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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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no cellphone cam, no worldstar yell.

but if I was there with a phone, you would have been obligated to push him into the pool just as I yelled "worldstar hip hop!"


My mom asked me to help her clean/scrub her pool. She hired her new pool guy after only a day because of tacking on charges after the fact(draining the pool) and already going over budget. Shit got entirely too heated with the guy and he actually muttered to himself "I don't know how you do business in Africa but..."

I would not have been as kind.
Wait a minute, there are pools in Africa? I never saw one. Maybe you lack the neccesary skills to handle one and its business in your DNA?.
i should learn to swim one day
I apologize in advance if this becomes a rant/review/whatever, but I just started Assassin's Creed: Catcher Freeman. Ubisoft went all-in on this one fellas.

I mean, I knew I was gonna be assassinating slave masters, but they got you going into plantations where you have to kill all the overseers. When an alert happens the soundtrack that kicks in is somewhere between a modern Blockbuster adventure movie, a 1950's Blockbuster adventure movie, and Hotel Rwanda. They even changed the synchronization music. Ubisoft did not give a fuck. Adewale is Django and Zorro at the same time. Oh, and you do it all with a machete.

Y'know all that random shit that constantly passes you buy in Assassin's Creed games like couriers or flying piece of paper or convoys to blow up. Before I just didn't care and let that stuff float by, but now they're slaves being transported, captured, jailed, punished, and auctioned. The game part of all that is still annoying, and these slaves regenerate every five minutes, but it never feels right just letting them go.

The game pretty heavily itemizes and somewhat dehumanizes the slaves too since each one you free goes into some counter of slaves freed/resistance fighters. It even locks main quest missions behind the number of slaves freed. I just got my ship back and the game says you actually raid slave ships.

I think I might just forego all the main missions and explore/liberate everything. Pretty sure I'm done with Creed after this too. Not because of this game in particular. I'm just tired of Ubisoft Open World Game.
I know I'm biased but as a Haitian person myself I was extremely glad to see my history and my people represented in well....something. I agree that the execution wasn't the best but at the end of the day it was still an assassins creed game and was bound to suffer from similar problems. But the lead and subject matter for this game was a big risk for Ubisoft and for even trying they have my respect.

Adewales Kreyol was terrible though


I know I'm biased but as a Haitian person myself I was extremely glad to see my history and my people represented in well....something. I agree that the execution wasn't the best but at the end of the day it was still an assassins creed game and was bound to suffer from similar problems. But the lead and subject matter for this game was a big risk for Ubisoft and for even trying they have my respect.

Adewales Kreyol was terrible though

Luckily for me my Somalian people are represented alot in all forms of media...as greedy bloodthirsty pirates.
Even that one episode in deadliest warrior.

The only time my parents were pissed and glad at the same time cos the pirate won.
RPGs are better than most things.

Azure J



I apologize in advance if this becomes a rant/review/whatever, but I just started Assassin's Creed: Catcher Freeman. Ubisoft went all-in on this one fellas.

I mean, I knew I was gonna be assassinating slave masters, but they got you going into plantations where you have to kill all the overseers. When an alert happens the soundtrack that kicks in is somewhere between a modern Blockbuster adventure movie, a 1950's Blockbuster adventure movie, and Hotel Rwanda. They even changed the synchronization music. Ubisoft did not give a fuck. Adewale is Django and Zorro at the same time. Oh, and you do it all with a machete.

Y'know all that random shit that constantly passes you buy in Assassin's Creed games like couriers or flying piece of paper or convoys to blow up. Before I just didn't care and let that stuff float by, but now they're slaves being transported, captured, jailed, punished, and auctioned. The game part of all that is still annoying, and these slaves regenerate every five minutes, but it never feels right just letting them go.

The game pretty heavily itemizes and somewhat dehumanizes the slaves too since each one you free goes into some counter of slaves freed/resistance fighters. It even locks main quest missions behind the number of slaves freed. I just got my ship back and the game says you actually raid slave ships.

