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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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is friend B even a friend? shit.

fucking up her private and professional shit?

this is broaching into resentful enemy posing as friend territory. Friend B is going to come home to friend A wearing a cleansuit and white bags over her shoes, and all she's going to be able to do is accept her fate.


However, instead of doing the mature thing and sitting on the information and putting some serious thought into how to approach Friend A with the news that she's seeing her ex, Friend B goes messy: She and the ex start attempting to text and Facetime Friend A, and finally they send her a picture (the two of them cheesing into the camera with the caption, "Guess who I'm on a date with!")

To make matters worse, Friend B then continues to text EVERYONE and give us the full deets about this date. And come to find out, not only is this ex the last guy Friend A dated, but when she met him he had just turned 18 and she was in her thirties. It was a Stella getting her groove back sorta of deal.

and Friend B is telling EVERYONE. She even told a mutual friend she has At Friend A's job and now Friend A's entire office knows about this.

That's some cut-a-chick-out-of-your-life-and-never-look-back shit.


Is Brazilian portuguese different than the one spoken in Portugal to a small or large degree?
I found learning languages(not counting mother tongue) such as Swahili,Swedish and English easy and was lucky to pick up the majority of them when younger other than swedish ofcourse. You do get a huge huge boost if you already know english when learning swedish so got lucky yet again. I feel like having learnt these easy languages first has made me weak to any hard languages and no longer even have the capicity to learn a new one unless i dedicate a huge amount of time to it. I even used to know some Arabic but keeping in mind a whole other alphabet can be really difficult when you never use it outside of schools that you graduate from and never look back at.

Yes. I would say its different enough like how British and American English is. The obvious accent, several words don't mean the same thing or etc. Some might say that Brazilian Portuguese is even more romantic than normal Portuguese.


Yes. I would say its different enough like how British and American English is. The obvious accent, several words don't mean the same thing or etc. Some might say that Brazilian Portuguese is even more romantic than normal Portuguese.

If its like the deal with British and American english then already knowing one side of the portuguese and checking the other seems something fun.


Friend B: Shady as hell. Has already almost been ousted from the group, due in part to her complete inability to know when to shut the fuck up. Always in other people's business. Always talking about other people's business. Doing sloppy shit like you talking to her in private about another friend, and then she goes right to THAT friend and tells them everything you said, and then plays dumb like, "Oh, I didn't know you didn't want me to talk to her about that. My bad." You know the type, just messy. Azealia Banks messy.

Comeon Roy, you know the answer already.


*finishes the rest of the story*

Did you mean to put Arch Nemesis B?
Oh BCT, I meant to ask y'all about this last night. I have some friendship drama I need advice on.

So, in my tight circle of friends, two are currently squabbling. To protect identities, let's call them 'Friend A' and 'Friend B'. A little bit about these two:

Friend A: A lesbian in her forties. The matriarch of the group, loved by all.

Friend B: Shady as hell. Has already almost been ousted from the group, due in part to her complete inability to know when to shut the fuck up. Always in other people's business. Always talking about other people's business. Doing sloppy shit like you talking to her in private about another friend, and then she goes right to THAT friend and tells them everything you said, and then plays dumb like, "Oh, I didn't know you didn't want me to talk to her about that. My bad." You know the type, just messy. Azealia Banks messy.


Two weeks ago Friend B is surfing through Tinder niggas. She connects with a guy. They go on a date and hit it off. They go on another date. During a discussion of their exes in date #2, it comes out that the dude Friend B is on a date with is an ex of Friend A from 15 years ago. And not just any ex, literally the last dude she dated before she realized she liked women. Small fucking world, right!?

However, instead of doing the mature thing and sitting on the information and putting some serious thought into how to approach Friend A with the news that she's seeing her ex, Friend B goes messy: She and the ex start attempting to text and Facetime Friend A, and finally they send her a picture (the two of them cheesing into the camera with the caption, "Guess who I'm on a date with!")

To make matters worse, Friend B then continues to text EVERYONE and give us the full deets about this date. And come to find out, not only is this ex the last guy Friend A dated, but when she met him he had just turned 18 and she was in her thirties. It was a Stella getting her groove back sorta of deal.

and Friend B is telling EVERYONE. She even told a mutual friend she has At Friend A's job and now Friend A's entire office knows about this.

To put it simply: the group is over Friend B's bullshit. And Friend A is past the point of words, and has moved on to "Next time I see that hoe I'm beating her ass."

I told a friend of mine outside the group about what was going on, and she thought we were overreacting, because if Friend B gets serious with the ex, Friend A would have to find out eventually, and they dated almost 2 decades ago. But my thing is, in the black community, there is a Clear Line between minding your business, and NOT minding your business. Friend A is a completely private person, and now her business is all out on front street. And besides that, sending a picture out of the blue of your on a date with your friend's ex is not something friends do.

What do y'all think? Are we overreacting? Or does Friend B need an ass-whooping?

