Hero worship has never been in my DNA. Like, I wouldn't be on my own father's side if 50 women accused him of sexual assault let alone someone who I've never met who just played a father on TV.
Just watched a Vox video on the YallQaeda good ol' boys and they spliced in a clip of that old Bundy dude I'd never seen before where he was basically espousing how much better off black lives were when they were slaves. Fucking wacky how that guy and his offspring have such a huge following without being curtailed. The FBI watches these assholes right? I mean after the Bundy ranch standoff and this Oregon shit, I don't see how you couldn't just label the Bundy clan terrorists and basically make sure these dudes don't stir any more pots after this.
Just watched a Vox video on the YallQaeda good ol' boys and they spliced in a clip of that old Bundy dude I'd never seen before where he was basically espousing how much better off black lives were when they were slaves. Fucking wacky how that guy and his offspring have such a huge following without being curtailed. The FBI watches these assholes right? I mean after the Bundy ranch standoff and this Oregon shit, I don't see how you couldn't just label the Bundy clan terrorists and basically make sure these dudes don't stir any more pots after this.
Black people would still be defending R.Kelly if Dave Chappelle and the Boondocks didn't piss on his career.
It's probably 250. When an alligator bites a human, they kill it because it then has a taste for humans.How do you know it was 50? We don't know all the facts son. He is going to get off
Reminded me of that kid from My wife and kids.ya'll wish you had this blasian childhood swag
Black folk are worst with R. Kelly. They don't even deny that shit. They embrace the fuckery, blame the victim and rock the shit out of his albums.
lolIt's probably 250. When an alligator bites a human, they kill it because it then has a taste for humans.
If every episode were Jailbreak, we wouldn't have The Answers.
More than 0 is too much already
Reminded me of that kid from My wife and kids.
Well he certainly became quite the man
Innocent till found guilty. Otherwise yah out here just spouting that ish.Does it matter? More than zero is already a problem.
Don't. We already have too many wait for all the facts-ers on this board.
As a central Florida man and most of my family from LA this is not really trueIt's probably 250. When an alligator bites a human, they kill it because it then has a taste for humans.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emperor.![]()
It's my Birthday! Can't believe I'm 30, don't look it or feel it.
Your talking privileges are banned. Wrap this party upAs a central Florida man and most of my family from LA this is not really true
Nah son dont get madYour talking privileges are banned. Wrap this party up
Reminded me of that kid from My wife and kids.
Well he certainly became quite the man
I need a glass of water i am thirsty.
Damn he definitely grew up.
I need a glass of water i am thirsty.
Listen yah I dislike those people who post full black bars without explaining what it spoils.
Then they get mad when you call them out on it smh
Yo peep the Steven universe thread. This is the second day I have to explain it to some members. I am just going to choose to ignore it so I don't disrupt the threadJubei that's photoshop lol, has to be
It's actually in he forum policy not to do this but it's loosely enforced depending on whichever mod is perusing the thread except in special cases like GoT (smh)
The fuck outta here.Innocent till found guilty. Otherwise yah out here just spouting that ish.
His interview on The Treatment made me really like him.
Damn would you recommend black people watching it in theatres?Man fuck Tarantino.
As if saying nigger like a million times wasn't bad enough, this dude had the AUDACITY to let the only other black character in the hateful 8 with speaking lines, be the most stereotypical, Aunt Jemima looking, butter biscuit baking, sassy goat-mouthed Mammy caricature I've ever seen on film. I was in shock
Man fuck Tarantino.
As if saying nigger like a million times wasn't bad enough, this dude had the AUDACITY to let the only other black character in the hateful 8 with speaking lines, be the most stereotypical, Aunt Jemima looking, butter biscuit baking, sassy goat-mouthed Mammy caricature I've ever seen on film. I was in shock
Man fuck Tarantino.
As if saying nigger like a million times wasn't bad enough, this dude had the AUDACITY to let the only other black character in the hateful 8 with speaking lines, be the most stereotypical, Aunt Jemima looking, butter biscuit baking, sassy goat-mouthed Mammy caricature I've ever seen on film. I was in shock
It's my Birthday! Can't believe I'm 30, don't look it or feel it.
