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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


It looks like more of that new computerized animation cheat I've seen in some software/games. They have 2D images with different parts shifting independently to give the appearance of animation. To be fair, anime has always been about finding ways to cheat with low budgets, but here you can just see the seams and in my opinion it looks stilted.

Yeah they do some weird zooming in and out to make it look like ti is moving. Like some 15 kid with GIMP or something
Holy shit they're still arguing about hypothetical gender re-assignment surgery being performed on hypothetical children in my Jeremy Clarkson transphobia thread. My allies decide to compare it to circumcision...ugh...


1) In bold, I think this is where you're missing the boat. It's not about being offensive, it's about it the element coming off as something made for shut ins/something no social life having adult wants anything to do with. For example, I read manga regularly, and I've gotten used to shit where there's random panels of "fan service" where the female character's top flies off or some other silly shit meant for young boys and Davidos to get off on. Personally I'd rather have none of it in the manga I read, even if it's just one panel/doesn't alter the overall story. I'm not "mad" at these elements being in there, but when I think of people who do want that stuff in there, it's either young boys or grown men playing PS Vita dating sims that I would never want to knowingly shake hands with. And in video games the same thing goes for cat girl costumes, PS Vita mini games where you rub characters clothes off with your fingers, fuck a woman until a pot falls over mini games, and petting 3D polygons till they turn red. It's not for me or the average person who sees daylight, it's for a group of people who get off on touching virtual characters and I don't blame Nintendo of America for wanting to take this shit out and not turn off the average game buyer.

2) SJW never had any meaning. It's always been a GamerGate/Reddit code word.

3) By boob sliders, I'm specifically talking about Xenoblade, where that shit is less about "customization" and more for dudes who want to play with their virtual women's breast sizes. I know there's plenty of better examples of character customization out there where this is done better so that it's less about sexualizing and more about creating the character you want.

1) I'm getting a sense a lot of this is boiling down to "someone, somewhere might be masturbating to this thing I like - we have to put a stop to it!". That seems impossible? It doesn't matter what you like, someone, somewhere in the world just pulled their dick out of their pants or stuck their fingers twixt their labia and starting stroking their dick/clitoris. Obviously some material is more encouraging of this behavior than others but I find it really weird that would be relevant in someone's evaluation of how they personally feel about something. It should be "this is dumb to the point that it breaks pacing, suspension of disbelief, etc." rather than "someone is masturbating to this right now!" (that or be legit offensive in some fashion). There have been plenty of instances where a piece of sexual fanservice has me going "Really? C'mon Son" but what other people may think about it has never been part of my evaluation. Like this mini-game (again as I understand it) is pretty damn begin AND covers both genders. If we were groping people or it was complete ones-sided vs. one gender I'd be bothered too but that's not what's happening. Like is the gay dude gamer or hetero girl gamer who're legit disappointed they don't get to pet a dude included in your "shut-in" summation?

2) "SJW" was supposed to mean a person who argues in favor of generally liberal positions with regards to identity politics (I kind of hate that term but I'm at a loss for a better word right now) but either uses terrible logic, picks terrible examples to "die on a hill for" or pushes forth proposals to enact change that are either completely untenable or potentially more harmful than good. I mean that's clearly a real thing both in the past and present. The word lost all meaning when GG popped up and starting using that term to describe anyone who might make a critique along that axis irregardless of if they were actually damn right and/or wanted to push forth proposal for change that were totally sensible and doable.

3) I mean if you're argument is that the character creator in Xenoblade could be more robust/accurate I don't think most would disagree. I fail to see why anyone or any gender should be denied to modify this variable of their character because X number of people might enjoy it in a particular way. It's an aspect of human anatomy that is highly variable both in real life and in fictional character design. Let people do what they want, there's nothing inherently problematic here as far as I can see.

I'm not gonna be one of those people to label everyone who plays those Vita games or watches anime shut-ins. Personally I don't like how some people seem to have circled back around to using the term "nerd" as a pejorative just because of what a lot of so-called nerds say. I'm not going to assume the only people playing these games are creeps.

