that life*

"LOL. What an idiot. I'm GLAD he's going to jail. He's what's wrong with the culture."


I thought we got over this hardcore rapper shit in the 90s when Onyx got exposed...
Stephen Amell already fucked Thea's actor, so I guess that counts.

When this happen?

I firmly disagree

THE BARROWMAN!! and Lil Flip too.


I mean most gamers have A LOT of time on their hands since many of them are in a perpetual state of not being able to get girls. Might as well fill that time with harrassing women and threatening to kill them.

A bunch of Elliot Rodgers in the making.

It's scary how about this bullshit these people are. They clearly have nothing else in their lives.


Not singling you out, but I have always hated this line of dialog. Nothing is going to change when this magical time comes.

People gonna be fussing about genealogies and shades. "Look at this nigga. He ain't even lighter than a paper bag." "Bitch please. Your great grandma was a damn African."

Hopefully they'll be more effective than they are with the police.

I would hope that after so long, everyone will have a mix of everything and it will be a lot harder for to single out groups from where they're family came from hundreds of years earlier. Maybe my utopia is a land where everyone looks and tastes like Werther's Originals.


It's scary how about this bullshit these people are. They clearly have nothing else in their lives.
Some people just need a reason to be mad. Just saying, most of the faces of GamerGate are heterosexual white dudes. They have no fucking frame for what oppression feels like, so this is their super terribad worst thing ever.


I would hope that after so long, everyone will have a mix of everything and it will be a lot harder for to single out groups from where they're family came from hundreds of years earlier. Maybe my utopia is a land where everyone looks and tastes like Werther's Originals.

I would be in jail for cannibalism if that was the case :(


I mean most gamers have A LOT of time on their hands since many of them are in a perpetual state of not being able to get girls. Might as well fill that time with harrassing women and threatening to kill them.

A bunch of Elliot Rodgers in the making.

But why aren't they using that abundance of time to play games, you know, being such "passionate" gamers and all? I honestly thought by Christmas they'd be so busy with new games they'd move on from this shit and go back to holding their fucked up views in secret. But here we are on GAF 200+ page GamerGate thread number 2.


It's scary how about this bullshit these people are. They clearly have nothing else in their lives.
I almost envy them. Like I said earlier, I wish I was so privileged that women saying mean things about video games was the worst thing in my world.

I mean, shit, I can't get girls either but I ain't about to sit online harassing them all damn day. Too busy being an adult and worrying about other things.


I would hope that after so long, everyone will have a mix of everything and it will be a lot harder for to single out groups from where they're family came from hundreds of years earlier. Maybe my utopia is a land where everyone looks and tastes like Werther's Originals.
Counterpoint that's slight tangential: japan is one of the most ethnically homogenous countries on the planet. It also has one of the highest suicide rates. Hearsay, but I've heard that harassment and bullying are fucking insane in that country. All one shade doesn't fix it.
I would be in jail for cannibalism if that was the case :(
Would eat you if given the chance.


Counterpoint that's slight tangential: japan is one of the most ethnically homogenous countries on the planet. It also has one of the highest suicide rates. Hearsay, but I've heard that harassment and bullying are fucking insane in that country. All one shade doesn't fix it.

Would eat you if given the chance.

Japanese don't look and taste like Werther's, though.
"Oh, I need my rapper to be the realest out. I can't go listen to them unless they are actually about that life."

*Bobby Schmurda is facing an ungodly amount of years for being about that life*

"LOL. What an idiot. I'm GLAD he's going to jail. He's what's wrong with the culture."

I mean... talk about it, be about it. You're still a dumbass. *shrug*


Junior Member
Alright is there a news story that sums up what the deal/controversy is with Iggy Azaela? Or is a Wiki article good enough? I got RTs on my timeline relaying the entire history of hip-hop in her mentions.


Alright is there a news story that sums up what the deal/controversy is with Iggy Azaela? Or is a Wiki article good enough? I got RTs on my timeline relaying the entire history of hip-hop in her mentions.

Anon has her sex tape.

That should catch you up.

Sidenote: "Get buttered" is going to be one of my new go-to's
It's a CW show, give it enough seasons and Barry will have fucked every female...in fact all the guys will have fucked every female...except Diggle. Because reasons.


Alright is there a news story that sums up what the deal/controversy is with Iggy Azaela? Or is a Wiki article good enough? I got RTs on my timeline relaying the entire history of hip-hop in her mentions.

I just need to know, is it about more than the song she did talkin' about being a runaway slave master or is that really all this is about?

EDIT: nvm, checked out that tumblr link.
I stopped watching right around the time he found out about Ollie, did he ever get less corny?

Nope, still just a side nigga with a gun. Apparently even Roy can beat him up. Some random street kid can beat up a special forces ex-marine.

And Diggle is ALWAYS getting beat up by the bad guy only for Ollie to come in and wack said bad guy with a bow and drop him as that stupid Arrow theme sound plays. Shit is so corny.

