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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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aka Mannny
I get all of that in Elder Scrolls/Fallout games and mods to continue playing the game as long as I'm breathing.

The Witcher series never clicked with me. It's like the D and D of open world games.
Fair enough. Different strokes and shit. Cannot wait for fallout 4 doe.

fuck NIntendo.

they can go die now.

was really looking forward to Animal Crossing.

N64 assets.
nintendo said fuck your feelings and anticipation.


If there was a kickstarter from SE for a new Chrono game with the dream team back (Gooch, Toriyama, etc.) I would back that so fast my wallet would catch on fire. NO FUCKS GIVEN.

As for Shenmue, I've never played any of the older games so I don't care about this one but I'm glad for the fans its getting made. I have no issue with the kickstater model, I just didn't like how not transparent they were being at the start with everything but now that Sony has copped to it I feel better about it. I still think the actual Kickstater page is kind of amateur hour, epsically compared to the recent Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee pages.

Also Star Fox Zero looks hype, fuck the haters!

Oh wow, I didn't even realize that it wasn't going to be in there. Uh, I hope that game has a good number of missions or isn't full price because damn.

I paid $60 for Star Fox 64. NO REGRETS! NONE!


Junior Member
Ubisoft ruined open world games for a lot of people by doing the same shit over and over. That doesn't mean other people can't do it right.

I haven't had the chance to grab Witcher 3 yet but I was all over 1 and 2. Both those games start slow and never really figured out the combat, but I think they easily outclass anything Bethesda and BioWare have done in terms of writing and quests.

All the other open world games at E3 so far seem to be about just playing the game however you want to play it. That's what the last eight Ubisoft games didn't understand. They just saw it as a way to pack "content" onto the disc.


Sup Nastrodamous


Reading that Shenmue thread has me in stitches - half of the posters in that thread won't even like the game when it comes out.

I remember Shenmue being an very acquired taste back in the day
Yeah, I remember not finding it interesting at all but some of those have almost convinced me that I used to like the games.

Young Magus

Junior Member

Where you're from - Atlanta
Where you live - Illinois
What is your age? - 26
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - some black people in south ga, think there was a white person too.
Do you know your roots - nope
Favorite musical genre - rap
Your profession/major/career interest - Engineer/Computer Engineer/Software Engineering
Your religious affiliation - agnostic
Hobbies - software development,basketball, lego legends
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeye's

corporate america sucks

Welcome mothafucka.

Fuck Corporate America.


^^^^Oh hell yeah. There are going to be some salty people at the end of all this.

I paid $60 for Star Fox 64. NO REGRETS! NONE!

I admittedly did too (or my parents did anyway). I definitely got way more then $60 worth out of that game between all the paths and medals. I hope they keep both since that would do a lot to justify a $60 price tag for me personally.
I don't know why so many people are harping on Nintendo. As far as showing games and actual gameplay I feel they did the best out of anyone who has gone so far. There wasn't a single trailer that was cg with no gameplay. We got a release date for Xenoblade X, more info for Super Mario Maker that included some info on the development process of it and the original game, announcement to try it out at Best Buy, Star Fox Wii U footage and a demo, a cute interview with one of the people involved in Wooly World and more gameplay footage, a new Legend of Zelda, it looks like two new Animal Crossings, a Metroid spinoff that looked bleh, a new Mario Tennis (I was just thinking about Mario Tennis yesterday during EA's), a new Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario game, a new Level 5 game, a new Fire Emblem, and some game called FE.

This was rock solid!


Nintendo's confrience was kind of eh.

KH3 tho, i'm into it

You know the Shenmue hype will not live up to the hype

the people who want shenmue will get what they want. Calm ya butt

I'm more disinterested in the last guardian.

" this is what you were throwing a fit about "


I know everyone's getting hyped for that PC conference though, right?

There will be nothing but console ports and maybe hardware announcements if we're lucky


For me, as long as they keep the same basic quality as the first two games, then i'll be a happy chappie.
Demand more. Been a while and they could improve with the time and tech.

I know everyone's getting hyped for that PC conference though, right?

