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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


Junior Member
Maybe I already linked it a while back, but somewhere there's a story about how in America white people recently have been experiencing decreased levels of mental and emotional well-being, indicated by heightened levels of alcoholism and depression. And apparently this is JUST happening to white people in America. The article hypothesized that other group aren't being affected in a correlated way because they've been used to depressed situations or whatever. It said the only comparable situation is what happened to Russian males in the years after the Soviet Union ended.

New girl at work, bout to do the dirty trying to take her from her man in the long term.
When threads about hurt feelings get 10x the response and indignation as threads about cops rolling up on innocent black men and shooting them....
When that shit comes as no surprise either....


Guess who almost caught the fade with an old man for merely walking towards my destination?

It's dark outside.
It's under 30 degrees so I have the balaclava on and gloves.
I'm walking and apparently an older ##### male somewhere in the vicinity or wherever.
Dude saw me walking, turned around and waited.
I have my headphones in but he's stopped so whatever is going to happen happens.
He says someone was following me and I can go about my way and you go about yours.
I look at him like he's an idiot and say it's cold outside.
He turns to run in the house and I say have a good day guy.

tl;dr every black person is not out to rob or steal at night and leave us alone pls.


Oh! I forgot to share my good news!

So, you know that last week I did my first interview for that new job? Well today I got an email thanking me for interviewing with him and asking for some samples of my work
which means I spent four hours pretending I didn't see that email and designing a portfolio website :|
. In any case, progress!
Congrats, D.
You know the only thing I like about birthdays is free food? Free food everywhere. I don't need gifts in this life.
It's my 21st, if you're wondering.
Oh shit I am a member now!? Wooh survived 3 months
Guess who almost caught the fade with an old man for merely walking towards my destination?

It's dark outside.
It's under 30 degrees so I have the balaclava on and gloves.
I'm walking and apparently an older ##### male somewhere in the vicinity or wherever.
Dude saw me walking, turned around and waited.
I have my headphones in but he's stopped so whatever is going to happen happens.
He says someone was following me and I can go about my way and you go about yours.
I look at him like he's an idiot and say it's cold outside.
He turns to run in the house and I say have a good day guy.

tl;dr every black person is not out to rob or steal at night and leave us alone pls.
I've had some neighborhood watch type muhfuckas trail me in their car through a little service road at night, high beams on and shit as I walked home from work. I thought maybe I was blocking the way so I moved to the side of the road to let them by, but that car damn sure didn't speed up, it kept right behind me till I got to one of the main roadways. Was unnerving cause you don't know if you're gunna get run up on when a car stalks you like that at nighttime.


To make a long story short, I was selfish and an asshole. Told girl we shouldn't talk for a bit, I really didn't feel like I could be around her and be just her friend. For reasons we currently can not be together, I know why and I know how bad it'd be if we were together yet me in my 16 year old wisdom fucked up. I told three people what I did, my best friend of 9 years, and two people I've known since I got to high school. One of these people hates me now and I'm certain another one of my friends does as well.

Now, three hours later I tell the girl how much of an asshole I feel like for being selfish, because I really do and even though she told me I am allowed to be selfish for once I feel like a cuntbag. I've taken my Ls in life, but this one hits hard. Like I royally fucked up in this situation, know it, and know no way to salvage the situation with my friends who I'm certain hate me. Yet in this whole situation, the girl who I was selfish towards doesn't hate me right now.

It's been three days since this happened. Also I fucking hate myself for being such an asshole and for being so damn selfish. Like it's eating me up inside more than anything has in the past

Man, you are young.

This will be behind you quicker than you know it, and you will likely fuck up far worse. At your age it's ok to learn from fuck ups. Hell, that goes for early 20s too.
why do the fellow white people have to have so much of a persecution complex, its so damn embarrassing

After the many new atrocities revealed to me about the history of black America this month, I've truly decided not to suffer much more whining from white people when it comes to matters of race or oppression.
Yeah it doesn't, nor a vs cpu option.

No it has a a Versus CPU Option in its Bare bones Story mode and Survival Mode.

Kinda wish people would get that right because they make it seem like its completely Multiplayer oriented and has no single player features at all. Its just that everything about the game atm is Barebones.

Anywho I actually appreciate Rihanna's song Work more that White people are shitting on patois. Song rides in the bar/club scene.


time to take my meds
i'm so angry right now.

i live in south carolina. you know, donald trump south carolina. so naturally, some people on my fb feed post some ignorant ass shit. i usually think it's funny and shrug it off. i really don't like getting into online debates about politics.

but tonight i came across this gem.
can't even believe i associated (note the past tense) with people who think this way. i'm going to sleep.
No it has a a Versus CPU Option in its Bare bones Story mode and Survival Mode.

Kinda wish people would get that right because they make it seem like its completely Multiplayer oriented and has no single player features at all. Its just that everything about the game atm is Barebones.

Anywho I actually appreciate Rihanna's song Work more that White people are shitting on patois. Song rides in the bar/club scene.

You don't understand when cats say that they're specifically referring to the vs mode option where get to play against the game AI like in Tekken 6 and Street Fighter IV?

I think when referencing arcade mode which also has cpu opponents would mean people the distinction between the two.
i'm so angry right now.

i live in south carolina. you know, donald trump south carolina. so naturally, some people on my fb feed post some ignorant ass shit. i usually think it's funny and shrug it off. i really don't like getting into online debates about politics.

but tonight i came across this gem.

can't even believe i associated (note the past tense) with people who think this way. i'm going to sleep.

I woke my girl up I laughed so hard. Holy shit..can't say I've heard that one before. Folks really are that dumb, huh? "Got a all expense paid cruise, too..you're welcome!"


Been on a real first date, first actual date since being divorced. I was on other "dates" that really were fronts to see what these ladies are about, but this was an actual date. I can't understate that tonight I think I saw what happens when you actually pay attention to the qualities you like and shoot for those in a partner.

I'mma keep her. Dead ass serious off one date and a few weeks of knowing her. I'mma keep her.
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