So B.O.B is now a holocaust denier? The fuck?
Seriously? Is this dude some sort of magnetic L catcher or something?
So B.O.B is now a holocaust denier? The fuck?
hawkgirl pls
Seriously? Is this dude some sort of magnetic L catcher or something?
He'll be screaming vote trump next..Seriously? Is this dude some sort of magnetic L catcher or something?
Typeface, a dude that kills people with Ls
hawkgirl pls
My thing is homegirl could save herself a lot of trouble by just saying she's mixed race. She's being intentionally dumb about this.
But then she'd have to explain the mixture..I'm guessing one of the elements is clearly the problem. Kinda laughing now after herMy thing is homegirl could save herself a lot of trouble by just saying she's mixed race. She's being intentionally dumb about this.
Her low key racism is endearing
Seriously? Is this dude some sort of magnetic L catcher or something?
Seriously? Is this dude some sort of magnetic L catcher or something?
He'll be screaming vote trump next..
Race to the bottom of humanity. He's gunning for it.
i bet yung berg is thankful for him and meek mill. his Ls are forgotten for the moment
i bet yung berg is thankful for him and meek mill. his Ls are forgotten for the moment
Ok i havent heard about yung berg in years, I just thought he fell off. Did he screw up super hard or something?
Should I join my school's anime club? Yay or nay
From talking hard and getting his chain snatched by goons who then went on the internet bragging about it, to getting fired from love and hip hop for domestic abuse issues, hes had an L filled career
hawkgirl pls
hawkgirl pls
hawkgirl pls
She's identified as multiple different ethnicities at different times. And from her twitter rant from awhile back she claims whatever aspects of her ethnic mix she wants to at any given time. Nobody has the right to label her, too many people are caught up in labels, she's each of those things and all of those things, etc.. etc..
It seems a bit odd to me but it does seem like she had a rough time growing up mixed and because of that she has decided on an... uncommon philosophy.
My thing is homegirl could save herself a lot of trouble by just saying she's mixed race. She's being intentionally dumb about this.
She has identity issues. She must've had some school trauma where she really couldn't consolidate who she is.
Ramza looks like a girl. Like, that's some Senko no Ronde, Calintz, Bridget type effeminacy.
dont worry, she'll get her nigga wakeup call when she wonders why she aint getting no more roles
she's joking here, right?
I can't even tell anymore.
But we don't really have any strong Latina heroes. You're the first.
Okay, yeah. That's awesome. I'm into that. That's really, really cool.
Is it something you thought about as you were going into this?
I mean, yeah. I try not to put too much pressure on myself. [Laughs] I think it's really great. I'm glad that we're getting more representation, across the board. It's what we've been needing for so long. We've been set in our ways for quite some time.
When it was first announced that I was playing Hawkgirl, there was so much positive response. And then there were obviously, like, a lot of people who were like, "Um, she's not a redhead. She's not white. She doesn't have green eyes. This is ridiculous." And it's like, "Okay, guys. I get it. You're diehard fans. That's really cool, and that's the way that it was. But you have to keep in mind that she was written in 1940. At that time, there were no other ethnicities in comic books. Like, that wasn't happening."
So now it's like, here we get the chance to revamp and expand. And we have great writers to do it, so why not? I think having something set since 1940 was long enough. We need to see something there, and I think we're getting it. And I think it's awesome.
Go away from her. I'm assuming you really like her but don't want to rock the boat? Nice guy?Why shit gotta be complicated? There's this girl I like, I've known her all three years we've been in high school. She's quickly become my closet friend. We went on a date once last year and decided to stay friends. Well I talked to her a few weeks ago and told her I had feelings for her. She said she does too, but neither of us are willing to possibly compromise our friendship if this doesn't work out. I still really like her though, any help for a young buck?
Isn't she claiming mixed, just at different times?Ugh. Just ugh. I'm trying to make sure my son doesn't get his soul snatched like this. He goes to a 99.99% black school (I don't think I've ever seen a white student there). He is close to all my family. He knows of his grandma's work in the Civil Rights Movement. He's surrounded by blackness.
But at the same time, my husband is an important part of his life, and he also loves Sea Manky's family. I just hope my son claims "mixed" or "biracial", which is a fair assessment of what he is, and doesn't go "white" because of some trauma that I cannot foresee.
The woman needs a mixed race Drop Squad, made up of Halle Berry, Lenny Kravitz, Lisa Bonet, Colin Kapernick, Wentworth Miller, Rashida Jones...
I wasn't let down, told her I liked her she told me she liked me. She's become my closest friend and someone I trust. Both of us don't wanna mess that up at all. I ain't wary of her, right now I'm just hoping this doesn't come back and bite me in the assGo away from her. I'm assuming you really like her but don't want to rock the boat? Nice guy?
You bring it up but you get let down? Get away from her. Why you have to settle? You have to come to grips with your feelings, first. What do you want? Everyone has had this conversation. It's nice and all but if you really dig her, it's a setup for regrets. Is she an 8 and above? If she is, you gonna wake up one day wondering what the fuck you were thinking.
