How would I be expected to be treated as a black woman in Mexico Cify, Dai? I plan on visiting maybe next year.
Hmmm... Let me see.
Since is close to Guerrero, Oaxaca and Veracruz probably a lot of people will asume you're from there since those states is where a large part of the Afro-Mexican population resides, being La Costa Chica in Oaxaca and it's Border with Guerrero and in several small towns in Veracruz. Maybe even confuse you with being from Honduras or other latinamerican country because to a large part of the population, specially in the northern states, is an oddity to se a mexican with a darker than usual skin tone. Funny and sad at the same time because "there's no black people in Mexico" as i have heard too many damn times..
Being the capital of the country people should be used to live and see people of all ethnicities, both from inside the country as outside, so don't expect much fuckery in that regard. At least i hope so. In any case you can contact the autorities and CONAPRED if any of that happens. We have to erradicate discrimination of any kind!
And just as a rule of thumb just like everywhere else try to not act "touristly". Carry only the money you plan to use, don't show off money and other valuables, avoid empty streets, the usual stuff. To move around the city, luckily Uber is there and as i mentioned before the Metro can take you virtually everywhere inside the city, specially being a woman.
I'll be happy and glad to help ;-)