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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


Good advice. She got you as the "dick in the glass". Just in case things don't work out with EVERYONE ELSE, then she can go ahead and get with you. But she will never break that glass because there is no challenge in that. It is always there. It is like the leftovers in the fridge that you know are there, but you order a pizza anyway.

A relationship shouldn't be something you have to bargain around to start. It also shouldn't be something that you have to convince the other person to get into. If you want to be friends, be distant friends. You have your feelings for her, and if you are close friends it just ends up as a frustrating exercise. Walk away, if you can't do that, just keep it as a text-only friendship. And please...don't explain anything to her, just make the change.
Yeah, no. She knows I ain't gonna be there for her for a relationship as a last resort, that has been well established. I can continue to be friends with people I have or had feelings for without feeling weird about it too, plus yet again I can't stop talking to her even if I wanted to.


Iunno about some of those mixed people you mentioned, but Colin Kaepernick on the other hand.

Have you seen Instagram? You wouldn't even think he was biracial and raised with white parents.

Coli photoshop

The Honorable Minister Kaep X is out here educating y'all.

damn youd think this nigga was about to lead a march. i had no idea


I can't imagine what identity issues must feel like. I mean I have a homie that's half Haitian, half Caucasian.

He hated times society asked him to identify himself. He thought it was obvious to everyone that he was black.

I remember specifically he hated that he felt his identity was something to question.

I mean, I think most mixed-race black people in America have at least some degree of identity issues. For me, I never thought about race, because I spent the first ~9 years of my life around all sorts of different people. My parents never talked about race, my teachers never talked about race. It wasn't until I moved to the sticks that my racial identity was crystallized by an entire bus full of kids chanting "nigger" at me my first week at my new school.

That's why I laugh at Taye Diggs or Raven Simone or Tiger Woods, trying to dance across those lines that America has had in place for hundreds of years. They are playing themselves. You could be 1/4 or 1/8 black but you're still low to a large segment of America.

Joining thread to say this:

I hate being light-skinned enough to pass for any other ethnicity. It has become a recipe for people to say stealth-racist shit and then get offended when I call them out.

"Oh I didn't mean it when I said that, besides what do you care, aren't you Puerto Rican/Italian/Filipino/Samoan anyway?"

Dammit. Plus, my kids are even more light than me (I'm mixed, my kids are by a white woman) and when they're with my mom she gets asked the "are you the nanny" question. She had to deal with that shit 20 years ago with me and my kid brother...now with my kids too? America, why?

LOL I've gotten that before. Years ago I dated an Indian girl, and me, her roommate, and her roommate's boyfriend went out to dinner. The boyfriend starts dropping the n-bomb, talking about how awful we are, lazy, whatever... his girlfriend is just mollified. He had no idea. I let him continue through the entire meal like that.


LOL I've gotten that before. Years ago I dated an Indian girl, and me, her roommate, and her roommate's boyfriend went out to dinner. The boyfriend starts dropping the n-bomb, talking about how awful we are, lazy, whatever... his girlfriend is just mollified. He had no idea. I let him continue through the entire meal like that.

Reminds me of Adrian Piper's calling card



Dice// is the best.


I think it's more that he has some personal hang ups and insecurities with being married to a white woman and he's projecting that onto his son.

Taye Diggs like Wesley Snipes, got hate from black women during their careers after being put on pedestals for "black love"/"black love fantasies" and then "betraying" them by dating and/or acting as love interest with white women. But instead of just saying "Hey, it's just a movie" or "Look, love is love, I don't hate black women just because I date someone of another ethnic group", Taye like Wesley fully embraced their hate and became anti black women super villains.


Taye Diggs like Wesley Snipes, got hate from black women during their careers after being put on pedestals for "black love"/"black love fantasies" and then "betraying" them by dating and/or acting as love interest with white women. But instead of just saying "Hey, it's just a movie" or "Look, love is love, I don't hate black women just because I date someone of another ethnic group", Taye like Wesley fully embraced their hate and became anti black women super villains.
Basically. I don't think most would have an issue if they just said as much that they just happened to fall in love with someone of another race, there is nothing wrong with that. But I recall Wesley had some pretty incindiary remarks about sisters in general. I think he also said that asian women were more submissive. So it's a mixture of self hate and ferishizing/exotic zing Asian women. That's some fuccnigga shit on Wesley part imo.


People hate AAA games and scream for more indie niche titles

Then get mad when those indie titles cost money.

Taye Diggs like Wesley Snipes, got hate from black women during their careers after being put on pedestals for "black love"/"black love fantasies" and then "betraying" them by dating and/or acting as love interest with white women. But instead of just saying "Hey, it's just a movie" or "Look, love is love, I don't hate black women just because I date someone of another ethnic group", Taye like Wesley fully embraced their hate and became anti black women super villains.

The Hotep Squadron.


Expected it to be 60
The Witness too and was surprising it was cheaper but people still say it should have been 15 bucks
game been in development for 8 years surely tou can save up 40 bucks during that time.

The people that usually say this are people that ones that just want a bunch of PS2 era games and scoff at non3d stuff.


Or some scuzzy looking 16 bit nostalgia clone.


game been in development for 8 years surely tou can save up 40 bucks during that time.
Why ain't it 15 tho? Isn't he indie and that should be his max?
Hilarious people

I don't know what the deal with that jar of piss was but this guy has my money even if i suck at puzzle games. Braid was cool


@Malyse: You've shared a lot of good design work over the year(s) and have commissioned some talented artists (today being an obvious example) to do work for you but how much progress have you made on the actual "game" aspect of your game? Like you do have the actual gameplay all mapped out and documented? Do you have any programmers at your employ or are at least in touch with the start moving forward anytime soon?

