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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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Good morning. I'm gonna be productive today by running a few miles. Then Ill have a nice breakfast. I miss the taste of pancakes/waffles with syrup on top. I'm smelling the coffee!

Favorite breakfast meals?
Good morning. I'm gonna be productive today by running a fee miles. Then Ill have a nice breakfast. I miss the taste of pancakes/waffles with syrup on top. I'm smelling the coffee!

Favorite breakfast meals?

I've gotten into the habit of making a breakfast sandwich on an english muffin (generally ham with swiss, lettuce and tomato), orange slices, a half-serving of oatmeal in a mug with cashews and protein granola, and then Sumatra-blend Starbucks coffee with whatever syrups I can find that happen to be in-season. Easy to make / prep for the week, relatively cheap, hard to get tired of.


I would bring up white on white crime, why isn't anything being done to stop white criminals from shooting up school establishments, movie theaters, and killing elementary schools kids?? Why do we..... wait.. Im sorry, Im off subject, just as much as black on black crime is to this topic...

The less snarky response to inform him that there is things being done about Black on Black crime everyday. There was over 40 different protests and meetings last year on Black on Black crime alone. Just because YOU choose to ignore it or don't have it on your radar doesn't mean nothing is being done about. It just highlights your ignorance on how both matters truly have no correlation. <--- Thats the PC answer basically
Thanks for the advice! I am quite certain in today's round of discussion he will bring it up. I hate not being able to educate people on their ignorance.
I'm just sitting here, taking note of every bit of respectability politics and code switching that has people referring to others as monkeys, animals, and niggers (hard 'R' and everything). Nu blacks and clueless whites and non-black PoC running amok all over my facebook feed.

Just...absolutely over this idea that I need to be tap dancing for white approval in order to ask for basic human respect. We peacefully resist for years, decades, centuries and we get ignored and mocked. We start breaking shit at intervals during all that peaceful song singing shit and we're animals and have to deal with people hiding behind MLK's corpse while ignoring that this country's history is built on fighting, rioting, and killing for progress.

So many people ready to tell us what isn't the answer, but then can't tell us what is. Black on black crime, my ass. What we have to turn our communities into crime free utopias before the police maybe consider not killing us? No one else gets held to that ridiculous, inhuman standard. Why should we? I don't condone violence or killing but the fact is they are a part of the human experience. Shit happens, unfortunately. It's tragic, but why do my sins or my brother's sins or my sister's sins weigh more than the next man's?

I'm generally more positive. I truly do believe in that we are ultimately good. Most of us anyway. But situations like this illuminate just how full of shit people are.

You don't know how much this resonates with me. The worst part is having people understand this perspective. One of not approving of the violence, while simultaneously understanding why the occur and how they are reflective of ignored ills of society.
Good morning. I'm gonna be productive today by running a few miles. Then Ill have a nice breakfast. I miss the taste of pancakes/waffles with syrup on top. I'm smelling the coffee!

Favorite breakfast meals?
I'd say scrambled eggs mixed with spinach, onion, and garlic. Sausage and bacon. Toast. Side of kimchi.


I've gotten into the habit of making a breakfast sandwich on an english muffin (generally ham with swiss, lettuce and tomato), orange slices, a half-serving of oatmeal in a mug with cashews and protein granola, and then Sumatra-blend Starbucks coffee with whatever syrups I can find that happen to be in-season. Easy to make / prep for the week, relatively cheap, hard to get tired of.

I'd say scrambled eggs mixed with spinach, onion, and garlic. Sausage and bacon. Toast. Side of kimchi.

I'm not really a creative with food type of guy. These I have had several times. Like I eat 3 bowls of cereal in one sitting. Another time I eat a pyramid of 4-6 pancakes, also in one sitting. I gotta have my muffin from the corner deli almost every day. Nothing too fancy.
I'm not really a creative with food type of guy. These I have had several times. Like I eat 3 bowls of cereal in one sitting. Another time I eat a pyramid of 4-6 pancakes, also in one sitting. I gotta have my muffin from the corner deli almost every day. Nothing too fancy.
Ain't nothing wrong with that..love pancakes.

I'm a dad and a caregiver, so I gotta keep em interested lol. I love cooking, and spend a good amount of time in the kitchen. For the rest of the family, their favorite is when I make homemade French toast. I only make it 4 times a year, because that shit ain't healthy..which I know for a fact, because it taste sooo damn good.


I know a lot of other black folk that will be happy to hear about a new Dragonball series.

It doesn't matter where in the country I've been, whenever I've been in a movie theater, comic book shop, video game (or even board/card) game shop, if there is a group of young (and by young I just mean no gray hair) black men gathered together, the subject of conversation ALWAYS AND WITHOUT FAIL turns to DBZ after enough time. ALWAYS.

