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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

We 25 years old in this hoe.

I made it.

Will, get busy on 'em


Congrats, man. Enjoy it. I hit 26 myself a few months ago and I have a better appreciation of life. I think it has to do with more responsibility and the older people in my life getting more feeble...


I liked it but the "Days of Future Past was the best comicbook movie this year" thing that was prevalent around here made absolutely no sense to

I really don't get it, it was a decent movie in a meh series and on the internet everyone seems to believe that it was this 20/10 film better than everything else around it.

Why can't people just have they opinion of something and not put down something else? Why can't you just say "I like x" instead of "I like x and x is soooooo much better than y" when y aint have shit to do with it


The Xmen movies treated the mutants like how Pokemon snap handled the Pokemon. Just shallow incarnations of those characters who's presence doesn't make any real sense in the context they contrived for them when you consider the source material. Its tourism of the xmen property at best.


I don't think you meant it this way, but comparing the X-men movies to Pokémon snap is some high praise. Loved that game.


The Xmen movies treated the mutants like how Pokemon snap handled the Pokemon. Just shallow incarnations of those characters who's presence doesn't make any real sense in the context they contrived for them when you consider the source material. Its tourism of the xmen property at best.

That is the perfect way to put it

PInk Tape

I don't think you meant it this way, but comparing the X-men movies to Pokémon snap is some high praise. Loved that game.

Same. I used to play it all the time when I was younger.

Never could get a good enough picture of Mew on the moon though :/


Pokemon snap is a fun game but I'm talking about the fact that It's essentially tourism of the Pokemon ip and not much more than that. You just take pictures of the Pokemon is contrived scenario that make no sense to the universe. I don't get to catch breed raise and befriend the Pokemon. The Xmen movies are that with the way they treat the xmen and mutants in that regard. It doesn't give you good characterizations of them outside of fucking wolverine and Xavier. THe xmen are just shallow incarnations of themselves and their placement in movies make little sense with source material in mind. The characters are just there to sell me toys and not much else.


That is the perfect way to put it

Isn't this basically the MCU as well? They're mostly fun movies, but it's not like any of them engage these decades old and well established characters with any meaningful examination. Only so much you can do with several hours on a screen.

The only superhero movies I can think of off the top of my head that really get to the heart of its character(s) are spiderman 1 and 2, BB and the Dark Knight, and watchmen.


Isn't this basically the MCU as well? They're mostly fun movies, but it's not like any of them engage these decades old and well established characters with any meaningful examination. Only so much you can do with several hours on a screen.

The only superhero movies I can think of off the top of my head that really get to the heart of its character(s) are spiderman 1 and 2, BB and the Dark Knight, and watchmen.

Mcu does a better job with their characters. Even down to things like casting and costume design which the xmen movies fucking fail at immensely. Like you would never have an mcu movie where a character as notable as Emma Frost is in a movie with virtually no dialogue, just there to be used as a prop. Same thing with Deathstrike. The xmen movies go out their way to be a disservice to its universe which I can't say about mcu despite their shortcomings .

Also the xmen movie sequels feel like afterthoughts and cash grabs. I mean all sequels are cash grabs but the xmen movies should feel episodic like Star Wars or something. The way it's being handled now feels like 2 hour villain of the week type shit.


Isn't this basically the MCU as well? They're mostly fun movies, but it's not like any of them engage these decades old and well established characters with any meaningful examination. Only so much you can do with several hours on a screen.

The only superhero movies I can think of off the top of my head that really get to the heart of its character(s) are spiderman 1 and 2, BB and the Dark Knight, and watchmen.

Nope Marvel does a better job at celebrating their characters and history. The characters personalities and motivations are pretty much pitch perfect. While in Foxland they shift to match the movie. What was Mystique really doing in DOFP? Trask was useless in the movie. The fact we got a faithful Red Room blows anything X-men has done. They mostly just do cameos. I mean they went balls in with Arnim Zola


bitch I'm taking calls.
Did you guys see that double toasted for the TMNT sequel? They need to do one for the X-Men trailer as well. Actually that's all I want from double toasted is just trailer impressions;


Ronan the Accuser and Gamora are easily Emma Frost levels of misused.

You can throw Scarlet Witch in there, too.


Ronan the Accuser and Gamora are easily Emma Frost levels of misused.

You can throw Scarlet Witch in there, too.
None of those characters come close to how little Emma Frost was used and in both Gamora and Witch's case, they have roles in future movies to rectify any complaints about them not doing enough in their first appearances.


That X-Men trailer made me realize First Class was the exception and not the rule.

We 25 years old in this hoe.

I made it.

Will, get busy on 'em

Aw yea, fuck the judge
Made it past 25 and now I was
A lil nappy-headed nigga with the world behind me
Life ain't shit but a fat vagina


Congrats, man. Enjoy it. I hit 26 myself a few months ago and I have a better appreciation of life. I think it has to do with more responsibility and the older people in my life getting more feeble...

Happy birthday man!

I'm turning 26 in a few months, but I've gotta say I've learned quite a bit this year. Hope your 25th year works out for you too.

yesss I doooo

and thank you!

happy birthday!!

That X-Men trailer made me realize First Class was the exception and not the rule.

Aw yea, fuck the judge
Made it past 25 and now I was
A lil nappy-headed nigga with the world behind me
Life ain't shit but a fat vagina

i really mean it when i say, congrats to not being a statistic

Welcome to earfh 25 years ago

Happy birthday, bruh!

Happy Birthday dude!

Happy birthday.

I miss fun loving will smith

Happy birthday but be warned that the quarter life crisis is real.

Happy Birthday!

She gonna perform the 5 fingers of death on Sway's show.

Happy birfday breh

Happy birthday young fam.
Word, shit is crazy right now.

Both parents are getting into their 60s, both still healthy. Older brothers getting into their 30s. I'm learning a lot of lessons going to college for the first time, from the actual material to the social aspects. Thanks brehs, to another 5 years.



I've been fortunate that my parents sacrificed enough for me to get attention on both my birthday and on Christmas, it's always been fine growing up.

D i Z

That X-men trailer managed to actually irritate me. The more I think about it, and re-watch it the worse it gets. I keep looking for some glimmer of something done well that I missed, but there is nothing. Not a damned thing.


That Daredevil cameo, though.

That X-men trailer managed to actually irritate me. The more I think about it, and re-watch it the worse it gets. I keep looking for some glimmer of something done well that I missed, but there is nothing. Not a damned thing.

I'm not big on Apocalypse's voice in the trailer. It's not very...rocks on the eternal shore.

Also can someone explain to me which timeline they're using? Are they gonna keep flashing back and forth like DoFP?

D i Z

Happy bday Dereck.

That Daredevil cameo, though.

I'm not big on Apocalypse's voice in the trailer. It's not very...rocks on the eternal shore.

Also can someone explain to me which timeline they're using? Are they gonna keep flashing back and forth like DoFP?

That's the thing. They shat that bed a long time ago, this timeline doesn't fit anywhere. Some of those Horsemen never were. Characters who wouldn't even be born in that time are the same age as the old school students. It's a complete mess. Hell, characters are doing things that they simply can not do.
Comics shit on continuity and timelines on a regular basis with no major complaints, yet the second a movie does it, and attempts to do so in a way that makes sense, it's all everyone fucking talks about
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