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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


This is a good-ass poster



got my rum, got my radio, got my stack, and ready to enjoy the death of someone who's had it coming.

pouring myself a stiff drink, and going to enjoy.

D i Z

It looks like the Luther series will be in one episode in the States. 2 hours and 45 minutes run time. It's listed as S4, Ep1 though.


He started out alright but seems to went straight corny.

Joe west need to take him aside and have a grownass man to cornball chat with him
LOL. that would be good.
Oh fuck, I just heard someone say that anyone who tries to justify Finn in TFA is an Uncle Tom...

This is going to be a rough few weeks.
Seems a bit harsh.
Isn't the new Luther supposed to be this week?
Yep, tonight if you in the States.
I ain't no punk about my shit, but the black fatherhood moments with Joe and Barry make me tear up.
Wish Joe was my dad. *sigh* :(

D i Z

Man. Cats are polishing their mafia 3 hating skills in that thread. Every little thing is suspect or done wrong apparently. It's like none of these people have ever witnessed a franchise transition before.



What are your thoughts about this? I don't see why Talib is wrong on this one, but maybe I'm wrong.
It does add further proof that Twitter is a horrible place for serious discussions

I think rappers shouldn't regularly be on social media in general because of situations like this. That said, I do understand why the original tweet started the problem. Talib thought he was going to get onto a soap box and say something profound about the "real enemy" and played himself by not being fully informed on what Shaun King and Spike Lee said and what exactly he was defending them for.

Now what happened afterwards was nonsense. Somewhere in that chain of long tweets, Talib began asking for a link or info on Spike Lee and Shaun King being sexist from a particular twitter user and it took infinite scrolling on that page just to get to another twitter user who finally provided Talib with a Salon link for Spike Lee and the conversation was over in 4-5 tweets after that. All because the stream of Twitter users kept wanting to call Talib stupid for even asking for information/trying to get informed.

What are your thoughts about this? I don't see why Talib is wrong on this one, but maybe I'm wrong.
It does add further proof that Twitter is a horrible place for serious discussions

That situation was handled horribly by everyone but Talib and Tariq. I get the burden of proof problem, but if someone is out of the loop, you either provide the info to level the conversation, or end it because you're on different wavelengths.

All that was just wasteful. There are much more efficient people on twitter than that.

But yeah, Talib was initially wrong. Intersectionality does matter, and so do nuances.



What are your thoughts about this? I don't see why Talib is wrong on this one, but maybe I'm wrong.
It does add further proof that Twitter is a horrible place for serious discussions

He was willing to look up burden of proof, but not willing to look up examples of Spike's misogyny. I ain't like that

That said, why did it take so long for someone to provide him examples? While it should not have taken that long from anyone involved Talib is not absolved of any wrongdoing

D i Z

I think rappers shouldn't regularly be on social media in general because of situations like this. That said, I do understand why the original tweet started the problem Talib thought he was going to get onto a soap box and say something profound about the "real enemy" and played himself by not being fully informed on what Shaun King and Spike Lee said and what exactly he was defending them for.

Now what happened afterwards was nonsense. Somewhere in that chain of long tweets, Talib began asking for a link or info on Spike Lee and Shaun King being sexist from a particular twitter user and it took infinite scrolling on that page just to get to another twitter user who finally provided Talib with a Salon link for Spike Lee and the conversation was over in 4-5 tweets after that. All because the stream of Twitter users kept wanting to call Talib stupid for even asking for information/trying to get informed.

Yeah they went out of their way to dig into him after they had made the point. I'm not a fan of the hijack someone in their own tweets to push an agenda and pick a fight for the views later. If you have a moment to say something, then say it and get the point across. Being adversarial and obstinate with everybody only goes so far, so prepare to go it alone and don't say shit when you find yourself having to.


went back to playing Shadow Complex

apparently I accidentally did some sequence breaking because I ended up at a boss i can't beat. there's some equipment I'm supposed to have, and I don't

I think it's because all the jumping/platforming in that game feels so busted that it never felt like I was doing something the game didn't intend, because it always feels weird getting places vertically


Feel the same way. Joe West is the best character in the Arrowverse, bar none.
He really is, his metahuman ability is commonsense

Man. Cats are polishing their mafia 3 hating skills in that thread. Every little thing is suspect or done wrong apparently. It's like none of these people have ever witnessed a franchise transition before.
Word they showed more stuff?
I think rappers shouldn't regularly be on social media in general because of situations like this. That said, I do understand why the original tweet started the problem. Talib thought he was going to get onto a soap box and say something profound about the "real enemy" and played himself by not being fully informed on what Shaun King and Spike Lee said and what exactly he was defending them for.

Now what happened afterwards was nonsense. Somewhere in that chain of long tweets, Talib began asking for a link or info on Spike Lee and Shaun King being sexist from a particular twitter user and it took infinite scrolling on that page just to get to another twitter user who finally provided Talib with a Salon link for Spike Lee and the conversation was over in 4-5 tweets after that. All because the stream of Twitter users kept wanting to call Talib stupid for even asking for information/trying to get informed.
Twitter is the liquid double edge sword. You only get one shot to come correct.

Nigga look like that kid that told the substitute teacher where all the worksheets instead of being cool.
So, thanks to the frankenstein's monster of a setup I have to stream my xbox to windows 10, today I discovered that if I don't have a dedicated mic input plug in, it seriously just streams my computer's wave / output audio through my "mic" to my party.

I've been subjecting them to a lot of Team Teamwork.
Still, you'll have to wait longer to get the full UK version. UK gets it in 2 episodes (2 weekends i think? Right, Shy?) while USA gets it all at once in just a 3 Hour episode :(


Still, you'll have to wait longer to get the full UK version. UK gets it in 2 episodes (2 weekends i think? Right, Shy?) while USA gets it all at once in just a 3 Hour episode :(
Yeah. The first episode was the Tuesday just gone, and episode two is next Tuesday. :(


If I cosplayed as Skull Kid would that be weird? I know they had some controversy over him possibly being racist and that's why they gave him the beak but I do like the character. I'd be wearing the mask the whole time anyway.


Junior Member

Because when I was five, my kindergarten classmate told me I couldn’t be the princess in the game we were playing because black girls couldn’t be princesses. Because I was in third grade the first time a teacher seemed shocked at how “well-spoken” I was. Because in fourth grade I was told my crush didn’t like black girls. Because in sixth grade a different crush told me I was pretty — for a black girl. Because in 7th grade my predominantly black suburban neighborhood was nicknamed “Spring Ghettos” instead of calling it its name (Spring Meadows). Because I was in 8th grade the first time I was called an Oreo and told that I “wasn’t really black” like it was a compliment.

Just a touch.
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