actually I think I will argue with that
Tomb Raider 2013 was bland as fuck. It felt like a game where they had set up more gameplay systems originally and then pulled them all out when the focus groups thought the game was too complicated. The beginning of the game sets it up like survival is going to be an issue, and base camps are going to be important for resting and like, recovering warmth, and you're going to have to make sure you have food, and hunting and crafting are going to be big deals, and all of that is just not in the game. hunting just gives you XP. Crafting is just like finding random "salvage", and not anything to do with getting specific materials and choosing how to use them. Like all this shit they set up in the first half hour of the game has no bearing on fucking anything, and they didn't replace it with anything.
Even the best part of that game, which is where you play stealthy with the bow, is completely irrelevant in the second half of the game as they keep throwing you into these arenas where your job is to shoot exploding barrels with machine guns and hide behind waist high walls.
Notice that none of that has anything to do with whether it's a good "Tomb Raider" game.
It's not, by the way.
Hello and welcome to your next ban and remember
Hiya Crayjay!
Another Illinois fellow! Welcome.
I agree, there is a dearth of chicken places. Popeyes biscuits can be good depending on the location though.
making dad jokes and pissing off GOP obama is best obama
BCT taking strays in the Kool Aid thread, how did that happen?
Because money, that's why.I have to agree with all of that, plus I felt like they were also trying to imitate Uncharted with the spectacles and destruction. I thought uncharted was inspired by Tomb Raider, so I'm baffled why one would want to imitate the imitator.
They totally did, but I would even have been okay with that if they had followed through with actual survival gameplay. Like, if you as the player have to work specifically to make her survive, it makes more sense that they would beat her up. As it is, they beat her up for no reason, because who gives a shit about Lara wincing in pain when in the game you can get shot a bunch and just wait a second for the health to recharge?I also agree with Slayven that they went overboard on beating up Lara and putting her in pools of blood and rooms filled with skulls.
Some of those death animations were more brutal that MK fatalities.I have to agree with all of that, plus I felt like they were also trying to imitate Uncharted with the spectacles and destruction. I thought uncharted was inspired by Tomb Raider, so I'm baffled why one would want to imitate the imitator. I also agree with Slayven that they went overboard on beating up Lara and putting her in pools of blood and rooms filled with skulls.
I always ask Slay for permission to antagonize the white race, he's so masterful. Just a master of all race relations. But sleep right now, so I'll wait til the mornin. Or, as we say around these here parts, da mawnin.
I make one reference to the purge and Zwarte Pierte and dude loses his mind. Wasn't even my joke originally, but I guess it seemed like we have an in-circle of blackness here.
I make one reference to the purge and Zwarte Pierte and dude loses his mind. Wasn't even my joke originally, but I guess it seemed like we have an in-circle of blackness here.
Because money, that's why.
They totally did, but I would even have been okay with that if they had followed through with actual survival gameplay. Like, if you as the player have to work specifically to make her survive, it makes more sense that they would beat her up. As it is, they beat her up for no reason, because who gives a shit about Lara wincing in pain when in the game you can get shot a bunch and just wait a second for the health to recharge?
It's so frustrating. Fuck making a "real" Tomb Raider game, if they had just followed through with what the game itself promised, that thing would have been way better.
naw brehs, Tomb Raider was legit as fuck and Rise of the Tomb Raiders is a legit GOTY contender
naw brehs, Tomb Raider was legit as fuck and Rise of the Tomb Raiders is a legit GOTY contender
naw brehs, Tomb Raider was legit as fuck and Rise of the Tomb Raiders is a legit GOTY contender
I wish you would raid tombs, instead of brutally murdering bunch of folks, with Lara's inconsistent characterization tho.
It was fine, but around 5 hours in, I was tired of playing the game.
Fuck modern Crystal Dynamics.
I have to agree with all of this also. I found it odd as fuck to have to adjust to what they were setting up as survivalist gameplay. By the time I came around and was in the groove and ready to do that shit, they abandoned it altogether.
They really couldn't figure out what the game was supposed to be so they ran with default shoot everyone in the head by mid-game.
Not a fan of any aspect of the writing either. I found it to be all around very mediocre, borderline bad.
I've got a feeling that just like 2013, that GOTY talk is going to calm down real quick when the dust settles.
Welcome to you, new fam, hope you have an awesome time here.It seems I forgot to introduce myself, I apologize.
Where you're from - Illinois
Where you live - Northern Illinois
What is your age? - 19. I'll be 20 in January.
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I'm Caucasian on my mother's side and Latino on my father's side. I consider myself biracial.
Do you know your roots - German, Polish, and possibly French on my mother's side and Mexican on my father's.
Favorite musical genre - I'll listen to basically anything but I love different kinds of Korean music.
Your profession/major/career interest - I'm a college student right now and I'm not really sure what profession I want to work in yet.
Your religious affiliation - Agnostic.
Hobbies - Writing song lyrics, learning the ins and outs of photoshop, self teaching myself the Korean language, and playing video games.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - I'll have to go with Popeyes even with their salty biscuits. I wish we had more chicken places here tbh.
