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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

Rah. Lucky I saw that thread after the lock. Woulda went out like Kaeptin

I just seen it, that's one hell of a way to go Kaep. No fucks given

Anyway, I'm just reading about the needed infrastructure improvements in my home town (Hampton Roads, VA) and this sounds like some Big Dig level fuckery they're planning.

Expanding both the Hampton Roads and Monitor-Merrimac Bridge-Tunnels to accommodate more traffic, extending 564 through the Naval Base to the MMBT.

VDOT is already incompetent, so I'm expecting this shit won't be completed until the year 2197.


After reading that thread I can't blame Kaeptin for going out like that. I imagine that thread would have gone in that direction no matter where it was posted. I'm more surprised that so many people actually tried to validate the OP's behavior.


one look at that dude's post history could tell you he was fragile contents...

hell one of his threads was basically "i feel ugly, how do you live with it?"

too bad other folks went into his history just to find pictures for ammunition....


time to take my meds
Can we get a Last Dragon remake with Alfred Enoch?


one look at that dude's post history could tell you he was fragile contents...

hell one of his threads was basically "i feel ugly, how do you live with it?"

too bad other folks went into his history just to find pictures for ammunition....
I had no idea. Don't even remember ever seeing the dude. First post was funny. Legend did what Legend does. Hopefully Mods start closing threads by users with those issues much quicker or making folks who show that kind of behavior juniors so they don't make threads that are just going to hurt them in the end.

Can we get a Last Dragon remake with Alfred Enoch?
Holy shit! lol..


Kaep got got?

Angie Tribeca is some wack shit, shame because you can see the potiental. But the comedy timing is horrible compared to lesilie Nelson.

Watch any of his movies and you will notice he gives you a beat for the joke to sink in, this show is just trying to get as many in as possible.


Damn what post got his ass cased up


those Amazon reviews. wow.

A much needed corrective to all of those children's books that criticize the history of slavery in the United States. I'm tired of liberal communist teachers trying to brainwash our kids about the evils of slavery. Slavery made us great and, when Trump becomes President, it will make us great again! Oh, I pray to our white lord that we'll soon have the best children's book of all: A Birthday Cake for Donald Trump! The lord has revealed to me that it will feature pictures of Muslims and Mexicans baking cakes in their cages and without pay. Thank you for paving the way to that future!

Here comes the counter outrage. Great job from the regressive left, they just got me and many others to buy a book that I would have otherwise never purchased. Bravo to the book burning intolerant leftist radicals.

Hercules was an enslaved man, owned by George and Martha Washington. He was famous far and wide for his cooking skills. In fact, he was America's first "celebrity chef." The story focuses on Delia, the young daughter of Hercules. She takes great pride in her father's accomplishments and joins him in his quest to make cake for President Washington even though they have run our of sugar. This is a beautiful and fascinating book featuring an unknown person from history, one who kids will want to learn more about.

Like the picture book A Fine Dessert, this book has raised many questions about how enslaved people should be depicted in children's books. The illustrator (who is herself African American) shows Delia with a smile on her face, wearing bright white clothing. Nothing is mentioned about the brutality of slavery. It isn't until the book's afterward that the author reveals that Hercules later escaped.. I think these are good questions for discussion. It's important to remember -- and discuss -- that enslaved people were human beings, capable of living full lives that included moments of pride and even joy. So often, enslaved people are depicted in a way that makes it hard for children to connect with them, to understand, "that could have been me." This emotional connection is critical in helping kids grasp the true evil of slavery. Otherwise, these human beings are simply shadows from history.

I especially recommend this book to teachers of upper elementary students, as it will spark important conversations on a range of issues.


I mean he's not alone in thinking it, I'm sure...

But the outcome is to be expected really. That said, the op needs to get off gaf for a while imo.



nice to see Idris Elba addressing the issue in UK people of color (mostly black) having to move to US to get better roles. Always being told to wait a little longer with nothing happening must really suck. Wouldnt be surprised if Boyega already is moving after the Star Wars lead success

Damn, for some reason *coughGAFcough* I thought it was all butterflies and rainbows over there.


In a modern sense, many of us don’t like to consider this, fearing that if we deviate from the narrative of constant-cruelty we diminish the horror of slavery. But if we chose to only focus on those who fit that singular viewpoint, we run the risk of erasing those, like Chef Hercules, who were remarkable, talented, and resourceful enough to use any and every skill to their own advantage.

But the subject himself did in fact run because of the horrors of slavery and was not just a happy chef who made the most of everyday. Why couldn't that truth be in the slice she's trying to offer me?


Damn, for some reason *coughGAFcough* I thought it was all butterflies and rainbows over there.

Lot's of people in the UK refuse to believe racism is a thing here, instead insisting it's a class issue. And while do have major classism issues in the UK, racism does still rear it's ugly head a lot, although it's not as batshit crazy as the US. All the recent terrorist attacks in Europe have just escalated racial tensions even further.
Lot's of people in the UK refuse to believe racism is a thing here, instead insisting it's a class issue. And while do have major classism issues in the UK, racism does still rear it's ugly head a lot, although it's not as batshit crazy as the US. All the recent terrorist attacks in Europe have just escalated racial tensions even further.



Lot's of people in the UK refuse to believe racism is a thing here, instead insisting it's a class issue. And while do have major classism issues in the UK, racism does still rear it's ugly head a lot, although it's not as batshit crazy as the US. All the recent terrorist attacks in Europe have just escalated racial tensions even further.

That New Years eve sexual assault thread definitely has me smh @ a lot of posters. They are just a few negative incidents away from going "Let's build a wall and we need to make Mexico Syria pay for it."