I think I might just forego all the main missions and explore/liberate everything. Pretty sure I'm done with Creed after this too. Not because of this game in particular. I'm just tired of Ubisoft Open World Game.
Man, I loved Freedom Cry. I had so much fun killing slavemasters and overseers that I ended up getting all the best stuff after only doing two story missions. I've wanted a Nat Turner game (and 300-style movie) for years and this was the closest to fulfilling what I've been dreaming about.


bitch I'm taking calls.
My mom asked me to help her clean/scrub her pool. She hired her new pool guy after only a day because of tacking on charges after the fact(draining the pool) and already going over budget. Shit got entirely too heated with the guy and he actually muttered to himself "I don't know how you do business in Africa but...". It was at that moment he knew he fucked up. I went up to him and he just knew he was bout to catch a fade, I let him sweat it out and we just had words. He left on a much calmer but still angry note. I know my mom was partially to blame but you can't come into a person's home you were doing business in and be yelling at the top of your lungs throwing a fucking temper tantrum because they no longer want your business. Dude was red as fuck.

Moral of the story is sometimes you gotta let cooler heads prevail even when somebody is yelling "Worldstar" in your ear
You did good Imm0rt4l. But I've seen your arms, kinda surprised he didn't shit his pants.


Honestly, though, what current events are so bad as to need protesting?

- The South Carolina cop was arrested and charged.
- Michael Brown attacked Darren Wilson, Wilson was just defending himself.
- Eric Garner was more of an accident brought about by a health condition and him resisting arrest.

There's no sign that any of these events were racially motivated either. I mean look at the Trayvon Martin case -- the only person to use a racial slur that night was Trayvon Martin but the media tried to paint George Zimmerman as the racist.

Or how about the fact that a black Kentucky basketball player said "F*** that N*gger" about a white Wisconsin player on national television and received no punishment whatsoever.

Meanwhile, a white baseball player that referred to Mo'ne Davis as a "slut" on Twitter was thrown off his baseball team and kicked out of school.

Or what about the story about the hospital wanting to deny the black kid a new heart due to his history and the media played the race card until the hospital gave the kid a new heart and the kid went on to rob and murder and get himself killed within two years.

Why are we not talking about these things?

Well, that thread got interesting...


I honestly can't think of a recent example where a black person after saying racial words towards a white person to then proceed to kill said white person. I can definitely think of the opposite.


Junior Member
how does this work?
Walk along the street. Look in another direction. Dress any way. Still get verbally harassed every 5 minutes. I'm being facetious.

But I was in mexico. Wasn't really fully sure how safe I was. Felt that my harassers were largely harmless but had more anxiety than normal.


Walk along the street. Look in another direction. Dress any way. Still get verbally harassed every 5 minutes. I'm being facetious.

But I was in mexico. Wasn't really fully sure how safe I was. Felt that my harassers were largely harmless but had more anxiety than normal.

I'm just confused as to why? Was it that Norte Americano vibe, or were you just carrying a $ign that said "Hotboy walkin"?


Junior Member
I'm just confused as to why? Was it that Norte Americano vibe, or were you just carrying a $ign that said "Hotboy walkin"?
No, it was to sell me anything. Nothing sexual. It was a lot of time share promotions and cab rides. It was kind of exhausting. It's hard to fully know what it's like to be female so I asked my wife and she agreed it was like verbal harassment females get all the time. We are black and obviously not from Mazatlan, MX.

We started wearing hats and sun glasses every where and ask day and night to avoid eye contact. Sometimes we slipped by due to having brown skin.

Maybe I'm not conveying myself well.



Maybe I'm not conveying myself well.

I feel you. yeah you must have had that rich, 'not from around here' look.

Normally I would say activate your aggressive step and angry black man attributes, but down there, you never know the level of desperation, you might end up stepping to someone who is in greater need than you are.


The GTA: SA thread is going just how I thought it would

"Can't relate"
I never should've started posting. People get real obtuse when it comes to anything related to race. I'm the "real racist" because I recognize that when people say thug or thug life that they are referring to stereotypically black behavior. Gaslighting is wild.


You clearly followed me for a reason, so what is it?

people were complaining about not discussing the game there and going off-topic, and I had a feeling you'd come here to talk shit about people that were barely defending themselves against racism accusations

you can't talk about gaslighting when your first post was this:

It's hilarious that people try to tiptoe around the fact that, for them, "thug" = black, even though, as you said, every single GTA protagonist is a thug.

I'm not offended at all, I think it's funny that people hide behind innocuous-sounding words/phrases instead of saying what they mean. It always comes up when this game is discussed, too.

Anyway, San Andreas is still my favorite GTA game.

this is gaslighting:

Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser

how is that not what you were doing when accusing people who don't like san andreas' setting into being racists or ommiting saying they don't like the game because it stars a black character?