Dragon Ball is eternal. We'll probably be getting new shit even after Toriyama is dead (how old is he?) and we are all grandpas and grandmas LOL

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Village, post if you're good. Just checking up on you.
I live in Laurel, MD (30 minute ride away), but get Baltimore local programming and it's so weird seeing the local news like it is. I've seen and read think pieces on Ferguson, in New York, down there in Florida, but it hits home when you turn on your tv and it's local. If I wanted to, I could have mentally disassociated myself from all of the other riots, but it's another thing when it's in your face. Now I can understand the feels when the locals in ___________ city/town gets on the news camera and defends their city and say this is not what CNN and MSNBC is reporting it to be (even if there was no malicious towards the city).

I havent had any black on black crimes nonsense on my TL. Just people saying businesses shouldn't have to suffer like they are. And there is a lot of black businesses in the area. I agree on that. I also agree 100 when the protesters are saying they are agitated by others to get a response. That's so low. People are in mourning and you work them up for what and then when you see them react, you respond by saying, "see, look at those thugs. Up to no good."

My fiance was talking about how that memo from the police about gangs coming together on a truce to harm police. At first I was like, it could happen. Gangs have squashed beef for the common good when police are killing black folk for nothing. Then I saw this video:

Gang members: We did not make truce to harm cops

Salute to the reporter for taking that chance (and I hate saying it like that) by getting the other side. You rarely get media to get the other side. And she gave them the mic and let them speak their piece. This alone means the world to me. Can't believe everything you hear on tv and glad they spoke up. So I took that mental L and my fiance was right. So I hope more local media take a chance in talking to the young people instead of the cops and religious leaders (sad to say).

Sumire Kanzaki

Neo Member
I know a lot of other black folk that will be happy to hear about a new Dragonball series.

After how much Sailor Moon Crystal didn't hit the spot for me, I'm kinda apprehensive about this. Yes, it's new material, and not a remake, but I'll never be completely sold for a new version or chapter of a series I consumed in High School or College just on the hype alone.
I have to ask a question: Like, do those other people realize that by asking us black people to protest peacefully for being treated like basic fucking human beings that they are tacitly implying that their society and culture is uncivilized and deserves no respect? Like Chris Rock said:

"...black people didn't earn civil rights, white people got less crazy. My grandfather didn't earn the right to sit down at the lunch counter as a white man, no, white people got less crazy, because its insane that someone can think they shouldn't eat with someone else because of the color of their skin."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have to ask a question: Like, do those other people realize that by asking us black people to protest peacefully for being treated like basic fucking human beings that they are tacitly implying that their society and culture is uncivilized and deserves no respect? Like Chris Rock said:

"...black people didn't earn civil rights, white people got less crazy. My grandfather didn't earn the right to sit down at the lunch counter as a white man, no, white people got less crazy, because its insane that someone can think they shouldn't eat with someone else because of the color of their skin."

It's an assumption thing with people who falsely feel (but do feel) that racism doesn't exist. They don't realize this because they don't understand. For a long time I didn't understand - I'd tow the line about "why not protest peacefully" until I opened up the possibility that "hey, maybe I'm WRONG" and finally started listening. It's not an easy jump for people to make but there needs to be an easier way for people to wake up, because it took a long time for me to. Because I thought I was right. We pretend racism isn't as bad as we hear, and then need to be hit over the head with it that it's NOT.
It's an assumption thing with people who falsely feel (but do feel) that racism doesn't exist. They don't realize this because they don't understand. For a long time I didn't understand - I'd tow the line about "why not protest peacefully" until I opened up the possibility that "hey, maybe I'm WRONG" and finally started listening. It's not an easy jump for people to make but there needs to be an easier way for people to wake up, because it took a long time for me to. Because I thought I was right. We pretend racism isn't as bad as we hear, and then need to be hit over the head with it that it's NOT.

Right, but one would think with its persistence and lingering around in America for centuries, that maybe there's a major basic defect in the culture and society of the majority population of America.


I have to ask a question: Like, do those other people realize that by asking us black people to protest peacefully for being treated like basic fucking human beings that they are tacitly implying that their society and culture is uncivilized and deserves no respect? Like Chris Rock said:

"...black people didn't earn civil rights, white people got less crazy. My grandfather didn't earn the right to sit down at the lunch counter as a white man, no, white people got less crazy, because its insane that someone can think they shouldn't eat with someone else because of the color of their skin."

