Because I get no break from fighting. Because everything is a struggle. Because my anger isnt validated. Because they dont care about my pain. Because they dont believe in my pain. Because they forgive themselves without atoning. Because Im not free.
So that KHIII trailer will be Star wars world right.
It really is, and it's going to get much much worse before it gets better.Man this fuck Muslims shit going on is so grating.
This podcaster named Sterling posted a picture of J. Cole with Cam Newton
He kept trolling Cole fans constantly on Facebook along with a couple more podcasters and eventually they got his acocunt suspended
I expected that from the jump, it makes sense to introduce to a new audience and reintroduce your previous fansThe critcs i respect are saying TFA biggest problem is thatit is a remake of A New Hope
But other then that the characters are great.
I expected that from the jump, it makes since to introduce to a new audience and reintroduce your previous fans
They just killed that man
Adamantium isn't that rare, it's rare because from the time you process it you got 8 minutes to shape it into what you want. Fuck up and you don't get a second chance.Where the hell are they getting all of this adamantium?
Explain, Slayven
slayven, does my memory deceive meor can't Namor's head survive for short periods without its body?
Man this fuck Muslims shit going on is so grating.
it's catching any browns.
This?Man Will Smith is putting his whole jaw into that accent in that new movie.
She forgot there is a color limit on the right to bear arms.
Man Will Smith is putting his whole jaw into that accent in that new movie.
Doug Benson doing his impression is the bestTELL DI TROOF!!
Funny thing about Namor, you know how sometimes he is a villain and sometimes a hero? Back in the day they said he had mood swings because being out of water too long made him oxygen drunk.
Finally have the time to rework a UI concept of mine now that I'm on break. It's been like a year. link
this meant for waypoint direction or generally acts as a compass? I love your typography, light but still very readable, also love the color selection!
There was a version of this with the opposite genders a while back.
Maybe word got around that portraying an African with the full accent is some kind of major acting achievement for African American actors.
SW Battlefront.........kinda thin.
Only paid $15 for the digital copy so no biggie, but its less then I thought it was.
I did that with her story. Ruined the ending for myself by mistake.The feeling when you click on a spoiler thread instead of an OT by accident -.=
lol fuck this guy. He is one of the biggest pieces of shit in this country. You know you're bad when even Donald Trump calls you out. Unfortunately he's white and upper class so he probably won't do any time and will worm out of the charges via high profile lawyer-ing.
Maybe word got around that portraying an African with the full accent is some kind of major acting achievement for African American actors.