I actually kinda get what your original point was or at least I think it could have been presented in a better way? maybe if you have like, a problem with the game itself?

but going after people saying they don't care for the thug life 90s hip hop hood gangbanging stuff being virtually identical to them not wanting to play as a black character or having a problem against black people is just dumb, man, and I know this is a forum and all but it's a bummer when shit gets crossed for no reason

I think you got too caught up with the THUG LIFE stuff as a meme with the little kids with guns and all as you mentioned, and I dont think anyone was talking about it that way before


people were complaining about not discussing the game there and going off-topic, and I had a feeling you'd come here to talk shit about people that were barely defending themselves against racism accusations

you can't talk about gaslighting when your first post was this:
No one called you racist. The second people start discussing commonly-understood instances where race is a factor, some people get defensive and talk about how they were called racist. At no point did I say or suggest that anyone was racist. Bringing up the fact that people use coded language to avoid saying the word black isn't the same as saying that someone is racist. If someone is actually racist, I have absolutely no problem calling them racist. Unlike the people who use thug to "coincidentally" describe the only black character in the series, I don't need to hide behind innocuous language.

this is gaslighting:

how is that not what you were doing when accusing people who don't like san andreas' setting into being racists or ommiting saying they don't like the game because it stars a black character?
Because I never said that. Stop making shit up and come at me with an actual point. If they don't like the setting, then they should say that they don't like the fucking setting, not say "I don't like the thug life culture" or however else they want to dance around just saying that they aren't fans of stereotypical black culture. Hell, just say "I don't like the 90's hip-hop style" or some shit.

I actually kinda get what your original point was or at least I think it could have been presented in a better way? maybe if you have like, a problem with the game itself?
If someone doesn't like the game, why is it hard for them to give their reasons for liking the game beyond, "I can't relate" or "I don't like the culture"?

but going after people saying they don't care for the thug life 90s hip hop hood gangbanging stuff being virtually identical to them not wanting to play as a black character is just dumb, man, and I know this is a forum and all but it's a bummer when shit gets crossed for no reason
First of all, I didn't go after a single person, you and others got offended by me responding to something else and took it upon yourselves to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify one using thug as a pejorative against CJ while simultaneously singing the praises of Vice City's protagonist, who is the textbook definition of thug.

I think you got too caught up with the THUG LIFE stuff as a meme with the little kids with guns and all as you mentioned, and I dont think anyone was talking about it that way before
I didn't get caught up with anything. I know what people mean when they use coded language to describe a black character and I said something about it, which offended you and others.


I guess we just disagree that describing someone as a Thug or saying Thug Life isnt the same as saying "black person" or making a comment about stereotypical black behaviour. I dont think anyone was doing that.

thugs and what's represented in San Andreas/Franklin's side of GTAV definetly exist, and not all black people are that, so I dont think there's any wrong doing or tiptoing if you wanna refer to the former and you just say it, is just what im saying I guess? I dont see how saying "I didnt care for the setting and whole Thug Life hood aspect" is somehow a way of avoiding saying "I don't like black characters", or even worth pointing out? that first post kinda came out of nowhere and seemed pretty agressive to me. Like I really don't get where you got that "people don't wanna say Thug = Black" part from your post other than projecting

if you have an issue with the use of the word thug then that goes elsewhere cause like it or not it did become a word to refer to that sorta thing rather than what the textbook defitnition is. you can't hold specific people to that

nevermind, think im making myself clear but maybe im not

it's all good, and sorry for accusing you of calling people racist
I guess we just disagree that describing someone as a Thug or saying Thug Life isnt the same as saying "black person" or making a comment about stereotypical black behaviour. I dont think anyone was doing that.

thugs and what's represented in San Andreas/Franklin's side of GTAV definetly exist, and not all black people are that, so I dont think there's any wrong doing or tiptoing if you wanna refer to the former and you just say it, is just what im saying I guess? I dont see how saying "I didnt care for the setting and whole Thug Life hood aspect" is somehow a way of avoiding saying "I don't like black characters", or even worth pointing out? that first post kinda came out of nowhere and seemed pretty agressive to me. Like I really don't get where you got that "people don't wanna say Thug = Black" part from your post other than projecting

if you have an issue with the use of the word thug then that goes elsewhere cause like it or not it did become a word to refer to that sorta thing rather than what the textbook defitnition is. you can't hold specific people to that

nevermind, think im making myself clear but maybe im not

it's all good, and sorry for accusing you of calling people racist

GTFO, saying "thug", "urban" is the white america code word for "Black" which itself is sometimes code for "Nigger".

