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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


6 hours until the fuckery intensities..




This is a good article about some of the racial issues in my old high school, Brooklyn Tech.

#blackinbrooklyntech On January 4, #blackinbrooklyntech started trending on Facebook, as black students from Brooklyn Technical High School spoke out about their experience at the elite school. One of eight specialized high schools in the city for which admission is based entirely on the results of an entrance exam, the Specialized High School Aptitude Test (SHSAT), Brooklyn Tech has a student body comprising 61 percent Asian, 20 percent white, 8 percent Latino and 8 percent black students, demographically similar to other competitive high public schools in the city, but not reflective of the city’s student population on the whole, approximately 70 percent of which is black and Latino.

But while some other sought-after high schools in the city require interviews and portfolios, and have individualized processes whose inherent subjectivity has long been thought to prioritize the school system’s white population, entrance into the specialized high schools is ostensibly race-and ethnicity-blind. In fact, the claimed benefit of the SHSAT is that, because it doesn’t factor in anything other than the score of this one test, it thus offers the fairest possible admissions process for students. And yet, the rise of #blackinbrooklyntech stands counter to this theory, and serves to illustrate that the demographic disparity at Brooklyn Tech and the rest of the specialized high schools (Tech has the most demographically diverse student body) has resulted in an allegedly hostile environment towards black students.
It's the final countdown boys!! Black History Month 2016!!

Will we survive?

Will we be nuked from orbit?

Or will we be transformed into the All Cultures Thread?


I've worked out most of the systems, but I need to work on a few more things. I want to have everything mapped out entirely before I start coding it. When you play it, you'll understand why so much time is being spent on the "design" portion. It's not quite fair to say that I'm doing something that's never been done, but I'm confident that the way I'm assembling concepts is something that no one has quite imagined before. It's part of why I can share so much incidental stuff about it; the really cool shit, the stuff that makes it stand out* are the things I've told no one about. Literally everything I've shown so far is incidental. When credits role, the stuff that I want to stick with you won't be what you've seen.

And that's before I get to the completely insane scope of what I aim to do.

*other than the facts that I have a black female, an asian female, and a hispanic female as my lead protagonists and my entire cast including enemies and NPC's are minorities and largely female. Oh and magical girls cause why not?)

Edit: Also, I work a lot.

EDIT 2: Also, I've shown a lot of concept art. Most of this won't be in the game. Actually, virtually none of it will.

I mean concept art is always subject to change and of course not all of it will make it into any final product but to hear NONE of it will make it in seems surprising? That makes it seem like a lot of this work will be for naught. Anyway, my understanding is that this will be your first game right? If so, be careful not to be overambitious. I'm liking a lot of what I'm hearing but if you bite off more than you can chew, it might be tough to make it to the actual finish line. Be careful and good luck.

Hey all. For those that don't know me I post occasionally in the cop threads and mlb and CFB threads. I've been a cop for awhile now and while I will never understand fully what a black man goes through in dealing with the police, I recognize that there are many many officers that are either flat out racist or ignorant to their inherent biases toward blacks. One of the things I now have input on in my department, is training our officers get on an annual basis, and I'm getting ready to propose training to recognize those biases and be more understanding of them.

I want to make a thread about this but I'm afraid that it will just devolve into a shit thread and be locked and I don't want that. I'm asking here to get feedback from the black community to see, what you believe to be things that we as police officers can do to repair the trust of those we are sworn to protect. I know the justice system is shit. I know this. But that's not something I could ever hope to do anything about. I'm talking about at the police level only. I'm also not talking about obvious things like killing unarmed men/children or the blue line of silence that is prevalent in my line of work.

What I want to know is what we as white officers should know about culturally that would be beneficial to learn and better understand where you coming from. Things that you learn growing up that are ingrained about who we are as police. Other things we can do do repair that trust besides the obvious things. Once I propose this training I will get push back on it even thought there is a big movement within law enforcement for this type of training, but I know I will get the support I need from my chief. He's going to be starting his own national training business once he moves on and I think I would have a vehicle to roll this type of training out on a national level at some point down the road. But I'd like to get it to where I want it within the next 5 years so that I can do more good for all involved.

Thanks in advance and I hope it is OK to ask this in here. If not I'll edit and delete my post.

I'm a bit pressed for time so I don't have much to add onto what others have said so far but I do want to thank you for your service and thank you for making a concerted effort to help repair/improve public/police interactions and relationships by engaging in a dialogue with us <3

The more I'm on this site the more I realize people don't know what they want. They complain about having to buy dlc with real money and then they get mad when you have the choice to use real money or play the game to unlock shit. They complain about how unlockables need to come back into games instead of having to pay extra to get the content and when they do come back they complain. Like what the fuck?

I don't disagree but don't forget that Neogaf (or any forum really) isn't a hivemind. Different people feel different things about the same subjects.

Soooo... Getting married today pretty nervous.

Congrats dude.


Finally got around to watching season 2 of Fargo. Bokeem Woodbine is so fucking good (I'm even more pissed at the Golden Globes now...) Kirsten Dunst is really good too.


Meeting in 20 hours, They called me for a second interview for the job. All I know is that they will interview me and one other candidate tomorrow, and will decide on the same day. Both of us were picked from a few dozen folk.

Love you all.

*enters zen state*


Congrats naka.

Wasn't the original selling point of the whole show back in 1999 or whatever the message that "either everything is okay to make fun of, or nothing is?" They probably see PC culture is an intrusion on comedic freedom.

But its not even a culture, its just " hey man we didn't really consider these people when we did and talked about shit, how about we consider them " they immediately went to this doomsday scenario where everything was run by adds and no one could say anything.
Congrats Naka!

Yeah, watching the youtube community all go in on them is very amusing. Those subs just continue to free fall.

There is a level of humanity, that they are just... like missing in their speech and actions in regards to this. And its sad, because it seems like they don't understand. They seem like sad robots. And its interesting to watch, because this this thing is going to happen more often. Folks being empires of twitch and youtube and then turn into this is going to happen. And its just interesting.
Finally got around to watching season 2 of Fargo. Bokeem Woodbine is so fucking good (I'm even more pissed at the Golden Globes now...) Kirsten Dunst is really good too.

I love Woodbine's accent in this. It's like he went somewhere between midwest and Obama.
Finally got around to watching season 2 of Fargo. Bokeem Woodbine is so fucking good (I'm even more pissed at the Golden Globes now...) Kirsten Dunst is really good too.

i like how calm and eloquent he is, love characters like that. reminds me of a black christoph waltz in here haha.

him and kirsten dunst killed it. also really liked the guy from burn notice with the most cartoonish mean mug of all time and the solversons.
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