That said, if features like what has been cut from Fire Emblem are probably going to turn off people in the more general demographic Nintendo goes for, it makes sense for the developer of the game to cut them. Nintendo isn't XSEED or NIS. It's still trying to be the family-friendly company, and honestly I find it odd Nintendo is even publishing games like Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame V. Originally NOA didn't want to publish the predecessors to these games at all because they were "too niche," and niche isn't the kind of thing Nintendo does.

Nailed it. That's part of my issue. As the end of the day, everybody who posts on GAF is a nerd. However, due to I guess the innate human need for tribalism, people are actively looking for ways to establish that they are "better" nerds that "those other nerds". I feel this has lead to increasing generalizations, more polarized and hyperbolic language, etc. Now let me be clear, I'm in no way trying to suggest that there isn't a swath of media deserving of criticism, scorn or derision. I just feel the targets are trending more towards people than things and sometimes the language used is inaccurate to the point of unhelpful.

As for your second point, it seems clear to me that Nintendo is bringing these games over because the Wii U library needs help and these sorts of games helps not only bolster the number of titles but also


How does circumcision come up in a thread about Jeremy Clarkson's transphobia?

People are weird



How does circumcision come up in a thread about Jeremy Clarkson's transphobia?

People are weird

Whenever a thread stays on long enough, weird stuff tends to happen.

Holy shit they're still arguing about hypothetical gender re-assignment surgery being performed on hypothetical children in my Jeremy Clarkson transphobia thread. My allies decide to compare it to circumcision...ugh...

Hypotheticals are dangerous. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
How does circumcision come up in a thread about Jeremy Clarkson's transphobia?

People are weird

Hypothetical Pete said hypothetical children shouldn't have lifestyle changing hypothetical surgery.

Allies came in and said yeah well circumcision is done to prevent men from masturbating easily amd you're ok with that so QED.

Hypo Pete is like nah SRS changes your lifestyle, circumcisions don't.

Allies then were like hypocrite!!!!!

Stupid lame because they were basically now arguing that trans kids should have surgery...which no they shouldn't. The surgery is brutal, necessary and life saving but brutal.

All this over hypothetical kids having hypothetical surgery... which no actual children ever have.

and Enzo
must not be

What did Enzo ended up doing to get the hanmer dropped :(


Moe and the like sells reliably here and the economy has been shit since 2011, so it's really a vicious cycle. Probably not going to end for a while.

At least we're doing our part (The Tomorrow Children coming soon)
You guys are doing the lord's work, comrade.


1) I'm getting a sense a lot of this is boiling down to "someone, somewhere might be masturbating to this thing I like - we have to put a stop to it!". That seems impossible? It doesn't matter what you like, someone, somewhere in the world just pulled their dick out of their pants or stuck their fingers twixt their labia and starting stroking their dick/clitoris. Obviously some material is more encouraging of this behavior than others but I find it really weird that would be relevant in someone's evaluation of how they personally feel about something. It should be "this is dumb to the point that it breaks pacing, suspension of disbelief, etc." rather than "someone is masturbating to this right now!" (that or be legit offensive in some fashion). There have been plenty of instances where a piece of sexual fanservice has me going "Really? C'mon Son" but what other people may think about it has never been part of my evaluation. Like this mini-game (again as I understand it) is pretty damn begin AND covers both genders. If we were groping people or it was complete ones-sided vs. one gender I'd be bothered too but that's not what's happening. Like is the gay dude gamer or hetero girl gamer who're legit disappointed they don't get to pet a dude included in your "shut-in" summation?

You need to think more about what the audience buying Fire Emblem in the US "thinks" Nintendo's intent is and less about what you think is ok and not ok personally. Example, in Pokemon games and material you don't see "fan service". Why? Because the games and cartoons/etc... are made for children. Everyone knows this is Nintendo's target audience and Nintendo wouldn't put those things into their games and material. Even if there are Davidos out there who fantasize about Pokemon, Nintendo themselves didn't intend for this and nothing in their material promotes Davidos to do these things, so no one blames Nintendo for having Davidos playing the games. If Nintendo did put fan service into these games, parents would be pissed off and would prevent their kids from playing these games. Why? Because fan service is traditionally for young boys/pervs in Japan to get off on and parents don't want to see those things in Pokemon games that they give to their kids.

