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The Black Culture Thread |OT11| In This Salon, Everyone Gets A Perm

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East Lake


Tough time for Bern, glad they don't remember the 90s...


I just came back from a Waffle House ass Waffle House.

I pull up, the payphone outside has no phone on the hook with the cable dangling.

I walk up to the door, and on my way I hear a baby crying in the car, I look in the car, no one else is in the car.

I pull on the door, it wouldn't budge, I pulled harder, it opened with a loud screech.

I walk in, there's surge protectors taped to the wall and shit, and some dude was just at a table, asleep, no drink, no food, nothin.

I'm waiting for my order, the cook takes a waffle off the grill, he turns to the cashier, "Uhhh, who's waffle is this, was this supposed to go with the last togo order?", the cashier says "I don't know", he shrugs and says, "fuck it, give it to him", I walked out with an extra waffle brehs.


Young Magus

Junior Member
I would call these notable enough that it might make stanning for Hillary a bit bizarre.


On the positive side at least her messaging is going well.

Oh yea I remember that article,
doubt any of that will come up elections/debates tho. Small chance it might tho.

To be fair, going for McConnell's throat isn't really difficult, but...


That response:


I'm waiting for my order, the cook takes a waffle off the grill, he turns to the cashier, "Uhhh, who's waffle is this, was this supposed to go with the last togo order?", the cashier says "I don't know", he shrugs and says, "fuck it, give it to him", I walked out with an extra waffle brehs.


I didn't think that interruption of Sanders and O'Malley would be such a shock/derail to Sanders and his fans especially when O'Malley was arguably worse on the mic at Netroots. Watching the fallout makes me realize how unready for primetime Sanders and his people are. Sanders flubbed cancelling all interviews at Netroots and then the social media fails just didn't make him look great outside the Bernie bubble.

I guess the narrative he can't win means he can't try to bring on other traditional democratic constituencies and spring a surprise on Clinton. Clinton's crew were the architects of the birther movement and people haven't forgotten that. Instead, we get he's already doing something so pipe down and keep quiet, economic equality is more important than the current/systemic crisis that your community is facing where people suffer daily.

BLM was at Netroots to remind all Democratic presidential candidates that do not take the black vote for granted, because it may not be there (in the necessary numbers) if you don't court them on the matters they care about. They weren't wrong, just like I said, Sanders handled it badly and hence all this bullshit
Frankly, I think the BLM protesters did a good job showing Sanders as weak. He could have easily have spun it into his favor. I really wanted Sanders to win but, he's proven he doesn't know how to win an election. Even if he does it doesn't matter as a president shouldn't be this bad at communicating. Besides does anyone think Bernie would change shit? He's an old man that has zeropower in the government. The GOP will use him as a puppet. He'd be a one term unremarkable president. Anyone thinking Hill-dog gives a shit about the common man is deluded. I wish I could just leave. America land of the free never existed.
They aren't even to blame. If anything we should be thanking them for exposing him for the weak fraud he is. He's a good man with a great vision but, c'mon he's old and has no fight in him. He'd be chewed out and spit out in the primaries.


They aren't even to blame. If anything we should be thanking them for exposing him for the weak fraud he is. He's a good man with a great vision but, c'mon he's old and has no fight in him. He'd be chewed out and spit out in the primaries.

Never stopped folks before


Boy if they knew how black people would take to twitter and use it like the infinity gauntlet they would have never allowed it to launch.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Wasn't there someone here who had an interview, aced it and was waiting on the offer? What happened with that? My memory needs a viagra because it isn't dependable at all.
Cause poltics are more about feelings than people really want to admit.

Oh yeah it is a big thing, it comes up when some one,usually not black speaks on black issues.

Rachel Dolzhal defenders loved using that on people

Speaking of, looks like ol'Rachel is doing weaves and braids now.
not like this D.L., not like this...

DL been on that fuck shit since he was stanning for Columbus Short

His premise was spot on. You can't acknowledge that you are aware of transgender issues/rights/people and etc and then call one of the most beautiful females on this planet a man (or looks like one) publicly.

Taking jabs at Caitlyn wasn't necessary though.

But he has every right to call people out on their WILLFUL inconsistency which mostly, if not all, rides on racism. If anything, I'm surprised that white feminists (as a whole) and other trans folks publicly talk against this kind of racial bashing, but you know if your outlook on feminism isn't inter-sectional, it's not something we should put our faith in.


"...and one of those hard truths is that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality."


NOT Lady Hill-Hill just sitting back in the cut, watching Bernie get dragged and taking shots from a safe distance.


Good, it's all going according to plan...

What a real presidential nominee should do. Town Halls? Shit, I got my own Facebook page. Read my statement


His premise was spot on. You can't acknowledge that you are aware of transgender issues/rights/people and etc and then call one of the most beautiful females on this planet a man (or looks like one) publicly.

wait, hold on.

Caitlyn actually said that shit about Serena? I thought it was one of those false flag fake quote Facebook things.
wait, hold on.

Caitlyn actually said that shit about Serena? I thought it was one of those false flag fake quote Facebook things.

Nooooooooooooo she didn't. I was referring to DL speaking on interent trolls especially when Serena beat Maria Sharapova in the most lopsided rivalry in sports history. White folks were caping for Maria because she was white and lost to a more muscular black woman. That is what I though DL was speaking about. Could be wrong though, but I doubt it.

I've always followed the whole "politics are local" mantra. Whoever the president maybe, they can't affect the clusterfuck of Baltimore post-Freddie Grey's death. What the local people did there correct was elect a mayor who was able to get a DA who actually cares about justice in whatever form it maybe. I don't have much faith in the mayor per se, but I guess she's trying her best.

Gotta get local black folks to vote their preferred congressmen in so there will be another super majority so you can address the legislation you want. 2008-2010 was one of the greatest times in America to be a liberal. Bump asking questions to presidential nominees, how about we get the congressmen there and start to ask them some tough questions. I applaud what Elon James White is doing, but I think this is too much big picture.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Since I've already said my piece over there, here's a bookend article about that Bernie shite.

An interview about it from one of the #BlackLivesMatters Co-Founders

Agree with everything in the interview. Thanks for sharing.

Raven : All lives matter"


make it stop :(

Top comment was jokes.
But Raven pls :'(, it an't worth it.

Raven always been loony, don't know why people are acting like they are shocked. She will be Stacey Dash cray in a few.

How long you mean by always? Disney era?

Is it okay that I was completely oblivious to the whole conference thing with netroots until I saw video clips on local news this morning?

I guess this is why I haven't gotten an update podcast episode on TwibNation. Oh I can't wait to hear what he has to say on the mic.

But I'm not all that into the debates for now. And we also have poll leading Donald Trump for the republicans. So it's not all bad.

The real battle is to not get Bernie to run independent. When he loses the nomination to Hilary Clinton, he should bow out gracefully.
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