Y'all see this video about Jada Smith talking about the lack of diversity at the Oscars?

I heard about it last night and I support her. I haven't given much of a shit about the Oscars in general though. That shit is boring and bougie. The industry as a whole needs some change. I found out that the current CEO of Warner Bros. is an Asian man, which was a surprise, but despite a minority running the thing, it doesn't look like there are any more of them in their films.



But the subject himself did in fact run because of the horrors of slavery and was not just a happy chef who made the most of everyday. Why couldn't that truth be in the slice she's trying to offer me?

I love the fact that she's trying to hold up a factually accurate defense when dude didn't even bake

Actually, it could have been

Kaep is pretty much an asshole, so you can never really know what he got popped over.
I love the fact that she's trying to hold up a factually accurate defense when dude didn't even bake

Take out the parts about being property and add in something more palatable to children and herself like giant cakes. Watch the kid bucks roll in.

Still baffled as to why she chose a slave for this weak ass shit thinking she could get away with de-fanging it so ruthlessly. I'm just glad someone in that publishing house had enough fucking brains to make sure it stayed off shelves even though no who came before had any of the same foresight.


Take out the parts about being property and add in something more palatable to children and herself like giant cakes. Watch the kid bucks roll in.

Still baffled as to why she chose a slave for this weak ass shit thinking she could get away with de-fanging it so ruthlessly. I'm just glad someone in that publishing house had enough fucking brains to make sure it stayed off shelves even though no who came before had any of the same foresight.

What fucking drives me up the wall is that everyone involved is black.
Writer? Black
Artist? Black
Executive Editor who signed off on this fuckery and tried to defend the bullshit? Black.

What fucking drives me up the wall is that everyone involved is black.
Writer? Black
Artist? Black
Executive Editor who signed off on this fuckery and tried to defend the bullshit? Black.


The Executive Editor tried. She really did. But they went far too cutesy. I won't deny the need for true history to be shared with children nor will I deny getting what they were trying to accomplish but, the slave making his white owner's birthday cake? Hiding so much of the actual anguish to make it palatable? I mean come on. At that point why even make a story about this time when you know good and damn well the kids are gonna be kept up with dark thoughts once they look online to see the true story of a guy so desperate for freedom that he essentially had to decide between it and his daughter.


Banstick Emeritus
Why people gotta try to be different? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=192532256#post192532256 People spend to much time trying to be a snowflake when they ain't nothing but a common ass rain drop.

I have an update on the tinder possible stripper that I will post in a few.
A good friend of mine took his wife's name back in the day since she was pretty much the only child in her line left. I thought it was a really cool gesture.

As far as that Tinder story goes...let me get my coffee.
A good friend of mine took his wife's name back in the day since she was pretty much the only child in her line left. I thought it was a really cool gesture.

As far as that Tinder story goes...let me get my coffee.

I switched to my mother's maiden name because our family has next to no ties to my biological father's side at this point. Plus, Wahrer is way better than Pluguez (even though neither is ever pronounced right).

inb4 kaep


I heard about it last night and I support her. I haven't given much of a shit about the Oscars in general though. That shit is boring and bougie. The industry as a whole needs some change. I found out that the current CEO of Warner Bros. is an Asian man, which was a surprise, but despite a minority running the thing, it doesn't look like there are any more of them in their films.

I give them credit for having a pretty diverse line up for their superhero films so far.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Here is the background on the Tinder stripper - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=192167507&highlight=#post192167507

We went back and forth messaging and I finally asked what she does for a living. She claimed she does "accounting work". The location for her office was right at the intersection where there is a strip club. Anyway, I let that slide because I really wanted to see that body in person without paying a cover fee. I suggested we meet up for lunch on Saturday, but she said she had to meet up with her "Lil Sissy,"as she called her. She said they were going to a combination sports bar/strip club to watch the Patriots game and hinted on me joining. I just let her be. Of all the places to go watch a game and meet for the first time, you pick a strip club? That fact combined with the strip club pic on her profile let me know that I didn't want to get involved in any of that. I saw alot of drama and buying of drinks in that future. I have dealt with stripper drama before and I am too old to deal with it again. 15 years ago I would have been all over that, but not now. I didn't hear from her again and not planning on contacting her anymore because...

Then I get messaged by a woman on Tinder who was the complete and total opposite. This woman is a professor at a local college, has her shit together, has traveled the world, etc. Within 3 messages on Tinder, she gave me her number and we talked about real world things. Hell, I was intimidated just talking to her. Not used to talking to a woman whose intellect may exceed mine. We are going out soon. But in the meantime...

I got matched and messaged by another girl who told me she was a flight attendant. She sent me her IG account. Cute girl, her job has taken her around the work. By the 4th message she indicated she was in town only until tomorrow and for the low cost of $450, we could have a couple of hours of fun together. No thanks, I'll take my chances with the professor. Though all of this goes against my strategy of meeting a new woman before Valentine's Day. Makes it awkward with expectations.

Getting myself out there after my divorce has been pretty weird. I am more cynical and critical than I used to be and I am just fine with sitting at home playing Diablo 3 instead of wasting time and money on someone that presents themselves in a questionable manner. Just not really worth the time trying to force myself into a situation that I am not 100% comfortable with just to be with someone.


damn, kaep caught that perm-perm.
sad that thread turned a dude to consider killing himself though.

It's all good. He'll come back with stories about all the models he's fucked. Maybe a tale or two about all of the porn star friends he has. Then hopefully he'll follow it up with all of that insider knowledge he has, but can't say anything about.
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