Now in terms of Fire Emblem, you're not talking about a kids game per say, but you're talking about a game that Nintendo wants to market to general audiences. General audiences do not want to see fan service or "petting" mini games. Even if you personally aren't bothered by it, or you know not everyone who enjoys these things are "shut ins" or "creepy", these mini games are not going to be enjoyable to the general audience and general perception is the majority of people who do enjoy these things are "creepy" (as seen in the thread discussing the game), to the point that the audience Nintendo wants to buy this game will be turned off from buying it if they find out this material is in the game. This isn't exclusive to gaming. Example, if a Marvel Avengers film had a naked shower scene with Scarlett Johansson with full frontal nudity, they would lose ticket sales from parents who don't want their kids seeing it, people who find it tasteless, and the film getting a R rating for the scene preventing kids from seeing it. Again, try to take yourself and your personal opinion out of this and think about it from Nintendo's perspective as a company in addition to the potential audience's comfort level.

Nailed it. That's part of my issue. As the end of the day, everybody who posts on GAF is a nerd. However, due to I guess the innate human need for tribalism, people are actively looking for ways to establish that they are "better" nerds that "those other nerds". I feel this has lead to increasing generalizations, more polarized and hyperbolic language, etc. Now let me be clear, I'm in no way trying to suggest that there isn't a swath of media deserving of criticism, scorn or derision. I just feel the targets are trending more towards people than things and sometimes the language used is inaccurate to the point of unhelpful.

Again, you're taking this too personally. This isn't about making fun of people who enjoy something you don't, it's about buying a product and not wanting something in your product geared towards another audience that may not "play well" with your target. It's ok to have Dating Simulator games and play them. But not everyone wants to play or would feel comfortable playing a Mario Game with a Peach dating simulator mini game in it. Try to grasp the fact that there is a well known stereotypical audience that plays Dating Simulator games that the average Mario Game player does not want to be associated with/finds "creepy" in addition to the Mario audience on average not wanting to play a Peach dating simulator mini game.
Damn, this is part of the reason why I hate not having a paying job and a place of my own. I can't watch this new Flash tonight because Mom has company over and they need the tv. I feel like a damn child.


Damn, this is part of the reason why I hate not having a paying job and a place of my own. I can't watch this new Flash tonight because Mom has company over and they need the tv. I feel like a damn child.
Spoiler, flash will beat the problem by getting a peptalk from Joe and running a tiny bit faster


You need to think more about what the audience buying Fire Emblem in the US "thinks" Nintendo's intent is and less about what you think is ok and not ok personally. Example, in Pokemon games and material you don't see "fan service". Why? Because the games and cartoons/etc... are made for children. Everyone knows this is Nintendo's target audience and Nintendo wouldn't put those things into their games and material. Even if there are Davidos out there who fantasize about Pokemon, Nintendo themselves didn't intend for this and nothing in their material promotes Davidos to do these things, so no one blames Nintendo for having Davidos playing the games. If Nintendo did put fan service into these games, parents would be pissed off and would prevent their kids from playing these games. Why? Because fan service is traditionally for young boys/pervs in Japan to get off on and parents don't want to see those things in Pokemon games that they give to their kids.

Now in terms of Fire Emblem, you're not talking about a kids game per say, but you're talking about a game that Nintendo wants to market to general audiences. General audiences do not want to see fan service or "petting" mini games. Even if you personally aren't bothered by it, or you know not everyone who enjoys these things are "shut ins" or "creepy", these mini games are not going to be enjoyable to the general audience and general perception is the majority of people who do enjoy these things are "creepy" (as seen in the thread discussing the game), to the point that the audience Nintendo wants to buy this game will be turned off from buying it if they find out this material is in the game. This isn't exclusive to gaming. Example, if a Marvel Avengers film had a naked shower scene with Scarlett Johansson with full frontal nudity, they would lose ticket sales from parents who don't want their kids seeing it, people who find it tasteless, and the film getting a R rating for the scene preventing kids from seeing it. Again, try to take yourself and your personal opinion out of this and think about it from Nintendo's perspective as a company in addition to the potential audience's comfort level.

