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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

In our school there were a set of teachers who insisted that the Muslim kids misbehaved because they hated female teachers

It turned out that the Muslim kids misbehaved because the whole class was misbehaving because the teacher in question was shit and couldn't control the class.

When white kids act up its oh they have a bad family background, or learning difficulties or because the individual is a little shit so they need extra support.

When Muslim or Traveller or Polish or Czech kids misbehaved it was because foreigners are all shifty, they all need to go on behavioral management reports.

Shit though if you want to see really really ugly racism snake up out the European posters make a thread about Travellers and Gypsies.

This is so fucking true.


In our school there were a set of teachers who insisted that the Muslim kids misbehaved because they hated female teachers

It turned out that the Muslim kids misbehaved because the whole class was misbehaving because the teacher in question was shit and couldn't control the class.

When white kids act up its oh they have a bad family background, or learning difficulties or because the individual is a little shit so they need extra support.

When Muslim or Traveller or Polish or Czech kids misbehaved it was because foreigners are all shifty, they all need to go on behavioral management reports.

Shit though if you want to see really really ugly racism snake up out the European posters make a thread about Travellers and Gypsies.

Oh totally.


Anyway, sorry about the rant. Needed to vent a little bit.

How is everyone this cold grey wet afternoon/morning/middle of the night?



Just think! It's not even February yet.
Not even that, its only just hit Wednesday.
Calling it now

BCT ain't surviving Black History Month 2016

We'll be fine..... I hope.
#notallju----ah fuck it :|

There has been some passive aggressive (and sometimes not passive at all) racist bullshit in all EU threads about any political situation happening here (refugees, Israel, etc) that people seem to get away with for some reason.


Link? I feel a strong need to clown this
That cant be a real thing.

"This is an open letter from Western gamers to Japanese game developers. We are worried that Japanese game developers have become afraid to release their games in the West.
We do not want Japanese games to be overly-Westernized or to be censored. We want to play games as the developer intended them.
Surely you have noticecd that games media and other normal media have said things like "That game is sexist!" or "That game is filled with misogyny!". Those people in the media, and their social media followers may say things like "Censor that game! Ban it!", but they are not gamers.
We understand the political climate very well. And those people are only pushing a hidden agenda. They are more corrupt than politicans. They want things that they do not like to be censored or banned. And if anyone opposes them, they try to silence them.
The negative press from those people will not affect game sales. You can see this if you look at your own sales, or the sales of those games that have refused to censor. The people who want games to be censored or banned are not gamers. They are not customers of Japanese game companies. They are simply trying to use games as a scapegoat to push their hidden agenda.
Please ignore them. You can no longer rely on sites such as "Kotaku". They have become the enemy of gaming.
We want nothing to do with their agenda. We hold different opinions from them. We love Japanese games from the bottom of our hearts, and will always support them."


Edit: not only did they write a letter, they made it a sticky to be sure people see it.
I'm posting that shit up tomorrow so everyone can chuckle. The overly formal and weird constructions, the off putting assumptions

Ain't nobody lookin at kotaku except foreign staff anyway. There are a few known gaters scattered around the island tho


What gets me is the fundamental lack of understanding. Ok, so you send a letter to NOJ and they for some reason agree. That does fuck all to NOE and NOA, the ones actually making the changes. But let's suppose they send a mandate (lol) to not change anything. NOA and NOE would just not release the game. Xenoblade *barely* came out and it was in limited release
and dubbed by heathens
. The only thing this accomplishes is push Japanese companies to not want to release their games in the west.

Young Magus

Junior Member
When my black ass is saying there's something wrong with your japanese then you know its terrabad.

Shit is :scust: of the highest order


In our school there were a set of teachers who insisted that the Muslim kids misbehaved because they hated female teachers

It turned out that the Muslim kids misbehaved because the whole class was misbehaving because the teacher in question was shit and couldn't control the class.

When white kids act up its oh they have a bad family background, or learning difficulties or because the individual is a little shit so they need extra support.

When Muslim or Traveller or Polish or Czech kids misbehaved it was because foreigners are all shifty, they all need to go on behavioral management reports.

Shit though if you want to see really really ugly racism snake up out the European posters make a thread about Travellers and Gypsies.
Quickly jumping on it everytime

Nina reveal in Tekken brehs
Need to know how she killed her husband
cos we know she killed that dude


Edit: not only did they write a letter, they made it a sticky to be sure people see it.



lmao. This is the good stuff right here.


I just found out that half the FE team didn't even want that shit in the game in the first place.


According to Maeda, there were two debugging teams that had totally different opinions on the matter. Team A found the whole thing kind of unpleasant, and were the ones that limited the touching area and switched the stylus from a hand. Team B was the opposite, and wanted to be able to touch the characters in more places and have the icon be a hand again.
When they talked about it with Nintendo, Nintendo said they were over doing it, so they toned it down. Apparently, the version that Nintendo rejected was more extreme – you could touch a character anywhere, from their head to their stomach, and the touch icon was a hand. They thought the hand thing was kind of unpleasant, so they changed it to a touch pen
Higuchi thought [using Live2D] seemed like a good idea, and imagined being able to tap the screen to have a character look a certain way. However, he never imagined you’d be able to touch them! Kusakihara agreed with Higuchi, and thought that it would be something used between characters after marriage.

Welp. I guess we *are* getting the game as the Japanese devs intended it. Ain't that some shit, #GG?
Honestly, I'll nver understand what people are thinking when they cry foul at localization changes.

On one hand I get it & on the other hand no. Cultural differences aside you need to get a good sense of society & sensitive issues.

It drives me crazy at times because it's the field I want to get into.



I just found out that half the FE team didn't even want that shit in the game in the first place.


Welp. I guess we *are* getting the game as the Japanese devs intended it. Ain't that some shit, #GG?

It doesn't surprise me at all that it was even worse at first. Folks wanted to act like it was an innocent minigame, but nope, it was about creepy shit as expected.


Microsoft: "Please use Bing. Please. We will literally give you shit to use Bing. Guys? Please?"
They've had that program for awhile. Back in like 2009, they had another rewards program like that where you played browser games and could win free 360 controllers, games, zunes, posters, and other stuff. I found a script to play through the games automatically and got so much stuff that ups drivers were coming to my house every other day. I made a bunch of money selling that shit on eBay. I kinda wish I had kept one of the zunes just to try them out.
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