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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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Mashed potato icing, gravy caramel, fried chicken topping, cornbread cake....

feels like it would go under here

that what bothers me about liberals is that they voted for obama and so they are either versed in race issues or down for the cause. Basically like Bill Mohr

And it's the Bernie stans that are really getting on people's nerves. This is where Sanders and Ron Paul have something in common. Remember the Paulinistas? :)

Mrs. Manky is handing out educations with these great posts. I celebrate her.


Aww, I'm just posting stuff. I'm no Mumei, with bibliographies and footnotes.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Oh, and just to throw fuel on the Sanders' fire: http://www.vox.com/2015/5/27/8671135/bernie-sanders-race

I get the feeling that Bernie Sanders wouldn't be bad, but the man is just tone def to black issues at a time when black activists are extra sensitive, for obvious reasons. And that just makes him look like Hilary Clinton did in 2008. He is right that an improved economic situation would help black people, but that's only half the equation. Sandra Bland was a college educated woman and that didn't stop those police from killing her. Henry Louis Gates' neighbors called the cops on him. And I know there are many other incidents where rich and/or educated blacks were killed or arrested because of systemic racism that money and diplomas could not stop.

And please remember, black activists are extra sensitive. Social media is giving them a HUGE voice and they are not afraid to throw metaphorical bows against white liberals and progressives. So a white politician saying "All Lives Matter" or not reacting fast enough to black concerns (even if they really do care about black concerns) is going to get shredded.

Thanks for the info, really appreciate it and informative :).

You the real M.V.P


Slay I need to know if you really think a question like will you apologize for slavery is fair.

IMO it should be a simple yes or no answer. That said I don't have a "problem" with Bernie's answer, but like Ms. Manky has been pointing out, it just adds to his "lack of concern" on issues with minority groups.
Why wouldn't it be fair?

United States apologized Japanese Interment camp and broke them off some cheddar.

Native Ameircans got an apology also

Ohhh, now I see why you raised a storm in that thread. I was so confused at what you were getting at when Sanders supports civil rights and even raisles points that supports black communities. But yea, if you brought that up better, I think people would've understood it better. Too bad we have some that won't understand what you are arguing in threads like that.

Beyond that, I still got support for Sanders. He's still a better choice than Clinton, imo.
Ohhh, now I see why you raised a storm in that thread. I was so confused at what you were getting at when Sanders supports civil rights and even raisles points that supports black communities. But yea, if you brought that up better, I think people would've understood it better. Too bad we have some that won't understand what you are arguing in threads like that.

Beyond that, I still got support for Sanders. He's still a better choice than Clinton, imo.

Yeah, Sanders has old school bonafides.
Wikipedia said:
Sanders went to Brooklyn College for a year before transferring to the University of Chicago. While there, he was active in the Civil Rights Movement, and a student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.[31][27] One of the actions he took was the coordination of sit-in protests against segregated campus housing. Sanders also participated in the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.[32] He was a member of the Young People's Socialist League,[33] the youth affiliate of the Socialist Party of America.

He needs to talk to his people, though. Man posted a tweet that mentioned #SayHerName, then listed the names of one black woman and two black men. He needs better, better people. Hilary Clinton won't have to do any work against him, the activists will steamroll him out of the primaries. Of course, they've been hard on her as well. And O'Malley? He'll probably get shamed by the actors from The Wire /and/ David Simon and slink off with his tail between his legs.


They did, she's kinda sorta with Captain Falcon (for everyone else, that's Falcon as Captain America, not the Nintendo character).
Misty deserves better.
Yeah, Sanders has old school bonafides.

He needs to talk to his people, though. Man posted a tweet that mentioned #SayHerName, then listed the names of one black woman and two black men. He needs better, better people. Hilary Clinton won't have to do any work against him, the activists will steamroll him out of the primaries. Of course, they've been hard on her as well. And O'Malley? He'll probably get shamed by the actors from The Wire /and/ David Simon and slink off with his tail between his legs.

Saw that, his twitter team needs to be fired.
Yeah, Sanders has old school bonafides.

He needs to talk to his people, though. Man posted a tweet that mentioned #SayHerName, then listed the names of one black woman and two black men. He needs better, better people. Hilary Clinton won't have to do any work against him, the activists will steamroll him out of the primaries. Of course, they've been hard on her as well. And O'Malley? He'll probably get shamed by the actors from The Wire /and/ David Simon and slink off with his tail between his legs.

Yea, I agree. As it is now, Clinton doesn't have to do anything to win as it is now. The polls show that. Sanders needs all of the support he can get and that includes supporting the black population on heated discussions about race.

bernie lost my vote. He's just another crooked politician seeking to enrich his white brothers. His primary crowd is the liberal college student that have no idea what life is like for blacks. bernie is spineless, he will buckle to every demand to his corporate overlords. I can see the writing on the wall...this country is doomed.