There will be nothing but console ports and maybe hardware announcements if we're lucky

There are so many other games coming to PC that would never see the light of console that it would be a shame it they spent time on console ports instead of their own unique stuff and experiences.


There are so many other games coming to PC that would never see the light of console that it would be a shame it they spent time on console ports instead of their own unique stuff and experiences.

I know. Just trying to keep myself from being disappointed :p


Demand more. Been a while and they could improve with the time and tech.
Yeah totally, i want it to surpass the previous two in every way.
I was saying what the bottom line that i would be willing to accept, to be happy was.

Young Magus

Junior Member
I don't know why so many people are harping on this. As far as showing games and actual gameplay I feel they did the best out of anyone who has gone so far. There wasn't a single trailer that was cg with no gameplay. We got a release date for Xenoblade X, more info for Super Mario Maker that included some info on the development process of it and the original game, announcement to try it out at Best Buy, Star Fox Wii U footage and a demo, a cute interview with one of the people involved in Wooly World and more gameplay footage, a new Legend of Zelda, it looks like two new Animal Crossings, a Metroid spinoff that looked bleh, a new Mario Tennis (I was just thinking about Mario Tennis yesterday during EA's), a new Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario game, a new Level 5 game, a new Fire Emblem, and some game called FE.

This was rock solid!

Rock Solid means like "Good Enough" right?

Seemed like Nintendo stopped giving fucks bout e3 awhile back compared to the other big two (namely Sony), just treating it as another direct.

The anger seen in the reaction thread is jokes tho. I understand the disappointment (personally I feel meh about it) but.......it's just games b.


Nintendo better be glad I bought that WiiU before the conference hit.


Seemed like Nintendo stopped giving fucks bout e3 awhile back compared to the other big two (namely Sony), just treating it as another direct.

By Direct standards, it was still bad.

Still, I'll be buying Star Fox and maybe the Mario RPG on 3DS

Probably Fire Emblem, almost certainly not whatever the FUCK that SMTxFE crossover game is, holy shit


Damn, GAF gets worse and worse. Now these dudes are trying to defend this 19 year old that got caught sleeping with a 14 year old.

Reading only the title, I agreed with you until I read the actual story and naw, I agree with them.

The girl lied to him about her age. Not only that but the girl and the mother wanted the charges dropped because of it. It was the judge that wanted to make an example of him because he hates the new Tinder culture.
I don't know why so many people are harping on Nintendo. As far as showing games and actual gameplay I feel they did the best out of anyone who has gone so far. There wasn't a single trailer that was cg with no gameplay. We got a release date for Xenoblade X, more info for Super Mario Maker that included some info on the development process of it and the original game, announcement to try it out at Best Buy, Star Fox Wii U footage and a demo, a cute interview with one of the people involved in Wooly World and more gameplay footage, a new Legend of Zelda, it looks like two new Animal Crossings, a Metroid spinoff that looked bleh, a new Mario Tennis (I was just thinking about Mario Tennis yesterday during EA's), a new Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario game, a new Level 5 game, a new Fire Emblem, and some game called FE.

This was rock solid!
For the biggest gaming show of the year, it felt weak. With that said after marinating on it for a few hours I can say that I plan on picking up a majority of the titles they showed off. I felt my expectations were low, the 3DS showing was solid (aside from that Metroid spinoff) but I was expecting at the most one unrevealed Wii U title to wow me. Animal Crossing Amiibo Party or whatever was not that. Its telling that the only announcement that actually surprised me in a positive way was the localization of a game that came out 2 years before I was born. Nintendo's an unpredictable ass company though, chances are that I'll get what I was looking for at some random Direct in the fall or something.


Nintendo's issue was that they were in the odd position of moving on internally to NX (hence not a lot of 2016/2017/2018 WiiU games to show) and the shadow of SHENMUE3/FFVIIR/etc. It did a number on them since what people what to see at E3 are the NEW and UNEXPECTED, even if that means the titles don't have anything more than some art, a title screen or a CGI trailer to show.

Rock Solid means like "Good Enough" right?

Seemed like Nintendo stopped giving fucks bout e3 awhile back compared to the other big two (namely Sony), just treating it as another direct.

The anger seen in the reaction thread is jokes tho. I understand the disappointment (personally I feel meh about it) but.......it's just games b.

