It's 20% the content being really fucking weird and 80% this is not what Fire Emblem should be coupled with a healthy dose of "stop pandering to the creepy subset". As I said earlier, no one should be stanning for a fucking 13 year old in a swimsuit that lets you know whether or not she shaves herself. But, there's enough of a Japanese market that that shit sells. It sells well enough that you can turn extra profit by throwing in something of the sort. That market doesn't exist in the West, not in quantity that greatly impacts sales. In fact, the opposite can occur; the last thing Nintendo needs is a misinformed Fox News segment about rubbing faces as a euphemism for kinky sex. No one who wanted this in FE isn't buying it because of the cut. There are people who would have seen this and decided, "naw, pass". Nintendo made a savvy as fuck decision. And I'm sure Genei Ibunroku #FE is gonna get something worthless cut and we'll get to watch this same convo roll out again. And I'll be over here, laughing in gleeful malice over "mah gaems! censorship!" building of Mt. Salt.
I wonder how the gamergate dumbfucks are taking it.
A) I don't disagree that its super weird. I just can't elevate it to creepy. Seems too benign to be worthy of that tag.
B) Not sure why you brought up The Xenoblade outfit issue. Separate issue that deserves a separate response. I'm not one to subscribe to a "ban all the things" or a "ban none of the things" mindset. I totally get why that change was made there and agree with it. I'm not cynical enough to think Monolith left that in there to specially appeal to anybody as opposed to them not having the foresight to see an issue incoming since all characters of that gender got the same outfit but maybe I'm giving them too much credit, I dunno.
C) Fox News doesn't give a shit. No news network is actually going to give a shit. If Nintendo wants to play it safe that's their prerogative but let's be real and not pretend there was a real (i.e. not just on gaming forums) shitstorm on the horizon
D) You love you some schadenfreude don't you?

Just make sure you get it from the real dickheads and not just anyone who disagrees with you.
Because petting your npc characters is creepy, and I don't want kids growing up thinking it is fine and what not.
Is "Think of the children?!" a real concern here?
Kind of noticed that racism seems to be on the rise in the European posters
Like, they all act like smug liberals about America when something race related happens there but then point out that Muslims exist in their country and its rabblerabblerabblerabblerabble
I've seen that many, many times and its so weird. It's a very odd lack of self-awareness. I guess it serves as a nice reminder that whenever some European says "oh that never happens over here" that they are full of shit.
Im dying. Gamergate is such a joke.
A) LOL that is legit hilarious
B) Why are you sifting through the underbelly of the internet for shits and giggles? You've gotta be running into some face-palm worthy shit.
February is gonna be the worst.
Also, just got dumped by my SO. Had a feeling it was coming because things just weren't in sync, but it still hurts like hell.
Man that sucks. I'm sure you'll pull through though
I just applied for a higher position at my job. Fingers crossed.
Good Luck!
Not gonna lie. The #OscarsSoWhite ratings thread is going in a direction I absolutely didn't anticipate.
People are arguing about what makes a person white and more specifically if the Spanish are white. Huh?
How often would you say your threads go "according to plan"? At least the ones where you aren't intentionally trying to start shit
Bernie Sanders put out a generic political ad but it made a guy declare that it was the greatest as of all time and said he wept while watching. I wish I loved anything as much as Bernie stans love whatever Bernie touches.
I was ready for some super emotional ad with a sad story in it, or something uplifting, or anything really.
It was a generic "here are some hard working Americans, and here's me shaking hands with them" ad without anyone actually speaking, and Simon and Garfunkel behind the footage
literally that's it
I don't think I've seen a single Hilary supporter on here that has drunk the Kool-Aid as hard as some Bernie supporters. Example #35315342 of some of them being kind of off-putting.