Discussing race with white people suddenly makes sense after years of doing it. I mean as to why they don't get it. Because to them, it's a problem that can be solved through simple procedures or ignoring it and ''being the better person''. See, they don't understand the emotional, physical and mental toll that racism takes on the individual. Like that star wars thread for example, people are saying ''well just ignore it, it's a youtube comment'', but they don't get that a) someone sat there and put those words out thinking it's fine, and b) more importantly, if you're black, reading that comment once may be annoying, but reading it over and over on other sites, hearing it in public, being criticized by your manager for your natural hair, having inappropriate things said to you, feeling if that last moment was racially motivated, etc...always adds up.
Like the problem with this race discussion is that white people don't experience it the same way. We get it from everywhere, even from our own at times. It's not one thing that happens and we get angry or depressed, and instead of trying to understand that; whenever we talk about racism, the responses are always dismissive and snarky. And that's what I've learned, you can tell a white person all about racism, but they still won't get it. They'll say ''one time I got picked on by these black kids at my school too''. But then did you walk home and someone drive by and call you a nigger? Did you pass advertisements of beautiful white people? Did you get home and your parents remind you that you have to be better than your white peers, to get the same things? Did you go to play games and unwind, and people insulted you because you sound black? Did the girl you want to take to prom then text you and say her parents don't want you going with her? I swear to fucking God, talking about race with white people is a lesson in futility.