The types of attitudes people have in that thread whenever people criticize Bernie is why, despite the fact that I'm as liberal as can be, I never interacted with any of the "young democrats' groups on campus or do many things with white liberals. They are just as oblivious to racial issues as republicans but the bad thing is that they actually think that they're being helpful and that we just need to shut up and vote for who they want us to vote for.

Most of gaf refuse to see racism.
I don't know, it's weird that the Clintons have so much blind support. Where exactly does it come from? Also, I agree that Bernie supporters are really annoying.
I don't know, it's weird that the Clintons have so much blind support. Where exactly does it come from? Also, I agree that Bernie supporters are really annoying.

She doesn't. It's just that Bernie needs to do the most if he's going to beat her, and this is a major hole. His supporters are trying to act like it isn't there.


Black intellectual beef is the best
In Defense of James Baldwin – Why Toni Morrison (a literary genius) is Wrong about Ta-Nehisi Coates. Baldwin was a great writer of profound courage who spoke truth to power. Coates is a clever wordsmith with journalistic talent who avoids any critique of the Black president in power. Baldwin’s painful self-examination led to collective action and a focus on social movements. He reveled in the examples of Medgar, Martin, Malcolm, Fannie Lou Hamer and Angela Davis. Coates’s fear-driven self-absorption leads to individual escape and flight to safety – he is cowardly silent on the marvelous new militancy in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Oakland, Cleveland and other places. Coates can grow and mature, but without an analysis of capitalist wealth inequality, gender domination, homophobic degradation, Imperial occupation (all concrete forms of plunder) and collective fightback (not just personal struggle) Coates will remain a mere darling of White and Black Neo-liberals, paralyzed by their Obama worship and hence a distraction from the necessary courage and vision we need in our catastrophic times. How I wish the prophetic work of serious intellectuals like Robin DG Kelley, Imani Perry, Gerald Horne, Eddie Glaude commanded the attention the corporate media gives Coates. But in our age of superficial spectacle, even the great Morrison is seduced by the linguistic glitz and political silences of Coates as we all hunger for the literary genius and political engagement of Baldwin. As in jazz, we must teach our youth that immature imitation is suicide and premature elevation is death. Brother Coates continue to lift your gifted voice to your precious son and all of us, just beware of the white noise and become connected to the people’s movements!

Dr. Eric Micheal Dyson
“Every charge he made against Ta-Nehisi is patently false,” Mr. Dyson said. “Shall I introduce you to his essay on reparations? It has every bit of the analysis that West was hankering for,” Mr. Dyson added, alluding to Mr. Coates’s Atlantic cover story “The Case for Reparations,” which was published last summer. He also described Mr. West’s post as a rebuke of Toni Morrison. “And so now that makes her look like a dupe and a boob when she is a literary genius who possesses a Nobel Prize in literature,” he said. “I think her pedigree of assessment is far more convincing than Cornel West’s.”

Mr. Dyson suggested that Mr. West listen to “the great Ludwig Wittgenstein,” who said: “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

Niggas catching thesis in the streets

Young Magus

Junior Member
Thing is Hilary seems so fake. I don't see her as having Americas best interests in mind.

Any examples/past behavior that lead to you coming to this conclusion?

Hi-Intellect beef is always best.

Drive-bys with textbooks and bibliographies son.
Cornell West is like the Canibus of black scholars. He had a lot of promise when he started, got gassed up, and ultimately fell off the face of the earth. I haven't read his Coates criticism yet but I'm going to bet it revolves around Coates allegedly not shitting on Obama enough.


I don't think it's blind support. It's just more like, "what are your other options?".

Yep. I'd rather have Hilary do nothing for black issues than these crazy Republican candidates taking us backwards.

I'm just glad Bernie isn't an independent candidate and taking votes away (hopefully Trump does this).


Cornell West is like the Canibus of black scholars. He had a lot of promise when he started, got gassed up, and ultimately fell off the face of the earth. I haven't read his Coates criticism yet but I'm going to bet it revolves around Coates allegedly not shitting on Obama enough.

Literally the third sentience

Amazing how one note he has become

Yep. I'd rather have Hilary do nothing for black issues than these crazy Republican candidates taking us backwards.

I'm just glad Bernie isn't an independent candidate and taking votes away (hopefully Trump does this).

You got folks saying if they can't vote for Bernie they will vote for Republican. I am like WTF


Cornell West is like the Canibus of black scholars. He had a lot of promise when he started, got gassed up, and ultimately fell off the face of the earth. I haven't read his Coates criticism yet but I'm going to bet it revolves around Coates allegedly not shitting on Obama enough.

I was the thinking the same. He's a guy who's crticisms aren't even valid anymore. At one point he said Obama didn't care about black people because he didn't announce his candidacy at a Tavis Smiley's conference at the time and chose instead to do it in the state where he was elected senator. He hates for the sake of hating.
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