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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked

hella high-res render of BP's Civil War costume got posted

His eyes have a mild "honeycombing" sort of texture thing going on, which makes me think he's actually got a HUD / Iron Man-esque overlay going on under the hood. Reminds me of how Halo handles the visors as of late, specifically:


If it doesn't turn out BP's suit is insanely high-tech on a software / firmware level in addition to all the vibranium-weave hardware, i'm going to be so disappointed


@Sub-Zero at a Starbucks: In a previous thread, you mentioned you were 20. Which means you were probably too young to get into the Halo craze when it started with Halo: Combat Evolved. But you like run a Halo fansite right? And are generally a big fan of the franchise? When did you jump on the train and why? Just curious.


Nah, you say that, but the physical torture they go through is very real, especially in the high end D1s.

For what they are doing for the school, they should get more than scholarships. Heard too many stories about famous college athletes needing help to pay for food and shit. That shouldn't be the case.

And then of course there's the injuries.

Because, those scholarships can be taken away by the coaches at any time for reasons that have nothing to do with school. Like Richard Sherman said, they weren't getting those scholarships to take classes, so they not only have to make sure they do enough to stay eligible, but they also have to make sure they play well enough to not have their scholarship taken away. My cousin played basketball at Howard, lost the scholarship, then had to drop out of school because of it. There's absolutely no reason that a sport where players are making coaches and administrators hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars don't get compensated beyond the bullshit scholarships the school's give out.

So many players in basketball and football don't get drafted into the pros period. Lot of dudes who go to college trying to go pro and get hurt or dont get drafted and have nothing else to do. They make so much money for the NCAA yet get nothing for it

Never really looked at it from the perspective of the college player. I don't follow football as much I used to due to the concussion issue. It seems odd that theirs nothing in place to protect these young men and women in case of an injury. I know there was talk of startinf a union but never heard anything come from it.

If Marvel is to bring back Blade, then it should be a straight up Tomb of Dracula.


Top 5 MCU movies:

5. Ant-Man
4. The last 35 minutes of the Avengers
3. Iron Man
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1. Guardians of the Galaxy

I honestly can't describe how much I love watching GotG over and over again on Amazon. Probably my favorite superhero movie since Spider-Man 2.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I watched the whole series one lazy sunday, it wasn't bad. But it was more like Vampires The Show while blade does shit in the background.

That was the problem with blade trinity as well. It should have been called vampire hunters with blade as a guest role. I can understand snipes wildin out if thats they way they were gonna treat the series he headlined
@Sub-Zero at a Starbucks: In a previous thread, you mentioned you were 20. Which means you were probably too young to get into the Halo craze when it started with Halo: Combat Evolved. But you like run a Halo fansite right? And are generally a big fan of the franchise? When did you jump on the train and why? Just curious.

If I'm remembering right, Christmas time of 2004 we had a big family reunion sort of thing going on where we all stayed at a well-off relative's place up in Montana, and some of the teen dudes at the time (late teens) had brought along Halo 2, since it just came out. I was interested by virtue of me liking pretty much all video games at the time, though iirc it may have actually been my first first-person shooter outside of Metroid Prime. We couldn't afford an actual Xbox at the time, but when my mom started seeing my (now) stepdad in 2005 he had one and Halo 2, so I had actually spent like 6 months just dicking around in empty multiplayer maps and campaign levels. Come Christmas of 2005 they got me Combat Evolved for PC, so I just played it on a low-end laptop for a long time, but the whole big server browser / 16-player experience (and the aesthetic, even though it was less technically impressive) was what really legitimately held my interest in the game over others at the time. Sometime late in 2005 his Xbox got busted and the disc tray wouldn't open (and Halo 2 was stuck inside), so iirc we more or less pawned it off to a tech repair store and he bought a replacement off his friend for cheap early 2006, though we just had a handful of random games for it. Then around my birthday in May I bought the Halo Triple Pack (which had Combat Evolved, 2 and the extra multiplayer DLC for Halo 2) and kind of vacillated between the populous online stuff in CE (PC) and kept exploring empty spaces in Halo 2, and then I ended up getting a 360 and LIVE come Christmas of 2006. Halo 2 online was fun and it definitely held me over until Halo 3 eventually released in 2007 when the community was at its prime, but CE will always hold a special place in my heart and I still get nostalgic seeing that bizarre alien pearlescent aesthetic it had going on.

So, tl;dr I hopped on the bandwagon just in time for the online scene to explode and when the CE remakes used the PC version instead of the console version I didn't give two shits. I definitely started caring more about the games / content than the community not too long after I joined GAF, though.

EDIT: also probably worth clarifying that H5G is probably the most the series has held my attention in terms of actual playtime goes since 3's heyday, but H5G definitely has my favorite gameplay in the franchise, which was previously held by CE. I definitely feel like Halo 5's had the freshest take on the gameplay and actually balanced it worth a damn since Combat Evolved. 2 was fun for the community, but the actual gameplay was a shitshow, especially online.