Whoa, I was planning to see that tomorrow. Could you tell me why did you get this feeling (in spoiler tags)?
Glad I don't have to tussle with making a decision. I'll be spending my money on The Revenant and Spotlight instead. Looks like Creed is still around too.
Damn would you recommend black people watching it in theatres?
Man fuck Tarantino.
As if saying nigger like a million times wasn't bad enough, this dude had the AUDACITY to let the only other black character in the hateful 8 with speaking lines, be the most stereotypical, Aunt Jemima looking, butter biscuit baking, sassy goat-mouthed Mammy caricature I've ever seen on film. I was in shock
Reminded me of that kid from My wife and kids.
Well he certainly became quite the man
But I thought this was the bestest best Tarantino movie ever committed to celluloid.
Wait you sawFuck Hateful Eight, I thought GAF was overreacting calling it his worst movie...That movie is shit and I like just about every Tarentino movie, but Hateful Eight is some shit. Like Django I understood them saying Nigger every other fucking word, Hateful Eight there are only two black people in the movie and they say Nigger almost more than Django, I swear that movie is just some shit.
Glad I didn't pay to see that shit, should probably pay to see Revenant though, that movie was fire
It's my Birthday! Can't believe I'm 30, don't look it or feel it.
Wait you sawdoes my man deserve the oscar or nah?Revenant
I saw the 70mm version, which had extra footage in it so I'm not sure if this scene is in the digital screenings but towards the end of the movie (heavy spoilers)
That, coupled with the extremely liberal use of the word nigger left a really bitter taste in my mouth
I love that the training for this powerup involved getting freaky in Brazil
Whoa, I was planning to see that tomorrow. Could you tell me why did you get this feeling (in spoiler tags)?
I saw the 70mm version, which had extra footage in it so I'm not sure if this scene is in the digital screenings but towards the end of the movie (heavy spoilers)
That, coupled with the extremely liberal use of the word nigger left a really bitter taste in my mouthThe haberdashery that the main chracters are trapped in is revealed to have been operated by a heavy set black woman by the name of Minnie who speaks in a plantation style southern accent even though she lives in a cabin in the middle of the mountains of Wyoming. After the main antagonists walks into the haberdashery she makes them all da besss coffee dis sida da Misssippi and she is enamored when she finds out one of the characters speaks French, and gets all wide eyed about it. She asked the guy who walked in how to teach her some words in french just to set up this joke later where she screams across the room to tell some guy to ask her if she indeed does, have a fat ass, just so she could reply "Oui" all bougie like. Pretty much immediately after this, the antagonists kill her, and all the other black people in the room (and a white guy too, but they leave another white guy who was a general in the confederate army alive).
Damn son I totally agree. He was robbed so many times that they might just give it to him just because of reasonsLeo is good in it, but he's not Wolf of Wall Street good or Django good. He should have won for Wall Street and he may not get it this year cuz Eddie Redmayne. He doesn't even really speak in the movie all that much. Most of it is grunts and screams, and when he does speak most of his dialogue is in a Native American language. If he wins it'll be because the movie was so good that they need to finally get him one.
That's in the digital version too. Although you have a "Now hold on a minute" part in your spoiler:
There was a white girl worker that got killed along with Minnie's white husband. So that's 3 black people including Minnie and two white people out of the 6 that were in the shop that the gang took over, with the general (the only customer) being left alive to continue to act like a customer.
But yeah, this is definitely one of his weakest films, but mostly for being too long and me not being a fan ofN-word usage and the character in our spoilers didn't bother me at all.a bunch of unlikable people minus Samuel L Jackson stuck in a house for most of the film.
You could probably tell from what I said, but I had no problems, though I do suspect Tarantino set this just after the Civil War so he could use the word nigger.
Oh thats right. Forgot about her. My bad. But they really didn't need to let the old dude live because the 3 members of the gang were just gonna pretend to be customers anyway.The only purpose he served in the movie is to have another character point out how much of a nigger Samuel L Jackson was
You could probably tell from what I said, but I had no problems, though I do suspect Tarantino set this just after the Civil War so he could use the word nigger.
But then we wouldn't have gotten the scene with Samuel humiliating and killing him.