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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

Just thought about this one chick that got angry at me because I said African Americans.

While I get the reasoning some folks have for not using it but she was getting really upset about it. Given she was the embodiment of every imaginary black female that Black Men say have too much attitude to date(Yes they exist sadly but a stereotype is a stereotype).

Funny thing is I was just using African Americans in jest too because I honestly don't use the term often I was just using AAVE(African American Vernacular) as a small joke and I got blown up for it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
JC's return post is going to have to be "Satch found out Bayonetta is in Smash Brothers" tier for all this slander.
Honestly he probably has no idea who dreamdrop even is. Tho JC should be used to having random people cursing his name by now.
Jandro isn't a horse?


So you mean to tell me, Future wrote for Ye's album but this negro couldn't get him on neeeen track? How you let Real Future Hendrix write but let Discount Future spit?

C'mon Ye!!



The question was Jandro is NOT a horse, to which the reply was NO, implying that Jandro is, in fact, a horse.

JC's return post is going to have to be "Satch found out Bayonetta is in Smash Brothers" tier for all this slander.

It's only slander if it's not true.

Dont fool yourself into thinking people dont like jc either. Next thing you'll tell me you think jandro is really a horse

I'm mean and intentionally abrasive, but I'm not a fucking jackass. For example, I'd never mock someone for being suicidal not would I tell someone who I knew had struggled with it that they should kill themselves or die. That's one of the differences between us. I know where the limits are between joking in good taste and attacking someone like a fucking malicious asshole. Regardless of any percieved slights I haven't fucking earned that, so JC can fuck off forever. I'm never going to be cool with him and I'm not going to act like I am. Think of that what you will, but when it comes to him, I don't have any fucks to give.

Maybe people do like JC. I don't think anyone should.

Honestly he probably has no idea who dreamdrop even is. Tho JC should be used to having random people cursing his name by now.

He knows.


1. I deserved that ban.

2. Slay, I know everything about DC Rebirth. Have known about it since the beginning of the month. Tomorrow is going to be funny.

3. How come none of you told me Malyse was Dreamdrop?

1. Welcome back

2. You and your football team still ain't shit


Really feeling that third one
Dig everything about it
The one when I didn't go crazy on the design? Heh. People are really attached to that character in particular and I'm not really sure why.
Though I have a suspicion…
Negotiate anyway, see what you can get out of it, just don't push too hard. I did that at my job and benefited greatly despite loving the original offer.
I mean, I get the sentiment, but I think I'd be better served negotiating once I've proven myself a valuable asset and they want me permanently.

I'm getting 2.5 times my last pay and working from home.
Memorial day the new Roots premieres on the History Channel.
Please don't be a train wreck like virtually every other thing updated for modern audiences.


Overheard: White Person: I just think it's kinda racist that there's not a white version of The Wiz.


Memorial day the new Roots premieres on the History Channel.

I don't think I have it in me to watch anymore slave films. There's so many aspects of black history that could be focused on, but ain't shit being made unless its slavery or the civil rights movement. I mean shit, at least focus on something unique within that era. Give me Reconstruction or something. At least Birth of a Nation focuses on a story where the slaves are their own agency for change, albeit unsuccessfully...


The one when I didn't go crazy on the design? Heh. People are really attached to that character in particular and I'm not really sure why.
Though I have a suspicion…

Don't know exactly what it is.
Looks like she has been in sword fights and the hair and expression is cool. Like the color too

D i Z

Overheard: White Person: I just think it's kinda racist that there's not a white version of The Wiz.

I howled. An actual howl came out of me instead of loud laughter.

I don't think I have it in me to watch anymore slave films. There's so many aspects of black history that could be focused on, but ain't shit being made unless its slavery or the civil rights movement. I mean shit, at least focus on something unique within that era. Give me Reconstruction or something. At least Birth of a Nation focuses on a story where the slaves are their own agency for change, albeit unsuccessfully...

I feel you on that. I'm looking forward to this one as an exception. I'm betting that the number of people who are even aware of Roots has dipped drastically within the last 20, 25 years to the point of it being a completely obscure reference to most media savvy people. Not that people are more likely to go out of their way to see it, read the book, or look for the original tv adaptation. But it being back in current circulation is probably a good thing.


Don't know exactly what it is.
Looks like she has been in sword fights and the hair and expression is cool. Like the color too
Ironically, she's super lazy and unmotivated. Fantastic fighter, but only because she wants to end fights as fast as possible so she can go back to being lazy.

In case it's not obvious, wallpaper 1 and 2 are the same character, as are 3/4 and 5/6.


Ironically, she's super lazy and unmotivated. Fantastic fighter, but only because she wants to end fights as fast as possible so she can go back to being lazy.

In case it's not obvious, wallpaper 1 and 2 are the same character, as are 3/4 and 5/6.

Always liked lazy ones
Couldn't tell it was the same character


I don't think I have it in me to watch anymore slave films. There's so many aspects of black history that could be focused on, but ain't shit being made unless its slavery or the civil rights movement. I mean shit, at least focus on something unique within that era. Give me Reconstruction or something. At least Birth of a Nation focuses on a story where the slaves are their own agency for change, albeit unsuccessfully...

I feel you on that. I'm looking forward to this one as an exception. I'm betting that the number of people who are even aware of Roots has dipped drastically within the last 20, 25 years to the point of it being a completely obscure reference to most media savvy people. Not that people are more likely to go out of their way to see it, read the book, or look for the original tv adaptation. But it being back in current circulation is probably a good thing.

Make that three. I'm personally very happy it exists and I hope that it's well done, but there is absolutely no fucking way that I'm watching it. Noping right the fuck out.
Always liked lazy ones
Couldn't tell it was the same character
Flaw of having different artists with disparate artstyles. That's why I'm have one person do all of the characters over. Once that's down, I can finally finally show off this little project I've been working on.

It's not the game, if that's what you were hoping.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I don't think I have it in me to watch anymore slave films. There's so many aspects of black history that could be focused on, but ain't shit being made unless its slavery or the civil rights movement. I mean shit, at least focus on something unique within that era. Give me Reconstruction or something. At least Birth of a Nation focuses on a story where the slaves are their own agency for change, albeit unsuccessfully...

Agreed. I do think that there are a couple of generations that need to see something like Roots as they are so ignorant of the past. But I would like to see something different also. The life of a black inventor, astronaut, war hero, supreme court justice, etc. another story that I haven't seen before.


Civil Rights films, Slavery films, and Bioflicks are just grating to me at this point.
Hooooooold up. Why are biofilms getting tossed under the bus? There are fantastic stories about black folk that aren't being told and biofilms are by far the best way to disseminate that information.


Flaw of having different artists with disparate artstyles. That's why I'm have one person do all of the characters over. Once that's down, I can finally finally show off this little project I've been working on.

It's not the game, if that's what you were hoping.

Down to see whenever you decide to show
Been a minute since you've been working on these
I can still do slave movies but I think too many creatives, black and white, think slavery and civil rights are the beginning and end of the black struggle or the height of black prosperity. I think if someone is thinking about making a slavery movie, they should research to find out if there's another bit of history relevant to black oppression that hasn't been done to death. I also can't stand the feeling that it seems like mainstream white society learns nothing from movies like this. It feels like they see the movies the same way they look at an exhibit of neanderthal ancestors. "Oh remember that? Well I'm glad those times are over." It never feels like society has actually learned anything despite the overwhelming amount of antebellum period movies.
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