Previously my main exposure to Tomb Raider has been through the "Legend" trilogy of games, which I thought were great but with some flaws.
So I decided to go and play the original Tomb Raider from 1996, since I got it from the last Humble Bundle.
The controls are taking some getting used to. This is from before everybody figured out analog sticks, so the controls are digital and clunky. More than anything else, it controls like the original Prince of Persia game, but in 3D. Same emphasis on deliberate animations and careful platforming, similar types of actions (run by default, hold a button to walk, press a button to grab a ledge as you fall, etc.) but it doesn't work quite as well in 3D space. I haven't quite gotten used to the combat either. First impression is that it's garbage, but it's really only there to break up the exploration a bit, to make things feel dangerous.
I think I like it.