If the public wants peaceful protests then they need to act like peaceful protests are important. The citizens in Baltimore were protesting peacefully for days getting little to no attention while everyone talks about Bruce Jenner and the weather. Teenagers in Baltimore burn down a CVS, 20 minute top story coverage on all the networks.
I have to ask a question: Like, do those other people realize that by asking us black people to protest peacefully for being treated like basic fucking human beings that they are tacitly implying that their society and culture is uncivilized and deserves no respect? Like Chris Rock said:

"...black people didn't earn civil rights, white people got less crazy. My grandfather didn't earn the right to sit down at the lunch counter as a white man, no, white people got less crazy, because its insane that someone can think they shouldn't eat with someone else because of the color of their skin."

There's also a factor where some people think racism only exists through violence. Where in order to truly be racist you have to actually act out of hate to cause physical harm to black people. Since that stuff has stopped in modern society, people feel racisim is over.

And that's simply not true.
There's also a factor where some people think racism only exists through violence. Where in order to truly be racist you have to actually act out of hate to cause physical harm to black people. Since that stuff has stopped in modern society, people feel racisim is over.

And that's simply not true.

...and yet somehow they don't see the police violence of killing unarmed black men as violence. This country is fucking goofy.
tbh the only way change will happen from these protests and riots is if white people actually get affected by it.

I agree. Once the police start beating up and kicking the asses of the Natalie Halloway's of America, then people will shut the cops down. Police know this, which is why they limit their abuse to those they know that don't have the financial means or social capital to fight back and leverage. They are basically grade school bullies with guns, and everyone knows it. The rest of white america is the rest of the kids in the class who enable the bully because they don't want the attention on themselves.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Right, but one would think with its persistence and lingering around in America for centuries, that maybe there's a major basic defect in the culture and society of the majority population of America.

We don't want to. I'm speaking for white folks I guess, but we don't want to. The status quo benefits us so much, that we don't want change, even if we don't realize we're reaping the benefits as hard and as heavy as we are.

If the public wants peaceful protests then they need to act like peaceful protests are important. The citizens in Baltimore were protesting peacefully for days getting little to no attention while everyone talks about Bruce Jenner and the weather. Teenagers in Baltimore burn down a CVS, 20 minute top story coverage on all the networks.

You're completely right. 100%. Peaceful protests are easy to mute and ignore.

There's also a factor where some people think racism only exists through violence. Where in order to truly be racist you have to actually act out of hate to cause physical harm to black people. Since that stuff has stopped in modern society, people feel racisim is over.

And that's simply not true.

I agree with this too.

tbh the only way change will happen from these protests and riots is if white people actually get affected by it.

Yes. Another complete agreement.

I don't know how to get people to wake up and re-examine things beyond "well I have a black friend...who took the time to explain it all to me" because that's exhausting. But it was what really opened my eyes when someone called me on a bullshit response that I believed to be true, and to be called out and say "listen, YOUR experience with racism is not the way it is."


keep your strippers out of my American football
I have so many feelings about what is going down in Baltimore, but the more I start to put them in text form, the more I start to remember how complex this all is. Race, economic warfare, corrupt cops and unions, etc. all play a part. Hell, even the experiment of the "projects" plays a role. Read this as a refresher - http://www.epi.org/publication/race-public-housing-revisiting-federal-role/.

This exerpt right here -

Residential racial segregation, accompanied by social and economic hardship, burdens the learning of many urban children. But school reformers often express hope that, harsh though these obstacles may be, children in high-poverty, racially isolated neighborhoods could typically still be successful if only they had better teachers, more orderly schools and more hours of instruction.

To support this hope, advocates seek examples of disadvantaged children who succeeded, overcoming great socioeconomic handicaps. Some such cases exist, of course—there is a range of outcomes for any human condition—but the reality that some who grew up in “truly disadvantaged” neighborhoods (Wilson 1987, 2012) beat the odds does not mean that many can. Frequently-cited examples of such success usually turn out, upon examination, to be chimeras (Rothstein 2001, 2002).

While the looting and rioting is ugly, we must look at the origins of the rage. The conditions that made rioting seem like a logical decision. The system is fucked. If you are a minority and born into a poor family, it is doubly fucked. It doesn't help that the success stories GTFO of the hood as soon as possible, but shit who can blame them. I don't know, I don't know. The social and poltical system doesn't show any signs of changing anytime soon, and most are fine as long as we have our distractions to keep us occupied.

All you can do really is find some happiness in your life, don't take the simple things for granted and try to make the place better than you left it. Also, try to remember that everyone that doesn't look like you isn't the enemy. That is hard to do at times.