Just found a stack of old ass unlabeled mixtapes I made a decade ago. Party time.
And does a member of the Coli want to make this a thread in TLR?
Good god I feel the same. Uncharted 2 was fun. Tomb raider felt like a trialI have to agree with all of that, plus I felt like they were also trying to imitate Uncharted with the spectacles and destruction. I thought uncharted was inspired by Tomb Raider, so I'm baffled why one would want to imitate the imitator. I also agree with Slayven that they went overboard on beating up Lara and putting her in pools of blood and rooms filled with skulls.
Game was just okay. Don't really care to play it again.
Gaming consoles were popular in stores and online, including Nintendo Wii U, which was the top selling item on
naw brehs, Tomb Raider was legit as fuck and Rise of the Tomb Raiders is a legit GOTY contender
There are 4 good games in the TR franchise. Legend, Anniversary, Underworld, 2013. I'll judge Rise when it hits PC.
I'd feel better if Doom started out as an established presence in a superhero film for once instead of insisting on constantly tying the origin of his powers and appearance into the Fantastic Four's origin story. He can be his own guy. He doesn't have to be the evil businessman funding their cosmic radiation adventure. I want the movie to start out with Doom already in power as Latveria's ruler. He and Reed can still have their banter but they don't have to both get their powers in the same freak accident. This isn't Daredevil and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I'd feel better if Doom started out as an established presence in a superhero film for once instead of insisting on constantly tying the origin of his powers and appearance into the Fantastic Four's origin story. He can be his own guy. He doesn't have to be the evil businessman funding their cosmic radiation adventure. I want the movie to start out with Doom already in power as Latveria's ruler. He and Reed can still have their banter but they don't have to both get their powers in the same freak accident. This isn't Daredevil and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Good god, listening to my old mixtapes. How the fuck did I go from New Jack Swing to Utada Hikaru (EDIT - and back to New Jack Swing) ?!?! This mixtape just went from 100 to about 25 xD
actually I think I will argue with that
Tomb Raider 2013 was bland as fuck. It felt like a game where they had set up more gameplay systems originally and then pulled them all out when the focus groups thought the game was too complicated. The beginning of the game sets it up like survival is going to be an issue, and base camps are going to be important for resting and like, recovering warmth, and you're going to have to make sure you have food, and hunting and crafting are going to be big deals, and all of that is just not in the game. hunting just gives you XP. Crafting is just like finding random "salvage", and not anything to do with getting specific materials and choosing how to use them. Like all this shit they set up in the first half hour of the game has no bearing on fucking anything, and they didn't replace it with anything.
Even the best part of that game, which is where you play stealthy with the bow, is completely irrelevant in the second half of the game as they keep throwing you into these arenas where your job is to shoot exploding barrels with machine guns and hide behind waist high walls.
Notice that none of that has anything to do with whether it's a good "Tomb Raider" game.
It's not, by the way.
I always ask Slay for permission to antagonize the white race, he's so masterful. Just a master of all race relations. But sleep right now, so I'll wait til the mornin. Or, as we say around these here parts, da mawnin.
This video is so meta in regards to race relations in America. Remember that this is mere hours after Thanksgiving.
I think at this point audiences are probably cool just jumping into superhero stories without an origin build up. People putting this stuff out probably still feel we all need a trial of a lead up beforehand though. I'd be nice if origins were at least 2-4 minutes of screen time instead of 10% of some of these films at least.
This video is so meta in regards to race relations in America. Remember that this is mere hours after Thanksgiving.
"Why are you being so aggressive?!" after she snatched a box right out of a child's hands.
Meta, indeed.
Good god, listening to my old mixtapes. How the fuck did I go from New Jack Swing to Utada Hikaru (EDIT - and back to New Jack Swing) ?!?! This mixtape just went from 100 to about 25 xD
I'm pretty sure this is fake
This video is so meta in regards to race relations in America. Remember that this is mere hours after Thanksgiving.
.You joking but I bet you 10 bucks in 6 months time someone will reference it in all seriousness.
Morning, all. Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks Slayven for looking out and thanks to you Shy for keeping me and Jean company. Appreciate all the well wishes from the BCT fam..I think I should be good for a good 8 months. And with that..[img]
[spoiler]Pork Solder>>>>>>>everything else[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
Welcome back Gordon! Glad Slay and Shy were able to help you and Jean out.
Welcome backMorning, all. Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks Slayven for looking out and thanks to you Shy for keeping me and Jean company. Appreciate all the well wishes from the BCT fam..I think I should be good for a good 8 months. And with that..
Pork Solder>>>>>>>everything else
I make one reference to the purge and Zwarte Pierte and dude loses his mind. Wasn't even my joke originally, but I guess it seemed like we have an in-circle of blackness here.
Morning, all. Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks Slayven for looking out and thanks to you Shy for keeping me and Jean company. Appreciate all the well wishes from the BCT fam..I think I should be good for a good 8 months. And with that..
Pork Solder>>>>>>>everything else