Seriously. Disappointment seems fine and logical. But people are acting like loved ones fucking died up in Gaming side. Like why can't people be chill and disappointed at the same time? Just feeding into the "gamers = manchildren" stereotype.

Probably Fire Emblem, almost certainly not whatever the FUCK that SMTxFE crossover game is, holy shit

I need to sit down and actually digest that trailer, seemed to move weirdly fast at the event? For all the hemming and hawing, that game probably has a non-insignificant chance of turning out good :p


aka Mannny
Hey man, metroid is serious business. That series use to be sooooo good then Nintendo went into the twilight zone and decided to fuck all its metroid fans.


The Shenmue thread is hilarious. The faux-outrage has reached Dhalism levels.

ITT niggas actually thought 2 million dollars was going to fund Shenmue 3. Suzuki's meetings with Mark Cerny and peeps at sony, presenting on playstations stage for E3 meant nothing.



ITT niggas actually thought 2 million dollars was going to fund Shenmue 3. Suzuki's meetings with Mark Cerny and peeps at sony, presenting on playstations stage for E3 meant nothing.


For real.

Even if you make the argument that Sony was using it to gauge interest rather than steal money from people, I'm not buying it.

At best, it was a glorified preorder mechanism.


Hey man, I love the Metroid series. I'm still waiting on bated breath for Prime 4 or a new 2D/2.5D Metroid game (I'd prefer the later to be honest). However when Nintendo decides to make a spin-off that doesn't appeal to me, I just shrug it off. I don't take it as a personal insult like some others LOL


No one should expect anything major from Nintendo till the NX. You won't be dissapointed and would be pleasantly surprised if they do decide to do something nice.


aka Mannny
Hey man, I love the Metroid series. I'm still waiting on bated breath for Prime 4 or a new 2D/2.5D Metroid game (I'd prefer the later to be honest). However when Nintendo decides to make a spin-off that doesn't appeal to me, I just shrug it off. I don't take it as a personal insult like some others LOL
I do. It was such a good series. I mean I ain't gonna say some crazy ass cry baby shit, but I'm still heated about it. I mean damn even castlvania is got a kickstarter.


No one should expect anything major from Nintendo till the NX. You won't be dissapointed and would be pleasantly surprised if they do decide to do something nice.

But aren't most signs pointing to NX not necessarily being gaming related?


aka Mannny
But aren't most signs pointing to NX not necessarily being gaming related?
Literally in the same sentence iwata announced development on NX he said that it was a dedicated gaming machine. The whole reason he even mentioned it a year and a half early was so the industry didn't flip a bitch and think Nintendo was going all mobile. the nternet still bitched.


ITT niggas actually thought 2 million dollars was going to fund Shenmue 3. Suzuki's meetings with Mark Cerny and peeps at sony, presenting on playstations stage for E3 meant nothing.


It's why I have such a hard time considering their point of view when it comes to things like pricing DLC. I couldn't take any of the complaints over the Smash Bros DLC pricing seriously because gamers have repeatedly shown that they have no idea how much anything for video games cost to make.


aka Mannny
Link? Because I remember there being a lot of confusion initially...
That was because people usually tend to give knee jerk reactions from second-hand sources (other gaf members giving knee jerk reactions for example)

Edit: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2015/150317/

Page 4

As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename “NX.” It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year.
Reading only the title, I agreed with you until I read the actual story and naw, I agree with them.

The girl lied to him about her age. Not only that but the girl and the mother wanted the charges dropped because of it. It was the judge that wanted to make an example of him because he hates the new Tinder culture.

She's 14, she's not even old enough to HAVE an ID in most states. And it doesn't matter if her parents want the charges dropped, they don't speak for the state...this isn't civil. Why do so many younger people (not you necessarily) always feel like given a good reason they should get another chance?

Go talk to a 14 year old and tell me that they pass for 19...I'll wait.


I do. It was such a good series. I mean I ain't gonna say some crazy ass cry baby shit, but I'm still heated about it. I mean damn even castlvania is got a kickstarter.