To act like you don't understand this is both disingenuous and insulting because I for one don't believe you're that stupid.


Salsa in here. I had to check and make sure I was in the right thread for a second. Lol thought this was drunk thread


GTFO, saying "thug", "urban" is the white america code word for "Black" which itself is sometimes code for "Nigger".

To act like you don't understand this is both disingenuous and insulting because I for one don't believe you're that stupid.

I mean, by certain real shitty people sure? I just think assuming that of everyone is a bit much

thugs and thug culture do exist, and it's very clearly what San Andreas is about. Going about it thinking anyone who refers to that is afraid of saying black people is kinda silly. They're refering to a thing that is real and that the whole game is based on. I see no reason to bring race or saying "lol you're just afraid of saying black" when the characters refer to themselves as thugs every chance they get, so why not the players?


I guess we just disagree that describing someone as a Thug or saying Thug Life isnt the same as saying "black person" or making a comment about stereotypical black behaviour. I dont think anyone was doing that.
Yeah, people who keep their heads in the sand as far as race is concerned will think that there's no way that certain words can have different connotations depending on the context.

thugs and what's represented in San Andreas/Franklin's side of GTAV definetly exist, and not all black people are that, so I dont think there's any wrong doing or tiptoing if you wanna refer to the former and you just say it, is just what im saying I guess? I dont see how saying "I didnt care for the setting and whole Thug Life hood aspect" is somehow a way of avoiding saying "I don't like black characters", or even worth pointing out? that first post kinda came out of nowhere and seemed pretty agressive to me. Like I really don't get where you got that "people don't wanna say Thug = Black" part from your post other than projecting
I have never seen a single person say that they dislike GTA 3 or Vice City because the characters were thugs or they didn't like the thug culture being presented but that argument is made every single time San Andreas is brought up, despite the fact that, as I said, every GTA protagonist is the textbook definition of a thug.
if you have an issue with the use of the word thug then that goes elsewhere cause like it or not it did become a word to refer to that sorta thing rather than what the textbook defitnition is. you can't hold specific people to that
The fact that you understand that there are deviations from the actual definition should tell you that it has something to do with race. Why has it become ok to only talk about thugs or thug life when discussing black people? It's amazing that you can say "it has become a word that refers to that sorta thing" but you can't see how that is a problem or that it has something to do with race.


The fact that you understand that there are deviations from the actual definition should tell you that it has something to do with race. Why has it become ok to only talk about thugs or thug life when discussing black people? It's amazing that you can say "it has become a word that refers to that sorta thing" but you can't see how that is a problem or that it has something to do with race.

dude, im totally with you on that; im just saying people were merely repeating what the game itself states. like I said, having a problem with the word THUG deviating into a word that's meant to refer to black people is fine, but calling people out as if they were willingly part of that issue when they are merely repeating what the game does is kinda unnecessary and misguided

I mean, by certain real shitty people sure? I just think assuming that of everyone is a bit much

thugs and thug culture do exist, and it's very clearly what San Andreas is about. Going about it thinking anyone who refers to that is afraid of saying black people is kinda silly. They're refering to a thing that is real and that the whole game is based on. I see no reason to bring race or saying "lol you're just afraid of saying black" when the characters refer to themselves as thugs every chance they get, so why not the players?

No, its reality. You will be far more successful at most encounters with white america if you start from the premise that you are dealing with racism (smoetimes unintentional). I've got 45 years of empirical data to back me up.

So, stick to your pie-in-the-sky beliefs and i will stick to living in this world.


No, its reality. You will be far more successful at most encounters with white america if you start from the premise that you are dealing with racism (smoetimes unintentional). I've got 45 years of empirical data to back me up.

So, stick to your pie-in-the-sky beliefs and i will stick to living in this world.

well, okay then


dude, im totally with you on that; im just saying people were merely repeating what the game itself states. like I said, having a problem with the word THUG deviating into a word that's meant to refer to black people is fine, but calling people out as if they were willingly part of that issue when they are merely repeating what the game does is kinda unnecessary and misguided

game is 24/7 about WE ARE THUGS WE ARE IN THE HOOD WE ARE CRIMINALS etc. no other GTA game does that. people then after playing the game saying "I didnt really like the whole thug culture stuff".. what'd you expect?

Every fucking GTA is about that. At most, the people in San Andreas call themselves gangsters, no one in the game says that they're thugs. If you want to talk about projecting, look at what you're doing here. Also, if people are just blindly repeating words that they don't understand, then they more than anyone else need to be told that what they're saying can have a different meaning than they think.


