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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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I know we've been riding fb hard in here, but I have seen some good shit from folks on there. This post by one of my friends - a white guy no less - really struck a cord.

Just work on our plantations...
Just don't fight back against supremacist terrorists...
Just stay out of white businesses and schools...
Just marry in your own race...
Just speak proper English and pull up your pants...
Just get your kids to stop acting like animals...
Just stand in line and look presentable...
Just... Just...

Being black in America is a series of ultimatums; the second half of it is always "or we'll fucking kill you". But now I got to get back on script and start chiding people on Facebook that I don't know and know nothing about for not engaging in a political process that doesn't give a shit about them and never has, who are tired of being ignored and patronized when they're respectable and demonized and attacked when they lash out. Maybe I'll find some sort of meme that minimalizes all the systemic violence and hate in the world into a sentence and some cartoon characters.

“Nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who are oppressing them”

Aka same here. I'm done trying to appeal to their irrationality, apathy, and inhumanity.

People really forget how this country formed. How violence and bloodshed has always been part and parcel to resistance.

Slaves didn't just sit around waiting for their masters to wake up and find their humanity. They turned up, revolted, attack and killed people to gain their freedom. Abolitionists didn't just politely ask for the end of slavery. They stormed courthouses and fought with police and soldiers to free slaves and eventually, the entire country was at war with itself. The only reason we, as young black men and women, can sit here on neogaf and shoot the shit about games, anime, and whatever else is because a whole lot of people fought and died in violent conflict to gain their freedom. Our freedom. Not saying nonviolent resistance was not also effective, but the fairy tale that people spread about how the Great Negro Deity MLK Jr. rode in atop Falcor and showed white people the error of their ways before he flew off to Narnia to slay the jabberwocky is a sickening falsehood.

I don't condone violence, but I understand it. I understand where it comes from. Amirox's thread from yesterday was real eye-opening in how people would rather cling to empty platitudes than acknowledge the reality of the human experience. Accept that violence happens, and that the only way to prevent and lessen it is to address the social issues that cause it. They care more about chastising people than empathizing with them. They care more about being morally superior and preaching respectability than seeing actual good be done.

I have no desire to convince people to see my humanity or the humanity of my brothers and sisters. I have no interest in being pleasing to the white gaze, and quite frankly, I've lost so much respect for people preaching that "don't you see you're making us look like animals to them." Like they don't already see us as animals and less than human regardless of what we do.

I had to watch my city burn last night because folks like the ones on Gaf refuse to acknowledge the plight of my people. Because they care more about a store being set ablaze than the actions that led to the fire. They care more about a few cop cars than the hopelessness, apathy, and lack of opportunity that's been plaguing this city since before our last big riot in 1968. And will continue to plague Baltimore and cities like it all over the country for the foreseeable future.

We're going to be here again. I'd like to say it's going to happen in a couple years or decades, but honestly, we'll be having this conversation again this year. Baltimore is not an isolated incident - despite what idiots whose only exposure to this city has been watching "The Wire" will tell you - just like Ferguson wasn't an isolated incident. Everything that led to what happened this weekend is happening all over. I just know that another black person (likely male; sadly we don't show up for black women) will be slain in the street, and the lack of respect for them and their family, the disregard of local authorities, a nonviolent protest being met with response from a militarized police force and the manipulation of the populous into a frenzy in an effort to discredit the movement will all give way to rioting and looting and violence yet again.

Knowing that makes me sick to my stomach. Knowing that people will be faster to condemn the angry, hurting rioters than they will the forces that led to the death of that yet to be named black man depresses me to the point that it feels like my very soul is crying out.

It worked for me. On top of that, Devolution single-handedly smartened me up about a lot of shit involving women as well.
Devo did good work. It's a shame she's not around anymore, though I don't blame her at all for leaving.
This line of thinking prevents discussion. Random strangers are still people in the end, no matter how uninformed or silly their opinions are. Onlookers can learn from these discussions and take away a lot more from it than if people did not talk.

