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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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If dems don't win the white house in 2016 because of lower black turnout I can see a firing squad happening between factions.

If it's one thing the gop always had it right was dems taking the black vote for granted
Yup. I won't be stupid and stay home but I for damn sure won't just silently smile as these muthafuckas ignore anyone who isn't white.


I'm pretty much done. Like every discussion on race here, people bring up some non-sequitor shit and demand you respond, then ignore what you say.

Edit: Yup, I'm out. The last post in there completely killed any desire to continue with that shit. These people think that we need to basically applaud politicians like Bernie Sanders at all times and not hold them accountable. "Hey guys, they threw you a bone so shut up".

You mean my post? I honestly don't know how you read that from what I wrote. All democratic nominees have had a hard time with the blacklivesmatter situation. All of them except Lincoln Chafee.

Young Magus

Junior Member
^Edit: What did he do/say? Real interested

OG post:

Real Talk,

I both praise and worry about ya'll for posting in them threads.

Praise because ya'll are fighting the good fight and overall contributing to slow but much needed progress on the net. Also, I myself am learning a lot from all of your post, links and insights.

Worry because theres gonna be that one idiot who fails to see/understand the message and start some shit that'll get ya banned. Not to mention the stress and toll it takes on the mind to fight said good fight.

That being said,
I love Chrono Trigger's OST.


It was this exchange:

jmood88 said:
It's not worth celebrating because this isn't a game, it's people's lives; we don't get the benefit of being to grade someone on a curve. Bernie Sanders' economic policies won't help keep me from being seen as a threat by a police officer. If any housing reforms are made, I'll still have to worry about if I'll be denied a loan based on my race. He can break up the banks and that won't keep me from getting unfair loans. There's absolutely nothing wrong with holding politicians accountable. I don't even necessarily agree with the way they interrupted the event but this is what happens when you don't do an adequate job of specifically addressing people's concerns. Also, this wasn't just about Bernie, they would've done this even if he wasn't there, but the responses from him and his hardcore supporters have been disappointing, to say the least, and that's why it has turned into an indictment on him.
Thesis without backup. You fail.

We point out the facts. It's whether or not the black community wants to actually acknowledge the facts and allies on your side. Shouting them off the stage is not how to uplift black lives. Those people talking over the candidates as well as the host did a disservice to the cause. Your anger and disappointment should be placed at them and not Sanders or O'Malley.


I think a lot of his fans have been really off puting recently (and delusional for thinking he can actually win). I have to distance myself from that whole group...

I also think what's really missing is the fact that protests aren't supposed to be convenient and easily ignored and timed perfectly for whoever to dismiss them. People tend to forget that when it's a politician they like.

Young Magus

Junior Member
That quoted post:
I'm pretty much done. Like every discussion on race here, people bring up some non-sequitor shit and demand you respond, then ignore what you say.

Edit: Yup, I'm out. The last post in there completely killed any desire to continue with that shit. These people think that we need to basically applaud politicians like Bernie Sanders at all times and not hold them accountable. "Hey guys, they threw you a bone so shut up".

No one was arguing you needed to "applaud" Sanders' on race. The argument was that it's simply inaccurate and disingenuous to argue Sanders has nothing to say about race issues. And despite multiple examples of him speaking about the problem, offering solutions, etc there hasn't been much acknowledgement or response.

Racism isn't going to be solved by the next president. It'll likely never be solved. What the next president can do is support specific policies that reduce racial inequalities. Whether that's ending ridiculous mass incarceration practices on drug possession or body cams for police or yes, increasing the minimum wage. Sanders supports all those things - and has for decades unlike certain other candidates.

What's left unsaid and unacknowledged is that a lot of this work has to be done on the state level. I seem to remember certain posters here hand wringing over voting not being a solution, when in reality voting is what separates having a prosecutor you can trust and one that works for the police department. Likewise the president/congress can set aside money for police departments to purchase body cams...but a city has to vote to make them use it. Which means you want local state and city politicians in office willing to do that.

I'm not a Sanders supporter but have found this debate over his racial record to be asinine.
No one was arguing you needed to "applaud" Sanders' on race. The argument was that it's simply inaccurate and disingenuous to argue Sanders has nothing to say about race issues. And despite multiple examples of him speaking about the problem, offering solutions, etc there hasn't been much acknowledgement or response.

Racism isn't going to be solved by the next president. It'll likely never be solved. What the next president can do is support specific policies that reduce racial inequalities. Whether that's ending ridiculous mass incarceration practices on drug possession or body cams for police or yes, increasing the minimum wage. Sanders supports all those things - and has for decades unlike certain other candidates.

What's left unsaid and unacknowledged is that a lot of this work has to be done on the state level. I seem to remember certain posters here hand wringing over voting not being a solution, when in reality voting is what separates having a prosecutor you can trust and one that works for the police department. Likewise the president/congress can set aside money for police departments to purchase body cams...but a city has to vote to make them use it. Which means you want local state and city politicians in office willing to do that.

I'm not a Sanders supporter but have found this debate over his racial record to be asinine.

Ahem. This and the quote jmood posted sounds awfully close

If he isn't...who is?