Metroid isn't dead unlike Castlevania. You just can't expect them to immediately make a new game for a franchise after the last game bombed hard. Other M actually fell down in price extremely quickly. A flagship Nintendo title. That alone should tell you just how poorly it sold.


It's why I have such a hard time considering their point of view when it comes to things like pricing DLC. I couldn't take any of the complaints over the Smash Bros DLC pricing seriously because gamers have repeatedly shown that they have no idea how much anything for video games cost to make.

Same, when people describe gamers as entitled it's hard to argue against it most of the time.


aka Mannny
Metroid isn't dead unlike Castlevania. You just can't expect them to immediately make a new game for a franchise after the last game bombed hard. Other M actually fell down in price extremely quickly. A flagship Nintendo title. That alone should tell you just how poorly it sold.
I get console metroid. So what's your reasoning for the bullshit announced today cause 2D metroid is beloved by many. And they can't even give us that on handhelds.


These people in the thread not going to get salty because people aren't interested in a video game, because its not the video game they wanted. They have right they have NO obligation to nintendo.


I get console metroid. So what's your reasoning for the bullshit announced today cause 2D metroid is beloved by many. And they can't even give us that on handhelds.

It was my understanding that Zero Mission sold far less than Nintendo wanted which it why we haven't really seen a 2D game since. Beyond that, I don't know. I do know that NL really doesn't deserve the shit it's getting just because they aren't making the Metroid game Nintendo fans want. That wiki page vandalism and stuff is some childish shit.


aka Mannny
It was my understanding that Zero Mission sold far less than Nintendo wanted which it why we haven't really seen a 2D game since. Beyond that, I don't know. I do know that NL really doesn't deserve the shit it's getting just because they aren't making the Metroid game Nintendo fans want. That wiki page vandalism and stuff is some childish shit.
Damn didn't know about that shit.


Damn didn't know about that shit.

Yeah, the fans really need to calm their asses down a bit.


If Other M didn't kill this series, then this won't either.


Can we talk about how that new star fox look eh..

Ratchet and Clank done spoiled the shit out of me
Good thing there is one on the way and looks fantastic. Looking forward to it myself.

Yeah, the fans really need to calm their asses down a bit.


If Other M didn't kill this series, then this won't either.

People are not happy at all but this is reacting in a hilarious way. There are other more effective ways they could react that could get the attention of Nintendo better.

The Adder

She's 14, she's not even old enough to HAVE an ID in most states. And it doesn't matter if her parents want the charges dropped, they don't speak for the state...this isn't civil. Why do so many younger people (not you necessarily) always feel like given a good reason they should get another chance?

Go talk to a 14 year old and tell me that they pass for 19...I'll wait.

There are plenty of 14 year olds who can pass for 17 (which is the age she claimed to be).

Dude didn't go trawling for young stuff, he got caught up. There is a massive difference.


The Nintendo event was disappointing in the sense that it could have been planned out better and that they had a few more titles that should have been show that are coming this year. But holy fuck you'd think Nintendo personally walked into people's homes and killed their families the way some are reacting. I get that the games announced aren't the ones you wanted but christ, get a grip.

Young Magus

Junior Member
By Direct standards, it was still bad.

Still, I'll be buying Star Fox and maybe the Mario RPG on 3DS

Probably Fire Emblem, almost certainly not whatever the FUCK that SMTxFE crossover game is, holy shit

I'll buy Star Fox and Fire Emblem for sure. MAYBE the mario rpg as well.

I have faith that SMTxFE will turn out well tho. That trailer seems to be fukkery to mislead. Giving a small, small, small percentage of whats really going on in the game and the heads of the projects also made SMT3 and Strange Journey. 3 being so good that I made a LTTP thread on the game.

Seriously. Disappointment seems fine and logical. But people are acting like loved ones fucking died up in Gaming side. Like why can't people be chill and disappointed at the same time? Just feeding into the "gamers = manchildren" stereotype.

I need to sit down and actually digest that trailer, seemed to move weirdly fast at the event? For all the hemming and hawing, that game probably has a non-insignificant chance of turning out good :p

"Chill" and "e3" doesn't go together on this site in seems.

Anyone have a timeline of all the meltdown that occurred during e3 over the years?
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