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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

It's too damn early in the morning for drama.

Just walked into aldis to grab a few groceries and breh drops this girl off by the entrance yelling at her to get her ass out the car. She slams the door and walks in without saying a word, he muttering to himself "...so done with these boogawolfs". Haven't heard that one in a while.

Had to google that one
They gentrified the fuck outta NY. My aunt & her family had to move out of Brooklyn because they couldn't afford rent anymore. Even now my mom told me this shit's happening in Harlem of all places.

Not shocking at all, seeing as how most of Manhattan is getting hit.They aren't making more land so they will just price the locals out of places like Harlem to make more room. When gentrification gets to the Heights, I will be legit shook.


Im a bit late. But in regards to that dad thing in a new york park.


I am a level of upset that I sort of cant understand. The upset is abstract. Because there is a lot of questions, that answers wont come. And these men will be regarded as sexual criminals by society post...incident. When employers google their name in future them connected to a rape will come up.

Blaming folks because were are a fuck up, isnt a fun time.

Im going to stop now before i start talking as abstract as the upset i feel.
Curios to hear what y'all talked about. This topic is very important to me being a lifelong New Yorker.

So, one thing I brought up was that I'm originally from CT, near Hartford. Hartford used to have the crime infested reputation, so it got the whole tough on crime thing happen to it.

Eventually, the city was able to handle a lot of the crime, but left a city that nobody wanted to be a part of. It's pretty much considered the worst state capital in the country. Boring, there's still occasional crime, just dead.

I brought up that I can see traces of Hartford in New York. I see it in parts of Staten, I see it in some parts of Brooklyn, a little in Harlem. Wealth inequality improving life in some parts, but leaving others completely stagnant. Cultures being drained out, folks getting moved out. New ones coming in, but many of them are only around temporarily.

The city just doesn't feel livable these days. In most of the US, I'd be middle class. Upper middle in a bunch of parts. In NYC, I'm on the bleeding edge of lower and middle. A lot of people are. It's a city of haves and have nots to a Republican Fantasy level. Except it's a "liberal" city (tell that to most of Staten)

She brought up how it's hard for her to find a sense of community, even where she's at (West Harlem). There's traces; community organized events, art and music scenes that I'm a part of, but they aren't that easy to come by. And many are just too busy to participate.

And we both do volunteer work, but when we figured out that we both do community service, it was like we found our own unicorns. Most people my age are trying to survive, nevermind helping others.

As I said, long talk. We had some disagreements too.
The sad thing is every time we get one of those there are at least two or three posters that are legit looking for encouragement and reinforcement for their nasty anti-bathing habits.
What about that dude with like twenty rodents who only bathes once a week and uses wipies in between..imagine the smells after sex.


Nintendo makes it an artform out of fucking up announcements.
It got leaked had it not been leaked we would of been ecstatic.

Well, well, well...

You just found yourself a BDPA member on Gaf! Are you a part of it yet? PM me if that's more comfortable for you.
What's the BDPA? As a black web developer im interested if it's what I think it is although I can't afford 500 dollar conferences lol


Well, well, well...

You just found yourself a BDPA member on Gaf! Are you a part of it yet? PM me if that's more comfortable for you.

Yes. I am a member. I joined earlier this year. Yay! Glad to meet another member. Part of the Cincinnati Chapter, though I've yet to attend a meeting since I work meeting nights.

It got leaked had it not been leaked we would of been ecstatic.

What's the BDPA? As a black web developer im interested if it's what I think it is although I can't afford 500 dollar conferences lol

An organization for Blacks in IT. I think I might just do one day at the conference for 250. Im not rich but I could make 500 happen. And that's just for their conference. BDPA is the organization so it's got chapters and stuff.
What's the BDPA? As a black web developer im interested if it's what I think it is although I can't afford 500 dollar conferences lol

Black Data Processing Associates. It's a national non-profit org specializing on Information Technology and Professional Development.

I've been in it for a loooong time, and it's the only reason I have a job right now, LMAO.

The conference is rough cost wise, but if you can find a way to get into it, it's totally worth it. Even if it's for the job fair on Saturday.

I dodge the costs because I teach and chaperon kids for the high school computer competition. I get in for free. Ok, free-ish.

Yes. I am a member. I joined earlier this year. Yay! Glad to meet another member. Part of the Cincinnati Chapter, though I've yet to attend a meeting since I work meeting nights.

Cincinnati has a very active chapter. Good reputation too. Sucks that your schedule makes going to the meetings impossible, there's a lot of opportunities to be had.


ME: Babygirl, new Pokémon coming this fall. Will have the original 150's involvement.

FIANCÉE: Woo-woo!!

ME: But you have to get the digital version of Red/Blue to use the old Pokémon. Otherwise you're using brand new Pokémon.

FIANCÉE: Ain't that about a bitch!


ME: Babygirl, new Pokémon coming this fall. Will have the original 150's involvement.

FIANCÉE: Woo-woo!!

ME: But you have to get the digital version of Red/Blue to use the old Pokémon. Otherwise you're using brand new Pokémon.

FIANCÉE: Ain't that about a bitch!

I hope that with the bank they do the black and white thing more often.


ME: Babygirl, new Pokémon coming this fall. Will have the original 150's involvement.

FIANCÉE: Woo-woo!!

ME: But you have to get the digital version of Red/Blue to use the old Pokémon. Otherwise you're using brand new Pokémon.

FIANCÉE: Ain't that about a bitch!

ME: * Prays to pokejesus for better trainer customization *


I don't even care about a complete pokedex. I wish they had an option to hid or delete. I only train one type and that's all I want in my pokedex.
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