I have no qualms with Nintendo. I'm just confused why people are championing the removal of something that as far as I can tell (am I wrong?) is harmless on the basis of morality. I can understand that through localization something that may be legit offensive or disrespectful may be changed or removed. I get why that "controversial conversation" was removed and I can support it. Granted, from my understanding of how the Japanese version went you have to interpret things rather cynically to come to the most offensive version of that interaction but if the writers were less clumsy or more careful with their characterizations this wouldn't be an issue so poo on them for shitty writing and I can support its nixing. With this thing here, when I actually saw what it was, all I could do was go "shrug whatever". Others are entitled to do and feel different. I just don't get it.

As an aside, your Marvel movie example fall flat for me. A scene of that sort which changes the rating of the entire movie and is unskippable doesn't seem comparable to this mini-game.

Again, you're taking this too personally. This isn't about making fun of people who enjoy something you don't, it's about buying a product and not wanting something in your product geared towards another audience that may not "play well" with your target. It's ok to have Dating Simulator games and play them. But not everyone wants to play or would feel comfortable playing a Mario Game with a Peach dating simulator mini game in it. Try to grasp the fact that there is a well known stereotypical audience that plays Dating Simulator games that the average Mario Game player does not want to be associated with/finds "creepy" in addition to the Mario audience on average not wanting to play a Peach dating simulator mini game.

Right I can understand that if I saw this as actually scandalous material. Since I don't though, I don't feel all those people are being entirely rational? Again, I'm just really confused here.


I have no qualms with Nintendo. I'm just confused why people are championing the removal of something that as far as I can tell (am I wrong?) is harmless on the basis of morality. I can understand that through localization something that may be legit offensive or disrespectful may be changed or removed. I get why that "controversial conversation" was removed and I can support it. Granted, from my understanding of how the Japanese version went you have to interpret things rather cynically to come to the most offensive version of that interaction but if the writers were less clumsy or more careful with their characterizations this wouldn't be an issue so poo on them for shitty writing and I can support its nixing. With this thing here, when I actually saw what it was, all I could do was go "shrug whatever". Others are entitled to do and feel different. I just don't get it.

As an aside, your Marvel movie example fall flat for me. A scene of that sort which changes the rating of the entire movie and is unskippable doesn't seem comparable to this mini-game.

Right I can understand that if I saw this as actually scandalous material. Since I don't though, I don't feel all those people are being entirely rational? Again, I'm just really confused here.

It's 20% the content being really fucking weird and 80% this is not what Fire Emblem should be coupled with a healthy dose of "stop pandering to the creepy subset". As I said earlier, no one should be stanning for a fucking 13 year old in a swimsuit that lets you know whether or not she shaves herself. But, there's enough of a Japanese market that that shit sells. It sells well enough that you can turn extra profit by throwing in something of the sort. That market doesn't exist in the West, not in quantity that greatly impacts sales. In fact, the opposite can occur; the last thing Nintendo needs is a misinformed Fox News segment about rubbing faces as a euphemism for kinky sex. No one who wanted this in FE isn't buying it because of the cut. There are people who would have seen this and decided, "naw, pass". Nintendo made a savvy as fuck decision. And I'm sure Genei Ibunroku #FE is gonna get something worthless cut and we'll get to watch this same convo roll out again. And I'll be over here, laughing in gleeful malice over "mah gaems! censorship!" building of Mt. Salt.
Because petting your npc characters is creepy, and I don't want kids growing up thinking it is fine and what not.
Or this, if you don't want to write an essay or whatever.


I wonder how the gamergate dumbfucks are taking it.
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