Every fucking GTA is about that. At most, the people in San Andreas call themselves gangsters, no one in the game says that they're thugs. If you want to talk about projecting, look at what you're doing here. Also, if people are just blindly repeating words that they don't understand, then they more than anyone else need to be told that what they're saying can have a different meaning than they think.

well, not really. Check out the language in the games and it's not like every GTA character refers to themselves and the world as the same. The use of the word thug and that sorta thing is much more used in san andreas than in other games. and yeah people associate thug = gangaster = hood = gangbanging, etc. that might be a problem but it's besides this particular case.

again; I think you're right having an issue with the deviation of the word, and I think it's fine to make people see that and make them understand that by repeating it without thinking they're not helping, or whatever it is you want to say, but assuming everyone who uses it is willingly and knowingly tiptoing around saying "black people" is looking hard into something that in my opinion might not be there, man

it just came out as agressive. just trying to make you see why people got worked up about the accusations

figured Id like to start posting in a community thread, why not the perfect one.

Where you're from - Born in NY, Raised in VA
Where you live - Richmond currently
What is your age? - 22
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Half Panamanian , half Jamaican. Black on the Police Report
Do you know your roots - I need to read about the Moors
Favorite musical genre - Love mostly everything but favs are HipHop, Neo Soul, Deep House
Your profession/major/career interest - I double as a recording engineer, working on making in my profession
Your religious affiliation - I think religion is distracting, spirituality is more real.
Hobbies - Recording, Mixing & Mastering, Gaming, Tech, anything with wires I guess
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Im at the point in my life where Id honestly rather fry my own chicken


Junior Member
Salsa, let's not ignore the disingenuous people who can play Pokemon, all types of fantastical bs (monkeys, elves, blue things), blobs, miniature dinosaurs but have trouble 'relating' to a black thug.

Like, really? That's the argument you pick? In video games? Sure, I can't prove they are racist but that's a dumb argument in video games. And it's happening more during a time when we are having better conversations about race. A lot of people play games and enjoy them when they can't relate to the main character.

And San Andreas has a history. It was too brown and a thug you couldn't relate to after the first few games with infinitely more relatable characters, like mute guy.

Just a terrible argument at face value.
Welcome girlfriendofagamer
Luckily for me my Somalian people are represented alot in all forms of media...as greedy bloodthirsty pirates.
Even that one episode in deadliest warrior.

The only time my parents were pissed and glad at the same time cos the pirate won.
RPGs are better than most things.
Brother I know how it feels to be misrepresented in the media. Growing up, none of the neighborhood kids fucked with us because they thought we all practiced voodoo ;_;

figured Id like to start posting in a community thread, why not the perfect one.

Where you're from - Born in NY, Raised in VA
Where you live - Richmond currently
What is your age? - 22
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Half Panamanian , half Jamaican. Black on the Police Report
Do you know your roots - I need to read about the Moors
Favorite musical genre - Love mostly everything but favs are HipHop, Neo Soul, Deep House
Your profession/major/career interest - I double as a recording engineer, working on making in my profession
Your religious affiliation - I think religion is distracting, spirituality is more real.
Hobbies - Recording, Mixing & Mastering, Gaming, Tech, anything with wires I guess
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Im at the point in my life where Id honestly rather fry my own chicken


what's your story? caught your s/o posting on GAF too much so you had to check out what's so special about it?

And I have a serious question brehs:

People always talk about the GOAT MJ album, but what about Janet?

Control? Rhythm Nation? Janet? Velvet Rope?


Junior Member
Kyrie is styling on Boston. And Bron just needs to shave his head.

Goat Janet is janet but that's because I was getting freaky at that time. That cover plus anytime, anyplace? Lawd

D i Z


figured Id like to start posting in a community thread, why not the perfect one.

Where you're from - Born in NY, Raised in VA
Where you live - Richmond currently
What is your age? - 22
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Half Panamanian , half Jamaican. Black on the Police Report
Do you know your roots - I need to read about the Moors
Favorite musical genre - Love mostly everything but favs are HipHop, Neo Soul, Deep House
Your profession/major/career interest - I double as a recording engineer, working on making in my profession
Your religious affiliation - I think religion is distracting, spirituality is more real.
Hobbies - Recording, Mixing & Mastering, Gaming, Tech, anything with wires I guess
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Im at the point in my life where Id honestly rather fry my own chicken

Sup yo.
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