EDIT: Whew, that was long. Sorry, y'all.
Former Friend B


Thanks for the input everyone. I'm pretty sure Friend B is getting voted off the island, if Friend A doesn't beat her ass off it first.

I just had another friend who thought we were all overreacting. But yeah, that was some disrespectful shit.

And now Friend B is sending me texts like, "Why does Friend B hate meeee???"


If its like the deal with British and American english then already knowing one side of the portuguese and checking the other seems something fun.

I think its a fun language even without my advantages. I should've studied it more earlier than I am cuz I still need work. Have at it my dude. Careful with Brazilian women tho, they might obey your thirst before your shit is tight. Education before pleasure. Please be advised.


Thanks for the input everyone. I'm pretty sure Friend B is getting voted off the island, if Friend A doesn't beat her ass off it first.

I just had another friend who thought we were all overreacting. But yeah, that was some disrespectful shit.

And now Friend B is sending me texts like, "Why does Friend B hate meeee???"

Frankly I'm impressed that Friend A hadn't already beat Friend B's ass by the time you posted that story.


Bish has committed a blasphemous act by changing his avy to Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park. I say you vote him off the island, Royalan.


Oh BCT, I meant to ask y'all about this last night. I have some friendship drama I need advice on.
*sigh* i feel really bad for you friend, she must feel thoroughly embarrassed.
I agree with the honourable brothers and sisters, you have to tell miss B, that you (and the rest of you're circle) are not gonna talk to her no more, and what she did was horrible.

no ass whopping though, that won't help at all.
Shy is way too nice. Prolly gonna murk someone I bet.
I had to look-up what that meant. lol
so what you're saying is, i'm gonna choke a bitch. ? :p


I think its a fun language even without my advantages. I should've studied it more earlier than I am cuz I still need work. Have at it my dude. Careful with Brazilian women tho, they might obey your thirst before your shit is tight. Education before pleasure. Please be advised.
I think you might know each of those Languages you studied deeper than the ones i know. I find it much easier speaking them than writing so my grammar is all of the place when writing text for all of them even including english.
Thanks for the advise too.
Looks like she was gonna have a neat little sale for the first dude that climbed up those stairs.
She is too far gone.

Hit another rough patch on my claw back, so you guys are probably not going to see me online for a while
Watch yourself now Feenix. Stay safe.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Oh BCT, I meant to ask y'all about this last night. I have some friendship drama I need advice on.

So, in my tight circle of friends, two are currently squabbling. To protect identities, let's call them 'Friend A' and 'Friend B'. A little bit about these two:

Friend A: A lesbian in her forties. The matriarch of the group, loved by all.

Friend B: Shady as hell. Has already almost been ousted from the group, due in part to her complete inability to know when to shut the fuck up. Always in other people's business. Always talking about other people's business. Doing sloppy shit like you talking to her in private about another friend, and then she goes right to THAT friend and tells them everything you said, and then plays dumb like, "Oh, I didn't know you didn't want me to talk to her about that. My bad." You know the type, just messy. Azealia Banks messy.

What do y'all think? Are we overreacting? Or does Friend B need an ass-whooping?

EDIT: Whew, that was long. Sorry, y'all.

Friend B just needs to be cut out the group. Friend A doesn't need to be whopping no ass, she is 40+, but Friend B seems to live for the drama and not sure how you guys let her remain in your circle for this long. It's always funny until that person starts getting in YOUR business. That chick just needs to be told she is out and cut off all contact.

I have such a small circle of friends, it is ridiculous. I don't have time for all that and I don't feel the need to create the black version of "Friends". I never felt comfortable in those social groups.

Do Better

I love when people think that because they personally don't have any self respect or dignity, other people who do are just overly sensitive.

Dude Guy

Every day I read some crazy ass thread in the OT where people are putting their whole life's business out there and I'm just like... WHY? Why do this?


keep your strippers out of my American football
Every day I read some crazy ass thread in the OT where people are putting their whole life's business out there and I'm just like... WHY? Why do this?

Granted this is a new day, a new era, social media (message boards included) are new, but you need don't need to broadcast that shit to the world. Especially when you have zero idea who may be reading it and come back have it all blow up in your face. I get the idea that the people who share EVERYTHING just don't have friends in real-life. Don't have family they can talk to or vent to. So they put it all online in hopes that the citizens of the internet who don't know you at all will show you the way.

Back in the day, people used to vent to their bartender, mistress, boy toy, etc. if they didn't trust anyone else with their secrets or thoughts. Nowadays it is the internet.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Must be all the stress over the years.

That and being in the sun that much. He has had a rough patch in his personal life and golf life. Dude was on top of the world in both aspects and fell from grace HARD. Hasn't recovered on either front.


That and being in the sun that much. He has had a rough patch in his personal life and golf life. Dude was on top of the world in both aspects and fell from grace HARD. Hasn't recovered on either front.

The results are on his face. You don't see many 39 year olds looking like that.
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