It's the opposite.That's what it is, isn't it?! I F**KING KNEW IT
It makes plenty of sense when you see the montage of Jessica and Hogarth interviewing the people who claimed to be under the influence of Kilgrave when they were really just trying to explain away stupid shit they did or get attention. It's much easier to be skeptical of something that you can't explicitly see and when you have people willing to lie about being controlled.I'm loving how dismissive people are about the mind control thing and then someone brings up the events of Avengers 1 and they just shrug it off like THAT'S more believable, especially when several Avengers have been mind-controlled by this point by Loki, and several more got mind jacked by Scarlet Witch.
Street level MCU needs to check that skepticism at the door. It doesn't fit in a world where this happens.