If you think the road to real equality and understanding is going to happen without getting white people on board and being vocal, you're an idiot.
For all that it smarts when someone else gets a load of pub for saying the same things that POC have been saying for years, you can't tell me that awareness and expression of that awareness doesn't help in the long run.
I'd post this on Twitter but I'm going to bed
There's a difference between white support and white saviors. Yes, Martin had the support of a majority of the white community (or at least enough to change policy) but the *leader* of the movement was Martin. Yes, Macklemore can talk about BlackLivesMatter; hell, I encourage it. But there's no reason not to point to the audience to the black leadership.
I don't want nobody to give me nothing. Open up the door and I'll get it myself.
It's the difference between giving to charity and sending out a press release you're giving to charity, making sure a camera crew is there to witness you giving to charity, posting on Twitter and your Official Facebook that you gave to charity, putting pics on Instagram of you giving to charity, making a Vine iof you giving to charity, etc. Yes in the end the money gets got, but one is about the charity and the other is about you. And too often the "socially conscious" crowd is the latter, as often to assuage their white privilege/guilt as to gain praise.
TL;DR White people can feel free to help as long as they aren't talking over black folk to do it.
That being said, I think Mackelmore is generally innocuous. I don't blame him for being popular.
Krysten Ritter is beautiful. Petite women are the best.