Top 5 MCU movies:

5. Ant-Man
4. The last 35 minutes of the Avengers
3. Iron Man
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1. Guardians of the Galaxy

I honestly can't describe how much I love watching GotG over and over again on Amazon. Probably my favorite superhero movie since Spider-Man 2.
I like this list


That was the problem with blade trinity as well. It should have been called vampire hunters with blade as a guest role. I can understand snipes wildin out if thats they way they were gonna treat the series he headlined

I tell you what knowing what happened on set makes the Police station scene in Trinity 10x better.

Sticky Fingerz wasn't bad. I wouldn't want to see him on the big screen but on the smaller screen he was pretty good.


Top 5 MCU movies:

5. Ant-Man
4. The last 35 minutes of the Avengers
3. Iron Man
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
1. Guardians of the Galaxy

I honestly can't describe how much I love watching GotG over and over again on Amazon. Probably my favorite superhero movie since Spider-Man 2.

Would probably bump Iron Man for First Avenger but solid list all around.
If I'm remembering right, Christmas time of 2004 we had a big family reunion sort of thing going on where we all stayed at a well-off relative's place up in Montana, and some of the teen dudes at the time (late teens) had brought along Halo 2, since it just came out. I was interested by virtue of me liking pretty much all video games at the time, though iirc it may have actually been my first first-person shooter outside of Metroid Prime. We couldn't afford an actual Xbox at the time, but when my mom started seeing my (now) stepdad in 2005 he had one and Halo 2, so I had actually spent like 6 months just dicking around in empty multiplayer maps and campaign levels. Come Christmas of 2005 they got me Combat Evolved for PC, so I just played it on a low-end laptop for a long time, but the whole big server browser / 16-player experience (and the aesthetic, even though it was less technically impressive) was what really legitimately held my interest in the game over others at the time. Sometime late in 2005 his Xbox got busted and the disc tray wouldn't open (and Halo 2 was stuck inside), so iirc we more or less pawned it off to a tech repair store and he bought a replacement off his friend for cheap early 2006, though we just had a handful of random games for it. Then around my birthday in May I bought the Halo Triple Pack (which had Combat Evolved, 2 and the extra multiplayer DLC for Halo 2) and kind of vacillated between the populous online stuff in CE (PC) and kept exploring empty spaces in Halo 2, and then I ended up getting a 360 and LIVE come Christmas of 2006. Halo 2 online was fun and it definitely held me over until Halo 3 eventually released in 2007 when the community was at its prime, but CE will always hold a special place in my heart and I still get nostalgic seeing that bizarre alien pearlescent aesthetic it had going on.

So, tl;dr I hopped on the bandwagon just in time for the online scene to explode and when the CE remakes used the PC version instead of the console version I didn't give two shits. I definitely started caring more about the games / content than the community not too long after I joined GAF, though.

EDIT: also probably worth clarifying that H5G is probably the most the series has held my attention in terms of actual playtime goes since 3's heyday, but H5G definitely has my favorite gameplay in the franchise, which was previously held by CE. I definitely feel like Halo 5's had the freshest take on the gameplay and actually balanced it worth a damn since Combat Evolved. 2 was fun for the community, but the actual gameplay was a shitshow, especially online
Yep. Shame my job is sucking my life force, and I don't even have the will to do fun things when I get home.



Interesting. Thanks for taking the time to satisfy my curiosity. Glad to hear you are enjoying the latest entry. I kind of stopped caring about Halo a long time ago but its a good thing when franchise stalwarts are still able to enjoy the latest entries even if things have to be changed up (be they for the better or worse).


I am expecting Panther to catch Bucky's arm and it melts

Maybe HE should've fought Raiden in that Death Battle.

@Sub-Zero at a Starbucks: In a previous thread, you mentioned you were 20. Which means you were probably too young to get into the Halo craze when it started with Halo: Combat Evolved. But you like run a Halo fansite right? And are generally a big fan of the franchise? When did you jump on the train and why? Just curious.

I wouldn't say 20 is too young. I'm 21 and I was all up in Halo from the beginning.

I watched the last Doctor Who episode and a few David Tennant episodes to wash my mind clear of Kilgrave, and now I've been infected by the lore thirst again.


Made it another year with out dying or getting locked up fam.

its my birthday

Also that BP thread is making me feel some type of way


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Apocalypse looks really goofy, when people said he looked like Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers movie they weren't kidding.


Junior Member
Why shouldn't that free Scholarship be the payment, school is prohibitively expensive (fuck the system). I'd love to transfer to University of Michigan but even with a scholarship its more expansive then nearly every other school in my state. I'd gladly put my body through physical toture for a free ride. Though I guess the Flip side is how many of these players are just passed through and not ready for college or have any time to dedicate to schooling in the first place.
I'm not gonna let you finish.

Every industry pays the talent. If you bring in the money, you get paid. This is without taking into context how much they sacrifice for the team. Not paying them is just nationalism on a local level. 'Fight for the team' and college rahrah bullshit is what keeps them from getting what they deserve. That and a few old white men who benefit from them treated like shit.

Every coach who gets paid more than a million dollars is just another slap in the face. I can't believe we keep letting these guys get suckered for a shot at a golden ticket.
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