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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


Yikes. Another BLM thread, another bunch of posters telling protesters to know their place.

"Shouldn't you appreciate our gift of giving you some breadcrumbs of acknowledgement?"

The blatant racism/paternalism by a lot of Sanders supports, especially the subreddit, is just.. ugh.

Great speech. I had my breath held in the entire time he was walking in the open. I think that was the last time he was ever relatively near the public like that - when he came to Nebraska recently, they didn't even let the shuttles leave the arena until he was a mile away. They also had a truck stuff full of special-ops looking dudes in front and behind of his motorcade armed to the teeth, they didn't even have that for Bush when he came through
You wrong

Love how folks now care about BLM. Ruth would be so pleased



Second, not only do they care..they're FURIOUS! That thread has been an entertaining read. From devil woman, to "imagine if it was Bernie" shit. Luckily, everyone will now vote Trump, because THAT makes more sense than this political snatchdragon..😕


Second, not only do they care..they're FURIOUS! That thread has been an entertaining read. From devil woman, to "imagine if it was Bernie" shit. Luckily, everyone will now vote Trump, because THAT makes more sense than this political snatchdragon..😕

I'm already bracing myself for when Bernie ends his campaign and the fuckery that will happen in the OT.


Saw someone say over in the subreddit that they need to be "firm but gentle" when talking to people in the south. a lot of brogressives have that fucking "only us smarts should make decisions" attitude.

I'm dumbfounded that they can't see how ironic that attitude is especially in the context of racial issues when it comes to minorities.


I've been trying to be more politically active this election season and future ones than I have in the past but I'm going to have to cut back on posting in political threads I feel. They are becoming like race threads in which they are just becoming filled with triggering nonsense.

I'm already bracing myself for when Bernie ends his campaign and the fuckery that will happen in the OT.

Yeah today feels like a pre-amble. Also that BLM thread has been bad. I at least hope Hilary learns from the experience so something good can come out of all of this.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
bar none this has been the worst election season since I've been of age to vote.
I'm straight up burnt out and tired of all the candidates and their fandoms.
Say what y'all want about Bernie bros but I'd vote Sanders in a heartbeat over Clinton. Hillary has been in my mother country for years fucking with local politics and creating instability for her own gain and I'm never going to let that shit slide.

D i Z

Bruh, I was just planning to voting for whoever the Dem nominee was this November so I didn't really want to get involved in the whole primary business.

But... Bernie Stans brehs... Omg, I am finally woke on their bullshit.

"minorities or poor people or union members". What do these groups all have in common? This dude is not in the Bernie camp.

Let me rephrase that. This dude, if he is a Bernie supporter, is one of those that co-opted Bernie's positioning to push their own right wing agenda. Bernie has a lot of wolves in his bro camp.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Say what y'all want about Bernie bros but I'd vote Sanders in a heartbeat over Clinton. Hillary has been in my mother country for years fucking with local politics and creating instability for her own gain and I'm never going to let that shit slide.

I am in the same boat. While I think some of Bernie's supporters are terrible, I do think he is coming at this from a position that I can support. I don't want someone who is taking money from private prison lobbyists but at the same time talking out the other side of her mouth about reform. No candidate is going to be perfect, no one is perfect. But gotta go with the option who is closest to my ideal. With that said, if Clinton gets the nod, I will have to go with her because the GOP alternatives are much, much worse options.

I still cannot believe Trump is a real candidate with so much support.
You wrong

Love how folks now care about BLM. Ruth would be so pleased

I love how frankly the argument for why black folk should support Sanders is Clinton said a shitty thing in 96 and Sanders marched with MLK

I'm pissed that Clinton bungled that because it's enabled some Sanders folk to decide to wield BLM as some weapon. To be discarded as soon as they criticize their messiah again or after Super Tuesday of course


I want to write a story about one Feb 29th all black people on earth just vanish, and how the world react acts to it. It would finish with an epilogue 100 years into the future showing how society has evolved without black people

Frank's red hot is a long gone



The Black Lives Matter movement has shed light on the racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality experienced by the African-American community across America. But apparently some of the employees at Facebook’s notoriously white, bro-centric Menlo Park, California office don’t agree.

In a private memo posted on a company announcement page for employees only, Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that employees have been scratching out “black lives matter” (sic) and writing “all lives matter” on the company’s famous signature wall. The company, whose staff is only 2 percent black, is facing the issue head on.



so what happens Feb 29th, the last day of BHM?

We loop back to the first and try to do better this time and all the fallen friends are revived. It continunes till we all make it out alive or we all die. There's an optional sidequest to throw JC into the phantom zone to revive someone who's actually worth having around. If we succeed we her free Jandro mounts.


As a side note, people are really in denial about the Sword Art Online MMO being fake. Yeah, IBM is going to invest literal millions of dollars on an unproven technology. I'm certain that that's the plan.




Hello folks how are you

I discovered that a band I like but rarely releases albums, released a 3rd album last year, and its so bumpin and fire, that if I would have heard it. It would have been album of the year contender.

Got me like


Like that is a fantastic suprise, just an album of the year tier album you discovered on accident. and what's even better the band is using what was.. the genre less in the sense of it as whole, but more as an accent to other genre's way more than before , and it is way better used in that fasion

Also upon visitation from the annual birthday skeleton I have been informed, it is infarct my birthday. Racism, and Bad sonic games haven't killed me yet.
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