Hey, everyone!
New guy chiming in here. My name is Pedro as you can see <----
I picked those questions at the OP so I could introduce myself. Here I go!
Where you're from - Brazil's southern tip
Where you live -
Same place
What is your age? - Turned 20 on the 9th
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - I'm a son of a black father and a white mother. I've always been more in tune with my father's family; always thought that the way my mother's family talked, dressed, told jokes, enjoyed music, etc., was "weird" for me. Only as I grew older I understood that I identified myself as black, and that was why I enjoyed more hanging out with my father's brothers and sisters and people like them.
Do you know your roots - I discovered this year that my great-grandfather was (possibly) a son of a slave and her master (is that how you say? never had to speak about this topic in english) upstate, but my grandfather refuses to confirm this fact directly so I don't know for sure. Further in the past, both my families trace back to Portuguese people.
Favorite musical genre - Jazz and Hip-Hop.
Your profession/major/career interest - I'm studying Computing Science at my state's federal university.
Your religious affiliation - Agnostic.
Hobbies - Creating things. That could go from programming a game to plant something and then watch it grow. I love seeing something coming to life.
Also learning, I'm always happy when I realize I know more today than I did yesterday.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - For someone who isn't American, this questions doesn't make sense at all, haha
Popeye was a cool cartoon, but you're probably not talking about that,