Yeah, this. Even in the eleventh hour of the latest "would you date a transgender individual" thread there were people changing their stances on it. I mean, you still had the usual "oh i wouldn't be attracted to her in the first place because i could detect the difference in hormone emission from two kilometers away" sort vehemently denouncing it, but some fresh faces were legitimately looking at it with an open mind.


You really have to learn to stop pretending talking on a forum with random strangers is going to make a difference. Especially if its so important,it would be best to talk to a human being.

I was always an optimistic kid, and I was long since passed being a god fearing person by the time I started actively participating on GAF. But this forum has been extremely formative for me, particularly on trans and feminism topics. Extremely. I think I still used the term faggot in common speech. Looking back, I wouldn't say I was horrid, but I definitely learned a lot, and am better for it. I am a living testimony that these kind of discussions can produce positive change, and I am certain I'm not the only one.

And as far as the internet in general, my knowledge of my field of study grew exponentially just talking with other like minded "strangers" across the world. So the concept itself doesn't only affect sociological discussions.


Junior Member
Situations like these are best kept in the proper context. There's more than enough historical and contemporary perspectives to draw from that will get the job done much more effectively than some nonsensical comparisons to escapist fairy tales.
That's why I posted 'give me liberty or give me death' about 10 times across boards/fb. Hell, the Boston tea party started a war, basically. You don't even have to go fat to debunk terrible logic.


People hate on Twitter activists but some of the more informative discussion I've seen on race, gender, sexuality, and other social issues has happened on that site. Same with Gaf. People you meet on the internet are still people, and if you listen, you'll find a lot of them have some worthwhile things to say. Maybe not all of them, but that's just as true of the people you meet "irl."


aka Mannny
These discussions can produce positive change no doubt. I just feel like me being the person I am it gets grating and I might slip and say some fucked up shit. The same bullshit arguments, the same blind and tired shit that we've always had to deal with growing up. The same shit our ancestors had to deal with right here in a contemporary setting like the Internet. It's just heavy, man. I Just can't deal with the irritation that comes from someone literally actively ignoring racism in front of their face, though I applaud you all for your efforts in bringing about that change.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
At the same time, having to explain it a million times to people who don't give a fuck and won't change...I definitely see why people give up. But sometimes it works :( But I don't blame people for going "yknow what? fuck this" and getting out of it.

What did devo teach you about women?

That the way I treated women was indicative of a thing, and not a person. It's really a broad statement but she got me to really examine how I treat women and why I do what I do, and out of a lot of that conversation (and honestly, seeing her interact with others here, not always me talking) wizened me up to a lot of things that shitlords do. She got me to really rethink the hows and whys of how I treat women and I naturally wanted to change once I realized it. I'm not perfect, by far - but I'm absolutely BETTER for it.

Not on race, but certain posters have schooled me on how I view LGBT people and their issues. Definitely changed how I think.



And as far as the internet in general, my knowledge of my field of study grew exponentially just talking with other like minded "strangers" across the world. So the concept itself doesn't only affect sociological discussions.
One. Its nice you have become more open minded.
But talking to strangers in your respected field, those who you know can prove their credentials, online is different from a random forum.right?
Don't worry guys I'm running for president in 20 years. And instead of being sworn in on a bible I'll just be spitting rhymes from my mix tape

put your hand on a copy of



One. Its nice you have become more open minded.
But talking to strangers in your respected field, those who you know can prove their credentials, online is different from a random forum.right?

I look at it like this: those people are talking about what they know when they're talking about their field of study. In sociological discussions, people are talking about what they know: their life. A trans person would know much more about the life of a trans person - and the issues they face - than I would. So I listen. And it makes intuitive sense. Those are their credentials.

So when black people (strangers and all) tell you, "look, this is an issue." And there's all these statistics to back up that stance, and we see the events play out real time, and these issues have existed since forever...they don't need an African American History phd to tell you what is what. And we have plenty of people that actually have one saying the same thing. You don't need to know them personally for these ideas to take hold.

Now, at the same time, I can agree that the message will be all the more clear if it's being propagated through personal discussions as well. That's an important avenue that must be addressed for maximum efficiency.


Scottie Pippin's daughter out here peeing in the streets. Lord have mercy. Shawn Kemp kids wouldn't do that, not one of the 76 of them.