Need this fighter
The OST wlll be godlike even if the game sucks

The question is will it come out AND will it be any good. Aside from Skullgirls and Project M, I can't think of many Western indie fighting games that have come out well (I guess Them Fightin' Herds seems to be on the right track right now though). I'd LOVE to be worrying over nothing here though.



The question is will it come out AND will it be any good. Aside from Skullgirls and Project M, I can't think of many Western indie fighting games that have come out well (I guess Them Fightin' Herds seems to be on the right track right now though). I'd LOVE to be worrying over nothing here though.

Indie fighter syndrome is too strong
Not an easy genre to go indie with going by the Skullgirls vids
TFH is looking good. But time will tell.


That sword is too big/just off for a one hander

It's a magic sword. One of the few weapons of entirely mystical origin.

@Malyse: You've shared a lot of good design work over the year(s) and have commissioned some talented artists (today being an obvious example) to do work for you but how much progress have you made on the actual "game" aspect of your game? Like you do have the actual gameplay all mapped out and documented? Do you have any programmers at your employ or are at least in touch with the start moving forward anytime soon?

I've worked out most of the systems, but I need to work on a few more things. I want to heve everything mapped out entirely before I start coding it. When you play it, you'l understand why so much time is being spent on the "design" portion. It's not quite fair to say that I'm doing something that's never been done, but I'm confident that the way I'm assembling concepts is something that no one has quite imagined before. It's part of why I can share so much incidental stuff about it; the really cool shit, the stuff that makes it stand out* are the things I've told no one about. Literally everything I've shown so far is incidental. When credits role, the stuff that I want to stick with you won't be what you've seen.

And that's before I get to the completely insane scope of what I aim to do.

*other than the facts that I have a black female, an asian female, and a hispanic female as my lead protagonists and my entire cast including enemies and NPC's are minorities and largely female. Oh and magical girls cause why not?)

Edit: Also, I work a lot.

EDIT 2: Also, I've shown a lot of concept art. Most of this won't be in the game. Actually, virtually none of it will.
I remember going to work a full month on a oil manufacturing factory when i was 13 or so, to get enough money(100€ in today's money) to buy SF2 for MegaDrive (Genesis)!


A lot of these kids weren't alive during the first era of 60-80 dollar games. Their arbitrary declarations of a game's value make me chuckle
What amazes me is how stable the price of games is. It's been 30 years and they haven't bumped up the way everything else has.


I remember going to work a full month on a oil manufacturing factory when i was 13 or so, to get enough money(100€ in today's money) to buy SF2 for MegaDrive (Genesis)!
That legit sounds like a "uphill in the snow both ways barefoot" story. But more importantly: why was a factory taking on 13 year olds anyway? I know you live in a godforsaken heretical wasteland, but even they should have labor laws.
This was like 23 years ago. My father worked at the factory too so he got me a summer job. Labor laws existed but were more of a "i won't tell if you don't" off the books kind of thing.


A lot of these kids weren't alive during the first era of 60-80 dollar games. Their arbitrary declarations of a game's value make me chuckle

I was. But a lot has changed since those days, too. There are a lot more games out now, there are Steam sales, Origin sales, etc. I don't think that it's so much arbitrary "X is worth this much" as it is "similar games cost me X". For a puzzle game, $40 is quite a bit. In 2015 that's what I paid for nearly every AAA megahit multiplat.

On the other hand, people need to learn to wait. In a few months, of course the Witness is going to be $20 on a Steam sale! There's no excuse to pirate just because you're greedy and impatient.
I was. But a lot has changed since those days, too. There are a lot more games out now, there are Steam sales, Origin sales, etc. I don't think that it's so much arbitrary "X is worth this much" as it is "similar games cost me X". For a puzzle game, $40 is quite a bit. In 2015 that's what I paid for nearly every AAA megahit multiplat.

On the other hand, people need to learn to wait. In a few months, of course the Witness is going to be $20 on a Steam sale! There's no excuse to pirate just because you're greedy and impatient.

Seriously, a little patience will save you a LOT of money. Especially in single player games.


In ain't shit news Gilbert out here telling secrets that shouldn't be told.

I'll order $80,000 worth of ones,throw about $40,000 of it too the strippers,sneak the rest out the club...have one of my #teammates sign that bill....wake up the next day,call #americanexpress(my card was stolen at the strip club last night,and these charges aint mines) with a (no questions asked policy)once they see its not ur signture,they refund you ALL your money back lmaoooo soooo I got the $80,000 I spent back..PLUS the $40,000 I took out the club... #aintnotrickingbihh strippers gave me that vagina on the house,it cost me nothing hahahaha #howyoudoing #ranoffontheclubTWICE #smartniggashit #greatinvestment #KOD'S #MAGICCITY just call it a club appearance fee lmaooo


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
A lot of these kids weren't alive during the first era of 60-80 dollar games. Their arbitrary declarations of a game's value make me chuckle

paying 60 bucks for a shit game that you have to eat would have killed people. i payed for tounament fighters twice with the little money i earned as a kid. i wish game stores were as common a thing back in the day


A lot of these kids weren't alive during the first era of 60-80 dollar games. Their arbitrary declarations of a game's value make me chuckle
Birthdays and Christmas was the only game times.
paying 60 bucks for a shit game that you have to eat would have killed people. i payed for tounament fighters twice with the little money i earned as a kid. i wish game stores were as common a thing back in the day

60 bucks

I am still mad


Shit is getting wild over there

I don't want none of this but no choice. Sticking out as much as chocalte in vanilla
Gotta take that advice parents give you as a kid

No coming home late at night
Be with a group of friends always
Take the other road if you see a menacing group etc etc
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