I would be wary of her motives. Likes you but not really? I don't know how to interpret that. Save your friendship? I'm not good friends with anyone from HS. You might get lucky but most people will dramatically changed from HS to 30. So, live your life. Go find someone who wants to be with you like you want to be with them.
I initially wanted to post that you should fight for her. But fighting is not the right word. You need to figure out how you feel and if you want to, let her know. I don't see how the two of you can have feelings for each other, over multiple years, not get together and still be friends. If your not interested in that process, then leave. Which breaks the relationship. Or tell her how you feel. Which may upgrade the relationship.
And I hope there is no way you'll just swallow your feelings for her sake. That's not a good pattern for any of you.
Or just ignore it. You don't have to answeer personal shitMy thing is homegirl could save herself a lot of trouble by just saying she's mixed race. She's being intentionally dumb about this.
That was a rough time in SPidey comicsWho is this jo jo character
I know who he is
Slay, I think you might like this.
Hmm, I see. Thanks for the link.
Idk, but she seems really insecure about her racial identity if she's willing to shrug off the mixed label she labeled herself as and exchange it for the "whiter than a marshmallow" status because she's worried how white people perceive her.
There's no point in denying parts of your identity to appease people who will still hate you anyway -shrug-
Ugh. Just ugh. I'm trying to make sure my son doesn't get his soul snatched like this. He goes to a 99.99% black school (I don't think I've ever seen a white student there). He is close to all my family. He knows of his grandma's work in the Civil Rights Movement. He's surrounded by blackness.
But at the same time, my husband is an important part of his life, and he also loves Sea Manky's family. I just hope my son claims "mixed" or "biracial", which is a fair assessment of what he is, and doesn't go "white" because of some trauma that I cannot foresee.
The woman needs a mixed race Drop Squad, made up of Halle Berry, Lenny Kravitz, Lisa Bonet, Colin Kapernick, Wentworth Miller, Rashida Jones...
Ugh. Just ugh. I'm trying to make sure my son doesn't get his soul snatched like this. He goes to a 99.99% black school (I don't think I've ever seen a white student there). He is close to all my family. He knows of his grandma's work in the Civil Rights Movement. He's surrounded by blackness.
But at the same time, my husband is an important part of his life, and he also loves Sea Manky's family. I just hope my son claims "mixed" or "biracial", which is a fair assessment of what he is, and doesn't go "white" because of some trauma that I cannot foresee.
The woman needs a mixed race Drop Squad, made up of Halle Berry, Lenny Kravitz, Lisa Bonet, Colin Kapernick, Wentworth Miller, Rashida Jones...
"When you [call biracial kids black], you risk disrespecting that one half of who you are, and that's my fear," Diggs said. "I don't want my son to be in a situation where he calls himself 'black' and everyone thinks he has a black mom and a black dad, and then they see a white mother, they wonder, 'Oh, what's going on?' "
Diggs also said he would call President Barack Obama the first "mixed" president, rather than the first "black" president."
As African-Americans we were so quick to say okay hes black hes black, and then there were the white people who were afraid to say he was biracial because who knows," Diggs said. "Everybody refers to him as the first black president, Im not saying its wrong, Im just saying that its interesting. It would be great if it didnt matter and that people could call him mixed. Were still choosing to make that decision, and thats when I think you get into some dangerous waters.
Loldont worry, she'll get her nigga wakeup call when she wonders why she aint getting no more roles
Go away from her. I'm assuming you really like her but don't want to rock the boat? Nice guy?
You bring it up but you get let down? Get away from her. Why you have to settle? You have to come to grips with your feelings, first. What do you want? Everyone has had this conversation. It's nice and all but if you really dig her, it's a setup for regrets. Is she an 8 and above? If she is, you gonna wake up one day wondering what the fuck you were thinking.
I would be wary of her motives. Likes you but not really? I don't know how to interpret that. Save your friendship? I'm not good friends with anyone from HS. You might get lucky but most people will dramatically changed from HS to 30. So, live your life. Go find someone who wants to be with you like you want to be with them.
I initially wanted to post that you should fight for her. But fighting is not the right word. You need to figure out how you feel and if you want to, let her know. I don't see how the two of you can have feelings for each other, over multiple years, not get together and still be friends. If your not interested in that process, then leave. Which breaks the relationship. Or tell her how you feel. Which may upgrade the relationship.
And I hope there is no way you'll just swallow your feelings for her sake. That's not a good pattern for any of you.
Nah that's some opportunistic bullshit. It'd be so much less problematic if she simply said she's mixed race, she's clearly not white which means that there is some sense of self loathing there. I know people who are quarter/half black that can straight up pass for white. This woman doesn't pass at all. Self identifying as white for a clearly mixed person just uses her blackness as a fulcrum to uphold white supremacy.She's identified as multiple different ethnicities at different times. And from her twitter rant from awhile back she claims whatever aspects of her ethnic mix she wants to at any given time. Nobody has the right to label her, too many people are caught up in labels, she's each of those things and all of those things, etc.. etc..
It seems a bit odd to me but it does seem like she had a rough time growing up mixed and because of that she has decided on an... uncommon philosophy.
Yeah, he's been the conductor of the coon train for a hot minute.Taye Diggs been on some "good ones" bullshit for a while