Arrow is on like year 4 of Ollie being on the island via flashbacks and this dude is still getting his ass handed to him by randomly spawned enemies, and I'm to believe that in one more year this nigga is going to go from worthless garbage ass fighter to this badass, special forces, marine crushing on par with league of assassin dude in a green hood? Naaaaah. And then apparently Thea after 6 months of training is some fucking badass fighter? Naaaah. And that Laurel after 4 months in some broken down MMA type gym is going to be Black Canary? Naaaaaaah.


Oh for fuck's sake!

This is fucking bullshit.


KTRS: Why did you allow people to testify in front of the grand jury in which you knew their information was either flat-out wrong, or flat-out lying, or just weren't telling the truth?

McCulloch: Well, early on, I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything was going to be presented to the grand jury. And I knew that no matter how I handled it, there would be criticism of it. So if I didn't put those witnesses on, then we'd be discussing now why I didn't put those witnesses on. Even though their statements were not accurate.

So my determination was to put everybody on and let the grand jurors assess their credibility, which they did. This grand jury poured their hearts and souls into this. It was a very emotional few months for them. It took a lot of them. I wanted to put everything on there. I thought it was much more important to present everything and everybody, and some that, yes, clearly were not telling the truth. No question about it.

There were people who came in and, yes, absolutely lied under oath.Some lied to the FBI. Even though they're not under oath, that's another potential offense — a federal offense.

I thought it was much more important to present the entire picture…

There's talk of one witness now, and some of the media is doing exactly what I said they would do, they pull out one witness and just latch on to that, and this lady clearly wasn't present when this occurred. She recounted a statement that was right out of the newspaper about Wilson's actions, and right down the line with Wilson's actions. Even though I'm sure she was nowhere near the place.

Here's the fun part:
Rule 4-3.3 of the state's rules of professional conduct said:
A lawyer shall not knowingly...offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false. If a lawyer, the lawyer's client, or a witness called by the lawyer has offered material evidence and the lawyer comes to know of its falsity, the lawyer shall take reasonable remedial measures, including, if necessary, disclosure to the tribunal. A lawyer may refuse to offer evidence, other than the testimony of a defendant in a criminal matter, that the lawyer reasonably believes is false.


Nope, still just a side nigga with a gun. Apparently even Roy can beat him up. Some random street kid can beat up a special forces ex-marine.

And Diggle is ALWAYS getting beat up by the bad guy only for Ollie to come in and wack said bad guy with a bow and drop him as that stupid Arrow theme sound plays. Shit is so corny.

Arrow is on like year 4 of Ollie being on the island in flashbacks and this dude is still getting his ass handed to him by randomly spawned enemies, and I'm to believe that in one more year this nigga is going to go from worthless garbage ass fighter to this badass, special forces, marine crushing on par with league of assassin cats? And then apparently Thea after 6 months of training is some fucking badass? Naaaah. And that Laurel after 4 months in some broken down MMA type gym is going to be Black Canary? Naaaaaaah.

They still talking about the island? That is worse than Lost.
They still talking about the island? That is worse than Lost.

Shit is a crutch at this point. Every time the scooby gang run into something they can't figure out Ollie just so happens to know what to do, cue an island flashback to show how he learned it.

Your mom broke her back in 8 different places? Don't worry Ollie has this random object or technique that will fix your back, he got it from when he was missing for those 5 years. >.>


slay he's in china now.

Nope, still just a side nigga with a gun. Apparently even Roy can beat him up. Some random street kid can beat up a special forces ex-marine.

And Diggle is ALWAYS getting beat up by the bad guy only for Ollie to come in and wack said bad guy with a bow and drop him as that stupid Arrow theme sound plays. Shit is so corny.

Arrow is on like year 4 of Ollie being on the island via flashbacks and this dude is still getting his ass handed to him by randomly spawned enemies, and I'm to believe that in one more year this nigga is going to go from worthless garbage ass fighter to this badass, special forces, marine crushing on par with league of assassin dude in a green hood? Naaaaah. And then apparently Thea after 6 months of training is some fucking badass fighter? Naaaah. And that Laurel after 4 months in some broken down MMA type gym is going to be Black Canary? Naaaaaaah.

your timelines are wrong. he's barely into his 3rd year and he's just now learning how to torture motherfuckers properly. he hasn't even gotten to the meat of his training yet.

thea doesn't even look that badass.
and laurel's gonna get her ass kicked from what the creators have said.
slay he's in china now.

your timelines are wrong. he's barely into his 3rd year and he's just now learning how to torture motherfuckers properly. he hasn't even gotten to the meat of his training yet.

He's been in china for half a year already if not longer. He's definitely closer to year 4 than early year 3. And we're suppose to believe in like 1.5 years he's going to go from what he currently is (jobber) to some badass multi disciplined martial artist? Naaaaaaah.

thea doesn't even look that badass.
Oh I agree, I just find it laughable how this chick went from crying wuss to this fighting machine in the span of 4-6 months. Thea is a shit character period as is fucking Roy.

and laurel's gonna get her ass kicked from what the creators have said.
Hopefully for 3 seasons at least.


Flashbacks are like backtracking in videogames, both soon wear out their welcome.

The best Flashback of the last 10 years was Daniel Whitehalls from AoS, short and sweet but had major impact.
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