How bout the BLM people write to Bernie Sanders in mass, or hashtag or however people correspond and ask him to do a series of speeches, postpone his stump speech, on issues at the forefront of black lives.

If the black community isn't moved by his stump speech...they should host him where he can speak to their concerns...but since he just tried to fucking do that this past weekend and he was talked over numerous times...maybe you should start your campaign to get him to speak to in-depth black issues with an apology.

"I'm sorry for the way you were treated at NN. We at [name here] have a legitimate host and love that you've fought for the black community and black lives your entire life, even when it was not popular to do so. Please we'd love to learn more about you and your in-depth plan to improve the lives of black people all across this nation. Thank you."


No one was arguing you needed to "applaud" Sanders' on race. The argument was that it's simply inaccurate and disingenuous to argue Sanders has nothing to say about race issues. And despite multiple examples of him speaking about the problem, offering solutions, etc there hasn't been much acknowledgement or response.

This was the protesters argument, not jmood88's. Although to be fair to the protesters, they weren't specifically protesting Bernie either.


If I read one more "Black people need to do this..."post in that Bernie Sanders thread I'm going to scream.

Also, apparently Jmood is the new spokesman for black people. Jmood, can you send me a photograph? I need to replace the photo of Al Sharpton I have hanging in my living room.


If I read one more "Black people need to do this..."post in that Bernie Sanders thread I'm going to scream.

Also, apparently Jmood is the new spokesman for black people. Jmood, can you send me a photograph? I need to replace the photo of Al Sharpton I have hanging in my living room.
Ironically what black people ask the left not to do.

Y'all better praise Bernie and thank him for the opportunity

Dear brothers.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Like I don't get it......

Why do folks like to show their asses in political threads?

he will need his mastership of pettiness, cause they been coming for him all day.

He got hit with the "what have you done for black people" ookey doke on twitter.

Thats a thing?!


Like I don't get it......

Why do folks like to show their asses in political threads?

Thats a thing?!

Cause poltics are more about feelings than people really want to admit.

Oh yeah it is a big thing, it comes up when some one,usually not black speaks on black issues.

Rachel Dolzhal defenders loved using that on people
not like this D.L., not like this...

Asked by TMZ whether he thinks Jenner is attractive, Hughley shot back, "No. Yeah, in a like 'Ms. [sic] Doubtfire' kind of way. Stop it."

"In the last month, we had the media telling us that Caitlyn Jenner was beautiful and that Serena Williams looks like a man," Hughley said. "That was a little weird to me. Like, the man looks like a woman, but the woman looks like a man? That's ridiculous."


If I read one more "Black people need to do this..."post in that Bernie Sanders thread I'm going to scream.

Also, apparently Jmood is the new spokesman for black people. Jmood, can you send me a photograph? I need to replace the photo of Al Sharpton I have hanging in my living room.
Hahaha I'll get that shipped to you asap.


Damn, this Bernie Sanders stuff is really making some white liberals show their ass. I wonder how all the conservative gaffers feel reading some of these posts considering how quickly their asses would get called out for posting some of the shit these "liberal" posters are saying.
Saw Antman. I saw what people could have been racially insensitive but its not that big of deal...

Pretty good though didn't really have any expectations going in.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Man D.L hasn't been worth shit since he got his CNN show. What makes it worse is that folks take that quote as gospel. SMH

Damn Shame. Like I'll still vote for the dude
if I was still in the states
but his stans are pissing me off right now.

Damn, this Bernie Sanders stuff is really making some white liberals show their ass. I wonder how all the conservative gaffers feel reading some of these posts considering how quickly their asses would get called out for posting some of the shit these "liberal" posters are saying.

I don't know but they might feel some type of way.
This was the protesters argument, not jmood88's. Although to be fair to the protesters, they weren't specifically protesting Bernie either.

They took a shotgun approach and sprayed everywhere, and still missed. I understand being upset with O'Malley, who is the posterboy for police militarization. And while I'm not saying Sanders should be above reproach I think it's ridiculous to suggest he has nothing to say about racial issues when he's been fighting for a variety of racial issues for decades. That's my only point here.

I'm not some Sanders supporter, in fact I find many of them to be nearly as annoying as Ron Paul fanatics. But the guy has my respect and I'll vote for him in my state's primary. He's not getting the nomination so *shrugs*


I will not rename that thread
I will not rename that thread
I will not rename that thread



"...and one of those hard truths is that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality."


NOT Lady Hill-Hill just sitting back in the cut, watching Bernie get dragged and taking shots from a safe distance.


Good, it's all going according to plan...

Young Magus

Junior Member
wait, what Bernie the gawd do? You mean I have to read that thread?

It's more bout what he didn't do. (More specifically, not being more active in the Black Lives Matter/more recent racial issues.)
Dude better address this in depth soon-ish.


Yo I love the continuity of the Bill Cosby ether on the Nighty Show.


"...and one of those hard truths is that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality."


NOT Lady Hill-Hill just sitting back in the cut, watching Bernie get dragged and taking shots from a safe distance.


Good, it's all going according to plan...

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