D i Z

Getting mighty tired of the footage of the teens throwing rocks at the cops being broadcast every five seconds. Conveniently, the footage of a minute earlier when the cops were throwing rocks at the kids magically hit the edit bay floor. That narrative, yo.
I don't know how to get people to wake up and re-examine things beyond "well I have a black friend...who took the time to explain it all to me" because that's exhausting. But it was what really opened my eyes when someone called me on a bullshit response that I believed to be true, and to be called out and say "listen, YOUR experience with racism is not the way it is."

If you think you're exhausted, imagine actually having the deal with the racism and then also expected to kindly let white people know when and where they are wrong and expected to teach them and be their Bagger Vance to every wayward white person that you come across, and if you aren't YOU are the person making racism worse, not the actual racists that do racist shit.

Not jumping on you, BTW. I've been lurking the forums for years and I respect you as a business leader and a wrestling fan.
Good morning. I'm gonna be productive today by running a few miles. Then Ill have a nice breakfast. I miss the taste of pancakes/waffles with syrup on top. I'm smelling the coffee!

Favorite breakfast meals?

Egg-white omelette.

I honestly stay off Facebook. I don't want to know how bad some of my friends might be.


Good morning. I'm gonna be productive today by running a few miles. Then Ill have a nice breakfast. I miss the taste of pancakes/waffles with syrup on top. I'm smelling the coffee!

Favorite breakfast meals?

Homemade bacon egg and cheese on a bagel.

I'm glad so many posters here weathered the storm last night. I haven't checked on the thread since around midnight last night, but I trust it didn't get much better.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you think you're exhausted, imagine actually having the deal with the racism and then also expected to kindly let white people know when and where they are wrong and expected to teach them and be their Bagger Vance to every wayward white person that you come across, and if you aren't YOU are the person making racism worse, not the actual racists that do racist shit.

Not jumping on you, BTW. I've been lurking the forums for years and I respect you as a business leader and a wrestling fan.

Certainly. Also LOL @ the last part.

It really sticks in my craw whenever people I grew up with, white people, are tired of riots, or tired of unrest, or tired of what the media feeds them - because jesus fuck, if you think you're tired can you imagine LIVING that nightmare?

How do you fix something when people don't want to believe there's something wrong? What even gets through to people who don't think there's anything wrong and the media continually says "you're right! nothing is wrong!" I believe it can happen, I just don't know how. I'm convinced there are MANY, many people like myself that just needed to get slapped and say "NO. LISTEN." and then listen. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else out there. Everyone's different. But I see so many people who are like how I was that didn't even understand racism and what it truly is, and how we're taught it from an early age by our entire culture here. Or anywhere really. It's just baked into everything we do and see.
You know how businesses say, "we lost money' but in reality they just didn't
meet their projections. The events of the current times are like that. We are at
a point where the playing field has leveled out enough that the old inherent
advantage to being a white person isn't as effective as it used to be. Now the
white people are upset because they "lost" something and they are wilding out.

I can see them thinking inside their heads, "but I'm the white guy I'm supposed to win."


aka Mannny
“Nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who are oppressing them”

Aka same here. I'm done trying to appeal to their irrationality, apathy, and inhumanity.
Like I'm reading the thread and literally just afraid cause the people arguing against us are the majority in this country. They're the people letting cops get away with the murder of black "citizens". The saddest part is we got black people on tv acting like we are citizens and we deserve the things happening to us. It's 2015 and the nation is still acting like this. They say the riots are unnecessary or unwarranted. Wtf did they think was gonna happen. People are scared. People are fighting for their lives. I just can't believe this shit.

http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=161934373 The fuck is this???


You really have to learn to stop pretending talking on a forum with random strangers is going to make a difference. Especially if its so important,it would be best to talk to a human being.


aka Mannny
You really have to learn to stop pretending talking on a forum with random strangers is going to make a difference. Especially if its so important,it would be best to talk to a human being.
Who you talking to? I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on this damn forum, especially not in that thread. I was just saying I'm afraid for my race in this country and it looks like it'll always be that for the remainder of my lifetime.
You really have to learn to stop pretending talking on a forum with random strangers is going to make a difference. Especially if its so important,it would be best to talk to a human being.
This line of thinking prevents discussion. Random strangers are still people in the end, no matter how uninformed or silly their opinions are. Onlookers can learn from these discussions and take away a lot more from it than if people did not talk.


aka Mannny
This line of thinking prevents discussion. Random strangers are still people in the end, no matter how uninformed or silly their opinions are. Onlookers can learn from these discussions and take away a lot more from it than if people did not talk.
It's a valiant effort

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This line of thinking prevents discussion. Random strangers are still people in the end, no matter how uninformed or silly their opinions are. Onlookers can learn from these discussions and take away a lot more from it than if people did not talk.

It worked for me. On top of that, Devolution single-handedly smartened me up about a lot of shit involving women as well.
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