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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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Young Magus

Junior Member
I survived Black History Month 2015.



Junior Member
I know we have the numbers city-by-city, but does anyone have national numbers of the proportion of unarmed police shooting victims who are black?

Anyway, I think I kinda sorta understand how the word "thug" has become a soft enough term to cloud the meaning behind it for white folks. When I think the word "thug," I think they're imagining those black kids back in school who may have been bullies and may have gotten low grades for various reasons, or some variation of that person. That's how I relate to it because back in school I (and probably a massive portion of GAF) was one of the kids who got good-to-excellent grades and struggled to understand why some other kids didn't do as well, and why they happened to be the same kids who messed around a lot. In my experience all of them were black or Latino, one was Arab. What can I say? I'm black but have lived in middle-to-upper-middle-class suburbs my entire life. I have been in that same mind space while ignoring warnings from my dad (who had to make it out of the trap) about how people may see me differently.

The important point is, and it pretty much goes without saying in this thread, that when "thug" is used to describe these people it starts to feel exclusionary in a way very similar to "nigger." I think most of the people who use "thug" don't actually realize it's a code word. They think they're just talking about people they see as those bullies in school who happen to be mostly minorities (on the flipside, the white bullies at my schools all had excellent grades) without looking deeper into why they're like that. Right now I'm thinking that brand or racism is only tenuously connected to old school overt racism, but then again that could have also originated from a similar psychology in the minds of white people. If so, they both stem from the same economic problems, but then you think about why those economic problems are there and it becomes a vicious cycle.


I have been reading the discussion(currently on pg195) and its pretty good. It makes me realize that I'm not at the level where I can talk deep intellectual conversations about race relations in any part of the globe. Nonetheless my attitude of being apathetic in my personal life and towards politics and such isn't going to deter me from witnessing the obvious and to be educated about it. Even though saying that I'm an immigrant who has been in this country for most of my life is kind of a copout, I'm not blind to notice the oppression has always been in operation for all shades of brown or black since the beginning. The system is meticulous at not giving a single shit of care in its dated superiority complex. Even when it says we are all equal, in reality that isn't the case.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
@Red Maybe I'm missing your point but I really think your trying to apply logic to subtle racism where there is none.
Congrats to Script Kiddies LLC for becoming a member

I feel ya do you and come back strong and shit.

But man, seeing shit play out like this again is making me come to the conclusion that humanity just.an't.worth.shit

I wouldn't say humanity, but man, I'd say a lot of Americans. The world is starting to see this country's ass.


I looked in there a few times and it was crazy.
That Obama being the president comment still makes me chuckle abit.


Was watching American Horror story in an episode where they turn a house slave into a Minotaur and my friend drops by and calls him a Niggataur after which we both lose it.
That show does some weird shit but i keep watching it to see what dumb thing they do next.
Was watching American Horror story in an episode where they turn a house slave into a Minotaur and my friend drops by and calls him a Niggataur after which we both lose it.
That show does some weird shit but i keep watching it to see what dumb thing they do next.
Coven is so trash. Don't do this to yourself bro
No way in hell this shit is real

You'd be surprised for how much people (including Jon Stewart) give him shit, he leans closer to Jon than people like to admit. I mean, he's an old white dude holding steadfast to his old white dude-ness, but he's as liberal as he's gonna get with his background and mentality unless he has a huge awakening.
You'd be surprised for how much people (including Jon Stewart) give him shit, he leans closer to Jon than people like to admit. I mean, he's an old white dude holding steadfast to his old white dude-ness, but he's as liberal as he's gonna get with his background and mentality unless he has a huge awakening.

Nah, he has his crazy opinions too. He just has more moments of clarity compared to everyone else on the network.

I actually did like his interview with Obama.
You'd be surprised for how much people (including Jon Stewart) give him shit, he leans closer to Jon than people like to admit. I mean, he's an old white dude holding steadfast to his old white dude-ness, but he's as liberal as he's gonna get with his background and mentality unless he has a huge awakening.

I'm pretty sure he votes more liberal than he does conservative.
I'm pretty sure he votes more liberal than he does conservative.

Yeah I read the book "Culture Warrior" and the crazy thing is, I think he doesn't even realize that bigoted old white people take what he says and then twists it to fit a bigoted narrative, because BOR likes to act as if any incident happens in a vacuum and isn't informed by trends or historical data.

Fuck Bill O'Reilly.

It's def okay to feel that way too.
I know this was a minor moment in all the protesting and such, but watching a kid not much younger than me get snatched up by swat members was freakin' horrifying.

Like a YA dystopian novel, but horrifying instead of painful to read.
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