Just had a conversation about the word "thug" on my twitter feed. However, since I don't follow assholes, people were able to learn something today and I'm left feeling a bit positive about the conversation.

Also this showed up on my twitter feed and I couldn't stop laughing (at how fucked up it was) LOL


aka Mannny
Nah. We've been pretty good at not calling out the racist cornballs on some ignant shit.

~80 posts until full membership. Stay safe breh, lol.

edit: actually its 300 posts ain't it. you must be a few days short of 90 if you aren't a member yet.

edit2: this is your day 90 fam. lol tomorrow you should be a member if my math is right.
black history month was some next level shit, man.

lmao... black history month was straight up atrocious breh

dudes was getting banned left and right... I forgot who it was but he got banned for the entire damn month

then to cap it off, BCT was thrown into Retrorealm and back.
~80 posts until full membership. Stay safe breh, lol.

edit: actually its 300 posts ain't it. you must be a few days short of 90 if you aren't a member yet.

I think I got 2 days left. Already made the 300 though. If I get banned for calling out racists, I consider that a noble sacrifice.

Also KidKamikaze,

lmao... black history month was straight up atrocious breh

dudes was getting banned left and right... I forgot who it was but he got banned for the entire damn month

then to cap it off, BCT was thrown into Retrorealm and back.

Wasn't it JC? Didn't he make it back the day before US BHM ended?
And then got banned the next day...
lmao... black history month was straight up atrocious breh

dudes was getting banned left and right... I forgot who it was but he got banned for the entire damn month

then to cap it off, BCT was thrown into Retrorealm and back.

Bruh, when He Who Shall Not Be Named was ethered out of the history books, I laughed for a good 20 minutes.

Only thing funnier was that wedding party in Japan with the golden niggas. Laughed for a straight day off that shit.


keep your strippers out of my American football
When a lame posts "I support the Baltimore PD" on instagram


My feeds have been pretty chilled. Everyone understanding the reason for the riots, the rage. No one endorsing them, but understanding. I am trying to find out what Bette Midler was tweeting about last night. She said this was the 3rd person to be paralyzed while riding in police custody in B'More. Any info on that?

Of course at the exact time she was posting that stream, Jay-Z was shilling for Tidal.


aka Mannny
speaking of golden dudes, where has free mufasa been. last time he posted here it was out of character and he seemed to be going through some rough times.

D i Z

Just had a conversation about the word "thug" on my twitter feed. However, since I don't follow assholes, people were able to learn something today and I'm left feeling a bit positive about the conversation.

Also this showed up on my twitter feed and I couldn't stop laughing (at how fucked up it was) LOL

Holy shit, she didn't even skip a beat after she said it. Ol dude got stuck though.

Still got 70 posts.

I might just chill here for the last 20 or so.

Nowhere is safe.
From the Baltimore thread:


Also, amazing satirical piece on how the media talks about black people as seen through the lens of white people

When a lame posts "I support the Baltimore PD" on instagram


the fact that you're in equal parts the biggest dude and biggest dork in BCT never ceases to amaze me

Just had a conversation about the word "thug" on my twitter feed. However, since I don't follow assholes, people were able to learn something today and I'm left feeling a bit positive about the conversation.

Also this showed up on my twitter feed and I couldn't stop laughing (at how fucked up it was) LOL

Her co-host giving her that "did you reely just-" look before turning away and looking dumbfounded for the rest of the clip is amazing


speaking of golden dudes, where has free mufasa been. last time he posted here it was out of character and he seemed to be going through some rough times.

Go back a few pages to where we were talking about Naruto. He posted one of those DBZ instagram/twitter pictures.


When your best friend who's Mexican drops a cup of hot Ether on a passively racist post on facebook. :'D

Solidarity brehs

From the Baltimore thread:


Also, amazing satirical piece on how the media talks about black people as seen through the lens of white people

the fact that you're in equal parts the biggest dude and biggest dork in BCT never ceases to amaze me

Her co-host giving her that "did you reely just-" look before turning away and looking dumbfounded for the rest of the clip is amazing

That pic is gold.
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